59 research outputs found

    Scalable dataspace construction

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    The conference aimed at supporting and stimulating active productive research set to strengthen the technical foundations of engineers and scientists in the continent, through developing strong technical foundations and skills, leading to new small to medium enterprises within the African sub-continent. It also seeked to encourage the emergence of functionally skilled technocrats within the continent.This paper proposes the design and implementation of scalable dataspaces based on efficient data structures. Dataspaces are often likely to exhibit a multidimensional structure due to the unpredictable neighbour relationship between participants coupled by the continuous exponential growth of data. Layered range trees are incorporated to the proposed solution as multidimensional binary trees which are used to perform d-dimensional orthogonal range indexing and searching. Furthermore, the solution is readily extensible to multiple dimensions, raising the possibility of volume searches and even extension to attribute space. We begin by a study of the important literature and dataspace designs. A scalable design and implementation is further presented. Finally, we conduct experimental evaluation to illustrate the finer performance of proposed techniques. The design of a scalable dataspace is important in order to bridge the gap resulting from the lack of coexistence of data entities in the spatial domain as a key milestone towards pay-as-you-go systems integrationStrathmore University;nstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE

    Indexing relations on the web

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    Journal ArticleThere has been a substantial increase in the volume of (semi) structured data on the Web. This opens new opportunities for exploring and querying these data that goes beyond the keyword-based queries traditionally used on the Web. But supporting queries over a very large number of apparently disconnected Web sources is challenging. In this paper we propose index methods that capture both the structure of the sources and connections between them. The indexes are designed for data that is represented as relations, such as HTML tables, and support queries with predicates. We show how associations between overlapping sources are discovered, captured in the indexes, and used to derive query rewritings that join multiple sources. We demonstrate, through an experimental evaluation

    X-Composer: Enabling Cross-Environments In-SituWorkflows between HPC and Cloud

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    As large-scale scientific simulations and big data analyses become more popular, it is increasingly more expensive to store huge amounts of raw simulation results to perform post-analysis. To minimize the expensive data I/O, "in-situ" analysis is a promising approach, where data analysis applications analyze the simulation generated data on the fly without storing it first. However, it is challenging to organize, transform, and transport data at scales between two semantically different ecosystems due to the distinct software and hardware difference. To tackle these challenges, we design and implement the X-Composer framework. X-Composer connects cross-ecosystem applications to form an "in-situ" scientific workflow, and provides a unified approach and recipe for supporting such hybrid in-situ workflows on distributed heterogeneous resources. X-Composer reorganizes simulation data as continuous data streams and feeds them seamlessly into the Cloud-based stream processing services to minimize I/O overheads. For evaluation, we use X-Composer to set up and execute a cross-ecosystem workflow, which consists of a parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation running on HPC, and a distributed Dynamic Mode Decomposition analysis application running on Cloud. Our experimental results show that X-Composer can seamlessly couple HPC and Big Data jobs in their own native environments, achieve good scalability, and provide high-fidelity analytics for ongoing simulations in real-time

    Efficient Processing of Range Queries in Main Memory

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    Datenbanksysteme verwenden Indexstrukturen, um Suchanfragen zu beschleunigen. Im Laufe der letzten Jahre haben Forscher verschiedene Ansätze zur Indexierung von Datenbanktabellen im Hauptspeicher entworfen. Hauptspeicherindexstrukturen versuchen möglichst häufig Daten zu verwenden, die bereits im Zwischenspeicher der CPU vorrätig sind, anstatt, wie bei traditionellen Datenbanksystemen, die Zugriffe auf den externen Speicher zu optimieren. Die meisten vorgeschlagenen Indexstrukturen für den Hauptspeicher beschränken sich jedoch auf Punktabfragen und vernachlässigen die ebenso wichtigen Bereichsabfragen, die in zahlreichen Anwendungen, wie in der Analyse von Genomdaten, Sensornetzwerken, oder analytischen Datenbanksystemen, zum Einsatz kommen. Diese Dissertation verfolgt als Hauptziel die Fähigkeiten von modernen Hauptspeicherdatenbanksystemen im Ausführen von Bereichsabfragen zu verbessern. Dazu schlagen wir zunächst die Cache-Sensitive Skip List, eine neue aktualisierbare Hauptspeicherindexstruktur, vor, die für die Zwischenspeicher moderner Prozessoren optimiert ist und das Ausführen von Bereichsabfragen auf einzelnen Datenbankspalten ermöglicht. Im zweiten Abschnitt analysieren wir die Performanz von multidimensionalen Bereichsabfragen auf modernen Serverarchitekturen, bei denen Daten im Hauptspeicher hinterlegt sind und Prozessoren über SIMD-Instruktionen und Multithreading verfügen. Um die Relevanz unserer Experimente für praktische Anwendungen zu erhöhen, schlagen wir zudem einen realistischen Benchmark für multidimensionale Bereichsabfragen vor, der auf echten Genomdaten ausgeführt wird. Im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation präsentieren wir den BB-Tree als neue, hochperformante und speichereffziente Hauptspeicherindexstruktur. Der BB-Tree ermöglicht das Ausführen von multidimensionalen Bereichs- und Punktabfragen und verfügt über einen parallelen Suchoperator, der mehrere Threads verwenden kann, um die Performanz von Suchanfragen zu erhöhen.Database systems employ index structures as means to accelerate search queries. Over the last years, the research community has proposed many different in-memory approaches that optimize cache misses instead of disk I/O, as opposed to disk-based systems, and make use of the grown parallel capabilities of modern CPUs. However, these techniques mainly focus on single-key lookups, but neglect equally important range queries. Range queries are an ubiquitous operator in data management commonly used in numerous domains, such as genomic analysis, sensor networks, or online analytical processing. The main goal of this dissertation is thus to improve the capabilities of main-memory database systems with regard to executing range queries. To this end, we first propose a cache-optimized, updateable main-memory index structure, the cache-sensitive skip list, which targets the execution of range queries on single database columns. Second, we study the performance of multidimensional range queries on modern hardware, where data are stored in main memory and processors support SIMD instructions and multi-threading. We re-evaluate a previous rule of thumb suggesting that, on disk-based systems, scans outperform index structures for selectivities of approximately 15-20% or more. To increase the practical relevance of our analysis, we also contribute a novel benchmark consisting of several realistic multidimensional range queries applied to real- world genomic data. Third, based on the outcomes of our experimental analysis, we devise a novel, fast and space-effcient, main-memory based index structure, the BB- Tree, which supports multidimensional range and point queries and provides a parallel search operator that leverages the multi-threading capabilities of modern CPUs

    A Study for Scalable Directory in Parallel File Systems

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    One of the challenges that the design of parallel file system for HPC(High Performance Computing) has to face today is maintaining the scalability to handle the I/O generated by parallel applications that involve accessing directories containing a large number of entries and performing hundreds of thousands of operations per second. Currently, highly concurrent access to large directories is poorly supported in parallel file systems. As a result, it is important to build a scalable directory service for parallel file systems to support efficient concurrent access to larger directories. In this thesis we demonstrate a scalable directory service designed for parallel file systems(specifically for PVFS) that can achieve high throughput and scalability while minimizing bottlenecks and synchronization overheads. We describe important concepts and goals in scalable directory service design and its implementation in the parallel file system simulator--HECIOS. We also explore the simulation model of MPI programs and the PVFS file system in HECIOS, including the method to verify and validate it. Finally, we test our scalable directory service on HECIOS and analyze the performance and scalability based on the results. In summary, we demonstrate that our scalable directory service can effectively handle highly concurrent access to large directories in parallel file systems. We are also able to show that our scalable directory service scales well with the number of I/O nodes in the cluster

    DOE's SciDAC Visualization and Analytics Center for EnablingTechnologies -- Strategy for Petascale Visual Data Analysis Success

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