504,385 research outputs found

    Generating Knowledge in Maintenance from Experience Feedback

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    Knowledge is nowadays considered as a significant source of performance improvement, but may be difficult to identify, structure, analyse and reuse properly. A possible source of knowledge is in the data and information stored in various modules of industrial information systems, like CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems) for maintenance. In that context, the main objective of this paper is to propose a framework allowing to manage and generate knowledge from information on past experiences, for improving the decisions related to the maintenance activity. In that purpose, we suggest an original Experience Feedback process dedicated to maintenance, allowing to capitalize on past interventions by i) formalizing the domain knowledge and experiences using a visual knowledge representation formalism with logical foundation (Conceptual Graphs); ii) extracting new knowledge thanks to association rules mining algorithms, using an innovative interactive approach; iii) interpreting and evaluating this new knowledge thanks to the reasoning operations of Conceptual Graphs. The suggested method is illustrated on a case study based on real data dealing with the maintenance of overhead cranes

    The use of ontologies for effective knowledge modelling and information retrieval

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    © 2017 The dramatic increase in the use of knowledge discovery applications requires end users to write complex database search requests to retrieve information. Such users are not only expected to grasp the structural complexity of complex databases but also the semantic relationships between data stored in databases. In order to overcome such difficulties, researchers have been focusing on knowledge representation and interactive query generation through ontologies, with particular emphasis on improving the interface between data and search requests in order to bring the result sets closer to users research requirements. This paper discusses ontology-based information retrieval approaches and techniques by taking into consideration the aspects of ontology modelling, processing and the translation of ontological knowledge into database search requests. It also extensively compares the existing ontology-to-database transformation and mapping approaches in terms of loss of data and semantics, structural mapping and domain knowledge applicability. The research outcomes, recommendations and future challenges presented in this paper can bridge the gap between ontology and relational models to generate precise search requests using ontologies. Moreover, the comparison presented between various ontology-based information retrieval, database-to-ontology transformations and ontology-to-database mappings approaches provides a reference for enhancing the searching capabilities of massively loaded information management systems

    Perancangan Knowledge Sharing Systems Database Di Program Studi Teknik Informatika

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    Abstrak: Program Studi Teknik Informatika sebagai sebuah organisasi bergantung pada pengambil keputusan untuk mendukung visi dan misi organisasi berdasarkan masukan dari beberapa domain pengetahuan. Kompleksitas domain pengetahuan yang mendasari pengambilan keputusan semakin meningkat dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komputer serta persaingan dengan organisasi lain. Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS) dirancang untuk membantu pengguna berbagi pengetahuan. Perancangan proses yang saling terkait untuk mengelola informasi menjadi pengetahuan dan menyebarkannya kepada pemangku kepentingan di Program Studi. Informasi yang dikelola bersumber dari data dalam sistem informasi yang harus disimpan dan dikelola dengan efektif dan efisien. Pemanfaatan basis data sebagai kelanjutan perancangan sistem informasi untuk mendukung penyebaran atau pembagian pengetahuan akan mendukung kebutuhan tersebut, perancangan ini disebut Knowledge Sharing Systems Database (KSSDB). Penelitian ini akan menganalisis bagaimana pengetahuan diambil, disimpan serta dibagi kepada setiap pemangku kepentingan sebagai aset berharga di lingkungan program studi, sebagai acuan pengambilan keputusan serta pendukung pencapaian misi dan misi program studi dengan dukungan perancangan basis data. Hasil penelitian ini adalah perancangan model KSSDB, dengan menggunakan metode siklus hidup basis data yang dimulai dari analisis sistem informasi, perancangan model basis data sampai dengan pembangunan basis data fisik untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan studi kasus Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Pasundan. KSSDB akan membantu pengelolaan data untuk mendukung penyebaran pengetahuan, baik dalam Program Studi atau antar Program Studi di Fakultas Teknik dalam mendukung pelaksanaan Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dan meningkatkan kualitas pengetahuan berbagai pihak yang terlibat.   Kata kunci: Knowledge Sharing Systems Database, manajemen pengetahuan, Prodi Teknik Informatika   Abstract: The Informatics Engineering Study Program as an organization relies on decision makers to support the organization's vision and mission based on input from several knowledge domains. The complexity of the knowledge domain that underlies decision making is increasing with the development of information and computer technology and competition with other organizations. Knowledge Sharing Systems (KSS) are designed to help users share knowledge. Design of interrelated processes to manage information into knowledge and disseminate it to stakeholders in the Study Program. The managed information from data in the information system which must be stored and managed effectively and efficiently. Utilization of databases as a continuation of the design of information systems to sharing of knowledge will support these needs, this design is Knowledge Sharing Systems Database (KSSDB). This study will analyze how knowledge is taken, stored and shared with each stakeholder as a valuable asset in the study program environment, as a reference for decision making and supporting the achievement of the study program's mission and mission with the support of database design. The result of this research is the design of the KSSDB model, using the database life cycle method starting from information system analysis, database model design to the construction of a physical database to increase knowledge with a case study of the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Pasundan University. KSSDB will assist data management to support the dissemination of knowledge, both within Study Programs or between Study Programs at the Faculty of Engineering in supporting the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education and improving the quality of knowledge of the various parties involved.   Keywords: knowledge management, Knowledge Sharing Systems Database, Informatics Engineering Study Progra

    Development and initial testing of a GDM information website for multi-ethnic women with GDM

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    BACKGROUND: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) affects approximately 5–15 % of pregnant women in Australia. Highest rates are seen among women who are obese, from specific ethnic backgrounds and low socio-economic circumstance. These features also impact on uptake of self-management recommendations. GDM that is not well managed can give rise to serious pregnancy complications. The aim of this project was to develop and test an intervention to improve knowledge of GDM and GDM self-management principles. METHODS: A web-based intervention, consisting of resources aimed at a low level of literacy, was developed and tested among multi-ethnic women at a metropolitan hospital in Melbourne Australia. A basic one-group pre-test/post-test design was used to explore the impact of the intervention on knowledge, in 3 domains: (1) Knowledge of GDM; (2) food values, and;(3) GDM self-management principles. Questionnaire data was analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), version 21.0. Fisher’s exact test was used to test for an improvement in each knowledge scale. RESULTS: Twenty-one women with GDM, from multi-ethnic backgrounds, participated in the testing of the intervention. Results indicated that the intervention was effective at improving knowledge scores and this effect was greatest in the first domain, knowledge of GDM. Although some improvement of knowledge scores occurred in the other two domains, food values and self-management principles, these improvements were less than expected. This finding may relate to a number of misunderstandings in the interpretation of the web resource and survey questions. These issues will need to be resolved prior to proceeding to a clinical trial. CONCLUSION: Initial results from this study look promising and suggest that with some improvements, the intervention could prove a useful adjunct support for women with GDM from multi-ethnic and low socio-economic backgrounds. Conducting a randomised controlled trial is feasible in the future and will provide a useful means of examining efficacy of the intervention

    Components of palliative care interventions addressing the needs of people with dementia living in long term care: a systematic review

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    © The Author(s) 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access page (https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).Background: People with dementia requiring palliative care havemultiple needs that require complex, multicomponent interventions. Thisneed is amplified in the long term care setting. The European Associationfor Palliative Care (EAPC) White Paper offers recommendations forpalliative care in dementia and highlights domains of care integral forthis population, thus providing useful guidance to developing suchinterventions. This review maps components of palliative careinterventions for people with dementia in LTCFs, with a particular focuson shared decision-making.Peer reviewe

    Surveying Communities of Practice

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    {Excerpt} Surveys are used to find promising opportunities for improvement; identify, create a consensus about, and act on issues to be addressed; record a baseline from which progress can be measured; motivate change efforts; and provide two-way communication between stakeholders. Healthy communities of practice leverage survey instruments to mature into influence structures that demand or are asked to assume influential roles in their host organizations. Communities of practice (CoPs or communities) are groups of like-minded, interacting people who filter, amplify, invest and provide, convene, build, and learn and facilitate to ensure more effective creation and sharing of knowledge in their domain. They define themselves according to their focus, how they function, and what capabilities they produce

    Health informatics domain knowledge analysis: An information technology perspective

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    Health Informatics is an intersection of information technology, several disciplines of medicine and health care. It sits at the common frontiers of health care services including patient centric, processes driven and procedural centric care. From the information technology perspective it can be viewed as computer application in medical and/or health processes for delivering better health care solutions. In spite of the exaggerated hype, this field is having a major impact in health care solutions, in particular health care deliveries, decision making, medical devices and allied health care industries. It also affords enormous research opportunities for new methodological development. Despite the obvious connections between Medical Informatics, Nursing Informatics and Health Informatics, most of the methodologies and approaches used in Health Informatics have so far originated from health system management, care aspects and medical diagnostic. This paper explores reasoning for domain knowledge analysis that would establish Health Informatics as a domain and recognised as an intellectual discipline in its own right
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