16 research outputs found

    Polynomial treewidth forces a large grid-like-minor

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    Robertson and Seymour proved that every graph with sufficiently large treewidth contains a large grid minor. However, the best known bound on the treewidth that forces an ℓ×ℓ\ell\times\ell grid minor is exponential in ℓ\ell. It is unknown whether polynomial treewidth suffices. We prove a result in this direction. A \emph{grid-like-minor of order} ℓ\ell in a graph GG is a set of paths in GG whose intersection graph is bipartite and contains a KℓK_{\ell}-minor. For example, the rows and columns of the ℓ×ℓ\ell\times\ell grid are a grid-like-minor of order ℓ+1\ell+1. We prove that polynomial treewidth forces a large grid-like-minor. In particular, every graph with treewidth at least cℓ4log⁡ℓc\ell^4\sqrt{\log\ell} has a grid-like-minor of order ℓ\ell. As an application of this result, we prove that the cartesian product G□K2G\square K_2 contains a KℓK_{\ell}-minor whenever GG has treewidth at least cℓ4log⁡ℓc\ell^4\sqrt{\log\ell}.Comment: v2: The bound in the main result has been improved by using the Lovasz Local Lemma. v3: minor improvements, v4: final section rewritte

    Independent transversals in locally sparse graphs

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    Let G be a graph with maximum degree \Delta whose vertex set is partitioned into parts V(G) = V_1 \cup ... \cup V_r. A transversal is a subset of V(G) containing exactly one vertex from each part V_i. If it is also an independent set, then we call it an independent transversal. The local degree of G is the maximum number of neighbors of a vertex v in a part V_i, taken over all choices of V_i and v \not \in V_i. We prove that for every fixed \epsilon > 0, if all part sizes |V_i| >= (1+\epsilon)\Delta and the local degree of G is o(\Delta), then G has an independent transversal for sufficiently large \Delta. This extends several previous results and settles (in a stronger form) a conjecture of Aharoni and Holzman. We then generalize this result to transversals that induce no cliques of size s. (Note that independent transversals correspond to s=2.) In that context, we prove that parts of size |V_i| >= (1+\epsilon)[\Delta/(s-1)] and local degree o(\Delta) guarantee the existence of such a transversal, and we provide a construction that shows this is asymptotically tight.Comment: 16 page

    On the strong chromatic number of random graphs

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    Let G be a graph with n vertices, and let k be an integer dividing n. G is said to be strongly k-colorable if for every partition of V(G) into disjoint sets V_1 \cup ... \cup V_r, all of size exactly k, there exists a proper vertex k-coloring of G with each color appearing exactly once in each V_i. In the case when k does not divide n, G is defined to be strongly k-colorable if the graph obtained by adding k \lceil n/k \rceil - n isolated vertices is strongly k-colorable. The strong chromatic number of G is the minimum k for which G is strongly k-colorable. In this paper, we study the behavior of this parameter for the random graph G(n, p). In the dense case when p >> n^{-1/3}, we prove that the strong chromatic number is a.s. concentrated on one value \Delta+1, where \Delta is the maximum degree of the graph. We also obtain several weaker results for sparse random graphs.Comment: 16 page

    Extremal Problems For Transversals In Graphs With Bounded Degree

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    We introduce and discuss generalizations of the problem of independent transversals. Given a graph property {\user1{\mathcal{R}}} , we investigate whether any graph of maximum degree at most d with a vertex partition into classes of size at least p admits a transversal having property {\user1{\mathcal{R}}} . In this paper we study this problem for the following properties {\user1{\mathcal{R}}} : "acyclic”, "H-free”, and "having connected components of order at most r”. We strengthen a result of [13]. We prove that if the vertex set of a d-regular graph is partitioned into classes of size d+⌞d/r⌟, then it is possible to select a transversal inducing vertex disjoint trees on at most r vertices. Our approach applies appropriate triangulations of the simplex and Sperner's Lemma. We also establish some limitations on the power of this topological method. We give constructions of vertex-partitioned graphs admitting no independent transversals that partially settles an old question of BollobĂĄs, ErdƑs and SzemerĂ©di. An extension of this construction provides vertex-partitioned graphs with small degree such that every transversal contains a fixed graph H as a subgraph. Finally, we pose several open question


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    Let H be a graph on n vertices and let the blow-up graph G[H] be defined as follows. We replace each vertex vi of H by a cluster Ai and connect some pairs of vertices of Ai and Aj if (vi,vj) is an edge of the graph H. As usual, we define the edge density between Ai and Aj as d(Ai,Aj)= e(Ai,Aj)/|Ai||Aj|. We study the following problem. Given densities γij for each edge (i,j) ∈E(H), one has to decide whether there exists a blow-up graph G[H], with edge densities at least γij, such that one cannot choose a vertex from each cluster, so that the obtained graph is isomorphic to H, i.e., no H appears as a transversal in G[H]. We call dcrit(H) the maximal value for which there exists a blow-up graph G[H] with edge densities d(Ai,Aj)=d crit(H) ((vi,vj) ∈E(H)) not containing H in the above sense. Our main goal is to determine the critical edge density and to characterize the extremal graphs. First, in the case of tree T we give an efficient algorithm to decide whether a given set of edge densities ensures the existence of a transversal T in the blow-up graph. Then we give general bounds on dcrit(H) in terms of the maximal degree. In connection with the extremal structure, the so-called star decomposition is proved to give the best construction for H-transversal-free blow-up graphs for several graph classes. Our approach applies algebraic graph-theoretical, combinatorial and probabilistic tools. © 2012 Copyright Cambridge University Press

    Graphs of low average degree without independent transversals

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    An independent transversal of a graph G with a vertex partition P is an independent set of G intersecting each block of P in a single vertex. Wanless and Wood proved that if each block of P has size at least t and the average degree of vertices in each block is at most t/4, then an independent transversal of P exists. We present a construction showing that this result is optimal: for any Δ>0 and sufficiently large t, there is a family of forests with vertex partitions whose block size is at least t, average degree of vertices in each block is at most (1/4+Δ)t, and there is no independent transversal. This unexpectedly shows that methods related to entropy compression such as the Rosenfeld-Wanless-Wood scheme or the Local Cut Lemma are tight for this problem. Further constructions are given for variants of the problem, including the hypergraph version

    Approximate packing of independent transversals in locally sparse graphs

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    Consider a multipartite graph GG with maximum degree at most n−o(n)n-o(n), parts V1,
,VkV_1,\ldots,V_k have size ∣Vi∣=n|V_i|=n, and every vertex has at most o(n)o(n) neighbors in any part ViV_i. Loh and Sudakov proved that any such GG has an independent transversal. They further conjectured that the vertex set of GG can be decomposed into pairwise disjoint independent transversals. In the present paper, we resolve this conjecture approximately by showing that GG contains n−o(n)n-o(n) pairwise disjoint independent transversals. As applications, we give approximate answers to questions of Yuster, and of Fischer, K\"uhn, and Osthus