15 research outputs found

    A study of query expansion methods for patent retrieval

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    Patent retrieval is a recall-oriented search task where the objective is to find all possible relevant documents. Queries in patent retrieval are typically very long since they take the form of a patent claim or even a full patent application in the case of priorart patent search. Nevertheless, there is generally a significant mismatch between the query and the relevant documents, often leading to low retrieval effectiveness. Some previous work has tried to address this mismatch through the application of query expansion (QE) techniques which have generally showed effectiveness for many other retrieval tasks. However, results of QE on patent search have been found to be very disappointing. We present a review of previous investigations of QE in patent retrieval, and explore some of these techniques on a prior-art patent search task. In addition, a novel method for QE using automatically generated synonyms set is presented. While previous QE techniques fail to improve over baseline retrieval, our new approach show statistically better retrieval precision over the baseline, although not for recall. In addition, it proves to be significantly more efficient than existing techniques. An extensive analysis to the results is presented which seeks to better understand situations where these QE techniques succeed or fail

    A topical approach to retrievability bias estimation

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    Retrievability is an independent evaluation measure that offers insights to an aspect of retrieval systems that performance and efficiency measures do not. Retrievability is often used to calculate the retrievability bias, an indication of how accessible a system makes all the documents in a collection. Generally, computing the retrievability bias of a system requires a colossal number of queries to be issued for the system to gain an accurate estimate of the bias. However, it is often the case that the accuracy of the estimate is not of importance, but the relationship between the estimate of bias and performance when tuning a systems parameters. As such, reaching a stable estimation of bias for the system is more important than getting very accurate retrievability scores for individual documents. This work explores the idea of using topical subsets of the collection for query generation and bias estimation to form a local estimate of bias which correlates with the global estimate of retrievability bias. By using topical subsets, it would be possible to reduce the volume of queries required to reach an accurate estimate of retrievability bias, reducing the time and resources required to perform a retrievability analysis. Findings suggest that this is a viable approach to estimating retrievability bias and that the number of queries required can be reduced to less than a quarter of what was previously thought necessary

    Leveraging Trust Relations to Improve Academic Patent Recommendation

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    Academic patent trading is one of the important ways for university technology transfer. Compared to industry patent trading, academic patent trading suffers from a more serious information asymmetric problem. It needs a recommendation service to help companies identify academic patents that they want to pay. However, existing recommendation approaches have limitations in facilitating academic patent trading in online patent platforms because most of them only consider patent-level characteristics. A high trust degree of a company towards academic patents can alleviate the information asymmetry and encourage trading. This study proposes a novel academic patent recommendation approach with a hybrid strategy, combining citation-based relevance, connectivity, and trustworthiness. An offline experiment is conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed recommendation approach. The results show that the proposed method performs better than the baseline methods in both accuracy and ranking

    Algorithmic Bias

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    Algorithmic bias presents a difficult challenge within Information Retrieval. Long has it been known that certain algorithms favour particular documents due to attributes of these documents that are not directly related to relevance. The evaluation of bias has recently been made possible through the use of retrievability, a quantifiable measure of bias. While evaluating bias is relatively novel, the evaluation of performance has been common since the dawn of the Cranfield approach and TREC. To evaluate performance, a pool of documents to be judged by human assessors is created from the collection. This pooling approach has faced accusations of bias due to the fact that the state of the art algorithms were used to create it, thus the inclusion of biases associated with these algorithms may be included in the pool. The introduction of retrievability has provided a mechanism to evaluate the bias of these pools. This work evaluates the varying degrees of bias present in the groups of relevant and non-relevant documents for topics. The differentiating power of a system is also evaluated by examining the documents from the pool that are retrieved for each topic. The analysis finds that the systems that perform better, tend to have a higher chance of retrieving a relevant document rather than a non-relevant document for a topic prior to retrieval, indicating that retrieval systems which perform better at TREC are already predisposed to agree with the judgements regardless of the query posed

    Querylog-based assessment of retrievability bias in a large newspaper corpus

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    Bias in the retrieval of documents can directly influence the information access of a digital library. In the worst case, systematic favoritism for a certain type of document can render other parts of the collection invisible to users. This potential bias can be evaluated by measuring the retrievability for all documents in a collection. Previous evaluations have been performed on TREC collections using simulated query sets. The question remains, however, how representative this approach is of more realistic settings. To address this question, we investigate the effectiveness of the retrievability measure using a large digitized newspaper corpus, featuring two characteristics that distinguishes our experiments from previous studies: (1) compared to TREC collections, our collection contains noise originating from OCR processing, historical spelling and use of language; and (2) instead of simula

    Artificial intelligence for patent prior art searching

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    This study explored how artificial intelligence (AI) could assist patent examiners as part of the prior art search process. The proof-of-concept allowed experimentation with different AI techniques to suggest search terms, retrieve most relevant documents, rank them and visualise their content. The study suggested that AI is less effective in formulating search queries but can reduce the time and cost of the process of sifting through a large number of patents. The study highlighted the importance of the humanin-the-loop approach and the need for better tools for human-centred decision and performance support in prior art searching

    The effect of citation analysis on query expansion for patent retrieval

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    Patent prior art search is a type of search in the patent domain where documents are searched for that describe the work previously carried out related to a patent application. The goal of this search is to check whether the idea in the patent application is novel. Vocabulary mismatch is one of the main problems of patent retrieval which results in low retrievability of similar documents for a given patent application. In this paper we show how the term distribution of the cited documents in an initially retrieved ranked list can be used to address the vocabulary mismatch. We propose a method for query modeling estimation which utilizes the citation links in a pseudo relevance feedback set. We first build a topic dependent citation graph, starting from the initially retrieved set of feedback documents and utilizing citation links of feedback documents to expand the set. We identify the important documents in the topic dependent citation graph using a citation analysis measure. We then use the term distribution of the documents in the citation graph to estimate a query model by identifying the distinguishing terms and their respective weights. We then use these terms to expand our original query. We use CLEF-IP 2011 collection to evaluate the effectiveness of our query modeling approach for prior art search. We also study the influence of different parameters on the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly improves the recall over a state-of-the-art baseline which uses the link-based structure of the citation graph but not the term distribution of the cited documents

    AI-assisted patent prior art searching - feasibility study

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    This study seeks to understand the feasibility, technical complexities and effectiveness of using artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to improve operational processes of registering IP rights. The Intellectual Property Office commissioned Cardiff University to undertake this research. The research was funded through the BEIS Regulators’ Pioneer Fund (RPF). The RPF fund was set up to help address barriers to innovation in the UK economy

    AI-assisted patent prior art searching - feasibility study

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    This study seeks to understand the feasibility, technical complexities and effectiveness of using artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to improve operational processes of registering IP rights. The Intellectual Property Office commissioned Cardiff University to undertake this research. The research was funded through the BEIS Regulators’ Pioneer Fund (RPF). The RPF fund was set up to help address barriers to innovation in the UK economy

    On Term Selection Techniques for Patent Prior Art Search

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    A patent is a set of exclusive rights granted to an inventor to protect his invention for a limited period of time. Patent prior art search involves finding previously granted patents, scientific articles, product descriptions, or any other published work that may be relevant to a new patent application. Many well-known information retrieval (IR) techniques (e.g., typical query expansion methods), which are proven effective for ad hoc search, are unsuccessful for patent prior art search. In this thesis, we mainly investigate the reasons that generic IR techniques are not effective for prior art search on the CLEF-IP test collection. First, we analyse the errors caused due to data curation and experimental settings like applying International Patent Classification codes assigned to the patent topics to filter the search results. Then, we investigate the influence of term selection on retrieval performance on the CLEF-IP prior art test collection, starting with the description section of the reference patent and using language models (LM) and BM25 scoring functions. We find that an oracular relevance feedback system, which extracts terms from the judged relevant documents far outperforms the baseline (i.e., 0.11 vs. 0.48) and performs twice as well on mean average precision (MAP) as the best participant in CLEF-IP 2010 (i.e., 0.22 vs. 0.48). We find a very clear term selection value threshold for use when choosing terms. We also notice that most of the useful feedback terms are actually present in the original query and hypothesise that the baseline system can be substantially improved by removing negative query terms. We try four simple automated approaches to identify negative terms for query reduction but we are unable to improve on the baseline performance with any of them. However, we show that a simple, minimal feedback interactive approach, where terms are selected from only the first retrieved relevant document outperforms the best result from CLEF-IP 2010, suggesting the promise of interactive methods for term selection in patent prior art search