2,029 research outputs found

    Backwards is the way forward: feedback in the cortical hierarchy predicts the expected future

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    Clark offers a powerful description of the brain as a prediction machine, which offers progress on two distinct levels. First, on an abstract conceptual level, it provides a unifying framework for perception, action, and cognition (including subdivisions such as attention, expectation, and imagination). Second, hierarchical prediction offers progress on a concrete descriptive level for testing and constraining conceptual elements and mechanisms of predictive coding models (estimation of predictions, prediction errors, and internal models)

    Network reconstruction for trans acting genetic loci using multi-omics data and prior information

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    BACKGROUND: Molecular measurements of the genome, the transcriptome, and the epigenome, often termed multi-omics data, provide an in-depth view on biological systems and their integration is crucial for gaining insights in complex regulatory processes. These data can be used to explain disease related genetic variants by linking them to intermediate molecular traits (quantitative trait loci, QTL). Molecular networks regulating cellular processes leave footprints in QTL results as so-called trans-QTL hotspots. Reconstructing these networks is a complex endeavor and use of biological prior information can improve network inference. However, previous efforts were limited in the types of priors used or have only been applied to model systems. In this study, we reconstruct the regulatory networks underlying trans-QTL hotspots using human cohort data and data-driven prior information. METHODS: We devised a new strategy to integrate QTL with human population scale multi-omics data. State-of-the art network inference methods including BDgraph and glasso were applied to these data. Comprehensive prior information to guide network inference was manually curated from large-scale biological databases. The inference approach was extensively benchmarked using simulated data and cross-cohort replication analyses. Best performing methods were subsequently applied to real-world human cohort data. RESULTS: Our benchmarks showed that prior-based strategies outperform methods without prior information in simulated data and show better replication across datasets. Application of our approach to human cohort data highlighted two novel regulatory networks related to schizophrenia and lean body mass for which we generated novel functional hypotheses. CONCLUSIONS: We demonstrate that existing biological knowledge can improve the integrative analysis of networks underlying trans associations and generate novel hypotheses about regulatory mechanisms

    BayesCCE: a Bayesian framework for estimating cell-type composition from DNA methylation without the need for methylation reference.

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    We introduce a Bayesian semi-supervised method for estimating cell counts from DNA methylation by leveraging an easily obtainable prior knowledge on the cell-type composition distribution of the studied tissue. We show mathematically and empirically that alternative methods which attempt to infer cell counts without methylation reference only capture linear combinations of cell counts rather than provide one component per cell type. Our approach allows the construction of components such that each component corresponds to a single cell type, and provides a new opportunity to investigate cell compositions in genomic studies of tissues for which it was not possible before

    Automatic Segmentation of Cells of Different Types in Fluorescence Microscopy Images

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    Recognition of different cell compartments, types of cells, and their interactions is a critical aspect of quantitative cell biology. This provides a valuable insight for understanding cellular and subcellular interactions and mechanisms of biological processes, such as cancer cell dissemination, organ development and wound healing. Quantitative analysis of cell images is also the mainstay of numerous clinical diagnostic and grading procedures, for example in cancer, immunological, infectious, heart and lung disease. Computer automation of cellular biological samples quantification requires segmenting different cellular and sub-cellular structures in microscopy images. However, automating this problem has proven to be non-trivial, and requires solving multi-class image segmentation tasks that are challenging owing to the high similarity of objects from different classes and irregularly shaped structures. This thesis focuses on the development and application of probabilistic graphical models to multi-class cell segmentation. Graphical models can improve the segmentation accuracy by their ability to exploit prior knowledge and model inter-class dependencies. Directed acyclic graphs, such as trees have been widely used to model top-down statistical dependencies as a prior for improved image segmentation. However, using trees, a few inter-class constraints can be captured. To overcome this limitation, polytree graphical models are proposed in this thesis that capture label proximity relations more naturally compared to tree-based approaches. Polytrees can effectively impose the prior knowledge on the inclusion of different classes by capturing both same-level and across-level dependencies. A novel recursive mechanism based on two-pass message passing is developed to efficiently calculate closed form posteriors of graph nodes on polytrees. Furthermore, since an accurate and sufficiently large ground truth is not always available for training segmentation algorithms, a weakly supervised framework is developed to employ polytrees for multi-class segmentation that reduces the need for training with the aid of modeling the prior knowledge during segmentation. Generating a hierarchical graph for the superpixels in the image, labels of nodes are inferred through a novel efficient message-passing algorithm and the model parameters are optimized with Expectation Maximization (EM). Results of evaluation on the segmentation of simulated data and multiple publicly available fluorescence microscopy datasets indicate the outperformance of the proposed method compared to state-of-the-art. The proposed method has also been assessed in predicting the possible segmentation error and has been shown to outperform trees. This can pave the way to calculate uncertainty measures on the resulting segmentation and guide subsequent segmentation refinement, which can be useful in the development of an interactive segmentation framework

    Experimental design for efficient identification of gene regulatory networks using sparse Bayesian models

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Identifying large gene regulatory networks is an important task, while the acquisition of data through perturbation experiments (<it>e.g</it>., gene switches, RNAi, heterozygotes) is expensive. It is thus desirable to use an identification method that effectively incorporates available prior knowledge – such as sparse connectivity – and that allows to design experiments such that maximal information is gained from each one.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our main contributions are twofold: a method for consistent inference of network structure is provided, incorporating prior knowledge about sparse connectivity. The algorithm is time efficient and robust to violations of model assumptions. Moreover, we show how to use it for optimal experimental design, reducing the number of required experiments substantially. We employ sparse linear models, and show how to perform full Bayesian inference for these. We not only estimate a single maximum likelihood network, but compute a posterior distribution over networks, using a novel variant of the expectation propagation method. The representation of uncertainty enables us to do effective experimental design in a standard statistical setting: experiments are selected such that the experiments are maximally informative.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Few methods have addressed the design issue so far. Compared to the most well-known one, our method is more transparent, and is shown to perform qualitatively superior. In the former, hard and unrealistic constraints have to be placed on the network structure for mere computational tractability, while such are not required in our method. We demonstrate reconstruction and optimal experimental design capabilities on tasks generated from realistic non-linear network simulators.</p> <p>The methods described in the paper are available as a Matlab package at</p> <p><url>http://www.kyb.tuebingen.mpg.de/sparselinearmodel</url>.</p

    Using Prior Knowledge in the Design of Classifiers

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    Small samples are commonplace in genomic/proteomic classification, the result being inadequate classifier design and poor error estimation. A promising approach to alleviate the problem is the use of prior knowledge. On the other hand, it is known that a huge amount of information is encoded and represented by biological signaling pathways. This dissertation is concerned with the problem of classifier design by utilizing both the available prior knowledge and training data. Specifically, this dissertation utilizes the concrete notion of regularization in signal processing and statistics to combine prior knowledge with different data-based or data-ignorant criteria. In the first part, we address optimal discrete classification where prior knowledge is restricted to an uncertainty class of feature distributions absent a prior distribution on the uncertainty class, a problem that arises directly for biological classification using pathway information: labeling future observations obtained in the steady state by utilizing both the available prior knowledge and the training data. An optimization-based paradigm for utilizing prior knowledge is proposed to design better performing classifiers when sample sizes are limited. We derive approximate expressions for the first and second moments of the true error rate of the proposed classifier under the assumption of two widely used models for the uncertainty classes: E-contamination and p-point classes. We examine the proposed paradigm on networks containing NF-k B pathways, where it shows significant improvement compared to data-driven methods. In the second part of this dissertation, we focus on Bayesian classification. Although the problem of designing the optimal Bayesian classifier , assuming some known prior distributions, has been fully addressed, a critical issue still remains: how to incorporate biological knowledge into the prior distribution. For genomic/proteomic, the most common kind of knowledge is in the form of signaling pathways. Thus, it behooves us to nd methods of transforming pathway knowledge into knowledge of the feature-label distribution governing the classi cation problem. In order to incorporate the available prior knowledge, the interactions in the pathways are first quantifi ed from a Bayesian perspective. Then, we address the problem of prior probability construction by proposing a series of optimization paradigms that utilize the incomplete prior information contained in pathways (both topological and regulatory). The optimization paradigms are derived for both Gaussian case with Normal-inverse-Wishart prior and discrete classi cation with Dirichlet prior. Simulation results, using both synthetic and real pathways, show that the proposed paradigms yield improved classi ers that outperform traditional classi ers which use only training data
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