58 research outputs found

    A Review Paper On Vision Based Identification, Detection And Tracking Of Weld Seams Path In Welding Robot Environment

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    Welding is an important technology especially for joining between two metals, fabricated and repairing metals products in manufacturing industries such as in automotive industries. To increase the productivity and lower cost, today the welding operation in industries introduces the welding robot. The main challenges to using welding robot is time taken to program robot path for a new job in low to medium volume manufacturing industries. This paper begins with the review of identified, detected and tracked the weld seams path with different type of welding in welding environment. Next, a review of analysis an identified and detect the weld seams path approaches is included with advantages, drawback and limitation. This paper is concluded by a comprehensive summary which discussed the disadvantages and limitation of a robust approach in each stage. The improvement of a new approach in each stage depends on the lack, limitation and the results which are expected from the work

    Depth of anaesthesia assessment based on time and frequency features of simplified electroencephalogram (EEG)

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    Anaesthesiology is a medical subject focusing on the use of drugs and other methods to deprive patients’ sensation for discomfort in painful medical diagnosis or treatment. It is important to assess the depth of anaesthesia (DoA) accurately since a precise as- sessment is helpful for avoiding various adverse reactions such as intraoperative awareness with recall (underdosage), prolonged recovery and an increased risk of post- operative complications for a patient (overdosage). Evidence shows that the depth of anaesthesia monitoring using electroencephalograph (EEG) improves patient treat- ment outcomes by reducing the incidences of intra-operative awareness, minimizing anaesthetic drug consumption and resulting in faster wake-up and recovery. For an accurate DoA assessment, intensive research has been conducted in finding 'an ulti- mate index', and various monitors and DoA algorithms were developed. Generally, the limitations of the existing DoA monitors or latest DoA algorithms include unsatis- factory data filtering techniques, time delay and inflexible. The focus of this dissertation is to develop reliable DoA algorithms for accurate DoA assessment. Some novel time-frequency domain signal processing techniques, which are better suited for non-stationary EEG signals than currently established methods, have been proposed and applied to monitor the DoA based on simplified EEG signals based on plenty of programming work (including C and other programming language). The fast Fourier transform (FFT) and the discrete wavelet transforms are applied to pre-process EEG data in the frequency domain. The nonlocal mean, mobility, permu- tation entropy, Lempel-Ziv complexity, second order difference plot and interval feature extraction methods are modified and applied to investigate the scaling behaviour of the EEG in the time domain. We proposed and developed three new indexes for identifying, classifying and monitoring the DoA. The new indexes are evaluated by comparing with the most popular BIS index. Simulation results demonstrate that our new methods monitor the DoA in all anaesthesia states accurately. The results also demonstrate the advantages of proposed indexes in the cases of poor signal quality and the consistency with the anaesthetists’ records. These new indexes show a 3.1-59.7 seconds earlier time response than BIS during the change from awake to light anaesthesia and a 33-264 seconds earlier time response than BIS during the change from deep anaesthesia to moderate anaesthesia

    Interpreting Deep Learning Features for Myoelectric Control: A Comparison with Handcrafted Features

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    The research in myoelectric control systems primarily focuses on extracting discriminative representations from the electromyographic (EMG) signal by designing handcrafted features. Recently, deep learning techniques have been applied to the challenging task of EMG-based gesture recognition. The adoption of these techniques slowly shifts the focus from feature engineering to feature learning. However, the black-box nature of deep learning makes it hard to understand the type of information learned by the network and how it relates to handcrafted features. Additionally, due to the high variability in EMG recordings between participants, deep features tend to generalize poorly across subjects using standard training methods. Consequently, this work introduces a new multi-domain learning algorithm, named ADANN, which significantly enhances (p=0.00004) inter-subject classification accuracy by an average of 19.40% compared to standard training. Using ADANN-generated features, the main contribution of this work is to provide the first topological data analysis of EMG-based gesture recognition for the characterisation of the information encoded within a deep network, using handcrafted features as landmarks. This analysis reveals that handcrafted features and the learned features (in the earlier layers) both try to discriminate between all gestures, but do not encode the same information to do so. Furthermore, using convolutional network visualization techniques reveal that learned features tend to ignore the most activated channel during gesture contraction, which is in stark contrast with the prevalence of handcrafted features designed to capture amplitude information. Overall, this work paves the way for hybrid feature sets by providing a clear guideline of complementary information encoded within learned and handcrafted features.Comment: The first two authors shared first authorship. The last three authors shared senior authorship. 32 page

    Rolling Bearing Degradation State Identification Based on LPP Optimized by GA

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    In view of the problem that the actual degradation status of rolling bearing has a poor distinguishing characteristic and strong fuzziness, a rolling bearing degradation state identification method based on multidomain feature fusion and dimension reduction of manifold learning combined with GG clustering is proposed. Firstly, the rolling bearing all-life data is preprocessed by local characteristic-scale decomposition (LCD) and six typical features including relative energy spectrum entropy (LREE), relative singular spectrum entropy (LRSE), two-element multiscale entropy (TMSE), standard deviation (STD), RMS, and root-square amplitude (XR) are extracted and compose the original multidomain feature set. And then, locally preserving projection (LPP) is utilized to reduce dimension of original fusion feature set and genetic algorithm is applied to optimize the process of feature fusion. Finally, fuzzy recognition of rolling bearing degradation state is carried out by GG clustering and the principle of maximum membership degree and excellent performance of the proposed method is validated by comparing the recognition accuracy of LPP and GA-LPP

    Study of retrofitted system for Intelligent Compaction Analyzer, a machine learning approach for Quality Control of Asphalt Pavement during Construction

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    Asphalt pavements play a vital role in transportation infrastructure, but their performance can suffer due to subpar quality resulting from improper construction practices. To tackle this issue, we introduce the Retrofit Intelligent Compaction Analyzer (RICA), a real-time compaction density estimation system for asphalt pavements during construction. RICA utilizes machine learning principles and machine learning to predict compaction density based on received vibratory patterns at different compaction levels. By leveraging the roller's spatial location and analyzing vibration patterns, RICA delivers density estimates.In this study, we gathered data from actual construction sites, implementing RICA on a Caterpillar CB-10 Rotary dialed dual drum vibratory compactor. The density estimates from RICA were validated against densities measured from roadway cores extracted randomly on the compacted pavement. Our findings affirm the efficacy of RICA in providing reliable density estimates for asphalt pavements.The ability of RICA to provide real-time, nondestructive compaction information to the roller operator establishes its value as a quality control tool during asphalt pavement construction. By ensuring proper compaction, RICA contributes to the construction of durable, high-quality roads while reducing the financial and environmental costs associated with construction and maintenance. The validation of RICA's estimates with percent within limits (PWL) calculations based on roadway cores further attests to its effectiveness as a Quality Assurance tool

    Low-dimensional representations of neural time-series data with applications to peripheral nerve decoding

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    Bioelectronic medicines, implanted devices that influence physiological states by peripheral neuromodulation, have promise as a new way of treating diverse conditions from rheumatism to diabetes. We here explore ways of creating nerve-based feedback for the implanted systems to act in a dynamically adapting closed loop. In a first empirical component, we carried out decoding studies on in vivo recordings of cat and rat bladder afferents. In a low-resolution data-set, we selected informative frequency bands of the neural activity using information theory to then relate to bladder pressure. In a second high-resolution dataset, we analysed the population code for bladder pressure, again using information theory, and proposed an informed decoding approach that promises enhanced robustness and automatic re-calibration by creating a low-dimensional population vector. Coming from a different direction of more general time-series analysis, we embedded a set of peripheral nerve recordings in a space of main firing characteristics by dimensionality reduction in a high-dimensional feature-space and automatically proposed single efficiently implementable estimators for each identified characteristic. For bioelectronic medicines, this feature-based pre-processing method enables an online signal characterisation of low-resolution data where spike sorting is impossible but simple power-measures discard informative structure. Analyses were based on surrogate data from a self-developed and flexibly adaptable computer model that we made publicly available. The wider utility of two feature-based analysis methods developed in this work was demonstrated on a variety of datasets from across science and industry. (1) Our feature-based generation of interpretable low-dimensional embeddings for unknown time-series datasets answers a need for simplifying and harvesting the growing body of sequential data that characterises modern science. (2) We propose an additional, supervised pipeline to tailor feature subsets to collections of classification problems. On a literature standard library of time-series classification tasks, we distilled 22 generically useful estimators and made them easily accessible.Open Acces

    Early Anomaly Detection and Classification with Streaming Synchrophasor Data in Electric Energy Systems

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    The large-scale streaming data collected from the increasing deployed phasor measurement unit (PMU) devices poses significant difficulties for real-time data-driven analytics in power systems. This dissertation presents a dimensionality-reduction-based monitoring framework to make better use of the streaming PMU data for early anomaly detection and classification in power systems. The first part of this dissertation studies the fundamental dimensionality of large-scale PMU data, and proposes an online application for early anomaly detection using the reduced dimensionality. First, PMU data under both normal and abnormal conditions are analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA), and the results suggest an extremely low underlying dimensionality despite the large number of raw measurements. In comparison with prior work of utilizing multi-channel high-dimensional PMU data for power system anomaly detection, the proposed early anomaly detection algorithm employs the reduced-dimensional data from PCA, and detects the occurrence of an anomaly based on the change of core subspaces of the low-dimensional PMU data. Theoretical justification for the algorithm is provided using linear dynamical system theory. It is demonstrated that the proposed algorithm is capable to detect general power system anomalies at an earlier stage than would be possible by monitoring the raw PMU data. The second part of this dissertation investigates the classification of a special anomaly in power systems, low-frequency oscillation, which may cause severe impacts on power systems while at the same time is difficult to be accurately classified. We present a robust classification framework with online detection and mode estimation of low-frequency oscillations by using synchrophasor data. Based on persistent homology, a cyclicity response function is proposed to detect an oscillation, through the use of the low-dimensional features (pre-PCA features) extracted from PCA. Whenever the cyclicity response exceeds a numerically robust threshold, an oscillation can be detected. After the detection, PCA is applied again to extract the low-dimensional features (post-PCA features) from the multi-channel transient PMU data. It is shown that the post-PCA features preserve the underlying modal information in a more robust way in comparison to raw synchrophasor measurements. Based on the post-PCA features, fast Fourier transform (FFT) and Prony analysis can be subsequently applied to extract modal information of the oscillation. The proposed classification framework offers system operators a data-driven analytical tool for fast detection of low-frequency oscillation and robust mode estimation against high measurement noise

    Bearing Health monitoring based on Hilbert-Huang Transform, Support Vector Machine and Regression.

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    International audienceThe detection, diagnostic and prognostic of bearing degradation play a key role in increasing the reliability and safety of electrical machines especially in key industrial sectors. This paper presents a new approach which combines the Hilbert-Huang transform, the support vector machine and the support vector regression for the monitoring of ball bearings. The proposed approach uses the Hilbert-Huang transform to extract new heath indicators from stationary/non-stationary vibration signals able to tack the degradation of the critical components of bearings. The degradation states are detected by a supervised classification technique called support vector machine and the fault diagnostic is given by analyzing the extracted health indicators. The estimation of the remaining useful life is obtained by a one-step time series prediction based on support vector regression. A set of experimental data collected from degraded bearings is used to validate the proposed approach. Experimental results show that the use of the Hilbert-Huang transform, the support vector machine and the support vector regression is a suitable strategy to improve the detection, diagnostic and prognostic of bearing degradation

    Artificial and Natural Topic Detection in Online Social Networks

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    Online Social Networks (OSNs), such as Twitter, offer attractive means of social interactions and communications, but also raise privacy and security issues. The OSNs provide valuable information to marketing and competitiveness based on users posts and opinions stored inside a huge volume of data from several themes, topics, and subjects. In order to mining the topics discussed on an OSN we present a novel application of Louvain method for TopicModeling based on communities detection in graphs by modularity. The proposed approach succeeded in finding topics in five different datasets composed of textual content from Twitter and Youtube. Another important contribution achieved was about the presence of texts posted by spammers. In this case, a particular behavior observed by graph community architecture (density and degree) allows the indication of a topic strength and the classification of it as natural or artificial. The later created by the spammers on OSNs
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