15 research outputs found

    An Analysis on Local Convergence of Inexact Newton-Gauss Method for Solving Singular Systems of Equations

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    We study the local convergence properties of inexact Newton-Gauss method for singular systems of equations. Unified estimates of radius of convergence balls for one kind of singular systems of equations with constant rank derivatives are obtained. Application to the Smale point estimate theory is provided and some important known results are extended and/or improved

    Expanding the applicability of the Gauss-Newton method for a certain class of systems of equations

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    We present a new semilocal convergence analysis of the Gauss-Newton method in order to solve a certain class of systems of equations under a majorant condition. Using a center majorant function as well as a majorant function and under the same computational cost as in earlier studies such as [11]-[13], we present a semilocal convergence analysis with the following advantages: weaker sufficient convergence conditions; tighter error estimates on the distances involved and an at least as precise information on the location of the solution. Special cases and applications complete this study

    Local convergence analysis of the Gauss–Newton method under a majorant condition

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    AbstractThe Gauss–Newton method for solving nonlinear least squares problems is studied in this paper. Under the hypothesis that the derivative of the function associated with the least square problem satisfies a majorant condition, a local convergence analysis is presented. This analysis allows us to obtain the optimal convergence radius and the biggest range for the uniqueness of stationary point, and to unify two previous and unrelated results

    On Regularized Newton-type Algorithms and A Posteriori Error Estimates for Solving Ill-posed Inverse Problems

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    Ill-posed inverse problems have wide applications in many fields such as oceanography, signal processing, machine learning, biomedical imaging, remote sensing, geophysics, and others. In this dissertation, we address the problem of solving unstable operator equations with iteratively regularized Newton-type algorithms. Important practical questions such as selection of regularization parameters, construction of generating (filtering) functions based on a priori information available for different models, algorithms for stopping rules and error estimates are investigated with equal attention given to theoretical study and numerical experiments

    Aproximación de ecuaciones diferenciales mediante una nueva técnica variacional y aplicaciones

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    [SPA] En esta Tesis presentamos el estudio teórico y numérico de sistemas de ecuaciones diferenciales basado en el análisis de un funcional asociado de forma natural al problema original. Probamos que cuando se utiliza métodos del descenso para minimizar dicho funcional, el algoritmo decrece el error hasta obtener la convergencia dada la no existencia de mínimos locales diferentes a la solución original. En cierto sentido el algoritmo puede considerarse un método tipo Newton globalmente convergente al estar basado en una linearización del problema. Se han estudiado la aproximación de ecuaciones diferenciales rígidas, de ecuaciones rígidas con retardo, de ecuaciones algebraico‐diferenciales y de problemas hamiltonianos. Esperamos que esta nueva técnica variacional pueda usarse en otro tipo de problemas diferenciales. [ENG] This thesis is devoted to the study and approximation of systems of differential equations based on an analysis of a certain error functional associated, in a natural way, with the original problem. We prove that in seeking to minimize the error by using standard descent schemes, the procedure can never get stuck in local minima, but will always and steadily decrease the error until getting to the original solution. One main step in the procedure relies on a very particular linearization of the problem, in some sense it is like a globally convergent Newton type method. We concentrate on the approximation of stiff systems of ODEs, DDEs, DAEs and Hamiltonian systems. In all these problems we need to use implicit schemes. We believe that this approach can be used in a systematic way to examine other situations and other types of equations.Universidad Politécnica de Cartagen

    4D imaging in tomography and optical nanoscopy

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    Diese Dissertation gehört zu den Gebieten mathematische Bildverarbeitung und inverse Probleme. Ein inverses Problem ist die Aufgabe, Modellparameter anhand von gemessenen Daten zu berechnen. Solche Probleme treten in zahlreichen Anwendungen in Wissenschaft und Technik auf, z.B. in medizinischer Bildgebung, Biophysik oder Astronomie. Wir betrachten Rekonstruktionsprobleme mit Poisson Rauschen in der Tomographie und optischen Nanoskopie. Bei letzterer gilt es Bilder ausgehend von verzerrten und verrauschten Messungen zu rekonstruieren, wohingegen in der Positronen-Emissions-Tomographie die Aufgabe in der Visualisierung physiologischer Prozesse eines Patienten besteht. Standardmethoden zur 3D Bildrekonstruktion berücksichtigen keine zeitabhängigen Informationen oder Dynamik, z.B. Herzschlag oder Atmung in der Tomographie oder Zellmigration in der Mikroskopie. Diese Dissertation behandelt Modelle, Analyse und effiziente Algorithmen für 3D und 4D zeitabhängige inverse Probleme. This thesis contributes to the field of mathematical image processing and inverse problems. An inverse problem is a task, where the values of some model parameters must be computed from observed data. Such problems arise in a wide variety of applications in sciences and engineering, such as medical imaging, biophysics or astronomy. We mainly consider reconstruction problems with Poisson noise in tomography and optical nanoscopy. In the latter case, the task is to reconstruct images from blurred and noisy measurements, whereas in positron emission tomography the task is to visualize physiological processes of a patient. In 3D static image reconstruction standard methods do not incorporate time-dependent information or dynamics, e.g. heart beat or breathing in tomography or cell motion in microscopy. This thesis is a treatise on models, analysis and efficient algorithms to solve 3D and 4D time-dependent inverse problems

    Variable metric line-search based methods for nonconvex optimization

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    L'obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di proporre nuovi metodi iterativi del prim'ordine per un'ampia classe di problemi di ottimizzazione non convessa, in cui la funzione obiettivo è data dalla somma di un termine differenziabile, eventualmente non convesso, e di uno convesso, eventualmente non differenziabile. Tali problemi sono frequenti in applicazioni scientifiche quali l'elaborazione numerica di immagini e segnali, in cui il primo termine gioca il ruolo di funzione di discrepanza tra il dato osservato e l'oggetto ricostruito, mentre il secondo è il termine di regolarizzazione, volto ad imporre alcune specifiche proprietà sull'oggetto desiderato. Il nostro approccio è duplice: da un lato, i metodi proposti vengono accelerati facendo uso di strategie adattive di selezione dei parametri coinvolti; dall'altro lato, la convergenza di tali metodi viene garantita imponendo, ad ogni iterazione, un'opportuna condizione di sufficiente decrescita della funzione obiettivo. Il nostro primo contributo consiste nella messa a punto di un nuovo metodo di tipo proximal-gradient, che alterna un passo del gradiente sulla parte differenziabile ad uno proximal sulla parte convessa, denominato Variable Metric Inexact Line-search based Algorithm (VMILA). Tale metodo è innovativo da più punti di vista. Innanzitutto, a differenza della maggior parte dei metodi proximal-gradient, VMILA permette di adottare una metrica variabile nel calcolo dell'operatore proximal con estrema libertà di scelta, imponendo soltanto che i parametri coinvolti appartengano a sottoinsiemi limitati degli spazi in cui vengono definiti. In secondo luogo, in VMILA il calcolo del punto proximal viene effettuato tramite un preciso criterio di inesattezza, che può essere concretamente implementato in alcuni casi di interesse. Questo aspetto assume una rilevante importanza ogni qualvolta l'operatore proximal non sia calcolabile in forma chiusa. Infine, le iterate di VMILA sono calcolate tramite una ricerca di linea inesatta lungo la direzione ammissibile e secondo una specifica condizione di sufficiente decrescita di tipo Armijo. Il secondo contributo di questa tesi è proposto in un caso particolare del problema di ottimizzazione precedentemente considerato, in cui si assume che il termine convesso sia dato dalla somma di un numero finito di funzioni indicatrici di insiemi chiusi e convessi. In altre parole, si considera il problema di minimizzare una funzione differenziabile in cui i vincoli sulle incognite hanno una struttura separabile. In letteratura, il metodo classico per affrontare tale problema è senza dubbio il metodo di Gauss-Seidel (GS) non lineare, dove la minimizzazione della funzione obiettivo è ciclicamente alternata su ciascun blocco di variabili del problema. In questa tesi, viene proposta una versione inesatta dello schema GS, denominata Cyclic Block Generalized Gradient Projection (CBGGP) method, in cui la minimizzazione parziale su ciascun blocco di variabili è realizzata mediante un numero finito di passi del metodo del gradiente proiettato. La novità nell'approccio proposto consiste nell'introduzione di metriche non euclidee nel calcolo del gradiente proiettato. Per entrambi i metodi si dimostra, senza alcuna ipotesi di convessità sulla funzione obiettivo, che ciascun punto di accumulazione della successione delle iterate è stazionario. Nel caso di VMILA, è invece possibile dimostrare la convergenza forte delle iterate ad un punto stazionario quando la funzione obiettivo soddisfa la disuguaglianza di Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz. Numerosi test numerici in problemi di elaborazione di immagini, quali la ricostruzione di immagini sfocate e rumorose, la compressione di immagini, la stima di fase in microscopia e la deconvoluzione cieca di immagini in astronomia, danno prova della flessibilità ed efficacia dei metodi proposti.The aim of this thesis is to propose novel iterative first order methods tailored for a wide class of nonconvex nondifferentiable optimization problems, in which the objective function is given by the sum of a differentiable, possibly nonconvex function and a convex, possibly nondifferentiable term. Such problems have become ubiquitous in scientific applications such as image or signal processing, where the first term plays the role of the fit-to-data term, describing the relation between the desired object and the measured data, whereas the second one is the penalty term, aimed at restricting the search of the object itself to those satisfying specific properties. Our approach is twofold: on one hand, we accelerate the proposed methods by making use of suitable adaptive strategies to choose the involved parameters; on the other hand, we ensure convergence by imposing a sufficient decrease condition on the objective function at each iteration. Our first contribution is the development of a novel proximal--gradient method denominated Variable Metric Inexact Line-search based Algorithm (VMILA). The proposed approach is innovative from several points of view. First of all, VMILA allows to adopt a variable metric in the computation of the proximal point with a relative freedom of choice. Indeed the only assumption that we make is that the parameters involved belong to bounded sets. This is unusual with respect to the state-of-the-art proximal-gradient methods, where the parameters are usually chosen by means of a fixed rule or tightly related to the Lipschitz constant of the problem. Second, we introduce an inexactness criterion for computing the proximal point which can be practically implemented in some cases of interest. This aspect assumes a relevant importance whenever the proximal operator is not available in a closed form, which is often the case. Third, the VMILA iterates are computed by performing a line-search along the feasible direction and according to a specific Armijo-like condition, which can be considered as an extension of the classical Armijo rule proposed in the context of differentiable optimization. The second contribution is given for a special instance of the previously considered optimization problem, where the convex term is assumed to be a finite sum of the indicator functions of closed, convex sets. In other words, we consider a problem of constrained differentiable optimization in which the constraints have a separable structure. The most suited method to deal with this problem is undoubtedly the nonlinear Gauss-Seidel (GS) or block coordinate descent method, where the minimization of the objective function is cyclically alternated on each block of variables of the problem. In this thesis, we propose an inexact version of the GS scheme, denominated Cyclic Block Generalized Gradient Projection (CBGGP) method, in which the partial minimization over each block of variables is performed inexactly by means of a fixed number of gradient projection steps. The novelty of the proposed approach consists in the introduction of non Euclidean metrics in the computation of the gradient projection. As for VMILA, the sufficient decrease of the function is imposed by means of a block version of the Armijo line-search. For both methods, we prove that each limit point of the sequence of iterates is stationary, without any convexity assumptions. In the case of VMILA, strong convergence of the iterates to a stationary point is also proved when the objective function satisfies the Kurdyka-Lojasiewicz property. Extensive numerical experience in image processing applications, such as image deblurring and denoising in presence of non-Gaussian noise, image compression, phase estimation and image blind deconvolution, shows the flexibility of our methods in addressing different nonconvex problems, as well as their ability to effectively accelerate the progress towards the solution of the treated problem