8 research outputs found

    Integrated supply chain and competitive facility location models

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    Önsel Ekici, Şule (Dogus Author) -- Conference full title: XIV.International Logistics And Supply Chain Congress, 1-2 Aralık 2016, İzmir.The optimization of supply chain networks plays a key role in determining the competitiveness of the whole supply chain. Therefore, during the last two decades, an increasing number of studies have focused on the optimization of the overall supply chain network. However, in most of these optimization studies, the structure of the network is considerably simplified and there is still a need for more comprehensive models that simultaneously capture many aspects that are relevant to real-world problems such as demand dynamics on the market. Facility location decisions—more specifically, decisions on the physical network structure of a supply chain network—are important factors affecting chain’s competitiveness, especially for the supply chains serving retail markets. However, supply chain network optimization models in the current literature ignore the impacts of network decisions on customer demand. Nevertheless, competitive facility location problems model only the distribution part of the supply chain, even though they have certain characteristics of supply chain networks and analyze the rival chains existing on the market. In this study, an integrated supply chain network optimization model based on the joint supply chain network optimization and competitive facility location models is proposed to analyze the results of ignoring the impacts of network decisions on customer demand. The unique unknown variable within the model is the demand. The demand at each customer zone is assumed to be determined by price and the utility function. The utility function is defined as the availability of same-day transportation from the distribution center to the customer zone

    Multiple nash equilibriums and evaluation of strategies. New application of MCDM methods

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    There are two different approaches in this study with different implications. The first approach and the main aim of this study is a methodological framework. There are different frameworks in solving game theory topics involving at least two Nash Equilibriums. This study presents a new framework for developing this part of game theory with MCDM framework. The authors believe that at least there is a perspective or paradigm behind each game theory topic, leading to the development of strategies accordingly. For this purpose a hybrid MCDM method based on SWARA-WASPAS is applied in the process of research for evaluating the strategies. The general topic of this research is in supply chain management field. This research also focuses on this issue and implies extend of the complication involved. An additional focus in the present paper is on defining a game. This research addresses developing strategies from only stable strategies to both normal and dynamic strategies. The topic is established to find the best mixed strategy considering current international and economical position of Iran against complicated international relations’ issues and specially sanction


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    Nowadays supply chain performance brings a major value for a business in order to sustain competitively in the market. However, distribution network design is presented as a significant factor in a supply chain design, because of its direct influence on supply chain performance. The distribution represents the actual flow of goods and services from production to the end customer and it is measured by quality, responsiveness, and availability of the goods. Therefore, this research is focused on the examination of distribution network design, particularly its role and importance. The study is limited to specific model: drop-shipping scenario. Case company is selected in order define drop-shipping design for, especially urgent and heavy deliveries. Drop-shipping process performance analysis is based on data collected by interviews in various departments. The approach aims to identify the current performance of the process, potential weaknesses and propose development suggestions for future continuous improvement. Major results of the thesis present five key investigated areas where problematic issues have been grounded in a case company drop-shipping model: communication, resources, technical side, organisation and complexity of the process. Improvement recommendations are provided accordingly in order to optimise the process in the future.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Integrated management of chemical processes in a competitive environment

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    El objetivo general de esta Tesis es mejorar el proceso de la toma de decisiones en la gestión de cadenas de suministro, tomando en cuenta principalmente dos diferencias: ser competitivo considerando las decisiones propias de la cadena de suministro, y ser competitivo dentro de un entorno global. La estructura de ésta tesis se divide en 4 partes principales: La Parte I consiste en una introducción general de los temas cubiertos en esta Tesis (Capítulo 1). Una revisión de la literatura, que nos permite identificar las problemáticas asociadas al proceso de toma de decisiones (Capítulo 2). El Capítulo 3 presenta una introducción de las técnicas y métodos de optimización utilizados para resolver los problemas propuestos en esta Tesis. La Parte II se enfoca en la integración de los niveles de decisión, buscando mejorar la toma de decisiones de la propia cadena de suministro. El Capítulo 4 presenta una formulación matemática que integra las decisiones de síntesis de procesos y las decisiones operacionales. Además, este capítulo presenta un modelo integrado para la toma de decisiones operacionales incluyendo las características del control de procesos. El Capítulo 5 muestra la integración de las decisiones del nivel táctico y el operacional, dicha propuesta está basada en el conocimiento adquirido capturando la información relacionada al nivel operacional. Una vez obtenida esta información se incluye en la toma de decisiones a nivel táctico. Finalmente en el capítulo 6 se desarrolla un modelo simplificado para integrar múltiples cadenas de suministro. El modelo propuesto incluye la información detallada de las entidades presentes en una cadena de suministro (suministradores, plantas de producción, distribuidores y mercados) introduciéndola en un modelo matemático para su coordinación. La Parte III propone la integración explicita de múltiples cadenas de suministro que tienen que enfrentar numerosas situaciones propias de un mercado global. Asimismo, esta parte presenta una nueva herramienta de optimización basada en el uso integrado de métodos de programación matemática y conceptos relacionados a la Teoría de Juegos. En el Capítulo 7 analiza múltiples cadenas de suministro que cooperan o compiten por la demanda global del mercado. El Capítulo 8 incluye una comparación entre el problema resuelto en el Capítulo anterior y un modelo estocástico, los resultados obtenidos nos permiten situar el comportamiento de los competidores como fuente exógena de la incertidumbre típicamente asociada la demanda del mercado. Además, los resultados de ambos Capítulos muestran una mejora sustancial en el coste total de las cadenas de suministro asociada al hecho de cooperar para atender de forma conjunta la demanda disponible. Es por esto, que el Capítulo 9 presenta una nueva herramienta de negociación, basada en la resolución del mismo problema (Capítulo 7) bajo un análisis multiobjetivo. Finalmente, la parte IV presenta las conclusiones finales y una descripción general del trabajo futuro.This Thesis aims to enhance the decision making process in the SCM, remarking the difference between optimizing the SC to be competitive by its own, and to be competitive in a global market in cooperative and competitive environments. The structure of this work has been divided in four main parts: Part I: consists in a general introduction of the main topics covered in this manuscript (Chapter I); a review of the State of the Art that allows us to identify new open issues in the PSE (Chapter 2). Finally, Chapter 3 introduces the main optimization techniques and methods used in this contribution. Part II focuses on the integration of decision making levels in order to improve the decision making of a single SC: Chapter 4 presents a novel formulation to integrate synthesis and scheduling decision making models, additionally, this chapter also shows an integrated operational and control decision making model for distributed generations systems (EGS). Chapter 5 shows the integration of tactical and operational decision making levels. In this chapter a knowledge based approach has been developed capturing the information related to the operational decision making level. Then, this information has been included in the tactical decision making model. In Chapter 6 a simplified approach for integrated SCs is developed, the detailed information of the typical production‐distribution SC echelons has been introduced in a coordinated SC model. Part III proposes the explicit integration of several SC’s decision making in order to face several real market situations. As well, a novel formulation is developed using an MILP model and Game Theory (GT) as a decision making tool. Chapter 7 includes the tactical and operational analysis of several SC’s cooperating or competing for the global market demand. Moreover, Chapter 8 includes a comparison, based on the previous results (MILP‐GT optimization tool) and a two stage stochastic optimization model. Results from both Chapters show how cooperating for the global demand represent an improvement of the overall total cost. Consequently, Chapter 9 presents a bargaining tool obtained by the Multiobjective (MO) resolution of the model presented in Chapter 7. Finally, final conclusions and further work have been provided in Part IV.Postprint (published version

    Articles publicats per investigadors de l'ETSEIB indexats al Journal Citation Reports: 2012

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    Informe que recull els 294 treballs publicats per 220 investigadors de l'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Enginyeria Industrial de Barcelona (ETSEIB) en revistes indexades al Journal Citation Reports durant l’any 2012.Preprin

    Strategic analysis and optimization of bioethanol supply chains

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    In modern times, the interest in renewable energy has been increasing considerably in response to the growing energy demand and to the simultaneous concern about global warming effects. The urgency of this issue is related to dissociation between the perspective of a steady growth in demand for fuel and its supply, which is projected to become ever more uncertain and expensive. The phenomenon of climate change is widely recognized as a consequence of the increased concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere caused by anthropogenic activity, and to which the transport sector is a significant contributor. Among biofuels, biomass-based ethanol has been in a leading position for substituting petroleum-based road-fuels. Even if its actual carbon footprint is still debated, it is generally acknowledged a reduction in net GHG emissions with respect to oil. The complexity of the context discussed previously, guides us to the transition towards a more sustainable transport system which requires the adoption of effective quantitative tools able to encompassing the problem to the whole production chain (supply chain), that may help defining a more comprehensive view of biofuels. In dealing with such problems involving high decisional level, the analytical modelling is recognized as the best optimization option, particularly in the initial phase of design of unknown infrastructures in order to cope with a comprehensive management of production systems taking into account all supply chain stages. Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) in particular, emerges as one of the most suitable tools in determining the optimal solutions of complex supply chain design problems where multiple alternatives are to be taken into account. In this sense, the multi-objective MILP (moMILP) enables simultaneous consideration of conflicting criteria (i.e., financial, environmental) to assist the decisions of interested parties on biofuels industry at strategic and tactical levels. Moreover, this complex analysis is addressed effectively by incorporating the principles of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) within supply chain analysis techniques aiming at a quantitative assessment of the environmental burdens of each supply chain stage. Accordingly, the main purpose of the research presented in this Thesis is to cover this gap of knowledge in the literature. In the context of the development and adoption of bioenergy systems, the overall objective of this work is to provide quantitative and deterministic tools to analyze and optimize the supply chain as whole, to thereby identify the most suitable and feasible strategies for the development of future road transport systems. In this sense, the research design for this Thesis begins with the development and analysis of a multi-period moMILP modelling framework for the design and the optimization of bioethanol supply chain where economics and environmental sustainability (GHG emissions reductions potential) for first generation ethanol is addressed, considering possibilities of several technologies integration (including biogas production). Then, the analysis is focused on the general interactions of market policies under the European Emission Trading System in order to enhance the bioethanol market development trends to boost sustainable production of bioethanol. Next, a comprehensive modelling analysis to predict commodity price evolution dynamics and to extend the price forecasts to other goods related to bioethanol production is addressed. An assessment of the impact on the supply chain design of the recent proposed by the European Commission to amend the existing Directive in terms of accountability technique for biofuels is analyzed and discussed. Besides, multi-criteria decision making tools to support strategic design and planning on biofuel supply chains including several Game Theory features are evaluated. Finally to close up, the main achievements of the Thesis are exposed as well as the main shortfalls and possible future research lines are outlined. Models capabilities in steering decisions on investments for bioenergy systems are evaluated in addressing real world case studies referring to the emerging bioethanol production in Northern Italy

    Improving Supply Chain Planning in a Competitive Environment

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    This work extends the use of a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) model, devised to optimize the Supply Chain planning problem, for decision making in cooperative and/or competitive scenarios, by integrating these models with the use of the Game Theory. The system developed is tested in a case study based in previously proposed Supply Chain, adapted to consider the operation of two different Supply Chains (multi-product production plants, storage centers, and distribution to the final consumers); two different optimization criteria are used to model both the Supply Chains benefits and the customer preferences, so both cooperative and non-cooperative way of working between both Supply Chains can be considered.Fil: Zamarripa, Miguel A.. Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya; EspañaFil: Aguirre, Adrian Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Mendez, Carlos Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico Para la Industria Química. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico Para la Industria Química; ArgentinaFil: Espuña, Antonio. Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya; Españ