203 research outputs found

    Boxed Permutation Pattern Matching

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    Given permutations T and P of length n and m, respectively, the Permutation Pattern Matching problem asks to find all m-length subsequences of T that are order-isomorphic to P. This problem has a wide range of applications but is known to be NP-hard. In this paper, we study the special case, where the goal is to only find the boxed subsequences of T that are order-isomorphic to P. This problem was introduced by Bruner and Lackner who showed that it can be solved in O(n^3) time. Cho et al. [CPM 2015] gave an O(n^2m) time algorithm and improved it to O(n^2 log m). In this paper we present a solution that uses only O(n^2) time. In general, there are instances where the output size is Omega(n^2) and hence our bound is optimal. To achieve our results, we introduce several new ideas including a novel reduction to 2D offline dominance counting. Our algorithm is surprisingly simple and straightforward to implement

    Counting 4-Patterns in Permutations Is Equivalent to Counting 4-Cycles in Graphs

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    Permutation ? appears in permutation ? if there exists a subsequence of ? that is order-isomorphic to ?. The natural algorithmic question is to check if ? appears in ?, and if so count the number of occurrences. Only since very recently we know that for any fixed length k, we can check if a given pattern of length k appears in a permutation of length n in time linear in n, but being able to count all such occurrences in f(k)? n^o(k/log k) time would refute the exponential time hypothesis (ETH). Together with practical applications in statistics, this motivates a systematic study of the complexity of counting occurrences for different patterns of fixed small length k. We investigate this question for k = 4. Very recently, Even-Zohar and Leng [arXiv 2019] identified two types of 4-patterns. For the first type they designed an ??(n) time algorithm, while for the second they were able to provide an ??(n^1.5) time algorithm. This brings up the question whether the permutations of the second type are inherently harder than the first type. We establish a connection between counting 4-patterns of the second type and counting 4-cycles (not necessarily induced) in a sparse undirected graph. By designing two-way reductions we show that the complexities of both problems are the same, up to polylogarithmic factors. This allows us to leverage the work done on the latter to provide a reasonable argument for why there is a difference in the complexities for counting 4-patterns of the first and the second type. In particular, even for the seemingly simpler problem of detecting a 4-cycle in a graph on m edges, the best known algorithm works in ?(m^{4/3}) time. Our reductions imply that an ?(n^{4/3-?}) time algorithm for counting occurrences of any 4-pattern of the second type in a permutation of length n would imply an exciting breakthrough for counting (and hence also detecting) 4-cycles. In the other direction, by plugging in the fastest known algorithm for counting 4-cycles, we obtain an algorithm for counting occurrences of any 4-pattern of the second type in ?(n^1.48) time

    Combinatorial generation via permutation languages. I. Fundamentals

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    In this work we present a general and versatile algorithmic framework for exhaustively generating a large variety of different combinatorial objects, based on encoding them as permutations. This approach provides a unified view on many known results and allows us to prove many new ones. In particular, we obtain the following four classical Gray codes as special cases: the Steinhaus-Johnson-Trotter algorithm to generate all permutations of an nn-element set by adjacent transpositions; the binary reflected Gray code to generate all nn-bit strings by flipping a single bit in each step; the Gray code for generating all nn-vertex binary trees by rotations due to Lucas, van Baronaigien, and Ruskey; the Gray code for generating all partitions of an nn-element ground set by element exchanges due to Kaye. We present two distinct applications for our new framework: The first main application is the generation of pattern-avoiding permutations, yielding new Gray codes for different families of permutations that are characterized by the avoidance of certain classical patterns, (bi)vincular patterns, barred patterns, boxed patterns, Bruhat-restricted patterns, mesh patterns, monotone and geometric grid classes, and many others. We also obtain new Gray codes for all the combinatorial objects that are in bijection to these permutations, in particular for five different types of geometric rectangulations, also known as floorplans, which are divisions of a square into nn rectangles subject to certain restrictions. The second main application of our framework are lattice congruences of the weak order on the symmetric group~SnS_n. Recently, Pilaud and Santos realized all those lattice congruences as (n−1)(n-1)-dimensional polytopes, called quotientopes, which generalize hypercubes, associahedra, permutahedra etc. Our algorithm generates the equivalence classes of each of those lattice congruences, by producing a Hamilton path on the skeleton of the corresponding quotientope, yielding a constructive proof that each of these highly symmetric graphs is Hamiltonian. We thus also obtain a provable notion of optimality for the Gray codes obtained from our framework: They translate into walks along the edges of a polytope

    Large scale numerical software development using functional languages

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    PhD ThesisFunctional programming languages such as Haskell allow numerical algorithms to be expressed in a concise, machine-independent manner that closely reflects the underlying mathematical notation in which the algorithm is described. Unfortunately the price paid for this level of abstraction is usually a considerable increase in execution time and space usage. This thesis presents a three-part study of the use of modern purely-functional languages to develop numerical software. In Part I the appropriateness and usefulness of language features such as polymorphism. pattern matching, type-class overloading and non-strict semantics are discussed together with the limitations they impose. Quantitative statistics concerning the manner in which these features are used in practice are also presented. In Part II the information gathered from Part I is used to design and implement FSC. all experimental functional language tailored to numerical computing, motivated as much by pragmatic as theoretical issues. This language is then used to develop numerical software and its suitability assessed via benchmarking it against C/C++ and Haskell under various metrics. In Part III the work is summarised and assessed.EPSRC

    Safe and scalable parallel programming with session types

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    Parallel programming is a technique that can coordinate and utilise multiple hardware resources simultaneously, to improve the overall computation performance. However, reasoning about the communication interactions between the resources is difficult. Moreover, scaling an application often leads to increased number and complexity of interactions, hence we need a systematic way to ensure the correctness of the communication aspects of parallel programs. In this thesis, we take an interaction-centric view of parallel programming, and investigate applying and adapting the theory of Session Types, a formal typing discipline for structured interaction-based communication, to guarantee the lack of communication mismatches and deadlocks in concurrent systems. We focus on scalable, distributed parallel systems that use message-passing for communication. We explore programming language primitives, tools and frameworks to simplify parallel programming. First, we present the design and implementation of Session C, a program ming toolchain for message-passing parallel programming. Session C can ensure deadlock freedom, communication safety and global progress through static type checking, and supports optimisations by refinements through session subtyping. Then we introduce Pabble, a protocol description language for designing parametric interaction protocols. The language can capture scalable interaction patterns found in parallel applications, and guarantees communication-safety and deadlock-freedom despite the undecidability of the underlying parameterised session type theory. Next, we demonstrate an application of Pabble in a workflow that combines Pabble protocols and computation kernel code describing the sequential computation behaviours, to generate a Message-Passing Interface (MPI) parallel application. The framework guarantees, by construction, that generated code are free from communication errors and deadlocks. Finally, we formalise an extension of binary session types and new language primitives for safe and efficient implementations of multiparty parallel applications in a binary server-client programming environment. Our exploration with session-based parallel programming shows that it is a feasible and practical approach to guaranteeing communication aspects of complex, interaction-based scalable parallel programming.Open Acces

    Enabling Scalability: Graph Hierarchies and Fault Tolerance

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    In this dissertation, we explore approaches to two techniques for building scalable algorithms. First, we look at different graph problems. We show how to exploit the input graph\u27s inherent hierarchy for scalable graph algorithms. The second technique takes a step back from concrete algorithmic problems. Here, we consider the case of node failures in large distributed systems and present techniques to quickly recover from these. In the first part of the dissertation, we investigate how hierarchies in graphs can be used to scale algorithms to large inputs. We develop algorithms for three graph problems based on two approaches to build hierarchies. The first approach reduces instance sizes for NP-hard problems by applying so-called reduction rules. These rules can be applied in polynomial time. They either find parts of the input that can be solved in polynomial time, or they identify structures that can be contracted (reduced) into smaller structures without loss of information for the specific problem. After solving the reduced instance using an exponential-time algorithm, these previously contracted structures can be uncontracted to obtain an exact solution for the original input. In addition to a simple preprocessing procedure, reduction rules can also be used in branch-and-reduce algorithms where they are successively applied after each branching step to build a hierarchy of problem kernels of increasing computational hardness. We develop reduction-based algorithms for the classical NP-hard problems Maximum Independent Set and Maximum Cut. The second approach is used for route planning in road networks where we build a hierarchy of road segments based on their importance for long distance shortest paths. By only considering important road segments when we are far away from the source and destination, we can substantially speed up shortest path queries. In the second part of this dissertation, we take a step back from concrete graph problems and look at more general problems in high performance computing (HPC). Here, due to the ever increasing size and complexity of HPC clusters, we expect hardware and software failures to become more common in massively parallel computations. We present two techniques for applications to recover from failures and resume computation. Both techniques are based on in-memory storage of redundant information and a data distribution that enables fast recovery. The first technique can be used for general purpose distributed processing frameworks: We identify data that is redundantly available on multiple machines and only introduce additional work for the remaining data that is only available on one machine. The second technique is a checkpointing library engineered for fast recovery using a data distribution method that achieves balanced communication loads. Both our techniques have in common that they work in settings where computation after a failure is continued with less machines than before. This is in contrast to many previous approaches that---in particular for checkpointing---focus on systems that keep spare resources available to replace failed machines. Overall, we present different techniques that enable scalable algorithms. While some of these techniques are specific to graph problems, we also present tools for fault tolerant algorithms and applications in a distributed setting. To show that those can be helpful in many different domains, we evaluate them for graph problems and other applications like phylogenetic tree inference
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