5,479 research outputs found

    Gamifikacija i konkurentnost poduzeća: analiza komercijalnih banaka

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    Purpose – This study investigates the influence of gamification on the competitiveness of financial sector companies. The dimensions of gamification related to financial services are premised on product development, marketing and sales activities, and customer services. Design/Methodology/Approach – Employing the survey research design, 662 bank employees of Nigerian banks forming the sample took part in the research by filling out structured questionnaires. The partial least square structural equations model was utilised in the analysis of data in the study. Findings and Implications – The result reveals that gamification dimensions positively affect competitiveness. The findings further indicate that product development, marketing and sales activities, and customer service positively and significantly affect the firm’s competitiveness. The practical implication of this is that deposit money banks should pay attention to gamification to maintain competitiveness. More attention should also be paid to credit sourcing, referrals and lead generation, and selfhelp application in order for firms to achieve and maintain competitiveness. Limitations – This study examined the gamification impact on competitiveness using the banking sector as a theatre of the study. The study employed non-financial measures of competitiveness in arriving at conclusions. Originality – The study provides an insight into how gamification can be significantly put into practice in real- life scenarios and businesses to achieve competitiveness.Svrha – Rad istražuje utjecaj gamifikacije na konkurentnost poduzeća u financijskom sektoru. Dimenzije gamifikacije povezane s financijskim uslugama temelje se na razvoju proizvoda, marketinškim i prodajnim aktivnostima te uslugama korisniku. Metodološki pristup – U anketnome istraživanju sudjelovalo je 662 zaposlenika nigerijskih banaka, a korišten je strukturirani anketni upitnik. U analizi podataka prikupljenih istraživanjem primijenjeno je PLS modeliranje strukturnih jednadžbi metodom parcijalnih najmanjih kvadrata (PLS). Rezultati i implikacije – Rezultati pokazuju da dimenzije gamifikacije pozitivno utječu na konkurentnost poduzeća. Nadalje, rezultati naznačuju da razvoj proizvoda, marketinške i prodajne aktivnosti te usluge korisnicima pozitivno i značajno utječu na konkurentnost poduzeća. Praktična implikacija rada jest da komercijalne banke za održavanje konkurentnosti trebaju obratiti pozornost na gamifikaciju. Isto je tako potrebno posvetiti više pozornosti izvorima kredita, preporukama i generiranju potencijalnih korisnika te samopomoći radi postizanja i održavanja konkurentnosti poduzeća. Ograničenja – Rad je istraživao utjecaj gamifikacije na kurentnost poduzeća koristeći bankarski sektor kao kontekst. Pri donošenju zaključaka primijenjene su nefinancijske mjere konkurentnosti. Doprinos – Rad pruža uvid u to kako se gamifikacija može značajno primijeniti u praksi u stvarnim situacijama i poduzećima radi postizanja konkurentnosti

    The Industry and Policy Context for Digital Games for Empowerment and Inclusion:Market Analysis, Future Prospects and Key Challenges in Videogames, Serious Games and Gamification

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    The effective use of digital games for empowerment and social inclusion (DGEI) of people and communities at risk of exclusion will be shaped by, and may influence the development of a range of sectors that supply products, services, technology and research. The principal industries that would appear to be implicated are the 'videogames' industry, and an emerging 'serious games' industry. The videogames industry is an ecosystem of developers, publishers and other service providers drawn from the interactive media, software and broader ICT industry that services the mainstream leisure market in games, The 'serious games' industry is a rather fragmented and growing network of firms, users, research and policy makers from a variety of sectors. This emerging industry is are trying to develop knowledge, products, services and a market for the use of digital games, and products inspired by digital games, for a range of non-leisure applications. This report provides a summary of the state of play of these industries, their trajectories and the challenges they face. It also analyses the contribution they could make to exploiting digital games for empowerment and social inclusion. Finally, it explores existing policy towards activities in these industries and markets, and draws conclusions as to the future policy relevance of engaging with them to support innovation and uptake of effective digital game-based approaches to empowerment and social inclusion.JRC.J.3-Information Societ

    Innovative teaching strategies: enhancing the soft-skilloriented approach through integrated onsite-online learning environments

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    ABSTRACT The integration of ICT in Higher Education requires reflective design by teachers. In particular, from recent international research on the subject, it emerges that the perspective of the TPCK framework (Technological, Pedagogical, Content Knowledge) can favour an effective design reasoning of teachers. Teaching practice requires the implementation of innovative organizational models for the creation of learning environments that offer continuity between classroom and distance learning (Hybrid Instruction Solution). The empirical mix-method research involved a group of volunteer teachers of different teachings. The objective was to design and implement innovative teaching solutions using ICT in onsite/online environments to enhance specific soft skills in students. The results of a questionnaire (CAWI) given to incoming and outgoing teachers from the experience of designing and conducting the didactic action will be presented. the TPCK perspective design of integrated learning environments and the reasoned choice of coherent methodologies seem to make a soft-skilloriented didactics feasible

    Higher Education Students’ Assessments towards Gamification and Sustainability: A Case Study

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    : Some academics are pushing for teaching staff to implement didactical practices to obtain sustainable behavior. Moreover, a fundamental element of gamification in all educational stages is the noteworthy effect it has on student motivation. In our study, we examined higher education students’ assessments in the University of Malaga on the design of educational gamification and the teaching criteria that relate to gamification, and its effect on student’s motivation, the applications of gamification, and the attitude towards sustainability. A questionnaire was administered to students studying for degrees in education from the University of Malaga. A total of 187 valid surveys were obtained. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was computed for these data based on an exploratory–confirmatory model and using SmartPLS version 3.3.2. A positive relationship between assessment of students’ motivation and sustainability attitude was found. We found that the opinions of the students about the role of their training and teaching design material in education would affect students’ motivation and the sustainability behavior, although the power of this last construct is moderate

    Multi-Game Code-Duel for Learning Programming Languages

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    Software developers compose computer instructions following the rules defined in programming languages for the purpose of automatic information processing. However, different programming languages have different syntax and semantic rules, and support different programming paradigms and design patterns. Learning a programming language needs many efforts and much practicing in order to master the rules and apply the patterns. Leaning multiple programming languages at the same time, of course, needs more efforts. In this work we develop the concept of multi-game and an e-learning platform called "Multi-Game Platform for Code-Duels" for learning multiple programming languages easily and efficiently. A multi-game is a video game, which consists of several mini-games. Dividing a big game into mini-games reduces the development efforts and implementation complexity. "Builders" is a multi-game developed in our platform consisting of three mini-games. Each mini-game can be solved by implementing a program by learners using different languages. Using our multi-game platform, each mini-game of Builders can be developed easily and played independently of the other mini-games. Finally, a user evaluation over our multi-game platform is performed, where users rate our multi-game approach and platform for learning programming languages very positively

    Exploring university students’ engagement in learning through gamification, transmedia and virtual reality

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    The advent of the 5th Internet generation and the evolution of university students’ behaviour leads professors, educators and researchers to search for and investigate new tools to engage students in course topics and content. The purpose of this thesis is to explore university students’ engagement for learning through gamification, transmedia and virtual reality. Although several studies have been conducted, as far as we know, the current thesis is the first to employ three tools to motivate and engage students: gamification, transmedia and virtual reality. Thus, the aims of the thesis are: (i) to comprehensively review relationship marketing and service marketing research fields, including gamification, virtual reality and education; (ii) to investigate gamification in higher education through a text mining approach; (iii) to explore transmedia effects in higher education using a mixed approach; (iv) to propose and validate a model portraying the influence of virtual reality experience on student engagement, extending the S-O-R framework. To develop this thesis and seeking to ensure its execution and results, we started with a comprehensive literature review followed by the development of three independent studies based on distinct research methodologies. From the comprehensive literature review, 115 scientific articles emerge, giving and understanding of the use of new technologies in education and, providing access to other relevant information on the topic. The first study reveals that through the application of the Kahoot! a gamification-based tool, students expressed positive emotions when asked about its use in the classroom as a learning tool. The results also show that gamification-based tools can be considered an important asset in the teaching-learning process, being able to motivate and engage students in their learning activities. The second study shows that use of Moodle as a complement to the traditional class allows students to go further in understanding the content of the course and be more engaged with the whole group of colleagues and professors. The level of student engagement and academic success seems to be higher as a result of activities based on information research, sharing and interaction through online discussion tools (such as the online forum), and analysis and discussion of case studies. The third study shows that memories are activated and stored through emotions and so, these are two key elements in virtual reality experiences that help students to become more engaged with course content. It also seems that less mindful students can benefit more than mindful ones from using virtual reality tools to become more creative and enhance their memories about the course content. Based on our findings, some theoretical contributions and managerial implications are also presented.O surgimento da 5ª geração da Internet e a evolução do comportamento dos estudantes universitários leva professores, educadores e investigadores a pesquisar e investigar novas ferramentas para envolver os alunos nos tópicos e no conteúdo dos cursos. O objetivo desta tese é explorar o envolvimento de estudantes universitários na aprendizagem através da gamificação, transmedia e realidade virtual. Embora vários estudos tenham já sido realizados, segundo sabemos, a tese atual é a primeira a utilizar três ferramentas para motivar e envolver os alunos: gamificação, transmedia e realidade virtual. Assim, os objetivos da tese são: (i) rever de forma abrangente a investigação nas áreas de marketing de relacionamento e marketing de serviços, incluindo gamificação, realidade virtual e educação; (ii) investigar a gamificação no ensino superior por meio de uma abordagem de mineração de texto; (iii) explorar efeitos transmedia no ensino superior usando uma abordagem mista; (iv) propor e validar um modelo que retrate a influência da experiência em realidade virtual no envolvimento dos alunos, alargando a estrutura S-O-R. Para desenvolver esta tese e procurar garantir a sua execução e resultados, iniciamos com uma revisão abrangente da literatura, seguida pelo desenvolvimento de três estudos independentes, baseados em metodologias distintas de pesquisa. Da revisão abrangente da literatura, emergem 115 artigos científicos, que permitem entender o uso de novas tecnologias na educação, obter acesso a outras informações relevantes sobre o tema e realizar a revisão da literatura. O primeiro estudo revela que, através da aplicação do Kahoot!, ferramenta baseada na gamificação, os alunos expressaram emoções positivas, quando questionados sobre o seu uso na sala de aula, como uma ferramenta de aprendizagem. Os resultados também mostram que as ferramentas baseadas na gamificação podem ser consideradas um ativo importante no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, podendo motivar e envolver os alunos nas suas atividades de aprendizagem. O segundo estudo mostra que o uso do Moodle, como um complemento da aula tradicional, permite que os alunos compreendam o conteúdo do curso e se envolvam com o seu grupo de colegas e professores. O nível de envolvimento e sucesso académico dos alunos parece ser maior face à realização de atividades baseadas em pesquisa de informações, partilha e interação por meio de ferramentas de discussão on-line (como o fórum on-line) e análise e discussão de estudos de caso. O terceiro estudo mostra que as memórias são ativadas e armazenadas através das emoções, logo esses são dois elementos-chave nas experiências de realidade virtual que contribuem para aprimorar e ajudar os alunos a envolverem-se mais com o conteúdo dos cursos. Parece também que os alunos menos atentos podem beneficiar mais do que os atentos, ao usar ferramentas de realidade virtual, para se tornarem mais criativos e melhorar as suas memórias sobre o conteúdo dos cursos. Com base nos nossos resultados, também são apresentadas algumas contribuições teóricas e implicações para a gestão