163 research outputs found

    Asian female facial beauty prediction using deep neural networks via transfer learning and multi-channel feature fusion

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    Facial beauty plays an important role in many fields today, such as digital entertainment, facial beautification surgery and etc. However, the facial beauty prediction task has the challenges of insufficient training datasets, low performance of traditional methods, and rarely takes advantage of the feature learning of Convolutional Neural Networks. In this paper, a transfer learning based CNN method that integrates multiple channel features is utilized for Asian female facial beauty prediction tasks. Firstly, a Large-Scale Asian Female Beauty Dataset (LSAFBD) with a more reasonable distribution has been established. Secondly, in order to improve CNN's self-learning ability of facial beauty prediction task, an effective CNN using a novel Softmax-MSE loss function and a double activation layer has been proposed. Then, a data augmentation method and transfer learning strategy were also utilized to mitigate the impact of insufficient data on proposed CNN performance. Finally, a multi-channel feature fusion method was explored to further optimize the proposed CNN model. Experimental results show that the proposed method is superior to traditional learning method combating the Asian female FBP task. Compared with other state-of-the-art CNN models, the proposed CNN model can improve the rank-1 recognition rate from 60.40% to 64.85%, and the pearson correlation coefficient from 0.8594 to 0.8829 on the LSAFBD and obtained 0.9200 regression prediction results on the SCUT dataset

    Deep maxout networks for low-resource speech recognition

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    Feedforward deep architectures for classification and synthesis

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    Cette thèse par article présente plusieurs contributions au domaine de l'apprentissage de représentations profondes, avec des applications aux problèmes de classification et de synthèse d'images naturelles. Plus spécifiquement, cette thèse présente plusieurs nouvelles techniques pour la construction et l'entraînment de réseaux neuronaux profonds, ainsi q'une étude empirique de la technique de «dropout», une des approches de régularisation les plus populaires des dernières années. Le premier article présente une nouvelle fonction d'activation linéaire par morceau, appellée «maxout», qui permet à chaque unité cachée d'un réseau de neurones d'apprendre sa propre fonction d'activation convexe. Nous démontrons une performance améliorée sur plusieurs tâches d'évaluation du domaine de reconnaissance d'objets, et nous examinons empiriquement les sources de cette amélioration, y compris une meilleure synergie avec la méthode de régularisation «dropout» récemment proposée. Le second article poursuit l'examen de la technique «dropout». Nous nous concentrons sur les réseaux avec fonctions d'activation rectifiées linéaires (ReLU) et répondons empiriquement à plusieurs questions concernant l'efficacité remarquable de «dropout» en tant que régularisateur, incluant les questions portant sur la méthode rapide de rééchelonnement au temps de l´évaluation et la moyenne géometrique que cette méthode approxime, l'interprétation d'ensemble comparée aux ensembles traditionnels, et l'importance d'employer des critères similaires au «bagging» pour l'optimisation. Le troisième article s'intéresse à un problème pratique de l'application à l'échelle industrielle de réseaux neuronaux profonds au problème de reconnaissance d'objets avec plusieurs etiquettes, nommément l'amélioration de la capacité d'un modèle à discriminer entre des étiquettes fréquemment confondues. Nous résolvons le problème en employant la prédiction du réseau des sous-composantes dédiées à chaque sous-ensemble de la partition. Finalement, le quatrième article s'attaque au problème de l'entraînment de modèles génératifs adversariaux (GAN) récemment proposé. Nous présentons une procédure d'entraînment améliorée employant un auto-encodeur débruitant, entraîné dans un espace caractéristiques abstrait appris par le discriminateur, pour guider le générateur à apprendre un encodage qui s'aligne de plus près aux données. Nous évaluons le modèle avec le score «Inception» récemment proposé.This thesis by articles makes several contributions to the field of deep learning, with applications to both classification and synthesis of natural images. Specifically, we introduce several new techniques for the construction and training of deep feedforward networks, and present an empirical investigation into dropout, one of the most popular regularization strategies of the last several years. In the first article, we present a novel piece-wise linear parameterization of neural networks, maxout, which allows each hidden unit of a neural network to effectively learn its own convex activation function. We demonstrate improvements on several object recognition benchmarks, and empirically investigate the source of these improvements, including an improved synergy with the recently proposed dropout regularization method. In the second article, we further interrogate the dropout algorithm in particular. Focusing on networks of the popular rectified linear units (ReLU), we empirically examine several questions regarding dropout’s remarkable effectiveness as a regularizer, including questions surrounding the fast test-time rescaling trick and the geometric mean it approximates, interpretations as an ensemble as compared with traditional ensembles, and the importance of using a bagging-like criterion for optimization. In the third article, we address a practical problem in industrial-scale application of deep networks for multi-label object recognition, namely improving an existing model’s ability to discriminate between frequently confused classes. We accomplish this by using the network’s own predictions to inform a partitioning of the label space, and augment the network with dedicated discriminative capacity addressing each of the partitions. Finally, in the fourth article, we tackle the problem of fitting implicit generative models of open domain collections of natural images using the recently introduced Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) paradigm. We introduce an augmented training procedure which employs a denoising autoencoder, trained in a high-level feature space learned by the discriminator, to guide the generator towards feature encodings which more closely resemble the data. We quantitatively evaluate our findings using the recently proposed Inception score


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    A Taxonomy of Deep Convolutional Neural Nets for Computer Vision

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    Traditional architectures for solving computer vision problems and the degree of success they enjoyed have been heavily reliant on hand-crafted features. However, of late, deep learning techniques have offered a compelling alternative -- that of automatically learning problem-specific features. With this new paradigm, every problem in computer vision is now being re-examined from a deep learning perspective. Therefore, it has become important to understand what kind of deep networks are suitable for a given problem. Although general surveys of this fast-moving paradigm (i.e. deep-networks) exist, a survey specific to computer vision is missing. We specifically consider one form of deep networks widely used in computer vision - convolutional neural networks (CNNs). We start with "AlexNet" as our base CNN and then examine the broad variations proposed over time to suit different applications. We hope that our recipe-style survey will serve as a guide, particularly for novice practitioners intending to use deep-learning techniques for computer vision.Comment: Published in Frontiers in Robotics and AI (http://goo.gl/6691Bm

    Bio-motivated features and deep learning for robust speech recognition

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorIn spite of the enormous leap forward that the Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technologies has experienced over the last five years their performance under hard environmental condition is still far from that of humans preventing their adoption in several real applications. In this thesis the challenge of robustness of modern automatic speech recognition systems is addressed following two main research lines. The first one focuses on modeling the human auditory system to improve the robustness of the feature extraction stage yielding to novel auditory motivated features. Two main contributions are produced. On the one hand, a model of the masking behaviour of the Human Auditory System (HAS) is introduced, based on the non-linear filtering of a speech spectro-temporal representation applied simultaneously to both frequency and time domains. This filtering is accomplished by using image processing techniques, in particular mathematical morphology operations with an specifically designed Structuring Element (SE) that closely resembles the masking phenomena that take place in the cochlea. On the other hand, the temporal patterns of auditory-nerve firings are modeled. Most conventional acoustic features are based on short-time energy per frequency band discarding the information contained in the temporal patterns. Our contribution is the design of several types of feature extraction schemes based on the synchrony effect of auditory-nerve activity, showing that the modeling of this effect can indeed improve speech recognition accuracy in the presence of additive noise. Both models are further integrated into the well known Power Normalized Cepstral Coefficients (PNCC). The second research line addresses the problem of robustness in noisy environments by means of the use of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs)-based acoustic modeling and, in particular, of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) architectures. A deep residual network scheme is proposed and adapted for our purposes, allowing Residual Networks (ResNets), originally intended for image processing tasks, to be used in speech recognition where the network input is small in comparison with usual image dimensions. We have observed that ResNets on their own already enhance the robustness of the whole system against noisy conditions. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that their combination with the auditory motivated features devised in this thesis provide significant improvements in recognition accuracy in comparison to other state-of-the-art CNN-based ASR systems under mismatched conditions, while maintaining the performance in matched scenarios. The proposed methods have been thoroughly tested and compared with other state-of-the-art proposals for a variety of datasets and conditions. The obtained results prove that our methods outperform other state-of-the-art approaches and reveal that they are suitable for practical applications, specially where the operating conditions are unknown.El objetivo de esta tesis se centra en proponer soluciones al problema del reconocimiento de habla robusto; por ello, se han llevado a cabo dos líneas de investigación. En la primera líınea se han propuesto esquemas de extracción de características novedosos, basados en el modelado del comportamiento del sistema auditivo humano, modelando especialmente los fenómenos de enmascaramiento y sincronía. En la segunda, se propone mejorar las tasas de reconocimiento mediante el uso de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo, en conjunto con las características propuestas. Los métodos propuestos tienen como principal objetivo, mejorar la precisión del sistema de reconocimiento cuando las condiciones de operación no son conocidas, aunque el caso contrario también ha sido abordado. En concreto, nuestras principales propuestas son los siguientes: Simular el sistema auditivo humano con el objetivo de mejorar la tasa de reconocimiento en condiciones difíciles, principalmente en situaciones de alto ruido, proponiendo esquemas de extracción de características novedosos. Siguiendo esta dirección, nuestras principales propuestas se detallan a continuación: • Modelar el comportamiento de enmascaramiento del sistema auditivo humano, usando técnicas del procesado de imagen sobre el espectro, en concreto, llevando a cabo el diseño de un filtro morfológico que captura este efecto. • Modelar el efecto de la sincroní que tiene lugar en el nervio auditivo. • La integración de ambos modelos en los conocidos Power Normalized Cepstral Coefficients (PNCC). La aplicación de técnicas de aprendizaje profundo con el objetivo de hacer el sistema más robusto frente al ruido, en particular con el uso de redes neuronales convolucionales profundas, como pueden ser las redes residuales. Por último, la aplicación de las características propuestas en combinación con las redes neuronales profundas, con el objetivo principal de obtener mejoras significativas, cuando las condiciones de entrenamiento y test no coinciden.Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Multimedia y ComunicacionesPresidente: Javier Ferreiros López.- Secretario: Fernando Díaz de María.- Vocal: Rubén Solera Ureñ

    How important are activation functions in regression and classification? A survey, performance comparison, and future directions

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    Inspired by biological neurons, the activation functions play an essential part in the learning process of any artificial neural network commonly used in many real-world problems. Various activation functions have been proposed in the literature for classification as well as regression tasks. In this work, we survey the activation functions that have been employed in the past as well as the current state-of-the-art. In particular, we present various developments in activation functions over the years and the advantages as well as disadvantages or limitations of these activation functions. We also discuss classical (fixed) activation functions, including rectifier units, and adaptive activation functions. In addition to discussing the taxonomy of activation functions based on characterization, a taxonomy of activation functions based on applications is presented. To this end, the systematic comparison of various fixed and adaptive activation functions is performed for classification data sets such as the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CIFAR- 100. In recent years, a physics-informed machine learning framework has emerged for solving problems related to scientific computations. For this purpose, we also discuss various requirements for activation functions that have been used in the physics-informed machine learning framework. Furthermore, various comparisons are made among different fixed and adaptive activation functions using various machine learning libraries such as TensorFlow, Pytorch, and JAX.Comment: 28 pages, 15 figure

    Improving classification models with context knowledge and variable activation functions

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    This work proposes two methods to boost the performances of a given classifier: the first one, which works on a Neural Network classifier, is a new type of trainable activation function, that is a function which is adjusted during the learning phase, allowing the network to exploit the data better respect to use a classic activation function with fixed-shape; the second one provides two frameworks to use an external knowledge base to improve the classification results