753 research outputs found

    Induced hesitant 2-tuple linguistic aggregation operators with application in group decision making

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    In this article, hesitant 2-tuple linguistic arguments are used to evaluate the group decision making problems which have inter dependent or inter active attributes. Operational laws are developed for hesitant 2-tuple linguistic elements and based on these operational laws hesitant 2- tuple weighted averaging operator and generalized hesitant 2- tuple averaging operator are proposed. Combining Choquet integral with hesitant 2-tuple linguistic information, some new aggregation operators are defined, including the hesitant 2-tuple correlated averaging operator, the hesitant 2-tuple correlated geometric operator and the generalized hesitant 2-tuple correlated averaging operator. These proposed operators successfully manage the correlations among the elements. After investigating the properties of these operators, a multiple attribute decision making method based on these operators, is suggested. Finally, an example is given to illustrate the practicality and feasibility of proposed method

    A GRP-basedHesitant Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision MakingMethod and Its Application to E-Commerce Risk Assessment

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    With respect to multiple attribute decision making (MADM) problems in which the attribute values take the form of hesitant fuzzy elements, the traditional grey relational projection (GRP) method is extended to solve multiple attribute decision making problems under hesitant fuzzy environment. Based on the hesitant fuzzy decision matrix provided by decision makers, all feasible alternatives are ranked according to the descending order of relative grey relational projections, and the most desirable alternative(s) should have the largest grey relational projection on positive ideal solution and the smallest grey relational projection on negative ideal solution. Finally, a numerical example of e-commerce risk assessment is given to illustrate the application of the proposed method

    Fuzzy Techniques for Decision Making 2018

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    Zadeh's fuzzy set theory incorporates the impreciseness of data and evaluations, by imputting the degrees by which each object belongs to a set. Its success fostered theories that codify the subjectivity, uncertainty, imprecision, or roughness of the evaluations. Their rationale is to produce new flexible methodologies in order to model a variety of concrete decision problems more realistically. This Special Issue garners contributions addressing novel tools, techniques and methodologies for decision making (inclusive of both individual and group, single- or multi-criteria decision making) in the context of these theories. It contains 38 research articles that contribute to a variety of setups that combine fuzziness, hesitancy, roughness, covering sets, and linguistic approaches. Their ranges vary from fundamental or technical to applied approaches

    Hesitant Triangular Fuzzy Information Aggregation Operators Based on Bonferroni Means and Their Application to Multiple Attribute Decision Making

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    We investigate the multiple attribute decision-making (MADM) problems with hesitant triangular fuzzy information. Firstly, definition and some operational laws of hesitant triangular fuzzy elements are introduced. Then, we develop some hesitant triangular fuzzy aggregation operators based on Bonferroni means and discuss their basic properties. Some existing operators can be viewed as their special cases. Next, we apply the proposed operators to deal with multiple attribute decision-making problems under hesitant triangular fuzzy environment. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show the developed method and demonstrate its practicality and effectiveness

    Intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making algorithm based on integrated distance measure

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    This study aims to integrate the intuitionistic linguistic multi-attribute decision making (MADM) method which builds upon an integrated distance measure into supplier evaluation and selection problems. More specifically, an intuitionistic linguistic integrated distance measure based on ordered weighted averaging operator (OWA) and weighted average approach is presented and applied. The desirable characteristics and families of the developed distance operator are further explored. In addition, based on the proposed distance measure, a supplier selection problem for an automobile factory is used to test the practicality of its framework. The effectiveness and applicability of the presented framework for supplier selection are examined by carrying comparative analysis against the existing techniques of aggregation

    Aggregation operators in group decision making: Identifying citation classics via H-classics

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    To analyze the past, present and future of a particular research field, classic papers are usually studied because they identify the highly cited papers being a relevant reference point in that specific research area. As a result of the possible mapping between high quality research and high citation counts, highly cited papers are very interesting. The objective of this study is to use the H-classics method, which is based on the popular h-index, to identify and analyze the highly cited documents published about aggregation operators in the research area of group decision making. According to the H-classics method, this research area is represented by 87 citation classics, which have been published from 1988 to 2014. Authors, affiliations (universities/institutions and countries), journals, books and conferences, and the topics covered by these 87 highly cited papers are studied.The authors would like to thank FEDER financial support from the Projects TIN2013-40658-P and TIN2016- 75850-P

    A novel method based on extended uncertain 2-tuple linguistic muirhead mean operators to MAGDM under uncertain 2-tuple linguistic environment

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    The present work is focused on multi-attribute group decision-making (MAGDM) problems with the uncertain 2-tuple linguistic information (ULI2–tuple) based on new aggregation operators which can capture interrelationships of attributes by a parameter vector P. To begin with, we present some new uncertain 2-tuple linguistic MM aggregation (UL2–tuple-MM) operators to handle MAGDM problems with ULI2–tuple, including the uncertain 2-tuple linguistic Muirhead mean (UL2–tuple-MM) operator, uncertain 2-tuple linguistic weighted Muirhead mean (UL2–tuple-WMM) operator. In addition, we extend UL2–tuple-WMM operator to a new aggregation operator named extended uncertain 2-tuple linguistic weighted Muirhead mean (EUL2–tuple-WMM) operators in order to handle some decision-making problems with ULI2–tuple whose attribute values are expressed in ULI2–tuple and attribute weights are also 2-tuple linguistic information. Whilst, the some properties of these new aggregation operators are obtained and some special cases are discussed. Moreover, we propose a new method to solve the MAGDM problems with ULI2–tuple. Finally, a numerical example is given to show the validity of the proposed method and the advantages of proposed method are also analysed

    Generalized Hamacher aggregation operators for intuitionistic uncertain linguistic sets: Multiple attribute group decision making methods

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    © 2019 by the authors. In this paper, we consider multiple attribute group decision making (MAGDM) problems in which the attribute values take the form of intuitionistic uncertain linguistic variables. Based on Hamacher operations, we developed several Hamacher aggregation operators, which generalize the arithmetic aggregation operators and geometric aggregation operators, and extend the algebraic aggregation operators and Einstein aggregation operators. A number of special cases for the two operators with respect to the parameters are discussed in detail. Also, we developed an intuitionistic uncertain linguistic generalized Hamacher hybrid weighted average operator to reflect the importance degrees of both the given intuitionistic uncertain linguistic variables and their ordered positions. Based on the generalized Hamacher aggregation operator, we propose a method for MAGDM for intuitionistic uncertain linguistic sets. Finally, a numerical example and comparative analysis with related decision making methods are provided to illustrate the practicality and feasibility of the proposed method
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