427 research outputs found

    Quality of experience-centric management of adaptive video streaming services : status and challenges

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    Video streaming applications currently dominate Internet traffic. Particularly, HTTP Adaptive Streaming ( HAS) has emerged as the dominant standard for streaming videos over the best-effort Internet, thanks to its capability of matching the video quality to the available network resources. In HAS, the video client is equipped with a heuristic that dynamically decides the most suitable quality to stream the content, based on information such as the perceived network bandwidth or the video player buffer status. The goal of this heuristic is to optimize the quality as perceived by the user, the so-called Quality of Experience (QoE). Despite the many advantages brought by the adaptive streaming principle, optimizing users' QoE is far from trivial. Current heuristics are still suboptimal when sudden bandwidth drops occur, especially in wireless environments, thus leading to freezes in the video playout, the main factor influencing users' QoE. This issue is aggravated in case of live events, where the player buffer has to be kept as small as possible in order to reduce the playout delay between the user and the live signal. In light of the above, in recent years, several works have been proposed with the aim of extending the classical purely client-based structure of adaptive video streaming, in order to fully optimize users' QoE. In this article, a survey is presented of research works on this topic together with a classification based on where the optimization takes place. This classification goes beyond client-based heuristics to investigate the usage of server-and network-assisted architectures and of new application and transport layer protocols. In addition, we outline the major challenges currently arising in the field of multimedia delivery, which are going to be of extreme relevance in future years

    From capturing to rendering : volumetric media delivery with six degrees of freedom

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    Technological improvements are rapidly advancing holographic-type content distribution. Significant research efforts have been made to meet the low latency and high bandwidth requirements set forward by interactive applications such as remote surgery and virtual reality. Recent research made six degrees of freedom (6DoF) for immersive media possible, where users may both move their head and change their position within a scene. In this article, we present the status and challenges of 6DoF applications based on volumetric media, focusing on the key aspects required to deliver such services. Furthermore, we present results from a subjective study to highlight relevant directions for future research

    Improving The Efficiency Of Video Transmission In Computer Networks

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    In-depth examination of current techniques for enhancing the efficiency of video transmission over digital networks is provided in this study. Due to the growing need for high-quality video content, optimizing video transmission is an important area of research. This review categorizes and in-depth examines a range of methods proposed in the literature to enhance video transmission effectiveness. ABR, DNN architecture, adaptive streaming, Quality of Service (QoS), error resilience, congestion control, video compression, and hardware acceleration for video provisioning are just a few of the cutting-edge techniques that are covered in the discussion, which ranges from the more traditional to the cutting-edge. This essay provides a methodical evaluation of the numerous tactics that are available, along with an analysis of their guiding principles, advantages, and disadvantages. The paper also offers a comparative analysis of various approaches, highlighting trends, gaps, and potential future research directions in this crucial domain, all of which help to create more efficient video compression and transmission paradigms in computer networks

    Skalabilna implementacija dekodera po normi MPEG koriĆĄtenjem tokovnog programskog jezika

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    In this paper, we describe a scalable and portable parallelized implementation of a MPEG decoder using a streaming computation paradigm, tailored to new generations of multi--core systems. A novel, hybrid approach towards parallelization of both new and legacy applications is described, where only data--intensive and performance--critical parts are implemented in the streaming domain. An architecture--independent \u27StreamIt\u27 language is used for design, optimization and implementation of parallelized segments, while the developed \u27StreamGate\u27 interface provides a communication mechanism between the implementation domains. The proposed hybrid approach was employed in re--factoring of a reference MPEG video decoder implementation; identifying the most performance--critical segments and re-implementing them in \u27StreamIt\u27 language, with \u27StreamGate\u27 interface as a communication mechanism between the host and streaming kernel. We evaluated the scalability of the decoder with respect to the number of cores, video frame formats, sizes and decomposition. Decoder performance was examined in the presence of different processor load configurations and with respect to the number of simultaneously processed frames.U ovom radu opisujemo skalabilnu i prenosivu implementaciju dekodera po normi MPEG ostvarenu koriĆĄtenjem paradigme tokovnog računarstva, prilagođenu novim generacijama viĆĄejezgrenih računala. Opisan je novi, hibridni pristup paralelizaciji novih ili postojećih aplikacija, gdje se samo podatkovno intenzivni i računski zahtjevni dijelovi implementiraju u tokovnoj domeni. Arhitekturno neovisni jezik StreamIt koristi se za oblikovanje, optimiranje i izvedbu paraleliziranih segmenata aplikacije, dok razvijeno sučelje \u27StreamGate\u27 omogućava komunikaciju između domena implementacije. PredloĆŸeni hibridni pristup razvoju paraleliziranih aplikacija iskoriĆĄten je u preoblikovanju referentnog dekodera video zapisa po normi MPEG; identificirani su računski zahtjevni segmenti aplikacije i ponovno implementirani u jeziku StreamIt, sa sučeljem \u27StreamGate\u27 kao poveznicom između slijedne i tokovne domene. Ispitivana su svojstva skalabilnosti s obzirom na ciljani broj jezgri, format video zapisa i veličinu okvira te dekompoziciju ulaznih podataka. Svojstva dekodera  su praćena u prisustvu različitih opterećenja ispitnog računala, i s obzirom na broj istovremeno obrađivanih okvira

    Current video compression algorithms: Comparisons, optimizations, and improvements

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    Compression algorithms have evolved significantly in recent years. Audio, still image, and video can be compressed significantly by taking advantage of the natural redundancies that occur within them. Video compression in particular has made significant advances. MPEG-1 and MPEG-2, two of the major video compression standards, allowed video to be compressed at very low bit rates compared to the original video. The compression ratio for video that is perceptually lossless (losses can\u27t be visually perceived) can even be as high as 40 or 50 to 1 for certain videos. Videos with a small degradation in quality can be compressed at 100 to 1 or more; Although the MPEG standards provided low bit rate compression, even higher quality compression is required for efficient transmission over limited bandwidth networks, wireless networks, and broadcast mediums. Significant gains have been made over the current MPEG-2 standard in a newly developed standard called the Advanced Video Coder, also known as H.264 and MPEG-4 part 10. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

    Multicast Mobility in Mobile IP Version 6 (MIPv6) : Problem Statement and Brief Survey

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    Using Agent Base Models to Optimize Large Scale Network for Large System Inventories

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    The aim of this paper is to use Agent Base Models (ABM) to optimize large scale network handling capabilities for large system inventories and to implement strategies for the purpose of reducing capital expenses. The models used in this paper either use computational algorithms or procedure implementations developed by Matlab to simulate agent based models in a principal programming language and mathematical theory using clusters, these clusters work as a high performance computational performance to run the program in parallel computational. In both cases, a model is defined as compilation of a set of structures and processes assumed to underlie the behavior of a network system
