21 research outputs found

    Matching Renewable Energy Supply and Demand in Green Datacenters

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    In this paper, we propose GreenSlot, a scheduler for parallel batch jobs in a datacenter powered by a photovoltaic solar array and the electrical grid (as a backup). GreenSlot predicts the amount of solar energy that will be available in the near future, and schedules the workload to maximize the green energy consumption while meeting the jobs’ deadlines. If grid energy must be used to avoid deadline violations, the scheduler selects times when it is cheap. Our results for both scientific computing workloads and data processing workloads demonstrate that GreenSlot can increase solar energy consumption by up to 117% and decrease energy cost by up to 39%, compared to conventional schedulers. Based on these positive results, we conclude that green datacenters and green-energy-aware scheduling can have a significant role in building a more sustainable IT ecosystem

    Matching Renewable Energy Supply and Demand in Green Datacenters

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    In this paper, we propose GreenSlot, a scheduler for parallel batch jobs in a datacenter powered by a photovoltaic solar array and the electrical grid (as a backup). GreenSlot predicts the amount of solar energy that will be available in the near future, and schedules the workload to maximize the green energy consumption while meeting the jobs’ deadlines. If grid energy must be used to avoid deadline violations, the scheduler selects times when it is cheap. Our results for both scientific computing workloads and data processing workloads demonstrate that GreenSlot can increase solar energy consumption by up to 117% and decrease energy cost by up to 39%, compared to conventional schedulers. Based on these positive results, we conclude that green datacenters and green-energy-aware scheduling can have a significant role in building a more sustainable IT ecosystem

    High Performance Homes That Use 50% Less Energy Than the DOE Building America Benchmark Building

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    This document describes lessons learned from designing, building, and monitoring five affordable, energy-efficient test houses in a single development in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) service area. This work was done through a collaboration of Habitat for Humanity Loudon County, the US Department of Energy (DOE), TVA, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).The houses were designed by a team led by ORNL and were constructed by Habitat's volunteers in Lenoir City, Tennessee. ZEH5, a two-story house and the last of the five test houses to be built, provided an excellent model for conducting research on affordable high-performance houses. The impressively low energy bills for this house have generated considerable interest from builders and homeowners around the country who wanted a similar home design that could be adapted to different climates. Because a design developed without the project constraints of ZEH5 would have more appeal for the mass market, plans for two houses were developed from ZEH5: a one-story design (ZEH6) and a two-story design (ZEH7). This report focuses on ZEH6, identical to ZEH5 except that the geothermal heat pump is replaced with a SEER 16 air source unit (like that used in ZEH4). The report also contains plans for the ZEH6 house. ZEH5 and ZEH6 both use 50% less energy than the DOE Building America protocol for energyefficient buildings. ZEH5 is a 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2632 ft2 house with a home energy rating system (HERS) index of 43, which qualifies it for federal energy-efficiency incentives (a HERS rating of 0 is a zero-energy house, and a conventional new house would have a HERS rating of 100). This report is intended to help builders and homeowners build similar high-performance houses. Detailed specifications for the envelope and the equipment used in ZEH5 are compared with the Building America Benchmark building, and detailed drawings, specifications, and lessons learned in the construction and analysis of data gleaned from 94 sensors installed in ZEH5 to monitor electric sub-metered usage, temperature and relative humidity, hot water usage, and heat pump operation for 1 year are presented. This information should be particularly useful to those considering structural insulated panel (SIP) walls and roofing; foundation geothermal heat pumps for space heating and cooling; solar water heaters; and roof-mounted, grid-tied photovoltaic systems. The document includes plans for ZEH6 (adapted from ZEH5), a one-story, high-performance house, as well as projections of how the design might perform in five major metropolitan areas across the TVA service territory. The HERS ratings for this all-electric house vary from 36 (Memphis, Tennessee) to 46 (Bristol, Tennessee)

    Don't Hurry be Happy: a Deadline-based Backfilling Approach

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    International audienceComputing resources in data centers are usually managed by a Resource and Job Management System whose main objective is to complete submitted jobs as soon as possible while maximizing resource usage and ensuring fairness among users. However, some users might not be as hurried as the job scheduler but only interested in their jobs to complete before a given deadline. In this paper, we derive from this initial hypothesis a low-complexity scheduling algorithm, called Deadline-Based Backlling (DBF), that distinguishes regular jobs that have to complete as early as possible from deadline-driven jobs that come with a deadline before when they have to nish. We also investigate a scenario in which deadline-driven jobs are submitted and evaluate the impact of the proposed algorithm on classical performance metrics with regard to state-of-the-art scheduling algorithms. Experiments conducted on four dierent workloads show that the proposed algorithm signicantly reduces the average wait time and average stretch when compared to Conservative Backlling

    Improved self-management of datacenter systems applying machine learning

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    Autonomic Computing is a Computer Science and Technologies research area, originated during mid 2000's. It focuses on optimization and improvement of complex distributed computing systems through self-control and self-management. As distributed computing systems grow in complexity, like multi-datacenter systems in cloud computing, the system operators and architects need more help to understand, design and optimize manually these systems, even more when these systems are distributed along the world and belong to different entities and authorities. Self-management lets these distributed computing systems improve their resource and energy management, a very important issue when resources have a cost, by obtaining, running or maintaining them. Here we propose to improve Autonomic Computing techniques for resource management by applying modeling and prediction methods from Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Machine Learning methods can find accurate models from system behaviors and often intelligible explanations to them, also predict and infer system states and values. These models obtained from automatic learning have the advantage of being easily updated to workload or configuration changes by re-taking examples and re-training the predictors. So employing automatic modeling and predictive abilities, we can find new methods for making "intelligent" decisions and discovering new information and knowledge from systems. This thesis departs from the state of the art, where management is based on administrators expertise, well known data, ad-hoc studied algorithms and models, and elements to be studied from computing machine point of view; to a novel state of the art where management is driven by models learned from the same system, providing useful feedback, making up for incomplete, missing or uncertain data, from a global network of datacenters point of view. - First of all, we cover the scenario where the decision maker works knowing all pieces of information from the system: how much will each job consume, how is and will be the desired quality of service, what are the deadlines for the workload, etc. All of this focusing on each component and policy of each element involved in executing these jobs. -Then we focus on the scenario where instead of fixed oracles that provide us information from an expert formula or set of conditions, machine learning is used to create these oracles. Here we look at components and specific details while some part of the information is not known and must be learned and predicted. - We reduce the problem of optimizing resource allocations and requirements for virtualized web-services to a mathematical problem, indicating each factor, variable and element involved, also all the constraints the scheduling process must attend to. The scheduling problem can be modeled as a Mixed Integer Linear Program. Here we face an scenario of a full datacenter, further we introduce some information prediction. - We complement the model by expanding the predicted elements, studying the main resources (this is CPU, Memory and IO) that can suffer from noise, inaccuracy or unavailability. Once learning predictors for certain components let the decision making improve, the system can become more Âżexpert-knowledge independentÂż and research can focus on an scenario where all the elements provide noisy, uncertainty or private information. Also we introduce to the management optimization new factors as for each datacenter context and costs may change, turning the model as "multi-datacenter" - Finally, we review of the cost of placing datacenters depending on green energy sources, and distribute the load according to green energy availability

    Market-Based Scheduling in Distributed Computing Systems

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    In verteilten Rechensystemen (bspw. im Cluster und Grid Computing) kann eine Knappheit der zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen auftreten. Hier haben Marktmechanismen das Potenzial, Ressourcenbedarf und -angebot durch geeignete Anreizmechanismen zu koordinieren und somit die ökonomische Effizienz des Gesamtsystems zu steigern. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich anhand vier spezifischer Anwendungsszenarien mit der Frage, wie Marktmechanismen für verteilte Rechensysteme ausgestaltet sein sollten

    Improving data center efficiency through smart grid integration and intelligent analytics

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    The ever-increasing growth of the demand in IT computing, storage and large-scale cloud services leads to the proliferation of data centers that consist of (tens of) thousands of servers. As a result, data centers are now among the largest electricity consumers worldwide. Data center energy and resource efficiency has started to receive significant attention due to its economical, environmental, and performance impacts. In tandem, facing increasing challenges in stabilizing the power grids due to growing needs of intermittent renewable energy integration, power market operators have started to offer a number of demand response (DR) opportunities for energy consumers (such as data centers) to receive credits by modulating their power consumption dynamically following specific requirements. This dissertation claims that data centers have strong capabilities to emerge as major enablers of substantial electricity integration from renewables. The participation of data centers into emerging DR, such as regulation service reserves (RSRs), enables the growth of the data center in a sustainable, environmentally neutral, or even beneficial way, while also significantly reducing data center electricity costs. In this dissertation, we first model data center participation in DR, and then propose runtime policies to dynamically modulate data center power in response to independent system operator (ISO) requests, leveraging advanced server power and workload management techniques. We also propose energy and reserve bidding strategies to minimize the data center energy cost. Our results demonstrate that a typical data center can achieve up to 44% monetary savings in its electricity cost with RSR provision, dramatically surpassing savings achieved by traditional energy management strategies. In addition, we investigate the capabilities and benefits of various types of energy storage devices (ESDs) in DR. Finally, we demonstrate RSR provision in practice on a real server. In addition to its contributions on improving data center energy efficiency, this dissertation also proposes a novel method to address data center management efficiency. We propose an intelligent system analytics approach, "discovery by example", which leverages fingerprinting and machine learning methods to automatically discover software and system changes. Our approach eases runtime data center introspection and reduces the cost of system management.2018-11-04T00:00:00

    The Impact of Novel Computing Architectures on Large-Scale Distributed Web Information Retrieval Systems

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    Web search engines are the most popular mean of interaction with the Web. Realizing a search engine which scales even to such issues presents many challenges. Fast crawling technology is needed to gather the Web documents. Indexing has to process hundreds of gigabytes of data efficiently. Queries have to be handled quickly, at a rate of thousands per second. As a solution, within a datacenter, services are built up from clusters of common homogeneous PCs. However, Information Retrieval (IR) has to face issues raised by the growing amount of Web data, as well as the number of new users. In response to these issues, cost-effective specialized hardware is available nowadays. In our opinion, this hardware is ideal for migrating distributed IR systems to computer clusters comprising heterogeneous processors in order to respond their need of computing power. Toward this end, we introduce K-model, a computational model to properly evaluate algorithms designed for such hardware. We study the impact of K-model rules on algorithm design. To evaluate the benefits of using K-model in evaluating algorithms, we compare the complexity of a solution built using our properly designed techniques, and the existing ones. Although in theory competitors are more efficient than us, empirically, K-model is able to prove because our solutions have been shown to be faster than the state-of-the-art implementations

    A generic scheduling architecture for service oriented distributed computing infrastructures

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    In state-of-the-art distributed computing infrastructures different kinds of resources are combined to offer complex services to customers. As of today, service-oriented middleware stacks are the work-horses to connect resources and their users, and to implement all functions needed to provide those services. Analysing the functionality of prominent middleware stacks, it becomes evident that common challenges, like scalability, manageability, efficiency, reliability, security, or complexity, exist, and that they constitute major research areas in information and communication technologies in general and distributed systems in particular. One core issue, touching all of the aforementioned challenges, is the question of how to distribute units of work in a distributed computing infrastructure, a task generally referred to as scheduling. Integrating a variety of resources and services while being compliant with well-defined business objectives makes the development of scheduling strategies and services a difficult venture, which, for service-oriented distributed computing infrastructures, translates to the assignment of services to activities over time aiming at the optimisation of multiple, potentially competing, quality-of-service criteria. Many concepts, methods, and tools for scheduling in distributed computing infrastructures exist, a majority of which being dedicated to provide algorithmic solutions and schedulers. We approach the problem from another angle and offer a more general answer to the question of ’how to design an automated scheduling process and an architecture supporting it’. Doing so, we take special care of the service-oriented nature of the systems we consider and of the integration of our solutions into IT service management processes. Our answer comprises a number of assets that form a comprehensive scheduling solution for distributed computing infrastructures. Based on a requirement analysis of application scenarios we provide a concept consisting of an automated scheduling process and the respective generic scheduling architecture supporting it. Process and architecture are based on four core models as there are a model to describe the activities to be executed, an information model to capture the capabilities of the infrastructure, a model to handle the life-cycle of service level agreements, which are the foundation for elaborated service management solutions, and a specific scheduling model capturing the specifics of state-of-the-art distributed systems. We deliver, in addition to concept and models, realisations of our solutions that demonstrate their applicability in different application scenarios spanning grid-like academic as well as financial service infrastructures. Last, but not least, we evaluate our scheduling model through simulations of artificial as well as realistic workload traces thus showing the feasibility of the approach and the implications of its usage. The work at hand therefore offers a blueprint for developers of scheduling solutions for state-of-the-art distributed computing infrastructures. It contributes essential building blocks to realise such solutions and provides an important step to integrate them into IT service management solutions

    DRIVE: A Distributed Economic Meta-Scheduler for the Federation of Grid and Cloud Systems

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    The computational landscape is littered with islands of disjoint resource providers including commercial Clouds, private Clouds, national Grids, institutional Grids, clusters, and data centers. These providers are independent and isolated due to a lack of communication and coordination, they are also often proprietary without standardised interfaces, protocols, or execution environments. The lack of standardisation and global transparency has the effect of binding consumers to individual providers. With the increasing ubiquity of computation providers there is an opportunity to create federated architectures that span both Grid and Cloud computing providers effectively creating a global computing infrastructure. In order to realise this vision, secure and scalable mechanisms to coordinate resource access are required. This thesis proposes a generic meta-scheduling architecture to facilitate federated resource allocation in which users can provision resources from a range of heterogeneous (service) providers. Efficient resource allocation is difficult in large scale distributed environments due to the inherent lack of centralised control. In a Grid model, local resource managers govern access to a pool of resources within a single administrative domain but have only a local view of the Grid and are unable to collaborate when allocating jobs. Meta-schedulers act at a higher level able to submit jobs to multiple resource managers, however they are most often deployed on a per-client basis and are therefore concerned with only their allocations, essentially competing against one another. In a federated environment the widespread adoption of utility computing models seen in commercial Cloud providers has re-motivated the need for economically aware meta-schedulers. Economies provide a way to represent the different goals and strategies that exist in a competitive distributed environment. The use of economic allocation principles effectively creates an open service market that provides efficient allocation and incentives for participation. The major contributions of this thesis are the architecture and prototype implementation of the DRIVE meta-scheduler. DRIVE is a Virtual Organisation (VO) based distributed economic metascheduler in which members of the VO collaboratively allocate services or resources. Providers joining the VO contribute obligation services to the VO. These contributed services are in effect membership “dues” and are used in the running of the VOs operations – for example allocation, advertising, and general management. DRIVE is independent from a particular class of provider (Service, Grid, or Cloud) or specific economic protocol. This independence enables allocation in federated environments composed of heterogeneous providers in vastly different scenarios. Protocol independence facilitates the use of arbitrary protocols based on specific requirements and infrastructural availability. For instance, within a single organisation where internal trust exists, users can achieve maximum allocation performance by choosing a simple economic protocol. In a global utility Grid no such trust exists. The same meta-scheduler architecture can be used with a secure protocol which ensures the allocation is carried out fairly in the absence of trust. DRIVE establishes contracts between participants as the result of allocation. A contract describes individual requirements and obligations of each party. A unique two stage contract negotiation protocol is used to minimise the effect of allocation latency. In addition due to the co-op nature of the architecture and the use of secure privacy preserving protocols, DRIVE can be deployed in a distributed environment without requiring large scale dedicated resources. This thesis presents several other contributions related to meta-scheduling and open service markets. To overcome the perceived performance limitations of economic systems four high utilisation strategies have been developed and evaluated. Each strategy is shown to improve occupancy, utilisation and profit using synthetic workloads based on a production Grid trace. The gRAVI service wrapping toolkit is presented to address the difficulty web enabling existing applications. The gRAVI toolkit has been extended for this thesis such that it creates economically aware (DRIVE-enabled) services that can be transparently traded in a DRIVE market without requiring developer input. The final contribution of this thesis is the definition and architecture of a Social Cloud – a dynamic Cloud computing infrastructure composed of virtualised resources contributed by members of a Social network. The Social Cloud prototype is based on DRIVE and highlights the ease in which dynamic DRIVE markets can be created and used in different domains