3,569 research outputs found

    A heuristic-based approach to code-smell detection

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    Encapsulation and data hiding are central tenets of the object oriented paradigm. Deciding what data and behaviour to form into a class and where to draw the line between its public and private details can make the difference between a class that is an understandable, flexible and reusable abstraction and one which is not. This decision is a difficult one and may easily result in poor encapsulation which can then have serious implications for a number of system qualities. It is often hard to identify such encapsulation problems within large software systems until they cause a maintenance problem (which is usually too late) and attempting to perform such analysis manually can also be tedious and error prone. Two of the common encapsulation problems that can arise as a consequence of this decomposition process are data classes and god classes. Typically, these two problems occur together – data classes are lacking in functionality that has typically been sucked into an over-complicated and domineering god class. This paper describes the architecture of a tool which automatically detects data and god classes that has been developed as a plug-in for the Eclipse IDE. The technique has been evaluated in a controlled study on two large open source systems which compare the tool results to similar work by Marinescu, who employs a metrics-based approach to detecting such features. The study provides some valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the two approache

    Implementing and reasoning about hash-consed data structures in Coq

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    We report on four different approaches to implementing hash-consing in Coq programs. The use cases include execution inside Coq, or execution of the extracted OCaml code. We explore the different trade-offs between faithful use of pristine extracted code, and code that is fine-tuned to make use of OCaml programming constructs not available in Coq. We discuss the possible consequences in terms of performances and guarantees. We use the running example of binary decision diagrams and then demonstrate the generality of our solutions by applying them to other examples of hash-consed data structures

    Belief merging in Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments

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    International audienceWe study syntactical merging operations that are defined semantically by means of the Hamming distance between valuations; more precisely, we investigate the ÎŁ-semantics, Gmax-semantics and max-semantics. We work with a logical language containing merging operators as connectives, as opposed to the metalanguage operations of the literature. We capture these merging operators as programs of Dynamic Logic of Propositional Assignments DL-PA. This provides a syntactical characterisation of the three semantically defined merging operators, and a proof system for DL-PA therefore also provides a proof system for these merging operators. We explain how PSPACE membership of the model checking and satisfiability problem of star-free DL-PA can be extended to the variant of DL-PA where symbolic disjunctions that are parametrised by sets (that are not defined as abbreviations, but are proper connectives) are built into the language. As our merging operators can be polynomially embedded into this variant of DL-PA, we obtain that both the model checking and the satisfiability problem of a formula containing possibly nested merging operators is in PSPACE

    Scalable genetic programming by gene-pool optimal mixing and input-space entropy-based building-block learning

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    The Gene-pool Optimal Mixing Evolutionary Algorithm (GOMEA) is a recently introduced model-based EA that has been shown to be capable of outperforming state-of-the-art alternative EAs in terms of scalability when solving discrete optimization problems. One of the key aspects of GOMEA's success is a variation operator that is designed to extensively exploit linkage models by effectively combining partial solutions. Here, we bring the strengths of GOMEA to Genetic Programming (GP), introducing GP-GOMEA. Under the hypothesis of having little problem-specific knowledge, and in an effort to design easy-to-use EAs, GP-GOMEA requires no parameter specification. On a set of well-known benchmark problems we find that GP-GOMEA outperforms standard GP while being on par with more recently introduced, state-of-the-art EAs. We furthermore introduce Input-space Entropy-based Building-block Learning (IEBL), a novel approach to identifying and encapsulating relevant building blocks (subroutines) into new terminals and functions. On problems with an inherent degree of modularity, IEBL can contribute to compact solution representations, providing a large potential for knock-on effects in performance. On the difficult, but highly modular Even Parity problem, GP-GOMEA+IEBL obtains excellent scalability, solving the 14-bit instance in less than 1 hour

    Specification of application logic in web information systems

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    Query-Based Multicontexts for Knowledge Base Browsing

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    Progress Report : 1991 - 1994

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