251,005 research outputs found

    Run-Time Selection of Coordination Mechanisms in Multi-Agent Systems

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    This paper presents a framework that enables autonomous agents to dynamically select the mechanism they employ in order to coordinate their inter-related activities. Adopting this framework means coordination mechanisms move from the realm of being imposed upon the system at design time, to something that the agents select at run-time in order to fit their prevailing circumstances and their current coordination needs. Empirical analysis is used to evaluate the effect of various design alternatives for the agent's decision making mechanisms and for the coordination mechanisms themselves

    Taylorism, targets, technology and teams - compatible concepts? Evidence from a US call centre

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    Taylorism, targets and technology form a potent mix in call centres where groups of individuals are asked to perform as “teams”. In this paper we explore how ‘task’ oriented concepts interact with the ‘interpersonal relationship’ realm in an environment where group life dominates the notional foundation of a call centre’s organisational structure. Tuckman’s four stage model of sequential group development serves as the theoretical lens through which the role ‘teams’ play in the working environment of a large call centre is examined.Our analysis of structured interviews conducted in an outbound, financial services call centre in the southern United States reveals the mechanisms by which agents have interpreted their ‘team charter’ to focus on individual achievement of increased remuneration levels. The interplay between these variables indicate that reward mechanisms associated with simple Taylorist targets, imposed on the entry level call centre agents, mitigate against meaningful group development. The advancement through promotion based on individual performance to more challenging, less target based work, is in sharp contrast to their initial training period where ‘team building’ is an essential ingredient of skills acquisition

    Is a Contemporary Conservative Political Philosophy Based on the Aristotelian Concept of Phronesis Possible?

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    This essay – although aware of the contradiction in terms of the concept of conservative theory – tries to pick out some key notions within the conservative political mindset, and offers an analysis of them by relating them to one another. Beside Aristotelian phronesis or practical wisdom, it focuses on kairos, or the right moment for action. It points out that due to the time constraint inherent in the realm of political action, agents need to acquire a kind of tacit, practical knowledge of how to deal with pressing issues, and phronesis is a term which covers this sort of practical ability. The paper then tries to show that individual action is closely connected to communal interests, differentiates between formal and informal forms of communal knowledge and ends up by referring to Oakeshott’s, MacIntyre’s and Tocqueville’s ideas of communal wisdom and practice

    Exercise-Derived Microvesicles: A Review of the Literature

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    Initially suggested as simple cell debris, cell-derived microvesicles (MVs) have now gained acceptance as recognized players in cellular communication and physiology. Shed by most, and perhaps all, human cells, these tiny lipid-membrane vesicles carry bioactive agents, such as proteins, lipids and microRNA from their cell source, and are produced under orchestrated events in response to a myriad of stimuli. Physical exercise introduces systemic physiological challenges capable of acutely disrupting cell homeostasis and stimulating the release of MVs into the circulation. The novel and promising field of exercise-derived MVs is expanding quickly, and the following work provides a review of the influence of exercise on circulating MVs, considering both acute and chronic aspects of exercise and training. Potential effects of the MV response to exercise are highlighted and future directions suggested as exercise and sports sciences extend the realm of extracellular vesicles

    Controlling thermal reactivity with different colors of light

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    The ability to switch between thermally and photochemically activated reaction channels with an external stimulus constitutes a key frontier within the realm of chemical reaction control. Here, we demonstrate that the reactivity of triazolinediones, powerful coupling agents in biomedical and polymer research, can be effectively modulated by an external photonic field. Specifically, we show that their visible light-induced photopolymerization leads to a quantitative photodeactivation, thereby providing a well-defined off-switch of their thermal reactivity. Based on this photodeactivation, we pioneer a reaction manifold using light as a gate to switch between a UV-induced Diels-Alder reaction with photocaged dienes and a thermal addition reaction with alkenes. Critically, the modulation of the reactivity by light is reversible and the individually addressable reaction pathways can be repeatedly accessed. Our approach thus enables a step change in photochemically controlled reactivity, not only in small molecule ligations, yet importantly in controlled surface and photoresist design

    Relinquishing and Governing the Volatile: The Many Afghanistans and Critical Research Agendas of NATO's Governance

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    This article invites academics and policy analysts to examine the mechanisms and legacy of NATO's security and development governance of Afghan social spaces by using critical theory concepts. It argues that such scholarly endeavors are growing in importance as the United States and NATO gradually pull their troops out of Afghanistan. Thus, the article suggests a broad twofold research agenda. First, it points out that researching social spaces such as towns, villages, marketplaces, and neighborhoods beyond the realm of intergovernmental politics can lead to thick descriptions of how such places have been governed from within by agents external to them. Second, the study argues for a multifaceted examination of instruments, strategies, and institutions of security governance, its conduct and social effects by deploying critical and Foucauldian concepts such as the rationality and apparatuses of power relations. Thereby, it proposes an inquiry into Provincial Reconstruction Teams and Afghan National Security Forces as spatially and temporally specific apparatuses of surveillance and security

    Moral aspirations and ideals

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    My aim is to vindicate two distinct and important moral categories – ideals and aspirations – which have received modest, and sometimes negative, attention in recent normative debates. An ideal is a conception of perfection or model of excellence around which we can shape our thoughts and actions. An aspiration, by contrast, is an attitudinal position of steadfast commitment to, striving for, or deep desire or longing for, an ideal. I locate these two concepts in relation to more familiar moral concepts such as duty, virtue, and the good to demonstrate, amongst other things, first, that what is morally significant about ideals and aspirations cannot be fully accommodated within a virtue ethical framework that gives a central role to the Virtuous Person as a purported model of excellence. On a certain interpretation, the Virtuous Person is not a meaningful ideal for moral agents. Second, I articulate one sense in which aspirations are morally required imaginative acts given their potential to expand the realm of practical moral possibility
