354 research outputs found

    Development and verification of an aero-hydro-servo-elastic coupled model of dynamics for FOWT, based on the MoWiT library

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    The complexity of floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) systems, with their coupled motions, aero-hydro-servo-elastic dynamics, as well as non-linear system behavior and components, makes modeling and simulation indispensable. To ensure the correct implementation of the ulti-physics, the engineering models and codes have to be verified and, subsequently, validated for proving the realistic representation of the real system behavior. Within the IEA Wind Task 23 Subtask offshore code-to-code comparisons have been performed. Based on these studies, using the OC3 hase IV spar-buoy FOWT system, the Modelica for Wind Turbines (MoWiT) library, developed at Fraunhofer IWES, is verified. MoWiT is capable of fully-coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of wind turbine systems, onshore, offshore bottom-fixed, or even offshore floating. The hierarchical programing and multibody approach in the object-oriented and equation-based modeling language Modelica have the advantage (over some other simulation tools) of component-based modeling and, hence, easily modifying the implemented system model. The code-to-code comparisons with the results from the OC3 studies show, apart from expected differences due to required assumptions in consequence of missing data and incomplete information, good agreement and, consequently, substantiate the capability of MoWiT for fully-coupled aero-hydro-servo-elastic simulations of FOWT systems

    Physical Model Tests on Spar Buoy for Offshore Floating Wind Energy Conversion

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    ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the experiences gained from the design methodology and operation of a 3D physical modelexperiment aimed to investigate the dynamic behaviour of a spar buoy floating offshore wind turbine. The physical model consists in a Froude-scaled NREL 5MW reference wind turbine (RWT) supported on the OC3-Hywind floating platform. Experimental tests have been performed at Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) offshore wave basin within the European Union-Hydralab+ Initiative, in April 2019. The floating wind turbine model has been subjected to a combination of regular and irregular wave attacks and different wind loads. Measurements of displacements, rotations, accelerations, forces response of the floating model and at the mooring lines have been carried out. First, free decay tests have been analysed to obtain the natural frequency and the modal damping ratios of each degree of freedom governing the offshore. Then, the results concerning regular waves, with orthogonal incidence to the structure, are presented. The results show that most of longitudinal dynamic response occurs at the wave frequency and most of lateral dynamic response occurs at rigid-body frequencies.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654110, HYDRALAB+

    An Advanced Control Technique for Floating Offshore Wind Turbines Based on More Compact Barge Platforms

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    Hydrodynamic Floating Offshore Wind Turbine (FOWT) platform specifications are typically dominated by seaworthiness and maximum operating platform-pitch angle-related requirements. However, such specifications directly impact the challenge posed by an FOWT in terms of control design. The conventional FOWT systems are typically based on large, heavy floating platforms, which are less likely to suffer from the negative damping effect caused by the excessive coupling between blade-pitch control and platform-pitch motion. An advanced control technique is presented here to increase system stability for barge type platforms. Such a technique mitigates platform-pitch motions and improves the generator speed regulation, while maintaining blade-pitch activity and reducing blade and tower loads. The NREL's 5MW + ITI Energy barge reference model is taken as a basis for this work. Furthermore, the capabilities of the proposed controller for performing with a more compact and less hydrodynamically stable barge platform is analysed, with encouraging results.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the research project DPI2017-82930-C2-2-R

    A review of numerical modelling and optimisation of the floating support structure for offshore wind turbines

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    AbstractCompared to onshore wind power, floating offshore wind power is a promising renewable energy source due to higher wind speeds and larger suitable available areas. However, costs are still too high compared to onshore wind power. In general, the economic viability of offshore wind technology decreases with greater water depth and distance from shore. Floating wind platforms are more competitive compared to fixed offshore structures above a certain water depth, but there is still great variety and no clear design convergence. Therefore, optimisation of the floating support structure in the preliminary phase of the design process is still of great importance, often up to personal experience and sensibility. It is fundamental that a suitable optimisation approach is chosen to obtain meaningful results at early development stages. This review provides a comparative overview of the methods, numerical tools and optimisation approaches that can be used with respect to the conceptual design of the support structure for Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWT) attempting to detail the limitations preventing the convergence to an optimal floating support structure. This work is intended to be as a reference for any researcher and developer that would like to optimise the support platform for FOWT

    Active Blade Pitch and Hull-Based Structural Control of Floating Offshore Wind Turbines

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    Floating offshore wind turbines (FOWTs) have the potential to bring renewable energy to waters too deep for traditional offshore wind turbines while still being able to harness strong coastal winds in areas near population centers. However, these floating wind turbines come at a higher capital cost relative to fixed foundations and are more susceptible to vibrations induced by waves. Advances in control technologies offer the potential to reduce fatigue loads due to these vibrations, extending the life of the platform and thereby spreading the capital costs of the turbine over a longer period of time. One such advance is in blade pitch control, a standard component of most modern wind turbines. Existing solutions for adapting the blade pitch controller for use on a floating platform either detune the controller with the result of slowed response, make use of complicated tuning methods, or incorporate a nacelle velocity feedback gain. With the goal of developing a simple control tuning method for the general FOWT researcher that is easily extensible to a wide array of turbine and hull configurations, this last idea is built upon by proposing a simple tuning strategy for the feedback gain. This strategy uses a two degree-of-freedom (DoF) turbine model that considers tower-top fore-aft and rotor angular displacements. For evaluation, the nacelle velocity term is added to an existing gain scheduled proportional-integral controller as a proportional gain. The modified controller is then compared to baseline land-based and detuned controllers on semisubmersible, spar, and TLP systems for several load cases. Results show that the new tuning method balances power production and fatigue load management effectively, demonstrating that it is adaptable to many different types of hulls. This makes it useful for prototype design. Advances in hull-based structural control are also considered through the evaluation and development of a gain schedule for a novel type of adjustable tuned mass damper known as a ducted fluid absorber. This type of tuned mass damper uses compressed air to adjust its natural frequency, and so the amount of power consumed by the compressors is evaluated relative to the output of the wind turbine. Performance of a hull designed for ducted fluid absorbers is evaluated for several incoming wave directions to ensure consistent performance, and the potential for extracting electricity from the ducted fluid absorbers is considered. Finding the dampers to be feasible for use, a method of scheduling the settings of these dampers to minimize the standard deviation of a platform rigid-body mode of choice is developed. The addition of the dampers is found to produce significant reductions in the magnitude of several vibration modes, though the advantages of actively controlling the damper setting are small relative to those of simply having the dampers

    Development of a Scale Model Wind Turbine for Testing of Offshore Floating Wind Turbine Systems

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    This thesis presents the development of a 1/50th scale 5 MW wind turbine intended for wind and wave basin model testing of commercially viable floating wind turbine structures. The design is based on a popular 5 MW wind turbine designed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) commonly utilized in numerical modeling efforts. The model wind turbine is to accompany generic floating model platforms for basin model testing. The ultimate goal of the model development testing program is to collect data for validating various floating wind turbine simulation codes such as those developed by NREL. This thesis will present an overview of the model testing program and detailed information on the scaling methodology, design and physical characterization of the final wind turbine model. The discussion of scaling methodology will include a presentation of scaling relationships used to ensure loads and forces controlling global motions and internal reactions are properly scaled during basin model testing. Particular attention is paid to Reynolds number effects that control the aerodynamic performance of a wind turbine model. Design methods, final designs and all instrumentation and components of the 1/50th scale model are disclosed with additional discussion concerning special fabrication techniques and component testing where applicable. Finally, physical characterization and wind turbine performance results from analytical analyses and basin model test data are provided and compared to determine the overall effectiveness of the created model wind turbine for basin model testing
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