17 research outputs found

    Solid State Circuits Technologies

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    The evolution of solid-state circuit technology has a long history within a relatively short period of time. This technology has lead to the modern information society that connects us and tools, a large market, and many types of products and applications. The solid-state circuit technology continuously evolves via breakthroughs and improvements every year. This book is devoted to review and present novel approaches for some of the main issues involved in this exciting and vigorous technology. The book is composed of 22 chapters, written by authors coming from 30 different institutions located in 12 different countries throughout the Americas, Asia and Europe. Thus, reflecting the wide international contribution to the book. The broad range of subjects presented in the book offers a general overview of the main issues in modern solid-state circuit technology. Furthermore, the book offers an in depth analysis on specific subjects for specialists. We believe the book is of great scientific and educational value for many readers. I am profoundly indebted to the support provided by all of those involved in the work. First and foremost I would like to acknowledge and thank the authors who worked hard and generously agreed to share their results and knowledge. Second I would like to express my gratitude to the Intech team that invited me to edit the book and give me their full support and a fruitful experience while working together to combine this book

    Cross-Layer Approaches for an Aging-Aware Design of Nanoscale Microprocessors

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    Thanks to aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions, computers have revolutionized our life. However, the increasing unreliability of devices fabricated in nanoscale technologies emerged as a major threat for the future success of computers. In particular, accelerated transistor aging is of great importance, as it reduces the lifetime of digital systems. This thesis addresses this challenge by proposing new methods to model, analyze and mitigate aging at microarchitecture-level and above

    Precise Timing of Digital Signals: Circuits and Applications

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    With the rapid advances in process technologies, the performance of state-of-the-art integrated circuits is improving steadily. The drive for higher performance is accompanied with increased emphasis on meeting timing constraints not only at the design phase but during device operation as well. Fortunately, technology advancements allow for even more precise control of the timing of digital signals, an advantage which can be used to provide solutions that can address some of the emerging timing issues. In this thesis, circuit and architectural techniques for the precise timing of digital signals are explored. These techniques are demonstrated in applications addressing timing issues in modern digital systems. A methodology for slow-speed timing characterization of high-speed pipelined datapaths is proposed. The technique uses a clock-timing circuit to create shifted versions of a slow-speed clock. These clocks control the data flow in the pipeline in the test mode. Test results show that the design provides an average timing resolution of 52.9ps in 0.18μm CMOS technology. Results also demonstrate the ability of the technique to track the performance of high-speed pipelines at a reduced clock frequency and to test the clock-timing circuit itself. In order to achieve higher resolutions than that of an inverter/buffer stage, a differential (vernier) delay line is commonly used. To allow for the design of differential delay lines with programmable delays, a digitally-controlled delay-element is proposed. The delay element is monotonic and achieves a high degree of transfer characteristics' (digital code vs. delay) linearity. Using the proposed delay element, a sub-1ps resolution is demonstrated experimentally in 0.18μm CMOS. The proposed delay element with a fixed delay step of 2ps is used to design a high-precision all-digital phase aligner. High-precision phase alignment has many applications in modern digital systems such as high-speed memory controllers, clock-deskew buffers, and delay and phase-locked loops. The design is based on a differential delay line and a variation tolerant phase detector using redundancy. Experimental results show that the phase aligner's range is from -264ps to +247ps which corresponds to an average delay step of approximately 2.43ps. For various input phase difference values, test results show that the difference is reduced to less than 2ps at the output of the phase aligner. On-chip time measurement is another application that requires precise timing. It has applications in modern automatic test equipment and on-chip characterization of jitter and skew. In order to achieve small conversion time, a flash time-to-digital converter is proposed. Mismatch between the various delay comparators limits the time measurement precision. This is demonstrated through an experiment in which a 6-bit, 2.5ps resolution flash time-to-digital converter provides an effective resolution of only 4-bits. The converter achieves a maximum conversion rate of 1.25GSa/s

    Injection locked ring oscillator design for application in Direct Time of Flight LIDAR

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    Diplomová práce přibližuje systémy LIDAR přímo měřící čas průletu a časově digitální převodníky určené k použití v těchto systémech. Představuje problematiku distribuce hodinových signálů napříč soubory časově digitálních převodníků v LIDAR systémech a věnuje se jednomu z nových řešení této problematiky, které je založené na injekcí zavěšených oscilátorech. Technika injekčního zavěšení oscilátorů je důkladně matematicky popsána. V programu Matlab byl vytvořen simulační model injekcí zavěšeného kruhového oscilátoru, který potvrzuje správnost uvedených analytických predikcí. Ve výrobní technologii ONK65 byl navržen injekcí zavěšený kruhový oscilátor stabilizovaný pomocí smyčky závěsu zpoždění, určený pro implementaci časově digitálního převodníku pro systém LIDAR. Navržený injekcí zavěšený kruhový oscilátor byl verifikován počítačovými simulacemi zohledňujícími vliv procesních, napěťových i teplotních variací. Oscilátor poskytuje specifikované časové rozlišení 50 pikosekund a dosahuje dvakrát nižší hodnoty fázového neklidu než ekvivalentní volnoběžný oscilátor v dané technologii.The diploma thesis provides an introduction to Direct Time of Flight LIDAR systems and Time to Digital Converters used in these systems. It discusses the problem of clock distribution in LIDAR Time to Digital Converter arrays, and examines one of the possible solutions to this problem based on injection locked oscillators. The injection locking phenomenon is thoroughly mathematically described and a Matlab model of an injection locked ring oscillator is presented, confirming the analytic predictions. In ONK65 processing technology, an injection locked ring oscillator biased by a delay locked loop meant specifically for application in Time to Digital Converters for LIDAR systems has been designed. The designed oscillator has been verified by computer simulations taking process, voltage and temperature variations into account and offers specified time resolution of 50 picosecond as well as two times less clock jitter than an equivalent free-running oscillator in the given processing technology.

    A Wireless, High-Voltage Compliant, and Energy-Efficient Visual Intracortical Microstimulator

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    RÉSUMÉ L’objectif général de ce projet de recherche est la conception, la mise en oeuvre et la validation d’une interface sans fil intracorticale implantable en technologie CMOS avancée pour aider les personnes ayant une déficience visuelle. Les défis majeurs de cette recherche sont de répondre à la conformité à haute tension nécessaire à travers l’interface d’électrode-tissu (IET), augmenter la flexibilité dans la microstimulation et la surveillance multicanale, minimiser le budget de puissance pour un dispositif biomédical implantable, réduire la taille de l’implant et améliorer le taux de transmission sans fil des données. Par conséquent, nous présentons dans cette thèse un système de microstimulation intracorticale multi-puce basée sur une nouvelle architecture pour la transmission des données sans fil et le transfert de l’énergie se servant de couplages inductifs et capacitifs. Une première puce, un générateur de stimuli (SG) éconergétique, et une autre qui est un amplificateur de haute impédance se connectant au réseau de microélectrodes de l’étage de sortie. Les 4 canaux de générateurs de stimuli produisent des impulsions rectangulaires, demi-sinus (DS), plateau-sinus (PS) et autres types d’impulsions de courant à haut rendement énergétique. Le SG comporte un contrôleur de faible puissance, des convertisseurs numérique-analogiques (DAC) opérant en mode courant, générateurs multi-forme d’ondes et miroirs de courants alimentés sous 1.2 et 3.3V se servant pour l’interface entre les deux technologies utilisées. Le courant de stimulation du SG varie entre 2.32 et 220μA pour chaque canal. La deuxième puce (pilote de microélectrodes (MED)), une interface entre le SG et de l’arrangement de microélectrodes (MEA), fournit quatre niveaux différents de courant avec la valeur maximale de 400μA par entrée et 100μA par canal de sortie simultanément pour 8 à 16 sites de stimulation à travers les microélectrodes, connectés soit en configuration bipolaire ou monopolaire. Cette étage de sortie est hautement configurable et capable de délivrer une tension élevée pour satisfaire les conditions de l’interface à travers l’impédance de IET par rapport aux systèmes précédemment rapportés. Les valeurs nominales de plus grandes tensions d’alimentation sont de ±10V. La sortie de tension mesurée est conformément 10V/phase (anodique ou cathodique) pour les tensions d’alimentation spécifiées. L’incrémentation de tensions d’alimentation à ±13V permet de produire un courant de stimulation de 220μA par canal de sortie permettant d’élever la tension de sortie jusqu’au 20V par phase. Cet étage de sortie regroupe un commutateur haute tension pour interfacer une matrice des miroirs de courant (3.3V /20V), un registre à décalage de 32-bits à entrée sérielle, sortie parallèle, et un circuit dédié pour bloquer des états interdits.----------ABSTRACT The general objective of this research project is the design, implementation and validation of an implantable wireless intracortical interface in advanced CMOS technology to aid the visually impaired people. The major challenges in this research are to meet the required highvoltage compliance across electrode-tissue interface (ETI), increase lexibility in multichannel microstimulation and monitoring, minimize power budget for an implantable biomedical device, reduce the implant size, and enhance the data rate in wireless transmission. Therefore, we present in this thesis a multi-chip intracortical microstimulation system based on a novel architecture for wireless data and power transmission comprising inductive and capacitive couplings. The first chip is an energy-efficient stimuli generator (SG) and the second one is a highimpedance microelectrode array driver output-stage. The 4-channel stimuli-generator produces rectangular, half-sine (HS), plateau-sine (PS), and other types of energy-efficient current pulse. The SG is featured with low-power controller, current mode source- and sinkdigital- to-analog converters (DACs), multi-waveform generators, and 1.2V/3.3V interface current mirrors. The stimulation current per channel of the SG ranges from 2.32 to 220μA per channel. The second chip (microelectrode driver (MED)), an interface between the SG and the microelectrode array (MEA), supplies four different current levels with the maximum value of 400μA per input and 100μA per output channel. These currents can be delivered simultaneously to 8 to 16 stimulation sites through microelectrodes, connected either in bipolar or monopolar configuration. This output stage is highly-configurable and able to deliver higher compliance voltage across ETI impedance compared to previously reported designs. The nominal values of largest supply voltages are ±10V. The measured output compliance voltage is 10V/phase (anodic or cathodic) for the specified supply voltages. Increment of supply voltages to ±13V allows 220μA stimulation current per output channel enhancing the output compliance voltage up to 20V per phase. This output-stage is featured with a high-voltage switch-matrix, 3.3V/20V current mirrors, an on-chip 32-bit serial-in parallel-out shift register, and the forbidden state logic building blocks. The SG and MED chips have been designed and fabricated in IBM 0.13μm CMOS and Teledyne DALSA 0.8μm 5V/20V CMOS/DMOS technologies with silicon areas occupied by them 1.75 x 1.75mm2 and 4 x 4mm2 respectively. The measured DC power budgets consumed by low-and mid-voltage microchips are 2.56 and 2.1mW consecutively

    Nano-Watt Modular Integrated Circuits for Wireless Neural Interface.

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    In this work, a nano-watt modular neural interface circuit is proposed for ECoG neuroprosthetics. The main purposes of this work are threefold: (1) optimizing the power-performance of the neural interface circuits based on ECoG signal characteristics, (2) equipping a stimulation capability, and (3) providing a modular system solution to expand functionality. To achieve these aims, the proposed system introduces the following contributions/innovations: (1) power-noise optimization based on the ECoG signal driven analysis, (2) extreme low-power analog front-ends, (3) Manchester clock-edge modulation clock data recovery, (4) power-efficient data compression, (5) integrated stimulator with fully programmable waveform, (6) wireless signal transmission through skin, and (7) modular expandable design. Towards these challenges and contributions, three different ECoG neural interface systems, ENI-1, ENI-16, and ENI-32, have been designed, fabricated, and tested. The first ENI system(ENI-1) is a one-channel analog front-end and fabricated in a 0.25µm CMOS process with chopper stabilized pseudo open-loop preamplifier and area-efficient SAR ADC. The measured channel power, noise and area are 1.68µW at 2.5V power-supply, 1.69µVrms (NEF=2.43), and 0.0694mm^2, respectively. The fabricated IC is packaged with customized miniaturized package. In-vivo human EEG is successfully measured with the fabricated ENI-1-IC. To demonstrate a system expandability and wireless link, ENI-16 IC is fabricated in 0.25µm CMOS process and has sixteen channels with a push-pull preamplifier, asynchronous SAR ADC, and intra-skin communication(ISCOM) which is a new way of transmitting the signal through skin. The measured channel power, noise and area are 780nW, 4.26µVrms (NEF=5.2), and 2.88mm^2, respectively. With the fabricated ENI-16-IC, in-vivo epidural ECoG from monkey is successfully measured. As a closed-loop system, ENI-32 focuses on optimizing the power performance based on a bio-signal property and integrating stimulator. ENI-32 is fabricated in 0.18µm CMOS process and has thirty-two recording channels and four stimulation channels with a cyclic preamplifier, data compression, asymmetric wireless transceiver (Tx/Rx). The measured channel power, noise and area are 140nW (680nW including ISCOM), 3.26µVrms (NEF=1.6), and 5.76mm^2, respectively. The ENI-32 achieves an order of magnitude power reduction while maintaining the system performance. The proposed nano-watt ENI-32 can be the first practical wireless closed-loop solution with a practically miniaturized implantable device.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98064/1/schang_1.pd

    Design and implementation of gallium arsenide digital integrated circuits

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    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Analog baseband circuits for WCDMA direct-conversion receivers

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    This thesis describes the design and implementation of analog baseband circuits for low-power single-chip WCDMA direct-conversion receivers. The reference radio system throughout the thesis is UTRA/FDD. The analog baseband circuit consists of two similar channels, which contain analog channel-select filters, programmable-gain amplifiers, and circuits that remove DC offsets. The direct-conversion architecture is described and the UTRA/FDD system characteristics are summarized. The UTRA/FDD specifications define the performance requirement for the whole receiver. Therefore, the specifications for the analog baseband circuit are obtained from the receiver requirements through calculations performed by hand. When the power dissipation of an UTRA/FDD direct-conversion receiver is minimized, the design parameters of an all-pole analog channel-select filter and the following Nyquist rate analog-to-digital converter must be considered simultaneously. In this thesis, it is shown that minimum power consumption is achieved with a fifth-order lowpass filter and a 15.36-MS/s Nyquist rate converter that has a 7- or 8-bit resolution. A fifth-order Chebyshev prototype with a passband ripple of 0.01 dB and a −3-dB frequency of 1.92-MHz is adopted in this thesis. The error-vector-magnitude can be significantly reduced by using a first-order 1.4-MHz allpass filter. The selected filter prototype fulfills all selectivity requirements in the analog domain. In this thesis, all the filter implementations use the opamp-RC technique to achieve insensitivity to parasitic capacitances and a high dynamic range. The adopted technique is analyzed in detail. The effect of the finite opamp unity-gain bandwidth on the filter frequency response can be compensated for by using passive methods. Compensation schemes that also track the process and temperature variations have been developed. The opamp-RC technique enables the implementation of low-voltage filters. The design and simulation results of a 1.5-V 2-MHz lowpass filter are discussed. The developed biasing scheme does not use any additional current to achieve the low-voltage operation, unlike the filter topology published previously elsewhere. Methods for removing DC offsets in UTRA/FDD direct-conversion receivers are presented. The minimum areas for cascaded AC couplings and DC-feedback loops are calculated. The distortion of the frequency response of a lowpass filter caused by a DC-feedback loop connected over the filter is calculated and a method for compensating for the distortion is developed. The time constant of an AC coupling can be increased using time-constant multipliers. This enables the implementation of AC couplings with a small silicon area. Novel time-constant multipliers suitable for systems that have a continuous reception, such as UTRA/FDD, are presented. The proposed time-constant multipliers only require one additional amplifier. In an UTRA/FDD direct-conversion receiver, the reception is continuous. In a low-power receiver, the programmable baseband gain must be changed during reception. This may produce large, slowly decaying transients that degrade the receiver performance. The thesis shows that AC-coupling networks and DC-feedback loops can be used to implement programmable-gain amplifiers, which do not produce significant transients when the gain is altered. The principles of operation, the design, and the practical implementation issues of these amplifiers are discussed. New PGA topologies suitable for continuously receiving systems have been developed. The behavior of these circuits in the presence of strong out-of-channel signals is analyzed. The interface between the downconversion mixers and the analog baseband circuit is discussed. The effect of the interface on the receiver noise figure and the trimming of mixer IIP2 are analyzed. The design and implementation of analog baseband circuits and channel-select filters for UTRA/FDD direct-conversion receivers are discussed in five application cases. The first case presents the analog baseband circuit for a chip-set receiver. A channel-select filter that has an improved dynamic range with a smaller supply current is presented next. The third and fifth application cases describe embedded analog baseband circuits for single-chip receivers. In the fifth case, the dual-mode analog baseband circuit of a quad-mode receiver designed for GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, and UTRA/FDD cellular systems is described. A new, highly linear low-power transconductor is presented in the fourth application case. The fourth application case also describes a channel-select filter. The filter achieves +99-dBV out-of-channel IIP2, +45-dBV out-of-channel IIP3 and 23-μVRMS input-referred noise with 2.6-mA current from a 2.7-V supply. In the fifth application case, a corresponding performance is achieved in UTRA/FDD mode. The out-of-channel IIP2 values of approximately +100 dBV achieved in this work are the best reported so far. This is also the case with the figure of merits for the analog channel-select filter and analog baseband circuit described in the fourth and fifth application cases, respectively. For equal power dissipation, bandwidth, and filter order, these circuits achieve approximately 10 dB and 15 dB higher spurious-free dynamic ranges, respectively, when compared to implementations that are published elsewhere and have the second best figure of merits.reviewe