15,353 research outputs found

    OWA operators in the calculation of the average green-house gases emissions

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    This study proposes, through weighted averages and ordered weighted averaging operators, a new aggregation system for the investigation of average gases emissions. We present the ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions, the induced ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions, the weighted ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions and the induced probabilistic weighted ordered weighted averaging operators gases emissions. These operators represent a new way of analyzing the average gases emissions of different variables like countries or regions. The work presents further generalizations by using generalized and quasi-arithmetic means. The article also presents an illustrative example with respect to the calculations of the average gases emissions in the European region

    Induced and logarithmic distances with multi-region aggregation operators

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    Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by VGTU Press. This paper introduces the induced ordered weighted logarithmic averaging IOWLAD and multiregion induced ordered weighted logarithmic averaging MR-IOWLAD operators. The distinctive characteristic of these operators lies in the notion of distance measures combined with the complex reordering mechanism of inducing variables and the properties of the logarithmic averaging operators. The main advantage of MR-IOWLAD operators is their design, which is specifically thought to aid in decision-making when a set of diverse regions with different properties must be considered. Moreover, the induced weighting vector and the distance measure mechanisms of the operator allow for the wider modeling of problems, including heterogeneous information and the complex attitudinal character of experts, when aiming for an ideal scenario. Along with analyzing the main properties of the IOWLAD operators, their families and specific cases, we also introduce some extensions, such as the induced generalized ordered weighted averaging IGOWLAD operator and Choquet integrals. We present the induced Choquet logarithmic distance averaging ICLD operator and the generalized induced Choquet logarithmic distance averaging IGCLD operator. Finally, an illustrative example is proposed, including real-world information retrieved from the United Nations World Statistics for global regions

    Induced aggregation operators in decision making with the Dempster-Shafer belief structure

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    We study the induced aggregation operators. The analysis begins with a revision of some basic concepts such as the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator and the induced ordered weighted geometric (IOWG) operator. We then analyze the problem of decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence. We suggest the use of induced aggregation operators in decision making with Dempster-Shafer theory. We focus on the aggregation step and examine some of its main properties, including the distinction between descending and ascending orders and different families of induced operators. Finally, we present an illustrative example in which the results obtained using different types of aggregation operators can be seen.aggregation operators, dempster-shafer belief structure, uncertainty, iowa operator, decision making

    The induced generalized OWA operator

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    We present the induced generalized ordered weighted averaging (IGOWA) operator. It is a new aggregation operator that generalizes the OWA operator by using the main characteristics of two well known aggregation operators: the generalized OWA and the induced OWA operator. Then, this operator uses generalized means and order inducing variables in the reordering process. With this formulation, we get a wide range of aggregation operators that include all the particular cases of the IOWA and the GOWA operator, and a lot of other cases such as the induced ordered weighted geometric (IOWG) operator and the induced ordered weighted quadratic averaging (IOWQA) operator. We further generalize the IGOWA operator by using quasi-arithmetic means. The result is the Quasi-IOWA operator. Finally, we also develop a numerical example of the new approach in a financial decision making problem

    DecisiĂłn making with induced aggregation operators and the adequacy coefficient

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    We present a method for decision making by using induced aggregation operators. This method is very useful for business decision making problems such as product management, investment selection and strategic management. We introduce a new aggregation operator that uses the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator and the weighted average in the adequacy coefficient. We callit the induced ordered weighted averaging weighted averaging adequacy coefficient (IOWAWAAC) operator. The main advantage is that it is able to deal with complex attitudinal characters in the aggregation process. Thus, we are able to give a better representation of the problem considering the complex environment that affects the decisions. Moreover, it is able to provide a unified framework between the OWA and the weighted average. We generalize it by using generalized aggregation operators, obtaining the induced generalized OWAWAAC (IGOWAWAAC) operator . We study some of the main properties of this approach. We end the paper with a numerical example of the new approach in a group decision making problem in strategic managemen

    Decision making in reinsurance with induced OWA operators and Minkowski distances

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    The decision to choose a reinsurance program has many complexities because it is difficult to simultaneously achieve high levels in different optimal criteria including maximum gain, minimum variance, and probability of ruin. This article suggests a new method by which, through membership functions, we can measure the distance of each alternative to an optimal result and aggregate it by using different types of aggregations. In this article, particular attention is given to the induced Minkowski ordered weighted averaging distance operator and the induced Minkowski probabilistic ordered weighted averaging distance operator. The main advantage of these operators is that they include a wide range of special cases. Thus, they can adapt efficiently to the specific needs of the calculation processes. By doing so, the reinsurance system can make better decisions by using different scenarios in the uncertain environment considered

    Prioritization of low-carbon suppliers based on Pythagorean fuzzy group decision making with self-confidence level

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    Business decisions often require economic analysis involving uncertainties. This study brings forward the multi-attribute group decision making (MAGDM) framework based upon Pythagorean fuzzy (PF) sets with self-confidence of decision makers. By incorporating the ideas of the order-inducing variables of the induced ordered weighted averaging (IOWA) operator, we propose two PF confidence aggregation methods, namely PF confidence induced ordered weighted averaging (PFCIOWA) operator and PF confidence induced hybrid weighted averaging (PFCIHWA) operator. The focal property of the devised operators is their ability to take into consideration both the evaluation data and its corresponding confidence levels. Moreover, a MAGDM method based on the developed operators is adopted. Finally, the practicality of the method is tested by using low carbon supplier selection prob- lems. The new approach is compared against the existing ones in order to check its applicability and validity. As an empirical case, the low carbon supplier selection problem is solved

    Decision making with Dempster-Shafer belief structure and the OWAWA operator

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    [EN] A new decision making model that uses the weighted average and the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator in the Dempster-Shafer belief structure is presented. Thus, we are able to represent the decision making problem considering objective and subjective information and the attitudinal character of the decision maker. For doing so, we use the ordered weighted averaging Âż weighted average (OWAWA) operator. It is an aggregation operator that unifies the weighted average and the OWA in the same formulation. This approach is generalized by using quasi-arithmetic means and group decision making techniques. An application of the new approach in a group decision making problem concerning political management of a country is also developed.We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for valuable comments that have improved the quality of the paper. Support from the Spanish Ministry of Education under project JC2009-00189 , the University of Barcelona (099311) and the European Commission (PIEFGA-2011-300062) is gratefully acknowledgedMerigĂł, JM.; Engemann, KJ.; Palacios MarquĂ©s, D. (2013). Decision making with Dempster-Shafer belief structure and the OWAWA operator. Technological and Economic Development of Economy. 19(sup 1):S100-S118. https://doi.org/10.3846/20294913.2013.869517SS100S11819sup 1Antuchevičienė, J., Zavadskas, E. K., & Zakarevičius, A. (2010). MULTIPLE CRITERIA CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT DECISIONS CONSIDERING RELATIONS BETWEEN CRITERIA / DAUGIATIKSLIAI STATYBOS VALDYMO SPRENDIMAI ATSIĆœVELGIANT Äź RODIKLIĆČ TARPUSAVIO PRIKLAUSOMYBĘ. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(1), 109-125. doi:10.3846/tede.2010.07Brauers, W. K. M., & Zavadskas, E. K. (2010). PROJECT MANAGEMENT BY MULTIMOORA AS AN INSTRUMENT FOR TRANSITION ECONOMIES / PROJEKTĆČ VADYBA SU MULTIMOORA KAIP PRIEMONĖ PEREINAMOJO LAIKOTARPIO ĆȘKIAMS. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 16(1), 5-24. doi:10.3846/tede.2010.01Dempster, A. P. (1967). Upper and Lower Probabilities Induced by a Multivalued Mapping. The Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 38(2), 325-339. doi:10.1214/aoms/1177698950ENGEMANN, K. J., MILLER, H. E., & YAGER, R. R. (1996). DECISION MAKING WITH BELIEF STRUCTURES: AN APPLICATION IN RISK MANAGEMENT. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 04(01), 1-25. doi:10.1142/s0218488596000020ENGEMANN, K. J., FILEV, D. P., & YAGER, R. R. (1996). MODELLING DECISION MAKING USING IMMEDIATE PROBABILITIES. International Journal of General Systems, 24(3), 281-294. doi:10.1080/03081079608945123Engemann, K. J., & Miller, H. E. (2009). Critical infrastructure and smart technology risk modelling using computational intelligence. 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The uncertain induced quasi-arithmetic OWA operator. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 26(1), 1-24. doi:10.1002/int.20444MERIGÓ, J. M., & CASANOVAS, M. (2011). THE UNCERTAIN GENERALIZED OWA OPERATOR AND ITS APPLICATION TO FINANCIAL DECISION MAKING. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 10(02), 211-230. doi:10.1142/s0219622011004300MERIGÓ, J. M., CASANOVAS, M., & MARTÍNEZ, L. (2010). LINGUISTIC AGGREGATION OPERATORS FOR LINGUISTIC DECISION MAKING BASED ON THE DEMPSTER-SHAFER THEORY OF EVIDENCE. International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 18(03), 287-304. doi:10.1142/s0218488510006544MERIGO, J., & GILLAFUENTE, A. (2009). The induced generalized OWA operator. Information Sciences, 179(6), 729-741. doi:10.1016/j.ins.2008.11.013MerigĂł, J. M., & Gil-Lafuente, A. M. (2010). New decision-making techniques and their application in the selection of financial products. 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    The induced 2-tuple linguistic generalized OWA operator and its application in linguistic decision making

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    We present the induced 2-tuple linguistic generalized ordered weighted averaging (2-TILGOWA) operator. This new aggregation operator extends previous approaches by using generalized means, order-inducing variables in the reordering of the arguments and linguistic information represented with the 2-tuple linguistic approach. Its main advantage is that it includes a wide range of linguistic aggregation operators. Thus, its analyses can be seen from different perspectives and we obtain a much more complete picture of the situation considered and are able to select the alternative that best fits with with our interests or beliefs. We further generalize the operator by using quasi-arithmetic means, and obtain the Quasi-2-TILOWA operator. We conclude this paper by analysing the applicability of this new approach in a decision-making problem concerning product management.linguistic decision making, linguistic generalized mean, 2-tuple linguistic owa operator, 2-tuple linguistic aggregation operator
