225,665 research outputs found

    The proximal point method for locally lipschitz functions in multiobjective optimization with application to the compromise problem

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    This paper studies the constrained multiobjective optimization problem of finding Pareto critical points of vector-valued functions. The proximal point method considered by Bonnel, Iusem, and Svaiter [SIAM J. Optim., 15 (2005), pp. 953–970] is extended to locally Lipschitz functions in the finite dimensional multiobjective setting. To this end, a new (scalarization-free) approach for convergence analysis of the method is proposed where the first-order optimality condition of the scalarized problem is replaced by a necessary condition for weak Pareto points of a multiobjective problem. As a consequence, this has allowed us to consider the method without any assumption of convexity over the constraint sets that determine the vectorial improvement steps. This is very important for applications; for example, to extend to a dynamic setting the famous compromise problem in management sciences and game theory.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de GoiásConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nivel SuperiorMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadAgence nationale de la recherch

    An efficient multi-core SIMD implementation for H.264/AVC encoder

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    The optimization process of a H.264/AVC encoder on three different architectures is presented. The architectures are multi- and singlecore and SIMD instruction sets have different vector registers size. The need of code optimization is fundamental when addressing HD resolutions with real-time constraints. The encoder is subdivided in functional modules in order to better understand where the optimization is a key factor and to evaluate in details the performance improvement. Common issues in both partitioning a video encoder into parallel architectures and SIMD optimization are described, and author solutions are presented for all the architectures. Besides showing efficient video encoder implementations, one of the main purposes of this paper is to discuss how the characteristics of different architectures and different set of SIMD instructions can impact on the target application performance. Results about the achieved speedup are provided in order to compare the different implementations and evaluate the more suitable solutions for present and next generation video-coding algorithms

    Coherency Matrix Decomposition-Based Polarimetric Persistent Scatterer Interferometry

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The rationale of polarimetric optimization techniques is to enhance the phase quality of the interferograms by combining adequately the different polarization channels available to produce an improved one. Different approaches have been proposed for polarimetric persistent scatterer interferometry (PolPSI). They range from the simple and computationally efficient BEST, where, for each pixel, the polarimetric channel with the best response in terms of phase quality is selected, to those with high-computational burden like the equal scattering mechanism (ESM) and the suboptimum scattering mechanism (SOM). BEST is fast and simple, but it does not fully exploit the potentials of polarimetry. On the other side, ESM explores all the space of solutions and finds the optimal one but with a very high-computational burden. A new PolPSI algorithm, named coherency matrix decomposition-based PolPSI (CMD-PolPSI), is proposed to achieve a compromise between phase optimization and computational cost. Its core idea is utilizing the polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) coherency matrix decomposition to determine the optimal polarization channel for each pixel. Three different PolSAR image sets of both full- (Barcelona) and dual-polarization (Murcia and Mexico City) are used to evaluate the performance of CMD-PolPSI. The results show that CMD-PolPSI presents better optimization results than the BEST method by using either DAD_{\mathrm{ A}} or temporal mean coherence as phase quality metrics. Compared with the ESM algorithm, CMD-PolPSI is 255 times faster but its performance is not optimal. The influence of the number of available polarization channels and pixel's resolutions on the CMD-PolPSI performance is also discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    An ontology enhanced parallel SVM for scalable spam filter training

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    This is the post-print version of the final paper published in Neurocomputing. The published article is available from the link below. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. Copyright @ 2013 Elsevier B.V.Spam, under a variety of shapes and forms, continues to inflict increased damage. Varying approaches including Support Vector Machine (SVM) techniques have been proposed for spam filter training and classification. However, SVM training is a computationally intensive process. This paper presents a MapReduce based parallel SVM algorithm for scalable spam filter training. By distributing, processing and optimizing the subsets of the training data across multiple participating computer nodes, the parallel SVM reduces the training time significantly. Ontology semantics are employed to minimize the impact of accuracy degradation when distributing the training data among a number of SVM classifiers. Experimental results show that ontology based augmentation improves the accuracy level of the parallel SVM beyond the original sequential counterpart

    A convergence acceleration operator for multiobjective optimisation

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    A novel multiobjective optimisation accelerator is introduced that uses direct manipulation in objective space together with neural network mappings from objective space to decision space. This operator is a portable component that can be hybridized with any multiobjective optimisation algorithm. The purpose of this Convergence Acceleration Operator (CAO) is to enhance the search capability and the speed of convergence of the host algorithm. The operator acts directly in objective space to suggest improvements to solutions obtained by a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm (MOEA). These suggested improved objective vectors are then mapped into decision variable space and tested. The CAO is incorporated with two leading MOEAs, the Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) and the Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm (SPEA2) and tested. Results show that the hybridized algorithms consistently improve the speed of convergence of the original algorithm whilst maintaining the desired distribution of solutions

    Towards efficient multiobjective optimization: multiobjective statistical criterions

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    The use of Surrogate Based Optimization (SBO) is widely spread in engineering design to reduce the number of computational expensive simulations. However, "real-world" problems often consist of multiple, conflicting objectives leading to a set of equivalent solutions (the Pareto front). The objectives are often aggregated into a single cost function to reduce the computational cost, though a better approach is to use multiobjective optimization methods to directly identify a set of Pareto-optimal solutions, which can be used by the designer to make more efficient design decisions (instead of making those decisions upfront). Most of the work in multiobjective optimization is focused on MultiObjective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs). While MOEAs are well-suited to handle large, intractable design spaces, they typically require thousands of expensive simulations, which is prohibitively expensive for the problems under study. Therefore, the use of surrogate models in multiobjective optimization, denoted as MultiObjective Surrogate-Based Optimization (MOSBO), may prove to be even more worthwhile than SBO methods to expedite the optimization process. In this paper, the authors propose the Efficient Multiobjective Optimization (EMO) algorithm which uses Kriging models and multiobjective versions of the expected improvement and probability of improvement criterions to identify the Pareto front with a minimal number of expensive simulations. The EMO algorithm is applied on multiple standard benchmark problems and compared against the well-known NSGA-II and SPEA2 multiobjective optimization methods with promising results

    Improved BPSO for optimal PMU placement

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    Optimal phasor measurement unit (PMU) placement involves the process of minimizing the number of PMU needed while ensuring entire power system network completely observable. This paper presents the improved binary particle swarm (IBPSO) method that converges faster and also manage to maximize the measurement redundancy compared to the existing BPSO method. This method is applied to IEEE-30 bus system for the case of considering zero-injection bus and its effectiveness is verified by the simulation results done by using MATLAB software