63 research outputs found

    A Crypto Accelerator of Binary Edward Curves for Securing Low-Resource Embedded Devices.

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    This research presents a novel binary Edwards curve (BEC) accelerator designed specifically for resource-constrained embedded systems. The proposed accelerator incorporates the fixed window algorithm, a two-stage pipelined architecture, and the Montgomery radix-4 multiplier. As a result, it achieves remarkable performance improvements in throughput and resource utilization. Experimental results, conducted on various Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), demonstrate impressive throughput/area ratios observed for GF(2233). The achieved ratios for Virtex-4, Virtex-5, Virtex-6, and Virtex-7 are 12.2, 19.07, 36.01, and 38.39, respectively. Furthermore, the processing time for one-point multiplication on a Virtex-7 platform is 15.87 μs. These findings highlight the effectiveness of the proposed accelerator for improved throughput and optimal resource utilizationThis research presents a novel binary Edwards curve (BEC) accelerator designed specifically for resource-constrained embedded systems. The proposed accelerator incorporates the fixed window algorithm, a two-stage pipelined architecture, and the Montgomery radix-4 multiplier. As a result, it achieves remarkable performance improvements in throughput and resource utilization. Experimental results, conducted on various Xilinx Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs), demonstrate impressive throughput/area ratios observed for GF(2233). The achieved ratios for Virtex-4, Virtex-5, Virtex-6, and Virtex-7 are 12.2, 19.07, 36.01, and 38.39, respectively. Furthermore, the processing time for one-point multiplication on a Virtex-7 platform is 15.87 μs. These findings highlight the effectiveness of the proposed accelerator for improved throughput and optimal resource utilizatio

    Batch Binary Weierstrass

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    Bitslicing is a programming technique that offers several attractive features, such as timing attack resistance, high amortized performance in batch computation, and architecture independence. On the symmetric crypto side, this technique sees wide real-world deployment, in particular for block ciphers with naturally parallel modes. However, the asymmetric side lags in application, seemingly due to the rigidity of the batch computation requirement. In this paper, we build on existing bitsliced binary field arithmetic results to develop a tool that optimizes performance of binary fields at any size on a given architecture. We then provide an ECC layer, with support for arbitrary binary curves. Finally, we integrate into our novel dynamic OpenSSL engine, transparently exposing the batch results to the OpenSSL library and linking applications to achieve significant performance and security gains for key pair generation, ECDSA signing, and (half of) ECDH across a wide range of curves, both standardized and non-standard

    Elliptic Curve Arithmetic for Cryptography

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    The advantages of using public key cryptography over secret key cryptography include the convenience of better key management and increased security. However, due to the complexity of the underlying number theoretic algorithms, public key cryptography is slower than conventional secret key cryptography, thus motivating the need to speed up public key cryptosystems. A mathematical object called an elliptic curve can be used in the construction of public key cryptosystems. This thesis focuses on speeding up elliptic curve cryptography which is an attractive alternative to traditional public key cryptosystems such as RSA. Speeding up elliptic curve cryptography can be done by speeding up point arithmetic algorithms and by improving scalar multiplication algorithms. This thesis provides a speed up of some point arithmetic algorithms. The study of addition chains has been shown to be useful in improving scalar multiplication algorithms, when the scalar is fixed. A special form of an addition chain called a Lucas chain or a differential addition chain is useful to compute scalar multiplication on some elliptic curves, such as Montgomery curves for which differential addition formulae are available. While single scalar multiplication may suffice in some systems, there are others where a double or a triple scalar multiplication algorithm may be desired. This thesis provides triple scalar multiplication algorithms in the context of differential addition chains. Precomputations are useful in speeding up scalar multiplication algorithms, when the elliptic curve point is fixed. This thesis focuses on both speeding up point arithmetic and improving scalar multiplication in the context of precomputations toward double scalar multiplication. Further, this thesis revisits pairing computations which use elliptic curve groups to compute pairings such as the Tate pairing. More specifically, the thesis looks at Stange's algorithm to compute pairings and also pairings on Selmer curves. The thesis also looks at some aspects of the underlying finite field arithmetic

    Survey for Performance & Security Problems of Passive Side-channel Attacks Countermeasures in ECC

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    The main objective of the Internet of Things is to interconnect everything around us to obtain information which was unavailable to us before, thus enabling us to make better decisions. This interconnection of things involves security issues for any Internet of Things key technology. Here we focus on elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) for embedded devices, which offers a high degree of security, compared to other encryption mechanisms. However, ECC also has security issues, such as Side-Channel Attacks (SCA), which are a growing threat in the implementation of cryptographic devices. This paper analyze the state-of-the-art of several proposals of algorithmic countermeasures to prevent passive SCA on ECC defined over prime fields. This work evaluates the trade-offs between security and the performance of side-channel attack countermeasures for scalar multiplication algorithms without pre-computation, i.e. for variable base point. Although a number of results are required to study the state-of-the-art of side-channel attack in elliptic curve cryptosystems, the interest of this work is to present explicit solutions that may be used for the future implementation of security mechanisms suitable for embedded devices applied to Internet of Things. In addition security problems for the countermeasures are also analyzed

    Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae (38.)

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    Secure identity management in structured peer-to-peer (P2P) networks

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    Structured Peer-to-Peer (P2P) networks were proposed to solve routing problems of big distributed infrastructures. But the research community has been questioning their security for years. Most prior work in security services was focused on secure routing, reputation systems, anonymity, etc. However, the proper management of identities is an important prerequisite to provide most of these security services. The existence of anonymous nodes and the lack of a centralized authority capable of monitoring (and/or punishing) nodes make these systems more vulnerable against selfish or malicious behaviors. Moreover, these improper usages cannot be faced only with data confidentiality, nodes authentication, non-repudiation, etc. In particular, structured P2P networks should follow the following secure routing primitives: (1) secure maintenance of routing tables, (2) secure routing of messages, and (3) secure identity assignment to nodes. But the first two problems depend in some way on the third one. If nodes’ identifiers can be chosen by users without any control, these networks can have security and operational problems. Therefore, like any other network or service, structured P2P networks require a robust access control to prevent potential attackers joining the network and a robust identity assignment system to guarantee their proper operation. In this thesis, firstly, we analyze the operation of the current structured P2P networks when managing identities in order to identify what security problems are related to the nodes’ identifiers within the overlay, and propose a series of requirements to be accomplished by any generated node ID to provide more security to a DHT-based structured P2P network. Secondly, we propose the use of implicit certificates to provide more security and to exploit the improvement in bandwidth, storage and performance that these certificates present compared to explicit certificates, design three protocols to assign nodes’ identifiers avoiding the identified problems, while maintaining user anonymity and allowing users’ traceability. Finally, we analyze the operation of the most used mechanisms to distribute revocation data in the Internet, with special focus on the proposed systems to work in P2P networks, and design a new mechanism to distribute revocation data more efficiently in a structured P2P network.Las redes P2P estructuradas fueron propuestas para solventar problemas de enrutamiento en infraestructuras de grandes dimensiones pero su nivel de seguridad lleva años siendo cuestionado por la comunidad investigadora. La mayor parte de los trabajos que intentan mejorar la seguridad de estas redes se han centrado en proporcionar encaminamiento seguro, sistemas de reputación, anonimato de los usuarios, etc. Sin embargo, la adecuada gestión de las identidades es un requisito sumamente importante para proporcionar los servicios mencionados anteriormente. La existencia de nodos anónimos y la falta de una autoridad centralizada capaz de monitorizar (y/o penalizar) a los nodos hace que estos sistemas sean más vulnerables que otros a comportamientos maliciosos por parte de los usuarios. Además, esos comportamientos inadecuados no pueden ser detectados proporcionando únicamente confidencialidad de los datos, autenticación de los nodos, no repudio, etc. Las redes P2P estructuradas deberían seguir las siguientes primitivas de enrutamiento seguro: (1) mantenimiento seguro de las tablas de enrutamiento, (2) enrutamiento seguro de los mensajes, and (3) asignación segura de las identidades. Pero la primera de los dos primitivas depende de alguna forma de la tercera. Si las identidades de los nodos pueden ser elegidas por sus usuarios sin ningún tipo de control, muy probablemente aparecerán muchos problemas de funcionamiento y seguridad. Por lo tanto, de la misma forma que otras redes y servicios, las redes P2P estructuradas requieren de un control de acceso robusto para prevenir la presencia de atacantes potenciales, y un sistema robusto de asignación de identidades para garantizar su adecuado funcionamiento. En esta tesis, primero de todo analizamos el funcionamiento de las redes P2P estructuradas basadas en el uso de DHTs (Tablas de Hash Distribuidas), cómo gestionan las identidades de sus nodos, identificamos qué problemas de seguridad están relacionados con la identificación de los nodos y proponemos una serie de requisitos para generar identificadores de forma segura. Más adelante proponemos el uso de certificados implícitos para proporcionar más seguridad y explotar las mejoras en consumo de ancho de banda, almacenamiento y rendimiento que proporcionan estos certificados en comparación con los certificados explícitos. También hemos diseñado tres protocolos de asignación segura de identidades, los cuales evitan la mayor parte de los problemas identificados mientras mantienen el anonimato de los usuarios y la trazabilidad. Finalmente hemos analizado el funcionamiento de la mayoría de los mecanismos utilizados para distribuir datos de revocación en Internet, con especial interés en los sistemas propuestos para operar en redes P2P, y hemos diseñado un nuevo mecanismo para distribuir datos de revocación de forma más eficiente en redes P2P estructuradas.Postprint (published version

    An architecture for secure data management in medical research and aided diagnosis

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Tecnoloxías da Información e as Comunicacións. 5032V01[Resumo] O Regulamento Xeral de Proteccion de Datos (GDPR) implantouse o 25 de maio de 2018 e considerase o desenvolvemento mais importante na regulacion da privacidade de datos dos ultimos 20 anos. As multas fortes definense por violar esas regras e non e algo que os centros sanitarios poidan permitirse ignorar. O obxectivo principal desta tese e estudar e proponer unha capa segura/integracion para os curadores de datos sanitarios, onde: a conectividade entre sistemas illados (localizacions), a unificacion de rexistros nunha vision centrada no paciente e a comparticion de datos coa aprobacion do consentimento sexan as pedras angulares de a arquitectura controlar a sua identidade, os perfis de privacidade e as subvencions de acceso. Ten como obxectivo minimizar o medo a responsabilidade legal ao compartir os rexistros medicos mediante o uso da anonimizacion e facendo que os pacientes sexan responsables de protexer os seus propios rexistros medicos, pero preservando a calidade do tratamento do paciente. A nosa hipotese principal e: os conceptos Distributed Ledger e Self-Sovereign Identity son unha simbiose natural para resolver os retos do GDPR no contexto da saude? Requirense solucions para que os medicos e investigadores poidan manter os seus fluxos de traballo de colaboracion sen comprometer as regulacions. A arquitectura proposta logra eses obxectivos nun ambiente descentralizado adoptando perfis de privacidade de datos illados.[Resumen] El Reglamento General de Proteccion de Datos (GDPR) se implemento el 25 de mayo de 2018 y se considera el desarrollo mas importante en la regulacion de privacidad de datos en los ultimos 20 anos. Las fuertes multas estan definidas por violar esas reglas y no es algo que los centros de salud puedan darse el lujo de ignorar. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es estudiar y proponer una capa segura/de integración para curadores de datos de atencion medica, donde: la conectividad entre sistemas aislados (ubicaciones), la unificacion de registros en una vista centrada en el paciente y el intercambio de datos con la aprobacion del consentimiento son los pilares de la arquitectura propuesta. Esta propuesta otorga al titular de los datos un rol central, que le permite controlar su identidad, perfiles de privacidad y permisos de acceso. Su objetivo es minimizar el temor a la responsabilidad legal al compartir registros medicos utilizando el anonimato y haciendo que los pacientes sean responsables de proteger sus propios registros medicos, preservando al mismo tiempo la calidad del tratamiento del paciente. Nuestra hipotesis principal es: .son los conceptos de libro mayor distribuido e identidad autosuficiente una simbiosis natural para resolver los desafios del RGPD en el contexto de la atencion medica? Se requieren soluciones para que los medicos y los investigadores puedan mantener sus flujos de trabajo de colaboracion sin comprometer las regulaciones. La arquitectura propuesta logra esos objetivos en un entorno descentralizado mediante la adopcion de perfiles de privacidad de datos aislados.[Abstract] The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was implemented on 25 May 2018 and is considered the most important development in data privacy regulation in the last 20 years. Heavy fines are defined for violating those rules and is not something that healthcare centers can afford to ignore. The main goal of this thesis is to study and propose a secure/integration layer for healthcare data curators, where: connectivity between isolated systems (locations), unification of records in a patientcentric view and data sharing with consent approval are the cornerstones of the proposed architecture. This proposal empowers the data subject with a central role, which allows to control their identity, privacy profiles and access grants. It aims to minimize the fear of legal liability when sharing medical records by using anonymisation and making patients responsible for securing their own medical records, yet preserving the patient’s quality of treatment. Our main hypothesis is: are the Distributed Ledger and Self-Sovereign Identity concepts a natural symbiosis to solve the GDPR challenges in the context of healthcare? Solutions are required so that clinicians and researchers can maintain their collaboration workflows without compromising regulations. The proposed architecture accomplishes those objectives in a decentralized environment by adopting isolated data privacy profiles

    Machine-learning methods for weak lensing analysis of the ESA Euclid sky survey

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    A clear picture has emerged from the last three decades of research: our Universe is expanding at an accelerated rate. The cause of this expansion remains elusive, but in essence acts as a repulsive force. This so-called dark energy represents about 69% of the energy content in the Universe. A further 26% of the energy is contained in dark matter, a form of matter that is invisible electromagnetically. Understanding the nature of these two major components of the Universe is at the top of the list of unsolved problems. To unveil answers, ambitious experiments are devised to survey an ever larger and deeper fraction of the sky. One such project is the European Space Agency (ESA) telescope Euclid, which will probe dark matter and infer desperately needed information about dark energy. Because light bundles follow null geodesics, their trajectories are affected by the mass distribution along the line of sight, which includes dark matter. This is gravitational lensing. In the vast majority of cases, deformations of the source objects are weak, and profiles are slightly sheared. The nature of the dark components can be fathomed by measuring the shear over a large fraction of the sky. The shear can be recovered by a statistical analysis of a large number of objects. In this thesis, we take on the development of the necessary tools to measure the shear. Shear measurement techniques have been developed and improved for more than two decades. Their performance, however, do not meet the unprecedented requirements imposed by future surveys. Requirements trickle down from the targeted determination of the cosmological parameters. We aim at preparing novel and innovative methods. These methods are tested against the Euclid requirements. Contributions can be classified into two major themes. A key step in the processing of weak gravitational lensing data is the correction of image deformations generated by the instrument itself. This point spread function (PSF) correction is the first theme. The second is the shear measurement itself, and in particular, producing accurate measurements. We explore machine-learning methods, and notably artificial neural networks. These methods are, for the most part, data-driven. Schemes must first be trained against a representative sample of data. Crafting optimal training sets and choosing the method parameters can be crucial for the performance. We dedicate an important fraction of this dissertation to describing simulations behind the datasets and motivating our parameter choices. We propose schemes to build a clean selection of stars and model the PSF to the Euclid requirements in the first part of this thesis. Shear measurements are notoriously biased because of their small size and their low intensity. We introduce an approach that produces unbiased estimates of shear. This is achieved by processing data from any shape measurement technique with artificial neural networks, and predicting corrected estimates of the shape of the galaxies, or directly the shear. We demonstrate that simple networks with simple trainings are sufficient to reach the Euclid requirements on shear measurements

    Gallium arsenide design methodology and testing of a systolic floating point processing element

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    Thesis (M.E.Sc.) -- University of Adelaide, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 199

    Machine Learning in Nuclear Physics

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    Advances in machine learning methods provide tools that have broad applicability in scientific research. These techniques are being applied across the diversity of nuclear physics research topics, leading to advances that will facilitate scientific discoveries and societal applications. This Review gives a snapshot of nuclear physics research which has been transformed by machine learning techniques.Comment: Comments are welcom
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