157,014 research outputs found

    Model-Based Filtering of Combinatorial Test Suites

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    International audienceTobias is a combinatorial test generation tool which can efficiently generate a large number of test cases by unfolding a test pattern and computing all combinations of parameters. In this paper, we first propose a model-based testing approach where Tobias test cases are first run on an executable UML/OCL specification. This animation of test cases on a model allows to filter out invalid test sequences produced by blind enumeration, typically the ones which violate the pre-conditions of operations, and to provide an oracle for the valid ones. We then introduce recent extensions of the Tobias tool which support an incremental unfolding and filtering process, and its associated toolset. This allows to address explosive test patterns featuring a large number of invalid test cases, and only a small number of valid ones. For instance, these new constructs could mandate test cases to satisfy a given predicate at some point or to follow a given behavior. The early detection of invalid test cases improves the calculation time of the whole generation and execution process, and helps fighting combinatorial explosion

    Requirements for a Research-oriented IC Design System

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    Computer-aided design techniques for integrated circuits grown in an incremental way, responding to various perceived needs, so that today there are a number of useful programs for logic generation, simulation at various levels, test preparation, artwork generation and analysis (including design rule checking), and interactive graphical editing. While the design of many circuits has benefitted from these programs, when industry wants to produce a high-volume part, the design and layout are done manually, followed by digitizing and perhaps some graphic editing before it is converted to pattern generation format, leading to the often heard statement that computer-aided design of integrated circuits doesn't work. If progress is to be made, it seems clear that the entire design process has to be thought through in basic terms, and much more attention must be paid to the way in which computational techniques can complement the designer's abilities. Currently, it is appropriate to try to characterize the design process in abstract terms, so that implementation and technological biases don't cloud the view of a desired system. In this paper, we briefly describe the conversion of algorithms to masks at a very general level, and then describe several projects at MIT which aim to provide contributions to an integrated design system. It is emphasized that no complete system design exists now at MIT, and that we believe that general design considerations must constantly be tested by building (and rebuilding) the various subcomponents, the structure of which is guided by our view of the overall design process

    An incremental approach to genetic algorithms based classification

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    Incremental learning has been widely addressed in the machine learning literature to cope with learning tasks where the learning environment is ever changing or training samples become available over time. However, most research work explores incremental learning with statistical algorithms or neural networks, rather than evolutionary algorithms. The work in this paper employs genetic algorithms (GAs) as basic learning algorithms for incremental learning within one or more classifier agents in a multi-agent environment. Four new approaches with different initialization schemes are proposed. They keep the old solutions and use an “integration” operation to integrate them with new elements to accommodate new attributes, while biased mutation and crossover operations are adopted to further evolve a reinforced solution. The simulation results on benchmark classification data sets show that the proposed approaches can deal with the arrival of new input attributes and integrate them with the original input space. It is also shown that the proposed approaches can be successfully used for incremental learning and improve classification rates as compared to the retraining GA. Possible applications for continuous incremental training and feature selection are also discussed

    Incremental multiple objective genetic algorithms

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    This paper presents a new genetic algorithm approach to multi-objective optimization problemsIncremental Multiple Objective Genetic Algorithms (IMOGA). Different from conventional MOGA methods, it takes each objective into consideration incrementally. The whole evolution is divided into as many phases as the number of objectives, and one more objective is considered in each phase. Each phase is composed of two stages: first, an independent population is evolved to optimize one specific objective; second, the better-performing individuals from the evolved single-objective population and the multi-objective population evolved in the last phase are joined together by the operation of integration. The resulting population then becomes an initial multi-objective population, to which a multi-objective evolution based on the incremented objective set is applied. The experiment results show that, in most problems, the performance of IMOGA is better than that of three other MOGAs, NSGA-II, SPEA and PAES. IMOGA can find more solutions during the same time span, and the quality of solutions is better

    Population-based incremental learning with associative memory for dynamic environments

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    Copyright © 2007 IEEE. Reprinted from IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Brunel University's products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.In recent years there has been a growing interest in studying evolutionary algorithms (EAs) for dynamic optimization problems (DOPs) due to its importance in real world applications. Several approaches, such as the memory and multiple population schemes, have been developed for EAs to address dynamic problems. This paper investigates the application of the memory scheme for population-based incremental learning (PBIL) algorithms, a class of EAs, for DOPss. A PBIL-specific associative memory scheme, which stores best solutions as well as corresponding environmental information in the memory, is investigated to improve its adaptability in dynamic environments. In this paper, the interactions between the memory scheme and random immigrants, multi-population, and restart schemes for PBILs in dynamic environments are investigated. In order to better test the performance of memory schemes for PBILs and other EAs in dynamic environments, this paper also proposes a dynamic environment generator that can systematically generate dynamic environments of different difficulty with respect to memory schemes. Using this generator a series of dynamic environments are generated and experiments are carried out to compare the performance of investigated algorithms. The experimental results show that the proposed memory scheme is efficient for PBILs in dynamic environments and also indicate that different interactions exist between the memory scheme and random immigrants, multi-population schemes for PBILs in different dynamic environments

    Cooperative co-evolution of GA-based classifiers based on input increments

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    Genetic algorithms (GAs) have been widely used as soft computing techniques in various applications, while cooperative co-evolution algorithms were proposed in the literature to improve the performance of basic GAs. In this paper, a new cooperative co-evolution algorithm, namely ECCGA, is proposed in the application domain of pattern classification. Concurrent local and global evolution and conclusive global evolution are proposed to improve further the classification performance. Different approaches of ECCGA are evaluated on benchmark classification data sets, and the results show that ECCGA can achieve better performance than the cooperative co-evolution genetic algorithm and normal GA. Some analysis and discussions on ECCGA and possible improvement are also presented

    Logical analysis of data as a tool for the analysis of probabilistic discrete choice behavior

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    Probabilistic Discrete Choice Models (PDCM) have been extensively used to interpret the behavior of heterogeneous decision makers that face discrete alternatives. The classification approach of Logical Analysis of Data (LAD) uses discrete optimization to generate patterns, which are logic formulas characterizing the different classes. Patterns can be seen as rules explaining the phenomenon under analysis. In this work we discuss how LAD can be used as the first phase of the specification of PDCM. Since in this task the number of patterns generated may be extremely large, and many of them may be nearly equivalent, additional processing is necessary to obtain practically meaningful information. Hence, we propose computationally viable techniques to obtain small sets of patterns that constitute meaningful representations of the phenomenon and allow to discover significant associations between subsets of explanatory variables and the output. We consider the complex socio-economic problem of the analysis of the utilization of the Internet in Italy, using real data gathered by the Italian National Institute of Statistics

    Using Answer Set Programming for pattern mining

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    Serial pattern mining consists in extracting the frequent sequential patterns from a unique sequence of itemsets. This paper explores the ability of a declarative language, such as Answer Set Programming (ASP), to solve this issue efficiently. We propose several ASP implementations of the frequent sequential pattern mining task: a non-incremental and an incremental resolution. The results show that the incremental resolution is more efficient than the non-incremental one, but both ASP programs are less efficient than dedicated algorithms. Nonetheless, this approach can be seen as a first step toward a generic framework for sequential pattern mining with constraints.Comment: Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (2014

    A review of associative classification mining

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    Associative classification mining is a promising approach in data mining that utilizes the association rule discovery techniques to construct classification systems, also known as associative classifiers. In the last few years, a number of associative classification algorithms have been proposed, i.e. CPAR, CMAR, MCAR, MMAC and others. These algorithms employ several different rule discovery, rule ranking, rule pruning, rule prediction and rule evaluation methods. This paper focuses on surveying and comparing the state-of-the-art associative classification techniques with regards to the above criteria. Finally, future directions in associative classification, such as incremental learning and mining low-quality data sets, are also highlighted in this paper