144 research outputs found

    Recommending places blased on the wisdom-of-the-crowd

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    The collective opinion of a great number of users, popularly known as wisdom of the crowd, has been seen as powerful tool for solving problems. As suggested by Surowiecki in his books [134], large groups of people are now considered smarter than an elite few, regardless of how brilliant at solving problems or coming to wise decisions they are. This phenomenon together with the availability of a huge amount of data on the Web has propitiated the development of solutions which employ the wisdom-of-the-crowd to solve a variety of problems in different domains, such as recommender systems [128], social networks [100] and combinatorial problems [152, 151]. The vast majority of data on the Web has been generated in the last few years by billions of users around the globe using their mobile devices and web applications, mainly on social networks. This information carries astonishing details of daily activities ranging from urban mobility and tourism behavior, to emotions and interests. The largest social network nowadays is Facebook, which in December 2015 had incredible 1.31 billion mobile active users, 4.5 billion “likes” generated daily. In addition, every 60 seconds 510 comments are posted, 293, 000 statuses are updated, and 136,000 photos are uploaded1. This flood of data has brought great opportunities to discover individual and collective preferences, and use this information to offer services to meet people’s needs, such as recommending relevant and interesting items (e.g. news, places, movies). Furthermore, it is now possible to exploit the experiences of groups of people as a collective behavior so as to augment the experience of other. This latter illustrates the important scenario where the discovery of collective behavioral patterns, the wisdom-of-the-crowd, may enrich the experience of individual users. In this light, this thesis has the objective of taking advantage of the wisdom of the crowd in order to better understand human mobility behavior so as to achieve the final purpose of supporting users (e.g. people) by providing intelligent and effective recommendations. We accomplish this objective by following three main lines of investigation as discussed below. In the first line of investigation we conduct a study of human mobility using the wisdom-of- the-crowd, culminating in the development of an analytical framework that offers a methodology to understand how the points of interest (PoIs) in a city are related to each other on the basis of the displacement of people. We experimented our methodology by using the PoI network topology to identify new classes of points of interest based on visiting patterns, spatial displacement from one PoI to another as well as popularity of the PoIs. Important relationships between PoIs are mined by discovering communities (groups) of PoIs that are closely related to each other based on user movements, where different analytical metrics are proposed to better understand such a perspective. The second line of investigation exploits the wisdom-of-the-crowd collected through user-generated content to recommend itineraries in tourist cities. To this end, we propose an unsupervised framework, called TripBuilder, that leverages large collections of Flickr photos, as the wisdom-of- the-crowd, and points of interest from Wikipedia in order to support tourists in planning their visits to the cities. We extensively experimented our framework using real data, thus demonstrating the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposal. Based on the theoretical framework, we designed and developed a platform encompassing the main features required to create personalized sightseeing tours. This platform has received significant interest within the research community, since it is recognized as crucial to understand the needs of tourists when they are planning a visit to a new city. Consequently this led to outstanding scientific results. In the third line of investigation, we exploit the wisdom-of-the-crowd to leverage recommendations of groups of people (e.g. friends) who can enjoy an item (e.g. restaurant) together. We propose GroupFinder to address the novel user-item group formation problem aimed at recommending the best group of friends for a pair. The proposal combines user-item relevance information with the user’s social network (ego network), while trying to balance the satisfaction of all the members of the group for the item with the intra-group relationships. Algorithmic solutions are proposed and experimented in the location-based recommendation domain by using four publicly available Location-Based Social Network (LBSN) datasets, showing that our solution is effective and outperforms strong baselines

    Geo Data Science for Tourism

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    This reprint describes the recent challenges in tourism seen from the point of view of data science. Thanks to the use of the most popular Data Science concepts, you can easily recognise trends and patterns in tourism, detect the impact of tourism on the environment, and predict future trends in tourism. This reprint starts by describing how to analyse data related to the past, then it moves on to detecting behaviours in the present, and, finally, it describes some techniques to predict future trends. By the end of the reprint, you will be able to use data science to help tourism businesses make better use of data and improve their decision making and operations.

    Query processing in complex modern traffic networks

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    The transport sector generates about one quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. In the European Union (EU), passenger cars and light-duty trucks make up for over half of these traffic-related emissions. It is evident that everyday traffic is a serious environmental threat. At the same time, transport is a key factor for the ambitious EU climate goals; among them, for instance, the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 85 to 90 percent in the next 35 years. This thesis investigates complex traffic networks and their requirements from a computer science perspective. Modeling of and query processing in modern traffic networks are pivotal topics. Challenging theoretical problems are examined from different perspectives, novel algorithmic solutions are provided. Practical problems are investigated and solved, for instance, employing qualitative crowdsourced information and sensor data of various sources. Modern traffic networks are often modeled as graphs, i.e., defined by sets of nodes and edges. In conventional graphs, the edges are assigned numerical weights, for instance, reflecting cost criteria like distance or travel time. In multicriteria networks, the edges reflect multiple, possibly dynamically changing cost criteria. While these networks allow for diverse queries and meaningful insight, query processing usually is significantly more complex. Novel means for computation are required to keep query processing efficient. The crucial task of computing optimal paths is particularly expensive under multiple criteria. The most established set of optimal paths in multicriteria networks is referred to as path skyline (or set of pareto-optimal paths). Until now, computing the path skyline either required extensive precomputation or networks of minor size or complexity. Neither of these demands can be made on modern traffic networks. This thesis presents a novel method which makes on-the-fly computation of path skylines possible, even in dynamic networks with three or more cost criteria. Another problem examined is the exponentially growth of path skylines. The number of elements in a path skyline is potentially exponential in the number of cost criteria and the number of edges between start and target. This often produces less meaningful results, sometimes hindering usability. These drawbacks emphasize the importance of the linear path skyline which is investigated in this thesis. The linear path skyline is based on a different notion of optimality. By the notion of optimality, the linear path skyline is a subset of the conventional path skyline but in general contains less and more diverse elements. Thus, the linear path skyline facilitates interpretation while in general reducing computational effort. This topic is first studied in networks with two cost criteria and subsequently extended to more cost criteria. These cost criteria are not limited to purely quantitative measures like distance and travel time. This thesis examines the integration of qualitative information into abstractly modeled road networks. It is proposed to mine crowdsourced data for qualitative information and use this information to enrich road network graphs. These enriched networks may in turn be used to produce routing suggestions which reflect an opinion of the crowd. From data processing to knowledge extracting, network enrichment and route computation, the possibilities and challenges of crowdsourced data as a source for information are surveyed. Additionally, this thesis substantiates the practicability of network enrichment in real-world experiments. The description of a demonstration framework which applies some of the presented methods to the use case of tourist route recommendation serves as an example. The methods may also be applied to a novel graph-based routing problem proposed in this thesis. The problem extends the family of Orienteering Problems which find frequent application in tourist routing and other tasks. An approximate solution to this NP-hard problem is presented and evaluated on a large scale, real-world, time-dependent road network. Another central aspect of modern traffic networks is the integration of sensor data, often referred to as telematics. Nowadays, manifold sensors provide a plethora of data. Using this data to optimize traffic is and will continue to be a challenging task for research and industry. Some of the applications which qualify for the integration of modern telematics are surveyed in this thesis. For instance, the abstract problem of consumable and reoccurring resources in road networks is studied. An application of this problem is the search for a vacant parking space. Taking statistical and real-time sensor information into account, a stochastic routing algorithm which maximizes the probability of finding a vacant space is proposed. Furthermore, the thesis presents means for the extraction of driving preferences, helping to better understand user behavior in traffic. The theoretical concepts partially find application in a demonstration framework described in this thesis. This framework provides features which were developed for a real-world pilot project on the topics of electric and shared mobility. Actual sensor car data collected in the project, gives insight to the challenges of managing a fleet of electric vehicles.Verkehrsmittel erzeugen rund ein Viertel aller Treibhausgas-Emissionen weltweit. Für über die Hälfte der verkehrsbedingten Emissionen in der Europäischen Union (EU) zeichnen PKW und Kleinlaster verantwortlich. Die Tragweite ökologischer Konsequenzen durch alltäglichen Verkehr ist enorm. Zugleich ist ein Umdenken im Bezug auf Verkehr entscheidend, um die ehrgeizigen klimapolitischen Ziele der EU zu erfüllen. Dazu gehört unter anderem, Treibhausgas-Emissionen bis 2050 um 85 bis 90 Prozent zu verringern. Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich den komplexen Anforderungen an Verkehr und Verkehrsnetzwerke aus der Sicht der Informatik. Dabei spielen sowohl die Modellierung von als auch die Anfragebearbeitung in modernen Verkehrsnetzwerken eine entscheidende Rolle. Theoretische Fragestellungen werden aus unterschiedlichen Persepektiven beleuchtet, neue Algorithmen werden vorgestellt. Ebenso werden praktische Fragestellungen untersucht und gelöst, etwa durch die Einbindung nutzergenerierten Inhalts oder die Verwendung von Sensordaten aus unterschiedlichen Quellen. Moderne Verkehrsnetzwerke werden häufig als Graphen modelliert, d.h., durch Knoten und Kanten dargestellt. Man unterscheidet zwischen konventionellen Graphen und sogenannten Multiattributs-Graphen. Während die Kanten konventioneller Graphen numerische Gewichte tragen, die statische Kostenkriterien wie Distanz oder Reisezeit modellieren, beschreiben die Kantengewichte in Multiattributs-Graphen mehrere, möglicherweise dynamisch veränderliche Kostenkriterien. Das erlaubt einerseits vielseitige Anfragen und aussagekräftige Erkenntnisse, macht die Anfragebearbeitung jedoch ungleich komplexer und verlangt deshalb nach neuen Berechnungsmethoden. Eine besonders aufwendige Anfrage ist die Berechnung optimaler Pfade, zugleich eine der zentralsten Fragestellungen. Die gängigste Menge optimaler Pfade wird als Pfad-Skyline (auch: Menge der pareto-optimalen Pfade) bezeichnet. Die effiziente Berechnung der Pfad-Skyline setzte bisher überschaubare Netzwerke oder beträchtliche Vorberechnungen voraus. Keine der beiden Bedingung kann in modernen Verkehrsnetzwerken erfüllt werden. Diese Arbeit stellt deshalb eine Methode vor, die die Berechnung der Pfad-Skyline erheblich beschleunigt, selbst in dynamischen Netzwerken mit drei oder mehr Kostenkriterien. Außerdem wird das Problem des exponentiellen Wachstums der Pfad-Skyline betrachtet. Die Anzahl der Elemente der Pfad-Skyline wächst im schlechtesten Fall exponentiell in der Anzahl der Kostenkriterien sowie in der Entfernung zwischen Start und Ziel. Dies kann zu unübersichtlichen und wenig aussagekräftigen Resultatmengen führen. Diese Nachteile unterstreichen die Bedeutung der linearen Pfad-Skyline, die auch im Rahmen diese Arbeit untersucht wird. Die lineare Pfad-Skyline folgt einer anderen Definition von Optimalität. Stets ist die lineare Pfad-Skyline eine Teilmenge der konventionellen Pfad-Skyline, meist enthält sie deutlich weniger, unterschiedlichere Resultate. Dadurch lässt sich die lineare Pfad-Skyline im Allgemeinen schneller berechnen und erleichtert die Interpretation der Resultate. Die Berechnung der linearen Pfad-Skyline wird erst für Netzwerke mit zwei Kostenkriterien, anschließend für Netzwerke mit beliebig vielen Kostenkriterien untersucht. Kostenkriterien sind nicht notwendigerweise auf rein quantitative Maße wie Distanz oder Reisezeit beschränkt. Diese Arbeit widmet sich auch der Integration qualitativer Informationen, mit dem Ziel, intuitivere und greifbarere Routingergebnisse zu erzeugen. Dazu wird die Möglichkeit untersucht, abstrakte Straßennetzwerke mit qualitativen Informationen anzureichern, wobei die Informationen aus nutzergenerierten Daten geschöpft werden. Solche sogenannten Enriched Networks ermöglichen die Berechnung von Pfaden, die in gewisser Weise das Wissen der Nutzer reflektieren. Von der Datenverarbeitung, über die Extraktion von Wissen, bis hin zum Network-Enrichment und der Pfadberechnung, gibt diese Arbeit einen überblick zum Thema. Weiterhin wird die Praktikabilität dieses Vorgehens mit Experimenten auf Realdaten untermauert. Die Beschreibung eines Demonstrationstools für den Anwendungsfall der Navigation von Touristen dient als anschauliches Beispiel. Die vorgestellten Methoden sind darüber hinaus auch anwendbar auf ein neues, graphentheoretisches Routingproblem, das in dieser Arbeit vorgestellt wird. Es handelt sich dabei um eine zeitabängige Erweiterung der Familie der Orienteering Probleme, die häufig Anwendung finden, etwa auch im der Bereich der Touristennavigation. Das vorgestellte Problem ist NP-schwer lässt sich jedoch dank eines hier vorgestellten Algorithmus effizient approximieren. Die Evaluation untermauert die Effizienz des vorgestellten Lösungsansatzes und ist zugleich die erste Auswertung eines zeitabhängigen Orienteering Problems auf einem großformatigen Netzwerk. Ein weiterer zentraler Aspekt moderner Verkehrsnetzwerke ist die Integration von Sensordaten, oft unter dem Begriff Telematik zusammengefasst. Heutzutage generiert eine Vielzahl von Sensoren Unmengen an Daten. Diese Daten zur Verkehrsoptimierung einzusetzen ist und bleibt eine wichtige Aufgabe für Wissenschaft und Industrie. Einige der Anwendungen, die sich für den Einsatz von Telematik anbieten, werden in dieser Arbeit untersucht. So wird etwa das abstrakte Problem konsumierbarer und wiederkehrender Ressourcen im Straßennetzwerk untersucht. Ein alltägliches Beispiel für dieses Problem ist die Parkplatzsuche. Der vorgeschlagene Algorithmus, der die Wahrscheinlichkeit maximiert, einen freien Parkplatz zu finden, baut auf die Verwendung statistischer sowie aktueller Sensordaten. Weiterhin werden Methoden zur Ableitung von Fahrerpräferenzen entwickelt. Die theoretischen Fundamente finden zum Teil in einem hier beschriebenen Demonstrationstool Anwendung. Das Tool veranschaulicht Features, die für ein Pilotprojekt zu den Themen Elektromobilität und Fahrzeugflotten entwickelt wurden. Im Rahmen eines Pilotversuchs wurden Sensordaten von Elektrofahrzeugen erhoben, die Einblick in die Herausforderungen beim Management von Elektrofahrzeugflotten geben

    Cartographic user interface design models for mobile Location-Based Services applications

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    Mobile Location-Based Services (mLBS) offer a unique combination of digital content, portability, interactivity, location-awareness and real-time information delivery, providing increased convenience and support for everyday geospatial decision-making tasks, compared to more traditional printed maps and digital cartographic products. In spite of their benefits, however, limitations inherent within mLBS technology (e.g. small screens), along with the dynamic and changeable contexts in which they are used, impact on their effectiveness for communicating geospatial information to end users and, in turn, their overall acceptance. Identifying usefulness (i.e. utility and usability) as a key factor influencing the acceptance of mLBS products, this thesis details the investigation of techniques and a methodology for designing mLBS applications that communicate geospatial information in a useful manner to non-expert, general public users. The research presented here focuses on the usefulness of the entire cartographic user interface (UI) for mLBS applications – i.e. those components that are specifically concerned with the access and representation of, and interaction with, geospatial information – differentiating it from related mLBS research and application design. Particular emphasis was placed on the usefulness of the interplay between various geospatial components of the cartographic UI, in support of a broad range of everyday geospatial tasks for non-expert users. Contributing to this, a wide array of alternative techniques for representing, presenting and interacting with geospatial information were explored. To achieve its aims, the study adopted a qualitative User-Centred Design (UCD) methodology, involving an early focus on users and their tasks, empirical measurement of usage, and iterative design and evaluation, which together ensured that all design efforts were firmly grounded in the needs and characteristics of the end users. Necessarily focused on a specific application area (tourism) and an associated user group (travellers), the UCD process employed by the research was more comprehensive than had previously been undertaken within the cartographic discipline. The primary results of the research comprise a set of cartographic UI design models for communicating geospatial information in a useful manner to the non-expert users of a tourism-related mLBS application. These incorporate a range of alternative cartographic representation, presentation and interaction techniques considered useful by representative users, with egocentric maps arguably holding the greatest importance. The wider benefits of the design models are expected to be twofold: firstly, they offer a structural foundation to researchers and developers seeking to produce useful cartographic UIs for tourism-related mLBS applications; and secondly, they provide guidance regarding specific cartographic representation, presentation and interaction techniques that offer utility and usability in particular contexts. In addition, a number of secondary research outputs offer other benefits to the scientific and commercial mLBS communities. These include the UCD research methodology – which presents a proven guide for ensuring usefulness during the design of mLBS applications in general – and a set of general recommendations for designing useful mLBS applications – which offer assistance for specific design activities while contributing empirical results to the future development of mLBS application design guidelines

    31th International Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases

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    Information modelling is becoming more and more important topic for researchers, designers, and users of information systems.The amount and complexity of information itself, the number of abstractionlevels of information, and the size of databases and knowledge bases arecontinuously growing. Conceptual modelling is one of the sub-areas ofinformation modelling. The aim of this conference is to bring together experts from different areas of computer science and other disciplines, who have a common interest in understanding and solving problems on information modelling and knowledge bases, as well as applying the results of research to practice. We also aim to recognize and study new areas on modelling and knowledge bases to which more attention should be paid. Therefore philosophy and logic, cognitive science, knowledge management, linguistics and management science are relevant areas, too. In the conference, there will be three categories of presentations, i.e. full papers, short papers and position papers

    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 277, GIScience 2023, Complete Volum

    International Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT) 2019 Conference Book

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    The Sixth International Conference on Continuous Optimization took place on the campus of the Technical University of Berlin, August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), organized every three years. ICCOPT 2019 was hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It included a Summer School and a Conference with a series of plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions, and poster sessions. This book comprises the full conference program. It contains, in particular, the scientific program in survey style as well as with all details, and information on the social program, the venue, special meetings, and more

    Recent Advances in Social Data and Artificial Intelligence 2019

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    The importance and usefulness of subjects and topics involving social data and artificial intelligence are becoming widely recognized. This book contains invited review, expository, and original research articles dealing with, and presenting state-of-the-art accounts pf, the recent advances in the subjects of social data and artificial intelligence, and potentially their links to Cyberspace

    Automated Structural and Spatial Comprehension of Data Tables

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    Data tables on the Web hold large quantities of information, but are difficult to search, browse, and merge using existing systems. This dissertation presents a collection of techniques for extracting, processing, and querying tables that contain geographic data, by harnessing the coherence of table structures for retrieval tasks. Data tables, including spreadsheets, HTML tables, and those found in rich document formats, are the standard way of communicating structured data for typical computer users. Notably, geographic tables (i.e., those containing names of locations) constitute a large fraction of publicly-available data tables and are ripe for exposure to Internet users who are increasingly comfortable interacting with geographic data using web-based maps. Of particular interest is the creation of a large repository of geographic data tables that would enable novel queries such as "find vacation itineraries geographically similar to mine" for use in trip planning or "find demographic datasets that cover regions X, Y, and Z" for sociological research. In support of these goals, this dissertation identifies several methods for using the structure and context of data tables to improve the interpretation of the contents, even in the presence of ambiguity. First, a method for identifying functional components of data tables is presented, capitalizing on techniques for sequence labeling that are used in natural language processing. Next, a novel automated method for converting place references to physical latitude/longitude values, a process known as geotagging, is applied to tables with high accuracy. A classification procedure for identifying a specific class of geographic table, the travel itinerary, is also described, which borrows inspiration from optimization techniques for the traveling salesman problem (TSP). Finally, methods for querying spatially similar tables are introduced and several mechanisms for visualizing and interacting with the extracted geographic data are explored
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