19,652 research outputs found

    Product assurance technology for custom LSI/VLSI electronics

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    The technology for obtaining custom integrated circuits from CMOS-bulk silicon foundries using a universal set of layout rules is presented. The technical efforts were guided by the requirement to develop a 3 micron CMOS test chip for the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). This chip contains both analog and digital circuits. The development employed all the elements required to obtain custom circuits from silicon foundries, including circuit design, foundry interfacing, circuit test, and circuit qualification

    Fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture

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    The authors propose two fault-tolerance techniques for hybrid CMOS/nanoarchitecture implementing logic functions as look-up tables. The authors compare the efficiency of the proposed techniques with recently reported methods that use single coding schemes in tolerating high fault rates in nanoscale fabrics. Both proposed techniques are based on error correcting codes to tackle different fault rates. In the first technique, the authors implement a combined two-dimensional coding scheme using Hamming and Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem (BCH) codes to address fault rates greater than 5. In the second technique, Hamming coding is complemented with bad line exclusion technique to tolerate fault rates higher than the first proposed technique (up to 20). The authors have also estimated the improvement that can be achieved in the circuit reliability in the presence of Don-t Care Conditions. The area, latency and energy costs of the proposed techniques were also estimated in the CMOS domain

    Infrared testing of electronic components

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    Infrared testing of electronic component

    Automatic programming methodologies for electronic hardware fault monitoring

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    This paper presents three variants of Genetic Programming (GP) approaches for intelligent online performance monitoring of electronic circuits and systems. Reliability modeling of electronic circuits can be best performed by the Stressor - susceptibility interaction model. A circuit or a system is considered to be failed once the stressor has exceeded the susceptibility limits. For on-line prediction, validated stressor vectors may be obtained by direct measurements or sensors, which after pre-processing and standardization are fed into the GP models. Empirical results are compared with artificial neural networks trained using backpropagation algorithm and classification and regression trees. The performance of the proposed method is evaluated by comparing the experiment results with the actual failure model values. The developed model reveals that GP could play an important role for future fault monitoring systems.This research was supported by the International Joint Research Grant of the IITA (Institute of Information Technology Assessment) foreign professor invitation program of the MIC (Ministry of Information and Communication), Korea

    Automated Synthesis of SEU Tolerant Architectures from OO Descriptions

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    SEU faults are a well-known problem in aerospace environment but recently their relevance grew up also at ground level in commodity applications coupled, in this frame, with strong economic constraints in terms of costs reduction. On the other hand, latest hardware description languages and synthesis tools allow reducing the boundary between software and hardware domains making the high-level descriptions of hardware components very similar to software programs. Moving from these considerations, the present paper analyses the possibility of reusing Software Implemented Hardware Fault Tolerance (SIHFT) techniques, typically exploited in micro-processor based systems, to design SEU tolerant architectures. The main characteristics of SIHFT techniques have been examined as well as how they have to be modified to be compatible with the synthesis flow. A complete environment is provided to automate the design instrumentation using the proposed techniques, and to perform fault injection experiments both at behavioural and gate level. Preliminary results presented in this paper show the effectiveness of the approach in terms of reliability improvement and reduced design effort

    Investigation into yield and reliability enhancement of TSV-based three-dimensional integration circuits

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    Three dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) have been acknowledged as a promising technology to overcome the interconnect delay bottleneck brought by continuous CMOS scaling. Recent research shows that through-silicon-vias (TSVs), which act as vertical links between layers, pose yield and reliability challenges for 3D design. This thesis presents three original contributions.The first contribution presents a grouping-based technique to improve the yield of 3D ICs under manufacturing TSV defects, where regular and redundant TSVs are partitioned into groups. In each group, signals can select good TSVs using rerouting multiplexers avoiding defective TSVs. Grouping ratio (regular to redundant TSVs in one group) has an impact on yield and hardware overhead. Mathematical probabilistic models are presented for yield analysis under the influence of independent and clustering defect distributions. Simulation results using MATLAB show that for a given number of TSVs and TSV failure rate, careful selection of grouping ratio results in achieving 100% yield at minimal hardware cost (number of multiplexers and redundant TSVs) in comparison to a design that does not exploit TSV grouping ratios. The second contribution presents an efficient online fault tolerance technique based on redundant TSVs, to detect TSV manufacturing defects and address thermal-induced reliability issue. The proposed technique accounts for both fault detection and recovery in the presence of three TSV defects: voids, delamination between TSV and landing pad, and TSV short-to-substrate. Simulations using HSPICE and ModelSim are carried out to validate fault detection and recovery. Results show that regular and redundant TSVs can be divided into groups to minimise area overhead without affecting the fault tolerance capability of the technique. Synthesis results using 130-nm design library show that 100% repair capability can be achieved with low area overhead (4% for the best case). The last contribution proposes a technique with joint consideration of temperature mitigation and fault tolerance without introducing additional redundant TSVs. This is achieved by reusing spare TSVs that are frequently deployed for improving yield and reliability in 3D ICs. The proposed technique consists of two steps: TSV determination step, which is for achieving optimal partition between regular and spare TSVs into groups; The second step is TSV placement, where temperature mitigation is targeted while optimizing total wirelength and routing difference. Simulation results show that using the proposed technique, 100% repair capability is achieved across all (five) benchmarks with an average temperature reduction of 75.2? (34.1%) (best case is 99.8? (58.5%)), while increasing wirelength by a small amount

    Layout level design for testability strategy applied to a CMOS cell library

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    The layout level design for testability (LLDFT) rules used here allow to avoid some hard to detect faults or even undetectable faults on a cell library by modifying the cell layout without changing their behavior and achieving a good level of reliability. These rules avoid some open faults or reduce their appearance probability. The main purpose has been to apply that set of LLDFT rules on the cells of the library designed at the Centre Nacional de Microelectronica (CNM) in order to obtain a highly testable cell library. The authors summarize the main results (area overhead and performance degradation) of the application of the LLDFT rules on the cell

    Combining business process and failure modelling to increase yield in electronics manufacturing

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    The prediction and capturing of defects in low-volume assembly of electronics is a technical challenge that is a prerequisite for design for manufacturing (DfM) and business process improvement (BPI) to increase first-time yields and reduce production costs. Failures at the component-level (component defects) and system-level (such as defects in design and manufacturing) have not been incorporated in combined prediction models. BPI efforts should have predictive capability while supporting flexible production and changes in business models. This research was aimed at the integration of enterprise modelling (EM) and failure models (FM) to support business decision making by predicting system-level defects. An enhanced business modelling approach which provides a set of accessible failure models at a given business process level is presented in this article. This model-driven approach allows the evaluation of product and process performance and hence feedback to design and manufacturing activities hence improving first-time yield and product quality. A case in low-volume, high-complexity electronics assembly industry shows how the approach leverages standard modelling techniques and facilitates the understanding of the causes of poor manufacturing performance using a set of surface mount technology (SMT) process failure models. A prototype application tool was developed and tested in a collaborator site to evaluate the integration of business process models with the execution entities, such as software tools, business database, and simulation engines. The proposed concept was tested for the defect data collection and prediction in the described case study