804 research outputs found

    Parallel Batch-Dynamic Graph Connectivity

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    In this paper, we study batch parallel algorithms for the dynamic connectivity problem, a fundamental problem that has received considerable attention in the sequential setting. The most well known sequential algorithm for dynamic connectivity is the elegant level-set algorithm of Holm, de Lichtenberg and Thorup (HDT), which achieves O(log⁡2n)O(\log^2 n) amortized time per edge insertion or deletion, and O(log⁡n/log⁡log⁡n)O(\log n / \log\log n) time per query. We design a parallel batch-dynamic connectivity algorithm that is work-efficient with respect to the HDT algorithm for small batch sizes, and is asymptotically faster when the average batch size is sufficiently large. Given a sequence of batched updates, where Δ\Delta is the average batch size of all deletions, our algorithm achieves O(log⁡nlog⁡(1+n/Δ))O(\log n \log(1 + n / \Delta)) expected amortized work per edge insertion and deletion and O(log⁡3n)O(\log^3 n) depth w.h.p. Our algorithm answers a batch of kk connectivity queries in O(klog⁡(1+n/k))O(k \log(1 + n/k)) expected work and O(log⁡n)O(\log n) depth w.h.p. To the best of our knowledge, our algorithm is the first parallel batch-dynamic algorithm for connectivity.Comment: This is the full version of the paper appearing in the ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), 201

    Final Report: Efficient Databases for MPC Microdata

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    The purpose of this grant was to develop the theory and practice of high-performance databases for massive streamed datasets. Over the last three years, we have developed fast indexing technology, that is, technology for rapidly ingesting data and storing that data so that it can be efficiently queried and analyzed. During this project we developed the technology so that high-bandwidth data streams can be indexed and queried efficiently. Our technology has been proven to work data sets composed of tens of billions of rows when the data streams arrives at over 40,000 rows per second. We achieved these numbers even on a single disk driven by two cores. Our work comprised (1) new write-optimized data structures with better asymptotic complexity than traditional structures, (2) implementation, and (3) benchmarking. We furthermore developed a prototype of TokuFS, a middleware layer that can handle microdata I/O packaged up in an MPI-IO abstraction

    Multidimensional Range Queries on Modern Hardware

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    Range queries over multidimensional data are an important part of database workloads in many applications. Their execution may be accelerated by using multidimensional index structures (MDIS), such as kd-trees or R-trees. As for most index structures, the usefulness of this approach depends on the selectivity of the queries, and common wisdom told that a simple scan beats MDIS for queries accessing more than 15%-20% of a dataset. However, this wisdom is largely based on evaluations that are almost two decades old, performed on data being held on disks, applying IO-optimized data structures, and using single-core systems. The question is whether this rule of thumb still holds when multidimensional range queries (MDRQ) are performed on modern architectures with large main memories holding all data, multi-core CPUs and data-parallel instruction sets. In this paper, we study the question whether and how much modern hardware influences the performance ratio between index structures and scans for MDRQ. To this end, we conservatively adapted three popular MDIS, namely the R*-tree, the kd-tree, and the VA-file, to exploit features of modern servers and compared their performance to different flavors of parallel scans using multiple (synthetic and real-world) analytical workloads over multiple (synthetic and real-world) datasets of varying size, dimensionality, and skew. We find that all approaches benefit considerably from using main memory and parallelization, yet to varying degrees. Our evaluation indicates that, on current machines, scanning should be favored over parallel versions of classical MDIS even for very selective queries

    Bulk Insertions into xBR+ -trees

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    Bulk insertion refers to the process of updating an existing index by inserting a large batch of new data, treating the items of this batch as a whole and not by inserting these items one-by-one. Bulk insertion is related to bulk loading, which refers to the process of creating a non-existing index from scratch, when the dataset to be indexed is available beforehand. The xBR + -tree is a balanced, disk-resident, Quadtree-based index for point data, which is very efficient for processing spatial queries. In this paper, we present the first algorithm for bulk insertion into xBR+ -trees. This algorithm incorporates extensions of techniques that we have recently developed for bulk loading xBR+ -trees. Moreover, using real and artificial datasets of various cardinalities, we present an experimental comparison of this algorithm vs. inserting items one-by-one for updating xBR+ -trees, regarding performance (I/O and execution time) and the characteristics of the resulting trees. We also present experimental results regarding the query-processing efficiency of xBR+ -trees built by bulk insertions vs. xBR+ -trees built by inserting items one-by-one

    Level based labeling scheme for extensible markup language (XML) data processing

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    Thesis (Master)--Izmir Institute of Technology, Computer Engineering, Izmir, 2010Includes bibliographical references (leaves: 56-57)Text in English; Abstract: Turkish and Englishx, 70 leavesWith the continuous growth of data in businesses and the increasing demand for reaching that data immediately, raised the need of having real time data warehouses. In order to provide such a system, the ETL mechanism will need to be very efficient on updating data. From the literature surveys, it has been observed that there are many studies performed on efficient update of the relational data, while there is limited amount of study on updating the XML data. With the extensible structure and effective performance on data exchange, the usage of XML data structure is increasing day by day. Like relational databases, real time XML databases also need to be updated continuously. The hierarchic characteristic of XML required the usage of tree representations for indexing the data since they provide necessary means to capture different relationships between the nodes. The principal purpose of this study is to define and compare algorithms which label the XML tree with an effective update mechanism. Proposed labeling algorithms aim to provide a mechanism to query and update the XML data by defining all relations between the nodes. In the experimental evaluation part of this thesis, all algorithms is examined and tested with an existing labeling algorithm

    Efficient Processing of Range Queries in Main Memory

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    Datenbanksysteme verwenden Indexstrukturen, um Suchanfragen zu beschleunigen. Im Laufe der letzten Jahre haben Forscher verschiedene AnsĂ€tze zur Indexierung von Datenbanktabellen im Hauptspeicher entworfen. Hauptspeicherindexstrukturen versuchen möglichst hĂ€ufig Daten zu verwenden, die bereits im Zwischenspeicher der CPU vorrĂ€tig sind, anstatt, wie bei traditionellen Datenbanksystemen, die Zugriffe auf den externen Speicher zu optimieren. Die meisten vorgeschlagenen Indexstrukturen fĂŒr den Hauptspeicher beschrĂ€nken sich jedoch auf Punktabfragen und vernachlĂ€ssigen die ebenso wichtigen Bereichsabfragen, die in zahlreichen Anwendungen, wie in der Analyse von Genomdaten, Sensornetzwerken, oder analytischen Datenbanksystemen, zum Einsatz kommen. Diese Dissertation verfolgt als Hauptziel die FĂ€higkeiten von modernen Hauptspeicherdatenbanksystemen im AusfĂŒhren von Bereichsabfragen zu verbessern. Dazu schlagen wir zunĂ€chst die Cache-Sensitive Skip List, eine neue aktualisierbare Hauptspeicherindexstruktur, vor, die fĂŒr die Zwischenspeicher moderner Prozessoren optimiert ist und das AusfĂŒhren von Bereichsabfragen auf einzelnen Datenbankspalten ermöglicht. Im zweiten Abschnitt analysieren wir die Performanz von multidimensionalen Bereichsabfragen auf modernen Serverarchitekturen, bei denen Daten im Hauptspeicher hinterlegt sind und Prozessoren ĂŒber SIMD-Instruktionen und Multithreading verfĂŒgen. Um die Relevanz unserer Experimente fĂŒr praktische Anwendungen zu erhöhen, schlagen wir zudem einen realistischen Benchmark fĂŒr multidimensionale Bereichsabfragen vor, der auf echten Genomdaten ausgefĂŒhrt wird. Im letzten Abschnitt der Dissertation prĂ€sentieren wir den BB-Tree als neue, hochperformante und speichereffziente Hauptspeicherindexstruktur. Der BB-Tree ermöglicht das AusfĂŒhren von multidimensionalen Bereichs- und Punktabfragen und verfĂŒgt ĂŒber einen parallelen Suchoperator, der mehrere Threads verwenden kann, um die Performanz von Suchanfragen zu erhöhen.Database systems employ index structures as means to accelerate search queries. Over the last years, the research community has proposed many different in-memory approaches that optimize cache misses instead of disk I/O, as opposed to disk-based systems, and make use of the grown parallel capabilities of modern CPUs. However, these techniques mainly focus on single-key lookups, but neglect equally important range queries. Range queries are an ubiquitous operator in data management commonly used in numerous domains, such as genomic analysis, sensor networks, or online analytical processing. The main goal of this dissertation is thus to improve the capabilities of main-memory database systems with regard to executing range queries. To this end, we first propose a cache-optimized, updateable main-memory index structure, the cache-sensitive skip list, which targets the execution of range queries on single database columns. Second, we study the performance of multidimensional range queries on modern hardware, where data are stored in main memory and processors support SIMD instructions and multi-threading. We re-evaluate a previous rule of thumb suggesting that, on disk-based systems, scans outperform index structures for selectivities of approximately 15-20% or more. To increase the practical relevance of our analysis, we also contribute a novel benchmark consisting of several realistic multidimensional range queries applied to real- world genomic data. Third, based on the outcomes of our experimental analysis, we devise a novel, fast and space-effcient, main-memory based index structure, the BB- Tree, which supports multidimensional range and point queries and provides a parallel search operator that leverages the multi-threading capabilities of modern CPUs

    An Algorithm for k-insertion into a Binary Heap

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    In this thesis, we present an algorithm for k-insertion into a binary heap running in worst-case time O(k+log(k)·log(n+k)), improving the standard k-insertion algorithm for binary heaps in terms of worst-case running time. The algorithm combines two routines called Heapify and Walk down. We assess the performance of the algorithm in theory and practice and compare it to some well-known k-insertion methods. We do this by implementing the algorithms and measuring and comparing their running times on different datasets. Through practical tests, we conclude that the algorithm performs better than the standard k-insertion algorithm on worst-case input while being slightly slower on randomized input. We, therefore, conclude that it can be better in real-world applications.Masteroppgave i informatikkINF399MAMN-PROGMAMN-IN

    From Cooperative Scans to Predictive Buffer Management

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    In analytical applications, database systems often need to sustain workloads with multiple concurrent scans hitting the same table. The Cooperative Scans (CScans) framework, which introduces an Active Buffer Manager (ABM) component into the database architecture, has been the most effective and elaborate response to this problem, and was initially developed in the X100 research prototype. We now report on the the experiences of integrating Cooperative Scans into its industrial-strength successor, the Vectorwise database product. During this implementation we invented a simpler optimization of concurrent scan buffer management, called Predictive Buffer Management (PBM). PBM is based on the observation that in a workload with long-running scans, the buffer manager has quite a bit of information on the workload in the immediate future, such that an approximation of the ideal OPT algorithm becomes feasible. In the evaluation on both synthetic benchmarks as well as a TPC-H throughput run we compare the benefits of naive buffer management (LRU) versus CScans, PBM and OPT; showing that PBM achieves benefits close to Cooperative Scans, while incurring much lower architectural impact.Comment: VLDB201
