74 research outputs found

    Improving Social Odometry Robot Networks with Distributed Reputation Systems for Collaborative Purposes

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    The improvement of odometry systems in collaborative robotics remains an important challenge for several applications. Social odometry is a social technique which confers the robots the possibility to learn from the others. This paper analyzes social odometry and proposes and follows a methodology to improve its behavior based on cooperative reputation systems. We also provide a reference implementation that allows us to compare the performance of the proposed solution in highly dynamic environments with the performance of standard social odometry techniques. Simulation results quantitatively show the benefits of this collaborative approach that allows us to achieve better performances than social odometry

    Proceedings of the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    This book is a collection of 15 reviewed technical reports summarizing the presentations at the 2011 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory. The covered topics include image processing, optical signal processing, visual inspection, pattern recognition and classification, human-machine interaction, world and situation modeling, autonomous system localization and mapping, information fusion, and trust propagation in sensor networks

    Advanced Location-Based Technologies and Services

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    Since the publication of the first edition in 2004, advances in mobile devices, positioning sensors, WiFi fingerprinting, and wireless communications, among others, have paved the way for developing new and advanced location-based services (LBSs). This second edition provides up-to-date information on LBSs, including WiFi fingerprinting, mobile computing, geospatial clouds, geospatial data mining, location privacy, and location-based social networking. It also includes new chapters on application areas such as LBSs for public health, indoor navigation, and advertising. In addition, the chapter on remote sensing has been revised to address advancements

    Information Exchange Design Patterns for Robot Swarm Foraging and Their Application in Robot Control Algorithms

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    In swarm robotics, a design pattern provides high-level guidelines for the implementation of a particular robot behaviour and describes its impact on swarm performance. In this paper, we explore information exchange design patterns for robot swarm foraging. First, a method for the specification of design patterns for robot swarms is proposed that builds on previous work in this field and emphasises modular behaviour design, as well as information-centric micro-macro link analysis. Next, design pattern application rules that can facilitate the pattern usage in robot control algorithms are given. A catalogue of six design patterns is then presented. The patterns are derived from an extensive list of experiments reported in the swarm robotics literature, demonstrating the capability of the proposed method to identify distinguishing features of robot behaviour and their impact on swarm performance in a wide range of swarm implementations and experimental scenarios. Each pattern features a detailed description of robot behaviour and its associated parameters, facilitated by the usage of a multi-agent modeling language, BDRML, and an account of feedback loops and forces that affect the pattern's applicability. Scenarios in which the pattern has been used are described. The consequences of each design pattern on overall swarm performance are characterised within the Information-Cost-Reward framework, that makes it possible to formally relate the way in which robots acquire, share and utilise information. Finally, the patterns are validated by demonstrating how they improved the performance of foraging e-puck swarms and how they could guide algorithm design in other scenarios

    An Evaluation Schema for the Ethical Use of Autonomous Robotic Systems in Security Applications

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    We propose a multi-step evaluation schema designed to help procurement agencies and others to examine the ethical dimensions of autonomous systems to be applied in the security sector, including autonomous weapons systems

    Proceedings of the 1st Annual SMACC Research Seminar 2016

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    The Annual SMACC Research Seminar is a new forum for researchers from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd, Tampere University of Technology (TUT) and industry to present their research on the area of smart machines and manufacturing. The 1st seminar is held on 10th of October 2016 in Tampere, Finland. The objective of the seminar is to publish results of the research to wider audiences and to offer researchers a new forum for discussing methods, outcomes and research challenges of current research projects on SMACC themes and to find common research interests and new research ideas. Smart Machines and Manufacturing Competence Centre - SMACC is joint strategic alliance of VTT Ltd and TUT in the area of intelligent machines and manufacturing. SMACC offers unique services for SME`s in the field of machinery and manufacturing – key features are rapid solutions, cutting-edge research expertise and extensive partnership networks. SMACC is promoting digitalization in mechanical engineering and making scientific research with domestic and international partners in several different topics (www.smacc.fi)

    Federated Learning in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Recent Applications and Open Problems

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    Intelligent transportation systems (ITSs) have been fueled by the rapid development of communication technologies, sensor technologies, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Nonetheless, due to the dynamic characteristics of the vehicle networks, it is rather challenging to make timely and accurate decisions of vehicle behaviors. Moreover, in the presence of mobile wireless communications, the privacy and security of vehicle information are at constant risk. In this context, a new paradigm is urgently needed for various applications in dynamic vehicle environments. As a distributed machine learning technology, federated learning (FL) has received extensive attention due to its outstanding privacy protection properties and easy scalability. We conduct a comprehensive survey of the latest developments in FL for ITS. Specifically, we initially research the prevalent challenges in ITS and elucidate the motivations for applying FL from various perspectives. Subsequently, we review existing deployments of FL in ITS across various scenarios, and discuss specific potential issues in object recognition, traffic management, and service providing scenarios. Furthermore, we conduct a further analysis of the new challenges introduced by FL deployment and the inherent limitations that FL alone cannot fully address, including uneven data distribution, limited storage and computing power, and potential privacy and security concerns. We then examine the existing collaborative technologies that can help mitigate these challenges. Lastly, we discuss the open challenges that remain to be addressed in applying FL in ITS and propose several future research directions

    Towards new sensing capabilities for legged locomotion using real-time state estimation with low-cost IMUs

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    L'estimation en robotique est un sujet important affecté par les compromis entre certains critères majeurs parmi lesquels nous pouvons citer le temps de calcul et la précision. L'importance de ces deux critères dépend de l'application. Si le temps de calcul n'est pas important pour les méthodes hors ligne, il devient critique lorsque l'application doit s'exécuter en temps réel. De même, les exigences de précision dépendent des applications. Les estimateurs EKF sont largement utilisés pour satisfaire les contraintes en temps réel tout en obtenant une estimation avec des précisions acceptables. Les centrales inertielles (Inertial Measurement Unit - IMU) demeurent des capteurs répandus dnas les problèmes d'estimation de trajectoire. Ces capteurs ont par ailleurs la particularité de fournir des données à une fréquence élevée. La principale contribution de cette thèses est une présentation claire de la méthode de préintégration donnant lieu à une meilleure utilisation des centrales inertielles. Nous appliquons cette méthode aux problèmes d'estimation dans les cas de la navigation piétonne et celle des robots humanoïdes. Nous souhaitons par ailleurs montrer que l'estimation en temps réel à l'aide d'une centrale inertielle à faible coût est possible avec des méthodes d'optimisation tout en formulant les problèmes à l'aide d'un modèle graphique bien que ces méthodes soient réputées pour leurs coûts élevés en terme de calculs. Nous étudions également la calibration des centrales inertielles, une étape qui demeure critique pour leurs utilisations. Les travaux réalisés au cours de cette thèse ont été pensés en gardant comme perspective à moyen terme le SLAM visuel-inertiel. De plus, ce travail aborde une autre question concernant les robots à jambes. Contrairement à leur architecture habituelle, pourrions-nous utiliser plusieurs centrales inertielles à faible coût sur le robot pour obtenir des informations précieuses sur le mouvement en cours d'exécution ?Estimation in robotics is an important subject affected by trade-offs between some major critera from which we can cite the computation time and the accuracy. The importance of these two criteria are application-dependent. If the computation time is not important for off-line methods, it becomes critical when the application has to run on real-time. Similarly, accuracy requirements are dependant on the applications. EKF estimators are widely used to satisfy real-time constraints while achieving acceptable accuracies. One sensor widely used in trajectory estimation problems remains the inertial measurement units (IMUs) providing data at a high rate. The main contribution of this thesis is a clear presentation of the preintegration theory yielding in a better use IMUs. We apply this method for estimation problems in both pedestrian and humanoid robots navigation to show that real-time estimation using a low- cost IMU is possible with smoothing methods while formulating the problems with a factor graph. We also investigate the calibration of the IMUs as it is a critical part of those sensors. All the development made during this thesis was thought with a visual-inertial SLAM background as a mid-term perspective. Firthermore, this work tries to rise another question when it comes to legged robots. In opposition to their usual architecture, could we use multiple low- cost IMUs on the robot to get valuable information about the motion being executed