1,795 research outputs found

    On-line optimisation and experimental design analysis for the investigations on the surface roughness produced by roller burnishing: a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Technology in Manufacturing and Industrial Technology at Massey University

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    This thesis describes the improvement of the Surface finish of metals by a cold working, non-metal removal and plastic deformation process called roller burnishing. Roller burnishing is a popular finishing process. Surface finish has a positive and prolonged effect on the functioning of the machined parts. In this work roller burnishing is used to get a high quality surface finish on different materials like aluminum, copper, mild steel and brass. A roller burnishing tool was designed and fabricated for the project. A test rig was set up on a center lathe to conduct experiments. The angle of approach and radius of the roller burnishing tool were checked for optimisation. Number of passes of the tool was also one of the factors under study for the optimisation. The surface finish of the roller burnished cylindrical surfaces was examined for the soft materials like Aluminum and Copper and also for the hard materials like Mild Steel and Copper. The optimum values of feed, speed and depth of penetration were suggested by conducting a number of experiments varying one factor-at-a-time holding the rest constant. Since all the factors are interdependent, varying one-factor-at-a-time and keeping the rest constant method of experimental optimisation technique will not give accurate results either for the main effects or any interactions present. At same time it is not possible to vary more than one factor at a time experimentally. Hence a theoretical approach focused on the computer based, process parameters and surface quality data acquisition from the shop floor was suggested. The collected data was then analysed by Design of Experiments method, an advanced statistical quality analysis method, to determine the significant process parameters influencing the surface finish. The basic design and analysis of the process was carried out by full factorial and ANOVA for the two level three factor ( 2 3 ) experimental design. More experiments for roller burnishing process were conducted for collection of data using experiments designed by the Central Composite Design (CCD) method. These experiments were used to determine the interactions among the factors. The analysis was carried out by the Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to find the optimum values of the more significant process parameters. The final surface finish for mildsteel was found to be 0.32µm with a feed of 85µm/rev and depth of penetration of 70µm. The results of both experimental and theory were compared

    Manufacturing of high precision mechanical components

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    The main goal of the thesis is to analyze key aspects of Precision Manufacturing, aiming at optimizing critical manufacturing processes: innovative experimental methodologies and advanced modelling techniques will be applied to cases study of industrial interest which have been successfully optimized

    The Factory of the Future

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    A brief history of aircraft production techniques is given. A flexible machining cell is then described. It is a computer controlled system capable of performing 4-axis machining part cleaning, dimensional inspection and materials handling functions in an unmanned environment. The cell was designed to: allow processing of similar and dissimilar parts in random order without disrupting production; allow serial (one-shipset-at-a-time) manufacturing; reduce work-in-process inventory; maximize machine utilization through remote set-up; maximize throughput and minimize labor

    An Analytical Model for Repositioning of 6 D.O.F Fixturing System

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    Lien vers la version éditeur: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=8749247&fulltextType=RA&fileId=S2257777712000164Dimensional errors of the parts from a part family cause the initial misplacement of the workpiece on the fixture affecting the final product quality. Even if the part is positioned correctly, the external machining forces and clamping load cause the part to deviate from its position. This deviation depends on the external load and the fixture stiffness. In this article, a comprehensive analytical model of a 3-2-1 fixturing system is proposed, consisting of a kinematic and a mechanical part. The kinematic model relocates the initially misplaced workpiece in the machine reference through the axial advancements of six locators taking all the fixturing elements to be rigid. The repositioned part then shifts again from the corrected position due to the deformation of fixturing elements under clamping and machining forces. The mechanical model calculates this displacement of the part considering the locators and clamps to be elastic. The rigid cuboid baseplate, used to precisely re-locate the workpiece, is also considered elastic at the interface with the locators. Using small displacement hypothesis with zero friction at the contact points, Lagrangian formulation enables us to calculate the rigid body displacement of the workpiece, deformation of each locator, as well as the stiffness matrix and mechanical behavior of the fixturing system. This displacement of the workpiece is then finally compensated by the advancement of the six axial locators calculated through the kinematic model

    Quality and inspection of machining operations: Review of condition monitoring and CMM inspection techniques 2000 to present

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    In order to consistently produce quality parts, many aspects of the manufacturing process must be carefully monitored, controlled, and measured. The methods and techniques by which to accomplish these tasks has been the focus of numerous studies in recent years. With the rapid advances in computing technology, the complexity and overhead that can be feasibly incorporated in any developed technique has dramatically improved. Thus, techniques that would have been impractical for implementation just a few years ago can now be realistically applied. This rapid growth has resulted in a wealth of new capabilities for improving part and process quality and reliability. In this paper, overviews of recent advances that apply to machining are presented. Moreover, due to the relative significance of two particular machining aspects, this review focuses specifically on research publications pertaining to using tool condition monitoring and coordinate measurement machines to improve the machining process. Tool condition has a direct effect on part quality and is discussed first. The application of tool condition monitoring as it applies to turning, drilling, milling, and grinding is presented. The subsequent section provides recommendations for future research opportunities. The ensuing section focuses on the use of coordinate measuring machines in conjunction with machining and is subdivided with respect to integration with machining tools, inspection planning and efficiency, advanced controller feedback, machine error compensation, and on-line tool calibration, in that specific order and concludes with recommendations regarding where future needs remain

    Continuous improvement of a machining process by designing a new jig

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    This thesis report gives an insight on how an often overlooked, jig and fixture used as a manufacturing aid to produce a product and essential for delivering products reliably and repeatedly with high quality. This continuous improvement project of an exciting machining process of winding cones used overhead garage doors. The improvement was a necessity with a forecast for 2019 estimating the need for 43% faster production cycle (takt time) compared to the previous year. Hence, the main objective was to reduce the machining time required per part by designing a modular jig system, ideally with 12 parts per cycle. To make the work in an organized structure the project was dived into four phases namely: research, design, machining and implementation. The research phase included in the study of the old jig in use, analysing the process and sketching the basic requirements. The design phase was based on the methodology of Design for Six Sigma methodology for the fixture. Different kind of jig components was designed and assembled using SOLIDWORKS CAD model. The critical review of design iteration was analysed using SWO analysis (short version of the standard SWOT analysis) for design. The machining of most components of the jig was done in-house with tacit knowledge of the machinist instead of using CAM software’s making it first of its kind project in developing knowledge management in the company for future jig requirements. The critical outcomes of the project were harvested from the implementation phase. The newly machined modular jig system proved to have increased the number of parts machined per day by 32% with expected savings of more than €6000 per annum. The added benefit of a modular jig system was that one base (skeleton of the jig) could be used in machining different products. Also, future projects now have the intellectual and physical resources of making jigs and fixtures in-house. This drastically reduces the lead times for new parts, which is crucial for a small-medium enterprise stay competitive.Este relatório dá uma visão sobre como um acessório usado pode auxiliar na produção de forma a produzir um produto e os elementos essenciais para a sua entrega de forma confiável e repetida com alta qualidade. Este é um projeto de melhoria contínua de um processo de maquinagem de cones de enrolamento, usados em portas de garagem suspensas. A melhoria surjiu de uma necessidade com a previsão para 2019, estimando a necessidade de um ciclo de produção 43% mais rápido (takt time) em comparação com o ano anterior. Assim, o objetivo principal passava por reduzir o tempo de maquinagem necessário por peça, projetando um sistema de gabarit modular, idealmente com 12 partes por ciclo. Para realizar o trabalho numa estrutura organizada, o projeto foi dividido em quatro fases: pesquisa, projeto, maquinagem e implementação. As fases de pesquisa foram incluídas no estudo do antigo gabarit em uso, analisando o processo e esboçando os requisitos básicos. A fase de projeto foi baseada na metodologia de Design for Six Sigma para um dispositivo. Foram projetados e montados diferentes tipos de componentes de gabarit usando o modelo SOLIDWORKS CAD. A revisão crítica da iteração do projeto foi analisada usando a análise SWO (versão reduzida da análise SWOT convencional) para projeto. A maquinagem da maioria dos componentes do gabarit foi feita internamente com conhecimento tácito do responsável técnico, recorrendo ao software CAM, tornando-o o primeiro de seu tipo no desenvolvimento da gestão do conhecimento na empresa para futuros requisitos de gabarit. Os principais resultados e conclusões dos projetos foram descritos na fase de implementação. O sistema de gabarit modular recém-maquinado provou ter aumentado o número de peças maquinadas por hora em 32%, com economias comprovadas de mais de € 6.000 por ano. O benefício adicional de um sistema de gabarit modular consiste de criar uma base (esqueleto do gabarit) usada na maquinagem de diferentes produtos, e projetos futuros, permitindo à empresa deter os recursos intelectuais e físicos de criar gabarits e acessórios internos. Assim, foi reduzido drasticamente o tempo de espera para novas peças, o que é crucial para uma pequena média empresa permanecer competitiva

    Surface quality improvement for ultrasonic-assisted inner diameter sawing with six-axis force sensors

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    Ultrasonic-assisted inner diameter machining is a slicing method for hard and brittle materials. During this process, the sawing force is the main factor affecting the workpiece surface quality and tool life. Therefore, based on indentation fracture mechanics, a theoretical model of the cutting force of an ultrasound-assisted inner diameter saw is established in this paper for surface quality improvement. The cutting experiment was carried out with alumina ceramics (99%) as an exemplar of hard and brittle material. A six-axis force sensor was used to measure the sawing force in the experiment. The correctness of the theoretical model was verified by comparing the theoretical modeling with the actual cutting force, and the influence of machining parameters on the normal sawing force was evaluated. The experimental results showed that the ultrasonic-assisted cutting force model based on the six-axis force sensor proposed in this paper was more accurate. Compared with the regular tetrahedral abrasive model, the mean value and variance of the proposed model’s force prediction error were reduced by 5.08% and 2.56%. Furthermore, by using the proposed model, the sawing processing parameters could be updated to improve the slice surface quality from a roughness Sa value of 1.534 µm to 1.129 µm. The proposed model provides guidance for the selection of process parameters and can improve processing efficiency and quality in subsequent real-world production

    Prediction Methods and Experimental Techniques for Chatter Avoidance in Turning Systems: A Review

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    The general trend towards lightweight components and stronger but difficult to machine materials leads to a higher probability of vibrations in machining systems. Amongst them, chatter vibrations are an old enemy for machinists with the most dramatic cases resulting in machine-tool failure, accelerated tool wear and tool breakage or part rejection due to unacceptable surface finish. To avoid vibrations, process designers tend to command conservative parameters limiting productivity. Among the different machining processes, turning is responsible of a great amount of the chip volume removed worldwide. This paper reports some of the main efforts from the scientific literature to predict stability and to avoid chatter with special emphasis on turning systems. There are different techniques and approaches to reduce and to avoid chatter effects. The objective of the paper is to summarize the current state of research in this hot topic, particularly (1) the mechanistic, analytical, and numerical methods for stability prediction in turning; (2) the available techniques for chatter detection and control; (3) the main active and passive techniques.Thanks are addressed to Basque country university excellence group IT1337-19. The authors wish to acknowledge also the financial support received from HAZITEK program, from the Department of Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and from FEDER funds. This research was funded by Tecnologico de Monterrey through the Research Group of Nanotechnology for Devices Design, and by the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACYT), Project Numbers 242269, 255837, 296176, and the National Lab in Additive Manufacturing, 3D Digitizing and Computed Tomography (MADiT) LN299129

    A Guide for Establishing a Machine Metalworking I and II Laboratory for the Secondary High School in Texas

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    The State of Texas does not have a guide for developing a model floor plan supplemented by a list of model physical facilities, and laboratory equipment which should be used for establishing a laboratory for teaching Machine Metalworking I and II in the secondary high schools. It is the purpose of this study to futher develop and explore the following statements and questions: 1. Define the purpose of education, industrial arts education and metalwork education. 2. Define the nature of metalwork and machine working in industry. 3. Develop criteria for Machine Metalworking I and II. 4. Determine basic standards for developing floor plans, designating physical facilities, and selecting equipment for Machine Metalworking I and II. 5. Utilization of data in the development of floor plan, equipment and physical facilities. This study is limited to establishing basic standards for developing course content, floor plans, physical facilities and the selecting of a model list of equipment for a Machine Metalworking I and II laboratory