3,424 research outputs found

    Disjunctively incomplete information in relational databases: modeling and related issues

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    In this dissertation, the issues related to the information incompleteness in relational databases are explored. In general, this dissertation can be divided into two parts. The first part extends the relational natural join operator and the update operations of insertion and deletion to I-tables, an extended relational model representing inclusively indefinite and maybe information, in a semantically correct manner. Rudimentary or naive algorithms for computing natural joins on I-tables require an exponential number of pair-up operations and block accesses proportional to the size of I-tables due to the combinatorial nature of natural joins on I-tables. Thus, the problem becomes intractable for large I-tables. An algorithm for computing natural joins under the extended model which reduces the number of pair-up operations to a linear order of complexity in general and in the worst case to a polynomial order of complexity with respect to the size of I-tables is proposed in this dissertation. In addition, this algorithm also reduces the number of block accesses to a linear order of complexity with respect to the size of I-tables;The second part is related to the modeling aspect of incomplete databases. An extended relational model, called E-table, is proposed. E-table is capable of representing exclusively disjunctive information. That is, disjunctions of the form P[subscript]1\mid P[subscript]2\mid·s\mid P[subscript]n, where ǁ denotes a generalized logical exclusive or indicating that exactly one of the P[subscript]i\u27s can be true. The information content of an E-table is precisely defined and relational operators of selection, projection, difference, union, intersection, and cartisian product are extended to E-tables in a semantically correct manner. Conditions under which redundancies could arise due to the presence of exclusively disjunctive information are characterized and the procedure for resolving redundancies is presented;Finally, this dissertation is concluded with discussions on the directions for further research in the area of incomplete information modeling. In particular, a sketch of a relational model, IE-table (Inclusive and Exclusive table), for representing both inclusively and exclusively disjunctive information is provided

    Living with inconsistencies in a multidatabase system

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    Integration of autonomous sources of information is one of the most important problems in implementation of the global information systems. This paper considers multidatabase systems as one of the typical architectures of global information services and addresses a problem of storing and processing inconsistent information in such systems. A new data model proposed in the paper separates sure from inconsistent information and introduces a system of elementary operations on the containers with sure and inconsistent information. A review of the implementation aspects in an environment of a typical relational database management system concludes the paper

    Inconsistency and Incompleteness in Relational Databases and Logic Programs

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    The aim of this thesis is to study the role played by negation in databases and to develop data models that can handle inconsistent and incomplete information. We develop models that also allow incompleteness through disjunctive information under both the CWA and the OWA in relational databases. In the area of logic programming, extended logic programs allow explicit representation of negative information. As a result, a number of extended logic programs have an inconsistent semantics. We present a translation of extended logic programs to normal logic programs that is more tolerant to inconsistencies. Extended logic programs have also been used widely in order to compute the repairs of an inconsistent database. We present some preliminary ideas on how source information can be incorporated into the repair program in order to produce a subset of the set of all repairs based on a preference for certain sources over others

    Treatment of imprecision in data repositories with the aid of KNOLAP

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    Traditional data repositories introduced for the needs of business processing, typically focus on the storage and querying of crisp domains of data. As a result, current commercial data repositories have no facilities for either storing or querying imprecise/ approximate data. No significant attempt has been made for a generic and applicationindependent representation of value imprecision mainly as a property of axes of analysis and also as part of dynamic environment, where potential users may wish to define their “own” axes of analysis for querying either precise or imprecise facts. In such cases, measured values and facts are characterised by descriptive values drawn from a number of dimensions, whereas values of a dimension are organised as hierarchical levels. A solution named H-IFS is presented that allows the representation of flexible hierarchies as part of the dimension structures. An extended multidimensional model named IF-Cube is put forward, which allows the representation of imprecision in facts and dimensions and answering of queries based on imprecise hierarchical preferences. Based on the H-IFS and IF-Cube concepts, a post relational OLAP environment is delivered, the implementation of which is DBMS independent and its performance solely dependent on the underlying DBMS engine

    Monotonically improving approximate answers to relational algebra queries

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    We present here a query processing method that produces approximate answers to queries posed in standard relational algebra. This method is monotone in the sense that the accuracy of the approximate result improves with the amount of time spent producing the result. This strategy enables us to trade the time to produce the result for the accuracy of the result. An approximate relational model that characterizes appromimate relations and a partial order for comparing them is developed. Relational operators which operate on and return approximate relations are defined

    Data consistency: toward a terminological clarification

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21413-9_15Consistency is an inconsistency are ubiquitous term in data engineering. Its relevance to quality is obvious, since consistency is a commonplace dimension of data quality. However, connotations are vague or ambiguous. In this paper, we address semantic consistency, transaction consistency, replication consistency, eventual consistency and the new notion of partial consistency in databases. We characterize their distinguishing properties, and also address their differences, interactions and interdependencies. Partial consistency is an entry door to living with inconsistency, which is an ineludible necessity in the age of big data.Decker and F.D. Muñoz—supported by the Spanish MINECO grant TIN 2012-37719-C03-01.Decker, H.; Muñoz EscoĂ­, FD.; Misra, S. (2015). Data consistency: toward a terminological clarification. 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