377 research outputs found

    A hybrid approach for paraphrase identification based on knowledge-enriched semantic heuristics

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    In this paper, we propose a hybrid approach for sentence paraphrase identification. The proposal addresses the problem of evaluating sentence-to-sentence semantic similarity when the sentences contain a set of named-entities. The essence of the proposal is to distinguish the computation of the semantic similarity of named-entity tokens from the rest of the sentence text. More specifically, this is based on the integration of word semantic similarity derived from WordNet taxonomic relations, and named-entity semantic relatedness inferred from Wikipedia entity co-occurrences and underpinned by Normalized Google Distance. In addition, the WordNet similarity measure is enriched with word part-of-speech (PoS) conversion aided with a Categorial Variation database (CatVar), which enhances the lexico-semantics of words. We validated our hybrid approach using two different datasets; Microsoft Research Paraphrase Corpus (MSRPC) and TREC-9 Question Variants. In our empirical evaluation, we showed that our system outperforms baselines and most of the related state-of-the-art systems for paraphrase detection. We also conducted a misidentification analysis to disclose the primary sources of our system errors

    Induction, Semantic Validation and Evaluation of a Derivational Morphology Lexicon for German

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    This thesis is about computational morphology for German derivation. Derivation is a word formation process that creates new words from existing ones, where the base and the derived word share the same stem. Mostly, derivation is conducted by means of relatively regular affixation rules, as in to bake - bakery. In German, derivation is highly productive, thus leading to a high language variability which can be employed to express similar facts in different ways, as derivationally related words are often also semantically related (or transparent). However, linguistic variance is a challenge for computational applications, particularly in semantic processing: It makes it more difficult to automatically grasp the meaning of texts and to match similar information onto each other. Thus, computational systems require linguistic knowledge. We develop methods to induce and represent derivational knowledge, and to apply it in language processing. The main outcome of our study is DErivBase, a German derivational lexicon. It groups derivationally related words (words that are derived from the same stem) into derivational families. To achieve high quality and high coverage, we induce DErivBase by combining rule-based and data-driven methods: We implement linguistic derivation rules to define derivational processes, and feed lemmas extracted from a German corpus into the rules to derive new lemmas. All words that are connected - directly or indirectly - by such rules are considered a derivational family. As mentioned above, a derivational relationship often implies semantic relationship, but this is not always the case. Semantic drifts can cause semantically unrelated (opaque) derivational relations, such as to depart - department. Capturing the difference between transparent and opaque relations is important from a linguistic as well as a practical point of view. Thus, we conduct a semantic refinement of DErivBase, i.e., we determine which lemma pairs are derivationally and semantically related, and which are not. We establish a second, semantically validated version of our lexicon, where families are sub-clustered according to semantic coherence, using supervised machine learning methods: We learn a binary classifier based on features that arise from structural information about the derivation rules, and from distributional information about the semantic relatedness of lemmas. Accordingly, the derivational families are subdivided into semantically coherent clusters. To demonstrate the utility of the two lexicon versions, we evaluate them on three extrinsic - and in the broadest sense, semantic - tasks. The underlying assumption for applying DErivBase to semantic tasks is that derivational relatedness is a reasonable approximation to semantic relatedness, since derivation is often semantically transparent. Our three experiments are the following: 1., we incorporate DErivBase into distributional semantic models to overcome sparsity problems and to improve the prediction quality of the underlying model. We test this method, which we call derivational smoothing, for semantic similarity prediction, and for synonym choice. 2., we employ DErivBase to model a psycholinguistic experiment that examines priming effects of transparent and opaque derivations to draw conclusions about the mental lexical representation in German. Derivational information is again incorporated into a distributional model, but this time, it introduces a kind of morphological generalisation. 3., in order to solve the task of Recognising Textual Entailment, we integrate DErivBase into a matching-based entailment system by means of a query expansion. Assuming that derivational relationships between two texts suggest them to be entailing rather than non-entailing, this expansion increases the chance of a lexical overlap, which should improve the system's entailment predictions. The incorporation of DErivBase indeed improves the performance of the underlying systems in each task, however, it is differently suitable in different settings. In experiment 1., the semantically validated lexicon yields improvements over the purely morphological lexicon, and the more coarse-grained similarity prediction profits more from DErivBase than the synonym choice. In experiment 2., purely morphological information clearly outperforms the other lexicon version, as the latter cannot model opaque derivations. On the entailment task in experiment 3., DErivBase has only minor impact, because textual entailment is hard to solve by addressing only one linguistic phenomenon. In sum, our findings show that the induction of a high-quality, high-coverage derivational lexicon is beneficial for very different applications in computational linguistics. It might be worthwhile to further investigate the semantic aspects of derivation to better understand its impact on language and thus, on language processing

    Tags Are Related: Measurement of Semantic Relatedness Based on Folksonomy Network

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    Folksonomy and tagging systems, which allow users to interactively annotate a pool of shared resources using descriptive tags, have enjoyed phenomenal success in recent years. The concepts are organized as a map in human mind, however, the tags in folksonomy, which reflect users' collaborative cognition on information, are isolated with current approach. What we do in this paper is to estimate the semantic relatedness among tags in folksonomy: whether tags are related from semantic view, rather than isolated? We introduce different algorithms to form networks of folksonomy, connecting tags by users collaborative tagging, or by resource context. Then we perform multiple measures of semantic relatedness on folksonomy networks to investigate semantic information within them. The result shows that the connections between tags have relatively strong semantic relatedness, and the relatedness decreases dramatically as the distance between tags increases. What we find in this paper could provide useful visions in designing future folksonomy-based systems, constructing semantic web in current state of the Internet, and developing natural language processing applications

    Resolving pronominal anaphora using commonsense knowledge

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    Coreference resolution is the task of resolving all expressions in a text that refer to the same entity. Such expressions are often used in writing and speech as shortcuts to avoid repetition. The most frequent form of coreference is the anaphor. To resolve anaphora not only grammatical and syntactical strategies are required, but also semantic approaches should be taken into consideration. This dissertation presents a framework for automatically resolving pronominal anaphora by integrating recent findings from the field of linguistics with new semantic features. Commonsense knowledge is the routine knowledge people have of the everyday world. Because such knowledge is widely used it is frequently omitted from social communications such as texts. It is understandable that without this knowledge computers will have difficulty making sense of textual information. In this dissertation a new set of computational and linguistic features are used in a supervised learning approach to resolve the pronominal anaphora in document. Commonsense knowledge sources such as ConceptNet and WordNet are used and similarity measures are extracted to uncover the elaborative information embedded in the words that can help in the process of anaphora resolution. The anaphoric system is tested on 350 Wall Street Journal articles from the BBN corpus. When compared with other systems available such as BART (Versley et al. 2008) and Charniak and Elsner 2009, our system performed better and also resolved a much wider range of anaphora. We were able to achieve a 92% F-measure on the BBN corpus and an average of 85% F-measure when tested on other genres of documents such as children stories and short stories selected from the web

    Fine-Grained Linguistic Soft Constraints on Statistical Natural Language Processing Models

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    This dissertation focuses on effective combination of data-driven natural language processing (NLP) approaches with linguistic knowledge sources that are based on manual text annotation or word grouping according to semantic commonalities. I gainfully apply fine-grained linguistic soft constraints -- of syntactic or semantic nature -- on statistical NLP models, evaluated in end-to-end state-of-the-art statistical machine translation (SMT) systems. The introduction of semantic soft constraints involves intrinsic evaluation on word-pair similarity ranking tasks, extension from words to phrases, application in a novel distributional paraphrase generation technique, and an introduction of a generalized framework of which these soft semantic and syntactic constraints can be viewed as instances, and in which they can be potentially combined. Fine granularity is key in the successful combination of these soft constraints, in many cases. I show how to softly constrain SMT models by adding fine-grained weighted features, each preferring translation of only a specific syntactic constituent. Previous attempts using coarse-grained features yielded negative results. I also show how to softly constrain corpus-based semantic models of words (“distributional profiles”) to effectively create word-sense-aware models, by using semantic word grouping information found in a manually compiled thesaurus. Previous attempts, using hard constraints and resulting in aggregated, coarse-grained models, yielded lower gains. A novel paraphrase generation technique incorporating these soft semantic constraints is then also evaluated in a SMT system. This paraphrasing technique is based on the Distributional Hypothesis. The main advantage of this novel technique over current “pivoting” techniques for paraphrasing is the independence from parallel texts, which are a limited resource. The evaluation is done by augmenting translation models with paraphrase-based translation rules, where fine-grained scoring of paraphrase-based rules yields significantly higher gains. The model augmentation includes a novel semantic reinforcement component: In many cases there are alternative paths of generating a paraphrase-based translation rule. Each of these paths reinforces a dedicated score for the “goodness” of the new translation rule. This augmented score is then used as a soft constraint, in a weighted log-linear feature, letting the translation model learn how much to “trust” the paraphrase-based translation rules. The work reported here is the first to use distributional semantic similarity measures to improve performance of an end-to-end phrase-based SMT system. The unified framework for statistical NLP models with soft linguistic constraints enables, in principle, the combination of both semantic and syntactic constraints -- and potentially other constraints, too -- in a single SMT model
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