1,225 research outputs found

    Determining crop residue type and class using satellite acquired data

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    LANDSAT Thematic Mapper (TM) data for March 23, 1987 with accompanying ground truth data for the study area in Miami County, IN were used to determine crop residue type and class. Principle components and spectral ratioing transformations were applied to the LANDSAT TM data. One graphic information system (GIS) layer of land ownership was added to each original image as the eighth band of data in an attempt to improve classification. Maximum likelihood, minimum distance, and neural networks were used to classify the original, transformed, and GIS-enhanced remotely sensed data. Crop residues could be separated from one another and from bare soil and other biomass. Two types of crop residue and four classes were identified from each LANDSAT TM image. The maximum likelihood classifier performed the best classification for each original image without need of any transformation. The neural network classifier was able to improve the classification by incorporating a GIS-layer of land ownership as an eighth band of data. The maximum likelihood classifier was unable to consider this eighth band of data and thus, its results could not be improved by its consideration

    Analyzing the Adoption, Cropping Rotation, and Impact of Winter Cover Crops in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) Region through Remote Sensing Technologies

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    This dissertation explores the application of remote sensing technologies in conservation agriculture, specifically focusing on identifying and mapping winter cover crops and assessing voluntary cover crop adoption and cropping patterns in the Arkansas portion of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP). In the first chapter, a systematic review using the PRISMA methodology examines the last 30 years of thematic research, development, and trends in remote sensing applied to conservation agriculture from a global perspective. The review uncovers a growing interest in remote sensing-based research in conservation agriculture and emphasizes the necessity for further studies dedicated to conservation practices. Among the 68 articles examined, 94% of studies utilized a pixel-based classification method, while only 6% employed an object-based approach. The analysis also revealed a thematic shift over time, with tillage practices being extensively studied before 2005, followed by a focus on crop residue from 2004 to 2012. From 2012 to 2020, there was a renewed emphasis on cover crops research. These findings highlight the evolving research landscape and provide insights into the trends within remote sensing-based conservation agriculture studies. The second chapter presents a methodological framework for identifying and mapping winter cover crops. The framework utilizes the Google Earth Engine (GEE) and a Random Forest (RF) classifier with time series data from Landsat 8 satellite. Results demonstrate a high classification accuracy (97.7%) and a significant increase (34%) in model-predicted cover crop adoption over the study period between 2013 and 2019. Additionally, the study showcases the use of multi-year datasets to efficiently map the growing season\u27s length and cover crops\u27 phenological characteristics. The third chapter assesses the voluntary adoption of winter cover crops and cropping patterns in the MAP region. Remote sensing technologies, USDA-NRCS government cover crop data sources, and the USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL) are employed to identify cover crop locations, analyze county-wide voluntary adoption, and cropping rotations. The result showed a 5.33% increase in the overall voluntary adoption of cover crops in the study region between 2013 and 2019. The findings also indicate a growing trend in cover crop adoption, with soybean-cover crop rotations being prominent. This dissertation enhances our understanding of the role of remote sensing in conservation agriculture with a particular focus on winter cover crops. These insights are valuable for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers seeking to promote sustainable agricultural practices and increased cover crop adoption. The study also underscores the significance of integrating remote sensing technologies into agricultural decision-making processes and highlights the importance of collaboration among policymakers, researchers, and producers. By leveraging the capabilities of remote sensing, it will enhance conservation agriculture contribution to long-term environmental sustainability and agricultural resilience. Keywords: Remote sensing technologies, Conservation agriculture, Winter cover crops, Voluntary adoption, Cropping patterns, Sustainable agricultural practice

    Analyzing the Adoption, Cropping Rotation, and Impact of Winter Cover Crops in the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP) Region through Remote Sensing Technologies

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    This dissertation explores the application of remote sensing technologies in conservation agriculture, specifically focusing on identifying and mapping winter cover crops and assessing voluntary cover crop adoption and cropping patterns in the Arkansas portion of the Mississippi Alluvial Plain (MAP). In the first chapter, a systematic review using the PRISMA methodology examines the last 30 years of thematic research, development, and trends in remote sensing applied to conservation agriculture from a global perspective. The review uncovers a growing interest in remote sensing-based research in conservation agriculture and emphasizes the necessity for further studies dedicated to conservation practices. Among the 68 articles examined, 94% of studies utilized a pixel-based classification method, while only 6% employed an object-based approach. The analysis also revealed a thematic shift over time, with tillage practices being extensively studied before 2005, followed by a focus on crop residue from 2004 to 2012. From 2012 to 2020, there was a renewed emphasis on cover crops research. These findings highlight the evolving research landscape and provide insights into the trends within remote sensing-based conservation agriculture studies. The second chapter presents a methodological framework for identifying and mapping winter cover crops. The framework utilizes the Google Earth Engine (GEE) and a Random Forest (RF) classifier with time series data from Landsat 8 satellite. Results demonstrate a high classification accuracy (97.7%) and a significant increase (34%) in model-predicted cover crop adoption over the study period between 2013 and 2019. Additionally, the study showcases the use of multi-year datasets to efficiently map the growing season\u27s length and cover crops\u27 phenological characteristics. The third chapter assesses the voluntary adoption of winter cover crops and cropping patterns in the MAP region. Remote sensing technologies, USDA-NRCS government cover crop data sources, and the USDA Cropland Data Layer (CDL) are employed to identify cover crop locations, analyze county-wide voluntary adoption, and cropping rotations. The result showed a 5.33% increase in the overall voluntary adoption of cover crops in the study region between 2013 and 2019. The findings also indicate a growing trend in cover crop adoption, with soybean-cover crop rotations being prominent. This dissertation enhances our understanding of the role of remote sensing in conservation agriculture with a particular focus on winter cover crops. These insights are valuable for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers seeking to promote sustainable agricultural practices and increased cover crop adoption. The study also underscores the significance of integrating remote sensing technologies into agricultural decision-making processes and highlights the importance of collaboration among policymakers, researchers, and producers. By leveraging the capabilities of remote sensing, it will enhance conservation agriculture contribution to long-term environmental sustainability and agricultural resilience. Keywords: Remote sensing technologies, Conservation agriculture, Winter cover crops, Voluntary adoption, Cropping patterns, Sustainable agricultural practice

    The General Ensemble Biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) and its Applications to Agricultural Systems in the United States

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    The General Ensemble Biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) (Liu, 2009; Liu et al., 2004c) was developed to integrate well-established ecosystem biogeochemical models with various spatial databases for the simulations of biogeochemical cycles over large areas. Figure 18.1 shows the overall structure of the GEMS. Some of the key components are described below. General Ensemble Biogeochemical Modeling System (GEMS) 310 Multiple Underlying Biogeochemical Models 310 Monte Carlo Simulations 311 Model Inputs: Management Practices and Others 311 Model Outputs 311 Data Assimilation 311 Simulation of Agricultural Practices: EDCM as an Example 312 Net Primary Production (NPP) and Improvements in Crop Genetics and Agronomics 312 Soil Carbon Dynamics 312 Impacts of Soil Erosion and Deposition 313 CH4 and N2O Fluxes 313 Study Areas and Modeling Design 314 Study Areas 314 Nebraska Eddy Flux Tower Sites 314 Regional Applications: Mississippi Valley and Prairie Potholes 315 Modeling Design 315 Results 316 Impacts of Management Practices on SOC at Site Scale 316 Quantification of Regional Carbon Stocks and GHG Fluxes 317 Prairie Pothole Region 317 Mississippi Valley 319 Discussion 32

    The integration of remotely sensed data into a watershed modeling approach to characterize winter cover crop nitrate uptake function and wetland inundation at the landscape scale

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    The Chesapeake Bay (CB) is the largest and most productive estuary in the United States (US), supporting more than 3,600 species of plants and animals (CEC, 2000). Degrading water quality of the CB estuaries requires implementing conservation practices to reduce excessive nutrients loads from agricultural lands. The role of both winter cover crops (WCCs) and wetland restoration and enhancement in reducing agricultural nutrient loads on the Coastal Plain of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBW) has been widely recognized. In order to effectively reduce nutrient loads using two conservation practices, it is important to understand their long-term, cumulative impacts at the watershed scale. A watershed modeling approach has been recommended to simulate the cumulative effects of conservation practices on nutrient loads at the watershed scale. When using a watershed modeling approach, accurate characterization of physical processes of conservation practices within a modeling context and consideration of multiple stressors (e.g., climate change and human activities) are critical for obtaining reliable information. This dissertation has sought to characterize and evaluate the long-term impacts of WCCs and wetlands on hydrology and water quality at the watershed scale, using a watershed modeling approach in conjunction with remotely sensed data. The WCCs are planted during winter fallow seasons to absorb residual soil nitrate. The WCC nitrate uptake capacity is dependent on its biomass as soil nitrate is being converted to WCC biomass. The WCC growth was first estimated using landscape-level biomass observations derived from remotely sensed data and field measurements to accurately represent WCC nitrate uptake efficiency. Then, the long-term effect of WCC on nitrate loads was evaluated at the watershed scale by considering WCC planting methods, soil properties, and crop rotations. The simulation results represent the typical growth pattern of WCCs observed in this region, and demonstrate the most effective WCC implementation method for enhanced WCC water quality benefits, regarding local characteristics. Inundation is a key abiotic factor characterizing wetland ecosystem functions including water purification. Thus, the accurate prediction of the spatial distribution of inundation can indicate the capacity of wetlands to remove nutrient loads at the local landscape scale. An integrated wetland-watershed modeling approach is presented to show how remotely sensed data can be used to improve spatial prediction of wetland inundation while reducing prediction uncertainty. The simulation results demonstrate that the model prediction with wetland parameters derived from remotely sensed data accurately replicates the observed spatial inundation pattern. These findings provide useful information for identifying the locations in need of wetland restoration and enhancement. A watershed modeling approach that incorporated remotely sensed data accurately demonstrates the effective way to implement WCCs and wetland restoration and enhancement for reducing agricultural nutrient loads. Therefore, this dissertation would contribute to achieving nutrient reduction goals of the CB


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    Non-photosynthetic vegetation (NPV) refers to vegetation that cannot perform a photosynthetic function. NPV, including standing dead vegetation and surface plant litter, plays a vital role in maintaining ecosystem function through controlling carbon, water and nutrient uptake as well as natural fire frequency and intensity in diverse ecosystems such as forest, savannah, wetland, cropland, and grassland. Due to its ecological importance, NPV has been selected as an indicator of grassland ecosystem health by the Alberta Public Lands Administration in Canada. The ecological importance of NPV has driven considerable research on quantifying NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in various ecosystems. Although remote images, especially hyperspectral images, have demonstrated potential for use in NPV estimation, there has not been a way to quantify NPV biomass in semiarid grasslands where NPV biomass is affected by green vegetation (PV), bare soil and biological soil crust (BSC). The purpose of this research is to find a solution to quantitatively estimate NPV biomass with remote sensing approaches in semiarid mixed grasslands. Research was conducted in Grasslands National Park (GNP), a parcel of semiarid mixed prairie grassland in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Multispectral images, including newly operational Landsat 8 Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Sentinel-2A Multi-spectral Instrument (MSIs) images and fine Quad-pol Radarsat-2 images were used for estimating NPV biomass in early, middle, and peak growing seasons via a simple linear regression approach. The results indicate that multispectral Landsat 8 OLI and Sentinel-2A MSIs have potential to quantify NPV biomass in peak and early senescence growing seasons. Radarsat-2 can also provide a solution for NPV biomass estimation. However, the performance of Radarsat-2 images is greatly affected by incidence angle of the image acquisition. This research filled a critical gap in applying remote sensing approaches to quantify NPV biomass in grassland ecosystems. NPV biomass estimates and approaches for estimating NPV biomass will contribute to grassland ecosystem health assessment (EHA) and natural resource (i.e. land, soil, water, plant, and animal) management

    Proceedings of the USDA-ARS workshop "Real world" infiltration

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    Compiled and edited by L.R. Ahuja and Amy Garrison.Includes bibliographical references.Proceedings of the 1996 workshop held on July 22-25, 1996 in Pingree Park, Colorado

    Contribution of Remote Sensing on Crop Models: A Review

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    Crop growth models simulate the relationship between plants and the environment to predict the expected yield for applications such as crop management and agronomic decision making, as well as to study the potential impacts of climate change on food security. A major limitation of crop growth models is the lack of spatial information on the actual conditions of each field or region. Remote sensing can provide the missing spatial information required by crop models for improved yield prediction. This paper reviews the most recent information about remote sensing data and their contribution to crop growth models. It reviews the main types, applications, limitations and advantages of remote sensing data and crop models. It examines the main methods by which remote sensing data and crop growth models can be combined. As the spatial resolution of most remote sensing data varies from sub-meter to 1 km, the issue of selecting the appropriate scale is examined in conjunction with their temporal resolution. The expected future trends are discussed, considering the new and planned remote sensing platforms, emergent applications of crop models and their expected improvement to incorporate automatically the increasingly available remotely sensed products


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    An introduction to the overall AgRISTARS program, a general statement on progress, and separate summaries of the activities of each project, with emphasis on the technical highlights are presented. Organizational and management information on AgRISTARS is included in the appendices, as is a complete bibliography of publication and reports

    Monitoring the Sustainable Intensification of Arable Agriculture:the Potential Role of Earth Observation

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    Sustainable intensification (SI) has been proposed as a possible solution to the conflicting problems of meeting projected increases in food demand and preserving environmental quality. SI would provide necessary production increases while simultaneously reducing or eliminating environmental degradation, without taking land from competing demands. An important component of achieving these aims is the development of suitable methods for assessing the temporal variability of both the intensification and sustainability of agriculture. Current assessments rely on traditional data collection methods that produce data of limited spatial and temporal resolution. Earth Observation (EO) provides a readily accessible, long-term dataset with global coverage at various spatial and temporal resolutions. In this paper we demonstrate how EO could significantly contribute to SI assessments, providing opportunities to quantify agricultural intensity and environmental sustainability. We review an extensive body of research on EO-based methods to assess multiple indicators of both agricultural intensity and environmental sustainability. To date these techniques have not been combined to assess SI; here we identify the opportunities and initial steps required to achieve this. In this context, we propose the development of a set of essential sustainable intensification variables (ESIVs) that could be derived from EO data
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