3,724 research outputs found

    Data mining using intelligent systems : an optimized weighted fuzzy decision tree approach

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    Data mining can be said to have the aim to analyze the observational datasets to find relationships and to present the data in ways that are both understandable and useful. In this thesis, some existing intelligent systems techniques such as Self-Organizing Map, Fuzzy C-means and decision tree are used to analyze several datasets. The techniques are used to provide flexible information processing capability for handling real-life situations. This thesis is concerned with the design, implementation, testing and application of these techniques to those datasets. The thesis also introduces a hybrid intelligent systems technique: Optimized Weighted Fuzzy Decision Tree (OWFDT) with the aim of improving Fuzzy Decision Trees (FDT) and solving practical problems. This thesis first proposes an optimized weighted fuzzy decision tree, incorporating the introduction of Fuzzy C-Means to fuzzify the input instances but keeping the expected labels crisp. This leads to a different output layer activation function and weight connection in the neural network (NN) structure obtained by mapping the FDT to the NN. A momentum term was also introduced into the learning process to train the weight connections to avoid oscillation or divergence. A new reasoning mechanism has been also proposed to combine the constructed tree with those weights which had been optimized in the learning process. This thesis also makes a comparison between the OWFDT and two benchmark algorithms, Fuzzy ID3 and weighted FDT. SIx datasets ranging from material science to medical and civil engineering were introduced as case study applications. These datasets involve classification of composite material failure mechanism, classification of electrocorticography (ECoG)/Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, eye bacteria prediction and wave overtopping prediction. Different intelligent systems techniques were used to cluster the patterns and predict the classes although OWFDT was used to design classifiers for all the datasets. In the material dataset, Self-Organizing Map and Fuzzy C-Means were used to cluster the acoustic event signals and classify those events to different failure mechanism, after the classification, OWFDT was introduced to design a classifier in an attempt to classify acoustic event signals. For the eye bacteria dataset, we use the bagging technique to improve the classification accuracy of Multilayer Perceptrons and Decision Trees. Bootstrap aggregating (bagging) to Decision Tree also helped to select those most important sensors (features) so that the dimension of the data could be reduced. Those features which were most important were used to grow the OWFDT and the curse of dimensionality problem could be solved using this approach. The last dataset, which is concerned with wave overtopping, was used to benchmark OWFDT with some other Intelligent Systems techniques, such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN), Genetic Neural Mathematical Method (GNMM) and Fuzzy ARTMAP. Through analyzing these datasets using these Intelligent Systems Techniques, it has been shown that patterns and classes can be found or can be classified through combining those techniques together. OWFDT has also demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness as compared with a conventional fuzzy Decision Tree and weighted fuzzy Decision Tree

    Data fusion strategies for energy efficiency in buildings: Overview, challenges and novel orientations

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    Recently, tremendous interest has been devoted to develop data fusion strategies for energy efficiency in buildings, where various kinds of information can be processed. However, applying the appropriate data fusion strategy to design an efficient energy efficiency system is not straightforward; it requires a priori knowledge of existing fusion strategies, their applications and their properties. To this regard, seeking to provide the energy research community with a better understanding of data fusion strategies in building energy saving systems, their principles, advantages, and potential applications, this paper proposes an extensive survey of existing data fusion mechanisms deployed to reduce excessive consumption and promote sustainability. We investigate their conceptualizations, advantages, challenges and drawbacks, as well as performing a taxonomy of existing data fusion strategies and other contributing factors. Following, a comprehensive comparison of the state-of-the-art data fusion based energy efficiency frameworks is conducted using various parameters, including data fusion level, data fusion techniques, behavioral change influencer, behavioral change incentive, recorded data, platform architecture, IoT technology and application scenario. Moreover, a novel method for electrical appliance identification is proposed based on the fusion of 2D local texture descriptors, where 1D power signals are transformed into 2D space and treated as images. The empirical evaluation, conducted on three real datasets, shows promising performance, in which up to 99.68% accuracy and 99.52% F1 score have been attained. In addition, various open research challenges and future orientations to improve data fusion based energy efficiency ecosystems are explored

    Acoustic data optimisation for seabed mapping with visual and computational data mining

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    Oceans cover 70% of Earth’s surface but little is known about their waters. While the echosounders, often used for exploration of our oceans, have developed at a tremendous rate since the WWII, the methods used to analyse and interpret the data still remain the same. These methods are inefficient, time consuming, and often costly in dealing with the large data that modern echosounders produce. This PhD project will examine the complexity of the de facto seabed mapping technique by exploring and analysing acoustic data with a combination of data mining and visual analytic methods. First we test the redundancy issues in multibeam echosounder (MBES) data by using the component plane visualisation of a Self Organising Map (SOM). A total of 16 visual groups were identified among the 132 statistical data descriptors. The optimised MBES dataset had 35 attributes from 16 visual groups and represented a 73% reduction in data dimensionality. A combined Principal Component Analysis (PCA) + k-means was used to cluster both the datasets. The cluster results were visually compared as well as internally validated using four different internal validation methods. Next we tested two novel approaches in singlebeam echosounder (SBES) data processing and clustering – using visual exploration for outlier detection and direct clustering of time series echo returns. Visual exploration identified further outliers the automatic procedure was not able to find. The SBES data were then clustered directly. The internal validation indices suggested the optimal number of clusters to be three. This is consistent with the assumption that the SBES time series represented the subsurface classes of the seabed. Next the SBES data were joined with the corresponding MBES data based on identification of the closest locations between MBES and SBES. Two algorithms, PCA + k-means and fuzzy c-means were tested and results visualised. From visual comparison, the cluster boundary appeared to have better definitions when compared to the clustered MBES data only. The results seem to indicate that adding SBES did in fact improve the boundary definitions. Next the cluster results from the analysis chapters were validated against ground truth data using a confusion matrix and kappa coefficients. For MBES, the classes derived from optimised data yielded better accuracy compared to that of the original data. For SBES, direct clustering was able to provide a relatively reliable overview of the underlying classes in survey area. The combined MBES + SBES data provided by far the best accuracy for mapping with almost a 10% increase in overall accuracy compared to that of the original MBES data. The results proved to be promising in optimising the acoustic data and improving the quality of seabed mapping. Furthermore, these approaches have the potential of significant time and cost saving in the seabed mapping process. Finally some future directions are recommended for the findings of this research project with the consideration that this could contribute to further development of seabed mapping problems at mapping agencies worldwide

    Deep Learning for Enhanced Fault Diagnosis of Monoblock Centrifugal Pumps: Spectrogram-Based Analysis

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    Abstract The reliable operation of monoblock centrifugal pumps (MCP) is crucial in various industrial applications. Achieving optimal performance and minimizing costly downtime requires effectively detecting and diagnosing faults in critical pump components. This study proposes an innovative approach that leverages deep transfer learning techniques. An accelerometer was adopted to capture vibration signals emitted by the pump. These signals are then converted into spectrogram images which serve as the input for a sophisticated classification system based on deep learning. This enables the accurate identification and diagnosis of pump faults. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, 15 pre-trained networks including ResNet-50, InceptionV3, GoogLeNet, DenseNet-201, ShuffleNet, VGG-19, MobileNet-v2, InceptionResNetV2, VGG-16, NasNetmobile, EfficientNetb0, AlexNet, ResNet-18, Xception, ResNet101 and ResNet-18 were employed. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach with AlexNet exhibiting the highest level of accuracy among the pre-trained networks. Additionally, a meticulous evaluation of the execution time of the classification process was performed. AlexNet achieved 100.00% accuracy with an impressive execution (training) time of 17 s. This research provides invaluable insights into applying deep transfer learning for fault detection and diagnosis in MCP. Using pre-trained networks offers an efficient and precise solution for this task. The findings of this study have the potential to significantly enhance the reliability and maintenance practices of MCP in various industrial settings

    Data mining using intelligent systems : an optimized weighted fuzzy decision tree approach

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    Data mining can be said to have the aim to analyze the observational datasets to find relationships and to present the data in ways that are both understandable and useful. In this thesis, some existing intelligent systems techniques such as Self-Organizing Map, Fuzzy C-means and decision tree are used to analyze several datasets. The techniques are used to provide flexible information processing capability for handling real-life situations. This thesis is concerned with the design, implementation, testing and application of these techniques to those datasets. The thesis also introduces a hybrid intelligent systems technique: Optimized Weighted Fuzzy Decision Tree (OWFDT) with the aim of improving Fuzzy Decision Trees (FDT) and solving practical problems. This thesis first proposes an optimized weighted fuzzy decision tree, incorporating the introduction of Fuzzy C-Means to fuzzify the input instances but keeping the expected labels crisp. This leads to a different output layer activation function and weight connection in the neural network (NN) structure obtained by mapping the FDT to the NN. A momentum term was also introduced into the learning process to train the weight connections to avoid oscillation or divergence. A new reasoning mechanism has been also proposed to combine the constructed tree with those weights which had been optimized in the learning process. This thesis also makes a comparison between the OWFDT and two benchmark algorithms, Fuzzy ID3 and weighted FDT. SIx datasets ranging from material science to medical and civil engineering were introduced as case study applications. These datasets involve classification of composite material failure mechanism, classification of electrocorticography (ECoG)/Electroencephalogram (EEG) signals, eye bacteria prediction and wave overtopping prediction. Different intelligent systems techniques were used to cluster the patterns and predict the classes although OWFDT was used to design classifiers for all the datasets. In the material dataset, Self-Organizing Map and Fuzzy C-Means were used to cluster the acoustic event signals and classify those events to different failure mechanism, after the classification, OWFDT was introduced to design a classifier in an attempt to classify acoustic event signals. For the eye bacteria dataset, we use the bagging technique to improve the classification accuracy of Multilayer Perceptrons and Decision Trees. Bootstrap aggregating (bagging) to Decision Tree also helped to select those most important sensors (features) so that the dimension of the data could be reduced. Those features which were most important were used to grow the OWFDT and the curse of dimensionality problem could be solved using this approach. The last dataset, which is concerned with wave overtopping, was used to benchmark OWFDT with some other Intelligent Systems techniques, such as Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network (EFuNN), Genetic Neural Mathematical Method (GNMM) and Fuzzy ARTMAP. Through analyzing these datasets using these Intelligent Systems Techniques, it has been shown that patterns and classes can be found or can be classified through combining those techniques together. OWFDT has also demonstrated its efficiency and effectiveness as compared with a conventional fuzzy Decision Tree and weighted fuzzy Decision Tree.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceUniversity of WarwickOverseas Research Students Awards Scheme (ORSAS)GBUnited Kingdo

    A Review on MAS-Based Sentiment and Stress Analysis User-Guiding and Risk-Prevention Systems in Social Network Analysis

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    [EN] In the current world we live immersed in online applications, being one of the most present of them Social Network Sites (SNSs), and different issues arise from this interaction. Therefore, there is a need for research that addresses the potential issues born from the increasing user interaction when navigating. For this reason, in this survey we explore works in the line of prevention of risks that can arise from social interaction in online environments, focusing on works using Multi-Agent System (MAS) technologies. For being able to assess what techniques are available for prevention, works in the detection of sentiment polarity and stress levels of users in SNSs will be reviewed. We review with special attention works using MAS technologies for user recommendation and guiding. Through the analysis of previous approaches on detection of the user state and risk prevention in SNSs we elaborate potential future lines of work that might lead to future applications where users can navigate and interact between each other in a more safe way.This work was funded by the project TIN2017-89156-R of the Spanish government.Aguado-Sarrió, G.; Julian Inglada, VJ.; García-Fornes, A.; Espinosa Minguet, AR. (2020). A Review on MAS-Based Sentiment and Stress Analysis User-Guiding and Risk-Prevention Systems in Social Network Analysis. Applied Sciences. 10(19):1-29. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10196746S1291019Vanderhoven, E., Schellens, T., Vanderlinde, R., & Valcke, M. (2015). Developing educational materials about risks on social network sites: a design based research approach. Educational Technology Research and Development, 64(3), 459-480. doi:10.1007/s11423-015-9415-4Teens and ICT: Risks and Opportunities. Belgium: TIRO http://www.belspo.be/belspo/fedra/proj.asp?l=en&COD=TA/00/08Risks and Safety on the Internet: The Perspective of European Children: Full Findings and Policy Implications From the EU Kids Online Survey of 9–16 Year Olds and Their Parents in 25 Countries http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/33731/Vanderhoven, E., Schellens, T., & Valcke, M. (2014). Educating teens about the risks on social network sites. An intervention study in Secondary Education. Comunicar, 22(43), 123-132. doi:10.3916/c43-2014-12Christofides, E., Muise, A., & Desmarais, S. (2012). Risky Disclosures on Facebook. Journal of Adolescent Research, 27(6), 714-731. doi:10.1177/0743558411432635George, J. M., & Dane, E. (2016). Affect, emotion, and decision making. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 136, 47-55. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2016.06.004Thelwall, M. (2017). TensiStrength: Stress and relaxation magnitude detection for social media texts. Information Processing & Management, 53(1), 106-121. doi:10.1016/j.ipm.2016.06.009Thelwall, M., Buckley, K., Paltoglou, G., Cai, D., & Kappas, A. (2010). Sentiment strength detection in short informal text. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(12), 2544-2558. doi:10.1002/asi.21416Shoumy, N. J., Ang, L.-M., Seng, K. P., Rahaman, D. M. M., & Zia, T. (2020). Multimodal big data affective analytics: A comprehensive survey using text, audio, visual and physiological signals. Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 149, 102447. doi:10.1016/j.jnca.2019.102447Zhang, C., Zeng, D., Li, J., Wang, F.-Y., & Zuo, W. (2009). Sentiment analysis of Chinese documents: From sentence to document level. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(12), 2474-2487. doi:10.1002/asi.21206Lu, B., Ott, M., Cardie, C., & Tsou, B. K. (2011). Multi-aspect Sentiment Analysis with Topic Models. 2011 IEEE 11th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops. doi:10.1109/icdmw.2011.125Nasukawa, T., & Yi, J. (2003). Sentiment analysis. Proceedings of the international conference on Knowledge capture - K-CAP ’03. doi:10.1145/945645.945658Borth, D., Ji, R., Chen, T., Breuel, T., & Chang, S.-F. (2013). Large-scale visual sentiment ontology and detectors using adjective noun pairs. Proceedings of the 21st ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM ’13. doi:10.1145/2502081.2502282Deb, S., & Dandapat, S. (2019). Emotion Classification Using Segmentation of Vowel-Like and Non-Vowel-Like Regions. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 10(3), 360-373. doi:10.1109/taffc.2017.2730187Deng, J., Zhang, Z., Marchi, E., & Schuller, B. (2013). Sparse Autoencoder-Based Feature Transfer Learning for Speech Emotion Recognition. 2013 Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction. doi:10.1109/acii.2013.90Nicolaou, M. A., Gunes, H., & Pantic, M. (2011). Continuous Prediction of Spontaneous Affect from Multiple Cues and Modalities in Valence-Arousal Space. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 2(2), 92-105. doi:10.1109/t-affc.2011.9Hossain, M. S., Muhammad, G., Alhamid, M. F., Song, B., & Al-Mutib, K. (2016). Audio-Visual Emotion Recognition Using Big Data Towards 5G. Mobile Networks and Applications, 21(5), 753-763. doi:10.1007/s11036-016-0685-9Zhou, F., Jianxin Jiao, R., & Linsey, J. S. (2015). Latent Customer Needs Elicitation by Use Case Analogical Reasoning From Sentiment Analysis of Online Product Reviews. Journal of Mechanical Design, 137(7). doi:10.1115/1.4030159Ceci, F., Goncalves, A. L., & Weber, R. (2016). A model for sentiment analysis based on ontology and cases. IEEE Latin America Transactions, 14(11), 4560-4566. doi:10.1109/tla.2016.7795829Vizer, L. M., Zhou, L., & Sears, A. (2009). Automated stress detection using keystroke and linguistic features: An exploratory study. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 67(10), 870-886. doi:10.1016/j.ijhcs.2009.07.005Feldman, R. (2013). Techniques and applications for sentiment analysis. Communications of the ACM, 56(4), 82-89. doi:10.1145/2436256.2436274Schouten, K., & Frasincar, F. (2016). Survey on Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 28(3), 813-830. doi:10.1109/tkde.2015.2485209Ji, R., Cao, D., Zhou, Y., & Chen, F. (2016). Survey of visual sentiment prediction for social media analysis. Frontiers of Computer Science, 10(4), 602-611. doi:10.1007/s11704-016-5453-2Li, L., Cao, D., Li, S., & Ji, R. (2015). Sentiment analysis of Chinese micro-blog based on multi-modal correlation model. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). doi:10.1109/icip.2015.7351718Lee, P.-M., Tsui, W.-H., & Hsiao, T.-C. (2015). The Influence of Emotion on Keyboard Typing: An Experimental Study Using Auditory Stimuli. PLOS ONE, 10(6), e0129056. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129056Matsiola, M., Dimoulas, C., Kalliris, G., & Veglis, A. A. (2018). Augmenting User Interaction Experience Through Embedded Multimodal Media Agents in Social Networks. Information Retrieval and Management, 1972-1993. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-5191-1.ch088Rosaci, D. (2007). CILIOS: Connectionist inductive learning and inter-ontology similarities for recommending information agents. Information Systems, 32(6), 793-825. doi:10.1016/j.is.2006.06.003Buccafurri, F., Comi, A., Lax, G., & Rosaci, D. (2016). Experimenting with Certified Reputation in a Competitive Multi-Agent Scenario. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 31(1), 48-55. doi:10.1109/mis.2015.98Rosaci, D., & Sarnè, G. M. L. (2014). Multi-agent technology and ontologies to support personalization in B2C E-Commerce. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 13(1), 13-23. doi:10.1016/j.elerap.2013.07.003Singh, A., & Sharma, A. (2017). MAICBR: A Multi-agent Intelligent Content-Based Recommendation System. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 399-411. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-3920-1_41Villavicencio, C., Schiaffino, S., Diaz-Pace, J. A., Monteserin, A., Demazeau, Y., & Adam, C. (2016). A MAS Approach for Group Recommendation Based on Negotiation Techniques. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 219-231. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-39324-7_19Rincon, J. A., de la Prieta, F., Zanardini, D., Julian, V., & Carrascosa, C. (2017). Influencing over people with a social emotional model. Neurocomputing, 231, 47-54. doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2016.03.107Aguado, G., Julian, V., Garcia-Fornes, A., & Espinosa, A. (2020). A Multi-Agent System for guiding users in on-line social environments. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 94, 103740. doi:10.1016/j.engappai.2020.103740Aguado, G., Julián, V., García-Fornes, A., & Espinosa, A. (2020). Using Keystroke Dynamics in a Multi-Agent System for User Guiding in Online Social Networks. Applied Sciences, 10(11), 3754. doi:10.3390/app10113754Camara, M., Bonham-Carter, O., & Jumadinova, J. (2015). A multi-agent system with reinforcement learning agents for biomedical text mining. Proceedings of the 6th ACM Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics. doi:10.1145/2808719.2812596Lombardo, G., Fornacciari, P., Mordonini, M., Tomaiuolo, M., & Poggi, A. (2019). A Multi-Agent Architecture for Data Analysis. Future Internet, 11(2), 49. doi:10.3390/fi11020049Schweitzer, F., & Garcia, D. (2010). An agent-based model of collective emotions in online communities. 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    Signal and data processing for machine olfaction and chemical sensing: A review

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    Signal and data processing are essential elements in electronic noses as well as in most chemical sensing instruments. The multivariate responses obtained by chemical sensor arrays require signal and data processing to carry out the fundamental tasks of odor identification (classification), concentration estimation (regression), and grouping of similar odors (clustering). In the last decade, important advances have shown that proper processing can improve the robustness of the instruments against diverse perturbations, namely, environmental variables, background changes, drift, etc. This article reviews the advances made in recent years in signal and data processing for machine olfaction and chemical sensing

    Establishment of a novel predictive reliability assessment strategy for ship machinery

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    There is no doubt that recent years, maritime industry is moving forward to novel and sophisticated inspection and maintenance practices. Nowadays maintenance is encountered as an operational method, which can be employed both as a profit generating process and a cost reduction budget centre through an enhanced Operation and Maintenance (O&M) strategy. In the first place, a flexible framework to be applicable on complex system level of machinery can be introduced towards ship maintenance scheduling of systems, subsystems and components.;This holistic inspection and maintenance notion should be implemented by integrating different strategies, methodologies, technologies and tools, suitably selected by fulfilling the requirements of the selected ship systems. In this thesis, an innovative maintenance strategy for ship machinery is proposed, namely the Probabilistic Machinery Reliability Assessment (PMRA) strategy focusing towards the reliability and safety enhancement of main systems, subsystems and maintainable units and components.;In this respect, the combination of a data mining method (k-means), the manufacturer safety aspects, the dynamic state modelling (Markov Chains), the probabilistic predictive reliability assessment (Bayesian Belief Networks) and the qualitative decision making (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) is employed encompassing the benefits of qualitative and quantitative reliability assessment. PMRA has been clearly demonstrated in two case studies applied on offshore platform oil and gas and selected ship machinery.;The results are used to identify the most unreliability systems, subsystems and components, while advising suitable practical inspection and maintenance activities. The proposed PMRA strategy is also tested in a flexible sensitivity analysis scheme.There is no doubt that recent years, maritime industry is moving forward to novel and sophisticated inspection and maintenance practices. Nowadays maintenance is encountered as an operational method, which can be employed both as a profit generating process and a cost reduction budget centre through an enhanced Operation and Maintenance (O&M) strategy. In the first place, a flexible framework to be applicable on complex system level of machinery can be introduced towards ship maintenance scheduling of systems, subsystems and components.;This holistic inspection and maintenance notion should be implemented by integrating different strategies, methodologies, technologies and tools, suitably selected by fulfilling the requirements of the selected ship systems. In this thesis, an innovative maintenance strategy for ship machinery is proposed, namely the Probabilistic Machinery Reliability Assessment (PMRA) strategy focusing towards the reliability and safety enhancement of main systems, subsystems and maintainable units and components.;In this respect, the combination of a data mining method (k-means), the manufacturer safety aspects, the dynamic state modelling (Markov Chains), the probabilistic predictive reliability assessment (Bayesian Belief Networks) and the qualitative decision making (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis) is employed encompassing the benefits of qualitative and quantitative reliability assessment. PMRA has been clearly demonstrated in two case studies applied on offshore platform oil and gas and selected ship machinery.;The results are used to identify the most unreliability systems, subsystems and components, while advising suitable practical inspection and maintenance activities. The proposed PMRA strategy is also tested in a flexible sensitivity analysis scheme
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