492,101 research outputs found

    Process capability assessments in small development firms

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    [Abstract}: Assessment-based Software Process Improvement (SPI) programs such as the Capability Maturity Model (CMM), Bootstrap, and SPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) are based on formal frameworks and promote the use of systematic processes and management practices for software development. These approaches identify best practices for the management of software development and when applied, enable organizations to understand, control and improve development processes. The purpose of a SPI assessment is to compare the current processes used in an organization with a list of recommended or ‘best’ practices. This research investigates the adoption of SPI initiatives by four small software development firms. These four firms participated in a process improvement program which was sponsored by Software Engineering Australia (SEA) (Queensland). The assessment method was based on SPICE (ISO/IEC 15504) and included an initial assessment, recommendations, and a follow-up meeting. For each firm, before and after snapshots are provided of the capability as assessed on eight processes. The discussion which follows summarizes the improvements realized and considers the critical success factors relating to SPI adoption for small firms

    Software engineering and Ada in design

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    Modern software engineering promises significant reductions in software costs and improvements in software quality. The Ada language is the focus for these software methodology and tool improvements. The IBM FSD approach, including the software engineering practices that guide the systematic design and development of software products and the management of the software process are examined. The revised Ada design language adaptation is revealed. This four level design methodology is detailed including the purpose of each level, the management strategy that integrates the software design activity with the program milestones, and the technical strategy that maps the Ada constructs to each level of design. A complete description of each design level is provided along with specific design language recording guidelines for each level. Finally, some testimony is offered on education, tools, architecture, and metrics resulting from project use of the four level Ada design language adaptation


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    The aim of the study was a preliminary assessment of the sensorimotor correction program based on parental complaints about the difficulties experienced by primary school children and the improvements observed during the program. In most cases, parents are interested in the regular and systematic implementation of the correction program and are among the sources for assessing its results. The study involved 37 mothers with children aged 8 to 11 years (M = 9.8 years; SD = 1.1; 16% girls). Mothers were from 28 to 50 (M = 37.7 years; SD = 6.7). Before the correctional work, each mother was interviewed to identify problems. In the process of sensorimotor correction, one individual lesson was held with the child every week in the presence of a mother. Children performed exercises daily. Mothers received additional sessions every three weeks as part of informational and emotional support. For all identified categories (Self-regulation, Communication, Health and physical development, and Cognitive processes), the improvements after the correction concur with the manifestation of the problem before it. Thus, parents’ assessments of improvements confirm the orientation of the correction to problem areas of children's development

    Community Introduction of Practice Parameters for Autistic Spectrum Disorders: Advancing Early Recognition

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    Objectives: Within a strong interdisciplinary framework, improvement in the quality of care for children with autistic spectrum disorders through a 2year implementation program of Practice Parameters, aimed principally at improving early detection and intervention. Method: We developed Practice Parameters (PPs) for Pervasive Developmental Disorders and circulated the PPs to all child and adolescent psychiatrists practicing in the region. Results: PP development and parallel information strategies resulted in a significant decrease of 1.5years in the mean-age-at-diagnosis. However, further analysis indicated that improvement was only transient. Conclusion: Despite the encouraging improvement in mean-age-at-diagnosis 2years after PP implementation, other indicators showed a failure to maintain the improvements. A systematic screening program would be the most reliable method to reinforce the PP

    Reducing quality control errors by guiding behavior

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    It is estimated that human error in the quality control checking of product labels on consumer packaging costs the UK retail industry ÂŁ50m per annum. Our research program aimed to understand the behavior of individuals when performing label checks on fresh produce in order to inform the development of a software application designed to support quality control. On a simulated label checking task, eye-tracking data showed that individuals used different checking methods. A more systematic method led to higher accuracy. Two computer-assisted approaches, varying in the level of computer support provided, were then designed to push checkers towards systematic checking. Greater improvements in accuracy were found under the computer-assisted approaches than under a control condition. A three-month onsite trial of a software application designed on the basis of these research findings led to a 100% decrease in quality control errors

    Media literacy education for parents: A systematic literature review

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    This systematic literature review examines emergent approaches toward media literacy education for parents. Method guidelines for review originated from the 2020 update of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The review sample consists of twelve studies, six originating in the United States, and six from other parts of the world. Findings include: (a) assessments of parent needs, interest in media literacy education, and receptiveness to learning, (b) integration of media literacy education with parental mediation instruction toward positive, healthy child development and socialization - shifts attention from reactive management of media effects to issue prevention or healthy balance, (c) short-term effectiveness of media literacy interventions involving parents that foster improvements in family dynamics, such as parent-child communication, and (d) U.S.-based studies employ interventionist approaches to media literacy education for parents, while gathering parental insights to inform program construction is foregrounded abroad

    The Actual State and Task of Training Counseling within the Vocational Skills Development Account System

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    This study aims to analyze training counseling implemented in the Vocational Skills Development Account System and suggest future improvements. One of the barriers that hinders the effectiveness of training counseling is job seeker’s misunderstanding of training counseling. Also, the expectation gap between the counselor and the job seeker stands as an obstacle. These gaps and misunderstandings make it harder for the purpose and the function to be realized. Furthermore, there rises confusion as the training vouchers are being issued through two different employment support systems, vocational skills development account system and through Employment Success program. The major issue here is that vocational skills development account system strictly manages the issuance of the voucher through counseling and selects the trainees carefully whereas the Employment Success program issues card easily without any limitation. Another concern is the gap that exists between the counselors. An effective counseling is discouraged because of the difference in counselor’s capacity in providing information. In order to improve current training counseling, this research proposes the followings. First, a process integration is crucial between Employment Success program counseling and training counseling within vocational skills development account system. An integrated counseling process needs to be established as well as a systematic counseling provided to job seekers based on the job seeker’s classification. Various problems related to issuance of card should be taken into consideration in advance and solutions should be suggested accordingly. A mechanism restraining the issuance of the card need be designed towards job seekers that qualify to obtain the card however do not actually need financial support. Moreover, an information sharing network should be established so that knowledge, information, and skills can be shared among counselors. When the data accumulates enough for a system for database to be organized, it is assumed that the overall quality of counseling will be positively improved. This research suggests the unification of counseling process as well as reestablishing the understanding of counseling and improvements to support this. Continuous research and convergence in view are necessary because it is difficult to apply in reality the suggested counseling process to all job seeker support programs including Employment Success program

    Results of Neurofeedback in Treatment of Children with ADHD: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials

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    Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most prevalent disorders in children and adolescents. Neurofeedback, a nonpharmaceutical treatment, has shown promising results. To review the evidence of efficacy of neurofeedback as a treatment for children and adolescents with ADHD. A systematic review of the specific scientific studies published in 1995–2021, identifying and analyzing randomized controlled trials (RCT). A total of 1636 articles were identified and 165 met inclusion criteria, of which 67 were RCTs. Neurofeedback training was associated with significant long-term reduction in symptoms of ADHD. Though limitations exist regarding conclusions about the specific effects of neurofeedback, the review documents improvements in school, social, and family environments.Plan Nacional i+d+i (National Research, Development and Innovation Program) PSI2008–06008-C02–0

    Improving evidence based practice in postgraduate nursing programs: A systematic review: Bridging the evidence practice gap (BRIDGE project)

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    © 2018 Background: The nursing profession has a significant evidence to practice gap in an increasingly complex and dynamic health care environment. Objective(s): To evaluate effectiveness of teaching and learning strategies related to a capstone project within a Masters of Nursing program that encourage the development of evidence based practice capabilities. Design: Systematic review that conforms to the PRISMA statement. Sample: Master's Nursing programs that include elements of a capstone project within a university setting. Data Sources/Review Methods: MEDLINE, CINAHL, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, ERIC and PsycInfo were used to search for RCT's or quasi experimental studies conducted between 1979 and 9 June 2017, published in a peer reviewed journal in English. Results: Of 1592 studies, no RCT's specifically addressed the development of evidence based practice capabilities within the university teaching environment. Five quasi-experimental studies integrated blended learning, guided design processes, small group work, role play and structured debate into Masters of Nursing research courses. All five studies demonstrated some improvements in evidence based practice skills and/or research knowledge translation, with three out of five studies demonstrating significant improvements. Conclusions: There is a paucity of empirical evidence supporting the best strategies to use in developing evidence based practice skills and/or research knowledge translation skills for Master's Nursing students. As a profession, nursing requires methodologically robust studies that are discipline specific to identify the best approaches for developing evidence-based practice skills and/or research knowledge translation skills within the university teaching environment. Provision of these strategies will enable the nursing profession to integrate the best empirical evidence into nursing practice
