305 research outputs found

    Multiple Alternative Sentene Compressions as a Tool for Automatic Summarization Tasks

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    Automatic summarization is the distillation of important information from a source into an abridged form for a particular user or task. Many current systems summarize texts by selecting sentences with important content. The limitation of extraction at the sentence level is that highly relevant sentences may also contain non-relevant and redundant content. This thesis presents a novel framework for text summarization that addresses the limitations of sentence-level extraction. Under this framework text summarization is performed by generating Multiple Alternative Sentence Compressions (MASC) as candidate summary components and using weighted features of the candidates to construct summaries from them. Sentence compression is the rewriting of a sentence in a shorter form. This framework provides an environment in which hypotheses about summarization techniques can be tested. Three approaches to sentence compression were developed under this framework. The first approach, HMM Hedge, uses the Noisy Channel Model to calculate the most likely compressions of a sentence. The second approach, Trimmer, uses syntactic trimming rules that are linguistically motivated by Headlinese, a form of compressed English associated with newspaper headlines. The third approach, Topiary, is a combination of fluent text with topic terms. The MASC framework for automatic text summarization has been applied to the tasks of headline generation and multi-document summarization, and has been used for initial work in summarization of novel genres and applications, including broadcast news, email threads, cross-language, and structured queries. The framework supports combinations of component techniques, fostering collaboration between development teams. Three results will be demonstrated under the MASC framework. The first is that an extractive summarization system can produce better summaries by automatically selecting from a pool of compressed sentence candidates than by automatically selecting from unaltered source sentences. The second result is that sentence selectors can construct better summaries from pools of compressed candidates when they make use of larger candidate feature sets. The third result is that for the task of Headline Generation, a combination of topic terms and compressed sentences performs better then either approach alone. Experimental evidence supports all three results

    Linguistic challenges in automatic summarization technology

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    [EN] Automatic summarization is a field of Natural Language Processing that is increasingly used in industry today. The goal of the summarization process is to create a summary of one document or a multiplicity of documents that will retain the sense and the most important aspects while reducing the length considerably, to a size that may be user-defined. One differentiates between extraction-based and abstraction-based summarization. In an extraction-based system, the words and sentences are copied out of the original source without any modification. An abstraction-based summary can compress, fuse or paraphrase sections of the source document. As of today, most summarization systems are extractive. Automatic document summarization technology presents interesting challenges for Natural Language Processing. It works on the basis of coreference resolution, discourse analysis, named entity recognition (NER), information extraction (IE), natural language understanding, topic segmentation and recognition, word segmentation and part-of-speech tagging. This study will overview some current approaches to the implementation of auto summarization technology and discuss the state of the art of the most important NLP tasks involved in them. We will pay particular attention to current methods of sentence extraction and compression for single and multi-document summarization, as these applications are based on theories of syntax and discourse and their implementation therefore requires a solid background in linguistics. Summarization technologies are also used for image collection summarization and video summarization, but the scope of this paper will be limited to document summarization.Diedrichsen, E. (2017). Linguistic challenges in automatic summarization technology. Journal of Computer-Assisted Linguistic Research. 1(1):40-60. doi:10.4995/jclr.2017.7787.SWORD40601

    Improving Reader Motivation with Machine Learning

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    This thesis focuses on the problem of increasing reading motivation with machine learning (ML). The act of reading is central to modern human life, and there is much to be gained by improving the reading experience. For example, the internal reading motivation of students, especially their interest and enjoyment in reading, are important factors in their academic success. There are many topics in natural language processing (NLP) which can be applied to improving the reading experience in terms of readability, comprehension, reading speed, motivation, etc. Such topics include personalized recommendation, headline optimization, text simplification, and many others. However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explicitly address the broad and meaningful impact that NLP and ML can have on the reading experience. In particular, the aim of this thesis is to explore new approaches to supporting internal reading motivation, which is influenced by readability, situational interest, and personal interest. This is performed by identifying new or existing NLP tasks which can address reader motivation, designing novel machine learning approaches to perform these tasks, and evaluating and examining these approaches to determine what they can teach us about the factors of reader motivation. In executing this research, we make use of concepts from NLP such as textual coherence, interestingness, and summarization. We additionally use techniques from ML including supervised and self-supervised learning, deep neural networks, and sentence embeddings. This thesis, presented in an integrated-article format, contains three core contributions among its three articles. In the first article, we propose a flexible and insightful approach to coherence estimation. This approach uses a new sentence embedding which reflects predicted position distributions. Second, we introduce the new task of pull quote selection, examining a spectrum of approaches in depth. This article identifies several concrete heuristics for finding interesting sentences, both expected and unexpected. Third, we introduce a new interactive summarization task called HARE (Hone as You Read), which is especially suitable for mobile devices. Quantitative and qualitative analysis support the practicality and potential usefulness of this new type of summarization

    Neural document modeling and summarization

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    Document summarization is the task of automatically generating a shorter version of a document or multiple documents while retaining the most important information. The task has received much attention in the natural language processing community due to its potential for various information access applications. Examples include tools that digest textual content (e.g., news, social media, reviews), answer questions, or provide recommendations. Summarization approaches are dedicated to processing single or multiple documents as well as creating extractive or abstractive summaries. In extractive summarization, summaries are formed by copying and concatenating the most important spans (usually sentences) from the input text, while abstractive approaches are able to generate summaries using words or phrases that are not in the original text. A core module within summarization is how to represent documents and distill information for downstream tasks (e.g., abstraction or extraction). Thanks to the popularity of neural network models and their ability to learn continuous representations, many new systems have been proposed for document modeling and summarization in recent years. This thesis investigates different approaches with neural network models to address the document summarization problem. We develop several novel neural models considering extractive and abstractive approaches for both single-document and multi-document scenarios. We first investigate how to represent a single document with a randomly initialized neural network. Contrary to previous approaches that ignore document structure when encoding the input, we propose a structured attention mechanism, which can impose a structural bias of document-level dependency trees when modeling a document, generating more powerful document representations. We first apply this model to the task of document classification, and subsequently to extractive single-document summarization using an iterative refinement process to learn more complex tree structures. Experimental results on both tasks show that the structured attention mechanism achieves competitive performance. Very recently, pretrained language models have achieved great success on several natural language understanding tasks by training large neural models on an enormous corpus with a language modeling objective. These models learn rich contextual information and to some extent are able to learn the structure of the input text. While summarization systems could in theory also benefit from pretrained language models, there are some potential obstacles to applying these pretrained models to document summarization tasks. The second part of this thesis focuses on how to represent a single document with pretrained language models. Beyond previous approaches that learn solely from the summarization dataset, this thesis proposes a framework for using pretrained language models as encoders for both extractive and abstractive summarization. The framework achieves state-of-the-art results on three datasets. Finally, in the third part of this thesis, we move beyond single documents and explore approaches for using neural networks for summarizing multiple documents. We analyze why the application of existing neural summarization models to this task is challenging and develop a novel modeling framework. More concretely, we propose a ranking-based pipeline and a hierarchical neural encoder for processing multiple input documents. Experiments on a large-scale multi-document summarization dataset, show that our system can achieve promising performance

    A semantic partition based text mining model for document classification.

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    Automatic thumbnail selection for soccer videos using machine learning

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    Thumbnail selection is a very important aspect of online sport video presentation, as thumbnails capture the essence of important events, engage viewers, and make video clips attractive to watch. Traditional solutions in the soccer domain for presenting highlight clips of important events such as goals, substitutions, and cards rely on the manual or static selection of thumbnails. However, such approaches can result in the selection of sub-optimal video frames as snapshots, which degrades the overall quality of the video clip as perceived by viewers, and consequently decreases viewership, not to mention that manual processes are expensive and time consuming. In this paper, we present an automatic thumbnail selection system for soccer videos which uses machine learning to deliver representative thumbnails with high relevance to video content and high visual quality in near real-time. Our proposed system combines a software framework which integrates logo detection, close-up shot detection, face detection, and image quality analysis into a modular and customizable pipeline, and a subjective evaluation framework for the evaluation of results. We evaluate our proposed pipeline quantitatively using various soccer datasets, in terms of complexity, runtime, and adherence to a pre-defined rule-set, as well as qualitatively through a user study, in terms of the perception of output thumbnails by end-users. Our results show that an automatic end-to-end system for the selection of thumbnails based on contextual relevance and visual quality can yield attractive highlight clips, and can be used in conjunction with existing soccer broadcast pipelines which require real-time operation