21,843 research outputs found

    Translating bus information into sign language for deaf people

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    This paper describes the application of language translation technologies for generating bus information in Spanish Sign Language (LSE: Lengua de Signos Española). In this work, two main systems have been developed: the first for translating text messages from information panels and the second for translating spoken Spanish into natural conversations at the information point of the bus company. Both systems are made up of a natural language translator (for converting a word sentence into a sequence of LSE signs), and a 3D avatar animation module (for playing back the signs). For the natural language translator, two technological approaches have been analyzed and integrated: an example-based strategy and a statistical translator. When translating spoken utterances, it is also necessary to incorporate a speech recognizer for decoding the spoken utterance into a word sequence, prior to the language translation module. This paper includes a detailed description of the field evaluation carried out in this domain. This evaluation has been carried out at the customer information office in Madrid involving both real bus company employees and deaf people. The evaluation includes objective measurements from the system and information from questionnaires. In the field evaluation, the whole translation presents an SER (Sign Error Rate) of less than 10% and a BLEU greater than 90%

    Methodology for developing a Speech into Sign Language Translation System in a New Semantic Domain

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    This paper proposes a methodology for developing a speech into sign language translation system considering a user-centered strategy. This method-ology consists of four main steps: analysis of technical and user requirements, data collection, technology adaptation to the new domain, and finally, evalua-tion of the system. The two most demanding tasks are the sign generation and the translation rules generation. Many other aspects can be updated automatical-ly from a parallel corpus that includes sentences (in Spanish and LSE: Lengua de Signos Española) related to the application domain. In this paper, we explain how to apply this methodology in order to develop two translation systems in two specific domains: bus transport information and hotel reception

    Methodology for developing an advanced communications system for the Deaf in a new domain

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    A methodology for developing an advanced communications system for the Deaf in a new domain is presented in this paper. This methodology is a user-centred design approach consisting of four main steps: requirement analysis, parallel corpus generation, technology adaptation to the new domain, and finally, system evaluation. During the requirement analysis, both the user and technical requirements are evaluated and defined. For generating the parallel corpus, it is necessary to collect Spanish sentences in the new domain and translate them into LSE (Lengua de Signos Española: Spanish Sign Language). LSE is represented by glosses and using video recordings. This corpus is used for training the two main modules of the advanced communications system to the new domain: the spoken Spanish into the LSE translation module and the Spanish generation from the LSE module. The main aspects to be generated are the vocabularies for both languages (Spanish words and signs), and the knowledge for translating in both directions. Finally, the field evaluation is carried out with deaf people using the advanced communications system to interact with hearing people in several scenarios. In this evaluation, the paper proposes several objective and subjective measurements for evaluating the performance. In this paper, the new considered domain is about dialogues in a hotel reception. Using this methodology, the system was developed in several months, obtaining very good performance: good translation rates (10% Sign Error Rate) with small processing times, allowing face-to-face dialogues

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    Meeting of the MINDS: an information retrieval research agenda

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    Since its inception in the late 1950s, the field of Information Retrieval (IR) has developed tools that help people find, organize, and analyze information. The key early influences on the field are well-known. Among them are H. P. Luhn's pioneering work, the development of the vector space retrieval model by Salton and his students, Cleverdon's development of the Cranfield experimental methodology, Spärck Jones' development of idf, and a series of probabilistic retrieval models by Robertson and Croft. Until the development of the WorldWideWeb (Web), IR was of greatest interest to professional information analysts such as librarians, intelligence analysts, the legal community, and the pharmaceutical industry

    Foundation Models in Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) are essential techniques that help people with communication disabilities. AAC demonstrates its transformative power by replacing spoken language with symbol sequences. However, to unlock its full potential, AAC materials must adhere to specific characteristics, placing the onus on educators to create custom-tailored materials and symbols. This paper introduces AMBRA (Pervasive and Personalized Augmentative and Alternative Communication based on Federated Learning and Generative AI), an open platform that aims to leverage the capabilities of foundation models to tackle many AAC issues, opening new opportunities (but also challenges) for AI-enhanced AAC. We thus present a compelling vision–a roadmap towards a more inclusive society. By leveraging the capabilities of modern technologies, we aspire to not only transform AAC but also guide the way toward a world where communication knows no bounds

    TIMPANO: Technology for complex Human-Machine conversational interaction with dynamic learning

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    El proyecto TIMPANO tiene por objetivo profundizar en el desarrollo de sistemas de comunicación oral hombre-máquina atendiendo principalmente a la capacidad de dar respuesta a múltiples requerimientos de los usuarios, como pueden ser el acceso a información, la extracción de información, o el análisis de grandes repositorios de información en audio. En el proyecto se hace especial énfasis en la adaptación dinámica de los modelos a diversos contextos, tanto de tipo acústico, como semántico o de idioma