52 research outputs found

    Bayesian stable mixture model of state densities of generalized Chua's circuit

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    In this paper, the probability density functions (PDFs) of the states of Generalized Chua's Circuit (GCC) have been modeled by Finite Mixture α-Stable (FMαS) distributions which is a Bayesian mixture model of α-stable distributions and it provides semiparametric characterization for the distributions of multiscroll chaotic attractors. Fully Bayesian approach has been applied to estimate the mixture parameters of multimodal distributions corresponding to the multiscroll chaotic attractors

    Analog electronic implementation of a class of hybrid dissipative dynamical system

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    "An analog electronic implementation by means of operational amplifiers of a class of hybrid dissipative systems in R3R3 is presented. The switching systems have two unstable hyperbolic focus-saddle equilibria with the same stability index, a positive real eigenvalue and a pair of complex conjugated eigenvalues with negative real part. The analog circuit generates signals that oscillate in an attractor located between the two unstable equilibria, and may present saturation states at the moment of energizing it, i.e. if the initial voltage on the capacitors do not belong to the basin of attraction the circuit will end on a saturation state.

    Bifurcation and Chaos in Fractional-Order Systems

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    This book presents a collection of seven technical papers on fractional-order complex systems, especially chaotic systems with hidden attractors and symmetries, in the research front of the field, which will be beneficial for scientific researchers, graduate students, and technical professionals to study and apply. It is also suitable for teaching lectures and for seminars to use as a reference on related topics

    Design and Analysis of Multiscroll Chaotic Attractors From Saturated Function Series

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    A Chaotic Quadratic Oscillator with Only Squared Terms: Multistability, Impulsive Control, and Circuit Design

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    Here, a chaotic quadratic oscillator with only squared terms is proposed, which shows various dynamics. The oscillator has eight equilibrium points, and none of them is stable. Various bifurcation diagrams of the oscillator are investigated, and its Lyapunov exponents (LEs) are discussed. The multistability of the oscillator is discussed by plotting bifurcation diagrams with various initiation methods. The basin of attraction of the oscillator is discussed in two planes. Impulsive control is applied to the oscillator to control its chaotic dynamics. Additionally, the circuit is implemented to reveal its feasibility

    Chaos synchronization and its application to secure communication

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    Chaos theory is well known as one of three revolutions in physical sciences in 20th-century, as one physicist called it: Relativity eliminated the Newtonian illusion of absolute space and time; quantum theory eliminated the Newtonian dream of a controllable measurable process; and chaos eliminates the Laplacian fantasy of deterministic predictability". Specially, when chaos synchronization was found in 1991, chaos theory becomes more and more attractive. Chaos has been widely applied to many scientific disciplines: mathematics, programming, microbiology, biology, computer science, economics, engineering, finance, philosophy, physics, politics, population dynamics, psychology, and robotics. One of most important engineering applications is secure communication because of the properties of random behaviours and sensitivity to initial conditions of chaos systems. Noise-like dynamical behaviours can be used to mask the original information in symmetric cryptography. Sensitivity to initial conditions and unpredictability make chaotic systems very suitable to construct one-way function in public-key cryptography. In chaos-based secure communication schemes, information signals are masked or modulated (encrypted) by chaotic signals at the transmitter and the resulting encrypted signals are sent to the corresponding receiver across a public channel (unsafe channel). Perfect chaos synchronization is usually expected to recover the original information signals. In other words, the recovery of the information signals requires the receiver's own copy of the chaotic signals which are synchronized with the transmitter ones. Thus, chaos synchronization is the key technique throughout this whole process. Due to the difficulties of generating and synchronizing chaotic systems and the limit of digital computer precision, there exist many challenges in chaos-based secure communication. In this thesis, we try to solve chaos generation and chaos synchronization problems. Starting from designing chaotic and hyperchaotic system by first-order delay differential equation, we present a family of novel cell attractors with multiple positive Lyapunov exponents. Compared with previously reported hyperchaos systems with complex mathematic structure (more than 3 dimensions), our system is relatively simple while its dynamical behaviours are very complicated. We present a systemic parameter control method to adjust the number of positive Lyapunov exponents, which is an index of chaos degree. Furthermore, we develop a delay feedback controller and apply it to Chen system to generate multi-scroll attractors. It can be generalized to Chua system, Lorenz system, Jerk equation, etc. Since chaos synchronization is the critical technique in chaos-based secure communication, we present corresponding impulsive synchronization criteria to guarantee that the receiver can generate the same chaotic signals at the receiver when time delay and uncertainty emerge in the transmission process. Aiming at the weakness of general impulsive synchronization scheme, i.e., there always exists an upper boundary to limit impulsive intervals during the synchronization process, we design a novel synchronization scheme, intermittent impulsive synchronization scheme (IISS). IISS can not only be flexibly applied to the scenario where the control window is restricted but also improve the security of chaos-based secure communication via reducing the control window width and decreasing the redundancy of synchronization signals. Finally, we propose chaos-based public-key cryptography algorithms which can be used to encrypt synchronization signals and guarantee their security across the public channel

    Topics in chaotic secure communication

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    Results in nonlinear dynamics and chaos during this decade have been applied to problems in secure communications with limited success. Most of these applications have been based on the chaotic synchronization property discovered by Pecora and Carroll in 1989 [37]. Short [44, 45, 48] demonstrated the effectiveness of nonlinear dynamic (NLD) forecasting methods in breaking this class of communication schemes. In response, investigators have proposed enhancements to the basic synchronization technique in an attempt to improve the security properties. In this work two of these newer communication systems will be analyzed using NLD forecasting and other techniques to determine the level of security they provide. It will be shown that the transmitted waveform alone allows an eavesdropper to extract the message. During the course of this research, a new impulsively initialized, binary chaotic communication scheme has been developed, which eliminates the most significant weaknesses of its predecessors. This new approach is based on symbolic dynamics and chaotic control, and may be implemented using one-dimensional maps, which gives the designer more control over the statistics of the transmitted binary stream. Recent results in a certain class of one-dimensional chaotic maps will be discussed in this context. The potential for using NLD techniques in problems from standard digital communications will also be explored. The two problems which will be addressed are bit errors due to channel effects and co-channel interference. It will be shown that NLD reconstruction methods provide a way to exploit the short-term determinism that is present in these types of communication signals

    Modeling Deterministic Chaos Using Electronic Circuits

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    This paper brings a note on systematic circuit synthesis methods for modeling the dynamical systems given by mathematical model. Both classical synthesis and integrator based method is demonstrated via the relatively complicated real physical systems with possible chaotic solution. A variety of the different active building blocks are utilized to make the final circuits as simple as possible while preserving easily measurable voltage-mode state variables. Brief experimental verification, i.e. oscilloscope screenshots, is presented. The observed attractors have some structural stability and good relationship to their numerically integrated counterparts

    Homoclinic orbits, and self-excited and hidden attractors in a Lorenz-like system describing convective fluid motion

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    In this tutorial, we discuss self-excited and hidden attractors for systems of differential equations. We considered the example of a Lorenz-like system derived from the well-known Glukhovsky--Dolghansky and Rabinovich systems, to demonstrate the analysis of self-excited and hidden attractors and their characteristics. We applied the fishing principle to demonstrate the existence of a homoclinic orbit, proved the dissipativity and completeness of the system, and found absorbing and positively invariant sets. We have shown that this system has a self-excited attractor and a hidden attractor for certain parameters. The upper estimates of the Lyapunov dimension of self-excited and hidden attractors were obtained analytically.Comment: submitted to EP