7 research outputs found

    Efficient CTL Verification via Horn Constraints Solving

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    The use of temporal logics has long been recognised as a fundamental approach to the formal specification and verification of reactive systems. In this paper, we take on the problem of automatically verifying a temporal property, given by a CTL formula, for a given (possibly infinite-state) program. We propose a method based on encoding the problem as a set of Horn constraints. The method takes a program, modeled as a transition system, and a property given by a CTL formula as input. It first generates a set of forall-exists quantified Horn constraints and well-foundedness constraints by exploiting the syntactic structure of the CTL formula. Then, the generated set of constraints are solved by applying an off-the-shelf Horn constraints solving engine. The program is said to satisfy the property if and only if the generated set of constraints has a solution. We demonstrate the practical promises of the method by applying it on a set of challenging examples. Although our method is based on a generic Horn constraint solving engine, it is able to outperform state-of-art methods specialised for CTL verification.Comment: In Proceedings HCVS2016, arXiv:1607.0403

    A Supervisory Control Algorithm Based on Property-Directed Reachability

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    We present an algorithm for synthesising a controller (supervisor) for a discrete event system (DES) based on the property-directed reachability (PDR) model checking algorithm. The discrete event systems framework is useful in both software, automation and manufacturing, as problems from those domains can be modelled as discrete supervisory control problems. As a formal framework, DES is also similar to domains for which the field of formal methods for computer science has developed techniques and tools. In this paper, we attempt to marry the two by adapting PDR to the problem of controller synthesis. The resulting algorithm takes as input a transition system with forbidden states and uncontrollable transitions, and synthesises a safe and minimally-restrictive controller, correct-by-design. We also present an implementation along with experimental results, showing that the algorithm has potential as a part of the solution to the greater effort of formal supervisory controller synthesis and verification.Comment: 16 pages; presented at Haifa Verification Conference 2017, the final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-70389-3_

    Cyclic-routing of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

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    © 2019 Various missions carried out by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are concerned with permanent monitoring of a predefined set of ground targets under relative deadline constraints, i.e., the targets have to be revisited ‘indefinitely’ and there is an upper bound on the time between two consecutive successful scans of each target. A solution to the problem is a set of routes—one for each UAV—that jointly satisfy these constraints. Our goal is to find a solution with the least number of UAVs. We show that the decision version of the problem (given k, is there a solution with k UAVs?) is PSPACE-complete. On the practical side, we propose a portfolio approach that combines the strengths of constraint solving and model checking. We present an empirical evaluation of the different solution methods on several hundred randomly generated instances

    On Formal Methods for Large-Scale Product Configuration

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    <p>In product development companies mass customization is widely used to achieve better customer satisfaction while keeping costs down. To efficiently implement mass customization, product platforms are often used. A product platform allows building a wide range of products from a set of predefined components. The process of matching these components to customers' needs is called product configuration. Not all components can be combined with each other due to restrictions of various kinds, for example, geometrical, marketing and legal reasons. Product design engineers develop configuration constraints to describe such restrictions. The number of constraints and the complexity of the relations between them are immense for complex product like a vehicle. Thus, it is both error-prone and time consuming to analyze, author and verify the constraints manually. Software tools based on formal methods can help engineers to avoid making errors when working with configuration constraints, thus design a correct product faster.</p> <p>This thesis introduces a number of formal methods to help engineers maintain, verify and analyze product configuration constraints. These methods provide automatic verification of constraints and computational support for analyzing and refactoring constraints. The methods also allow verifying the correctness of one specific type of constraints, item usage rules, for sets of mutually-exclusive required items, and automatic verification of equivalence of different formulations of the constraints. The thesis also introduces three methods for efficient enumeration of valid partial configurations, with benchmarking of the methods on an industrial dataset.</p> <p>Handling large-scale industrial product configuration problems demands high efficiency from the software methods. This thesis investigates a number of search-based and knowledge-compilation-based methods for working with large product configuration instances, including Boolean satisfiability solvers, binary decision diagrams and decomposable negation normal form. This thesis also proposes a novel method based on supervisory control theory for efficient reasoning about product configuration data. The methods were implemented in a tool, to investigate the applicability of the methods for handling large product configuration problems. It was found that search-based Boolean satisfiability solvers with incremental capabilities are well suited for industrial configuration problems.</p> <p>The methods proposed in this thesis exhibit good performance on practical configuration problems, and have a potential to be implemented in industry to support product design engineers in creating and maintaining configuration constraints, and speed up the development of product platforms and new products.</p

    Resolution-based methods for linear temporal reasoning

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    The aim of this thesis is to explore the potential of resolution-based methods for linear temporal reasoning. On the abstract level, this means to develop new algorithms for automated reasoning about properties of systems which evolve in time. More concretely, we will: 1) show how to adapt the superposition framework to proving theorems in propositional Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), 2) use a connection between superposition and the CDCL calculus of modern SAT solvers to come up with an efficient LTL prover, 3) specialize the previous to reachability properties and discover a close connection to Property Directed Reachability (PDR), an algorithm recently developed for model checking of hardware circuits, 4) further improve PDR by providing a new technique for enhancing clause propagation phase of the algorithm, and 5) adapt PDR to automated planning by replacing the SAT solver inside with a planning-specific procedure. We implemented the proposed ideas and provide experimental results which demonstrate their practical potential on representative benchmark sets. Our system LS4 is shown to be the strongest LTL prover currently publicly available. The mentioned enhancement of PDR substantially improves the performance of our implementation of the algorithm for hardware model checking in the multi-property setting. It is expected that other implementations would benefit from it in an analogous way. Finally, our planner PDRplan has been compared with the state-of-the-art planners on the benchmarks from the International Planning Competition with very promising results.Das Ziel dieser Doktorarbeit ist es, das Potential resolutionsbasierter Methoden zur linearer, temporaler Beweisführung zu untersuchen. Von einem abstrakten Gesichtspunkt aus gesehen bedeutet dies, neue Algorithmen über die Eigenschaften von sich zeitlich entwicklenden Systemen im Bereich des automatischen Theorembeweisens zu entwickeln. Konkreter gesagt werden wir 1) aufzeigen, wie sich das Rahmenprogramm der Superposition so anpassen lässt, damit es Theoreme in propositionaler Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) beweist, 2) eine Verbindung zwischen der Superposition und dem CDCL-Kalkül moderner SAT-Solver nutzen, um mit einem effizienten LTL-Prover aufzuwarten, 3) das Vorangegangene auf Erreichbarkeitseigenschaften spezialisieren, und eine starke Verbindung zu der Property Directed Reachability (PDR), einem jüngst eintwickeltem Model-Checking-Algorithmus für Hardware-Schaltkreise, aufzudecken, 4) PDR durch die Einführung neuer Technik verbessern, die die Clause-Propagation-Phase des Algorithmus beschleunigt, und 5) PDR für das automatisierte Planen anpassen, indem wir den inneren SAT-Solver durch eine planungsspezifische Prozedur ersetzen. Wir haben die vorgeschlagenen Ideen implementiert, und es werden experimentelle Ergebnisse angegeben, die das praktische Potential dieser Ideen auf repräsentativen Benchmarks aufzeigt. Es hat sich herausgestellt, dass unser System LS4 der staerkste öffentlich zugängliche LTL-Prover ist. Die erwähnte Erweiterung von PDR verbessern die Leistungsfähigkeit unserer Implementierung des Hardware-Model-Checking-Algorithmus substantiell im Bereich der Multi-Property-Einstellungen. Wir erwarten, dass andere Implementierungen in ähnlicher Weise profitieren würden. Schließlich haben wir viel versprechende Ergebnisse durch den Vergleich unser Planer PDRplan mit anderen state-of-the-art Planer auf den Benchmarks der International Planning Competition erzielt

    Incremental, inductive CTL model checking

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    Abstract. A SAT-based incremental, inductive algorithm for model checking CTL properties is proposed. As in classic CTL model checking, the parse graph of the property shapes the analysis. However, in the proposed algorithm, called IICTL, the analysis is directed by task states that are pushed down the parse tree. To each node is associated over- and under-approximations to the set of states satisfying that node’s property; these approximations are refined until a proof that the property does or does not hold is obtained. Each CTL operator corresponds naturally to an incremental sub-query: given a task state, an EX node executes a SAT query; an EU node applies IC3; and an EG node applies FAIR. In each case, the query result provides more general information than necessary to satisfy the task. When a query is satisfiable, the returned trace is generalized using forall-exists reasoning, during which IC3 is applied to obtain new reachability information that enables greater generalization. When a query is unsatisfiable, the proof provides the generalization. In this way, property-directed abstraction is achieved.