45 research outputs found

    Separation of SSL protocol phases across process boundaries

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    Secure Sockets Layer is the de-facto standard used in the industry today for secure communications through web sites. An SSL connection is established by performing a Handshake, which is followed by the Record phase. While the SSL Handshake is computationally intensive and can cause of bottlenecks on an application server, the Record phase can cause similar bottlenecks while encrypting large volumes of data. SSL Accelerators have been used to improve the performance of SSL-based application servers. These devices are expensive, complex to configure and inflexible to customizations. By separating the SSL Handshake and the Record phases into separate software processes, high availability and throughput can be achieved using open-source software and platforms. The delegation of the SSL Record phase to a separate process by transfer of necessary cryptographic information was achieved. Load tests conducted, showed gains with the separation of the Handshake and Record phases at nominal data sizes and the approach provides flexibility for enhancements to be carried out for performance improvements at higher data sizes

    On the creation of a secure key enclave via the use of memory isolation in systems management mode

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    One of the challenges of modern cloud computer security is how to isolate or contain data and applications in a variety of ways, while still allowing sharing where desirable. Hardware-based attacks such as RowHammer and Spectre have demonstrated the need to safeguard the cryptographic operations and keys from tampering upon which so much current security technology depends. This paper describes research into security mechanisms for protecting sensitive areas of memory from tampering or intrusion using the facilities of Systems Management Mode. The work focuses on the creation of a small, dedicated area of memory in which to perform cryptographic operations, isolated from the rest of the system. The approach has been experimentally validated by a case study involving the creation of a secure webserver whose encryption key is protected using this approach such that even an intruder with full Administrator level access cannot extract the key

    On the creation of a secure key enclave via the use of memory isolation in systems management mode

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    One of the challenges of modern cloud computer security is how to isolate or contain data and applications in a variety of ways, while still allowing sharing where desirable. Hardware-based attacks such as RowHammer and Spectre have demonstrated the need to safeguard the cryptographic operations and keys from tampering upon which so much current security technology depends. This paper describes research into security mechanisms for protecting sensitive areas of memory from tampering or intrusion using the facilities of Systems Management Mode. The work focuses on the creation of a small, dedicated area of memory in which to perform cryptographic operations, isolated from the rest of the system. The approach has been experimentally validated by a case study involving the creation of a secure webserver whose encryption key is protected using this approach such that even an intruder with full Administrator level access cannot extract the key

    OpenSSLNTRU : Faster post-quantum TLS key exchange

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    Google's CECPQ1 experiment in 2016 integrated a post-quantum key-exchange algorithm, newhope1024, into TLS 1.2. The Google-Cloudflare CECPQ2 experiment in 2019 integrated a more efficient key-exchange algorithm, ntruhrss701, into TLS 1.3. This paper revisits the choices made in CECPQ2, and shows how to achieve higher performance for post-quantum key exchange in TLS 1.3 using a higher-security algorithm, sntrup761. Previous work had indicated that ntruhrss701 key generation was much faster than sntrup761 key generation, but this paper makes sntrup761 key generation much faster by generating a batch of keys at once. Batch key generation is invisible at the TLS protocol layer, but raises software-engineering questions regarding the difficulty of integrating batch key exchange into existing TLS libraries and applications. This paper shows that careful choices of software layers make it easy to integrate fast post-quantum software, including batch key exchange, into TLS with minor changes to TLS libraries and no changes to applications. As a demonstration of feasibility, this paper reports successful integration of its fast sntrup761 library, via a lightly patched OpenSSL, into an unmodified web browser and an unmodified TLS terminator. This paper also reports TLS 1.3 handshake benchmarks, achieving more TLS 1.3 handshakes per second than any software included in OpenSSL.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Improving web server efficiency on commodity hardware

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    El r脿pid creixement de la Web requereix una gran quantitat de recursos computacionals que han de ser utilitzats eficientment. Avui en dia, els servidors basats en hardware estendard son les plataformes preferides per executar els servidors web, ja que s贸n les plataformes amb millor relaci贸 rendiment/cost. El treball presentat en aquesta tesi esta dirigit a millorar la efic脿cia en la gesti贸 de recursos dels servidors web actuals. Per assolir els objectius d'aquesta tesis s'ha caracteritzat el funcionament dels servidors web en diverses entorns representatius, per tal de identificar el problemes i coll d'ampolla que limiten el rendiment del servidor web. Amb l'estudi dels servidors web s'ha identificat dos problemes principals que disminueixen l'efici猫ncia dels servidors web en la utilitzaci贸 dels recursos hardware disponibles. El primer problema identificat 茅s la evoluci贸 del protocol HTTP per incorporar connexions persistents i seguretat, que disminueix el rendiment e incrementa la complexitat de configuraci贸 dels servidors web. El segon problema 茅s la naturalesa de algunes aplicacions web, les quals estan limitades per la mem貌ria f铆sica o l'ample de banda amb el disc, que impedeix la correcta utilitzaci贸 dels recursos presents en les maquines multiprocessadors. Per solucionar aquests dos problemes dels servidors web hem proposat dues t猫cniques. En primer lloc, l'arquitectura hibrida, una evoluci贸 de l'arquitectura multi-threaded que es pot implementar f脿cilment el els servidor web actuals i que millora notablement la gesti贸 de les connexions i redueix la complexitat de configuraci贸 de tot el sistema. En segon lloc, hem implementat en el kernel del sistema operatiu Linux un comprensi贸 de mem貌ria principal per millorar el rendiment de les aplicacions que tenen la mem貌ria com ha coll d'ampolla, millorant aix铆 la utilitzaci贸 dels recursos disponibles. Els resultats d'aquesta tesis estan avalats per una avaluaci贸 experimental exhaustiva que ha provat la efectivitat i viabilitat de les nostres propostes. Cal destacar que l'arquitectura de servidor web hybrida proposada en aquesta tesis ha estat implementada recentment per coneguts servidors web com 茅s el cas de Apache, Tomcat i Glassfish.The unstoppable growth of the World Wide Web requires a huge amount of computational resources that must be used efficiently. Nowadays, commodity hardware is the preferred platform to run web server systems because it is the most cost-effective solution. The work presented in this thesis aims to improve the efficiency of current web server systems, allowing the web servers to make the most of hardware resources. To this end, we first characterize current web server system and identify the problems that hinder web servers from providing an efficient utilization of resources. From the study of web servers in a wide range of situations and environments, we have identified two main issues that prevents web servers systems from efficiently using current hardware resources. The first is the extension of the HTTP protocol to include connection persistence and security, which dramatically impacts the performance and configuration complexity of traditional multi-threaded web servers. The second is the memory-bounded or disk-bounded nature of some web workloads that prevents the full utilization of the abundant CPU resources available on current commodity hardware. We propose two novel techniques to overcome the main problems with current web server systems. Firstly, we propose a Hybrid web serverarchitecture which can be easily implemented in any multi-threaded web server to improve CPU utilization so as to provide better management of client connections. And secondly, we describe a main memory compression technique implemented in the Linux operating system that makes optimum use of current multiprocessor's hardware, in order to improve the performance of memory bound web applications. The thesis is supported by an exhaustive experimental evaluation that proves the effectiveness and feasibility of our proposals for current systems. It is worth noting that the main concepts behind the Hybrid architecture have recently been implemented in popular web servers like Apache, Tomcat and Glassfish