9 research outputs found

    AI and the human in education: Editorial

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    Development of the supply chain oriented quality assurance system for aerospace manufacturing SMEs and its implementation perspectives

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    Aerospace manufacturing SMEs are continuously facing the challenge on managing their supply chain and complying with the aerospace manufacturing quality standard requirement due to their lack of resources and the nature of business. In this paper, the ERP system based approach is presented to quality control and assurance work in light of seamless integration of in-process production data and information internally and therefore managing suppliers more effectively and efficiently. The Aerospace Manufacturing Quality Assurance Standard (BS/EN9100) is one of the most recognised and essential protocols for developing the industry-operated-and-driven quality assurance systems. The research investigates using the ERP based system as an enabler to implement BS/EN9100 quality management system at manufacturing SMEs and the associated implementation and application perspectives. An application case study on a manufacturing SME is presented by using the SAP based implementation, which helps further evaluate and validate the approach and application system development

    Socio-Economic Sourcing: Benefits of Small Business Set-Asides in Public Procurement

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    Purpose Small businesses are critical to economic health and encouraged in government spending by set-asides – annual small business sourcing goals that often are not attained. Little research has explored the negative and risky stigmas associated with small business sourcing. Design/methodology/approach This research explores reduced transaction costs of small business sourcing to government buyers. A survey of 350 government source selections reveals lower transaction costs derived from lower perceived risk of receiving a bid protest and via more efficient source selection processes. Findings Contrary to common bias, the performance level of small businesses is no less than that of large business. Thus, small businesses engender lower transaction costs for correcting supplier’s performance. On the basis of these findings, managerial and theoretical implications are discussed

    Factors affecting Technical Debt Raw data from a systematic literature map

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    "This document presents the complete list of references that have been short listed during the systematic review process carried out during the months of April-September 2012. The objective of the systematic review was to identify current research trends in technical debt and to explore the relationship between technical debt measures and agile software development. This documents includes 352 references that are categorized according to their relevance to technical debt research." [Abstract

    How is Supply Chain Visibility Affecting SME's Operating in International Supply Chains?

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    Supply chain visibility is generally seen as a positive attribute for individual supply chain partners and the supply chain as a whole. There is limited research on how increasing levels of supply chain visibility can impact individual organizations, particularly smaller entities (SME's). This paper uses an Australasian SME (Orion) as a case study to investigate how increasing visibility is affecting them and the way they operate within international supply chains. The results indicate that increasing visibility can pose significant challenges and potentially negative consequences for smaller organizations. In addition to the extra resources required and complexity for the SME itself, diverging expectations and a lack of trust between supply partners can negatively impact on supply chain relations and long term supply chain innovation. Within the supply chains Orion operates, increasing visibility does not appear to be leading to improvements in collaboration, risk sharing or shared goals. Viewed through the lens of Michael Porter's five forces model Orion is in a precarious environment, although there remain options for increased visibility to be used to Orion's advantage

    Information sharing: the pillar of collaboration

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    Nowadays, given the increase of complexity in the competitive environment in business markets, companies must have collaborative partnerships as it is crucial to achieve competitive advantage since it improves agility and effectiveness of supply chain management (Singh, Garg & Sachdeva, 2018). Information sharing, besides allowing system integration, has become the cornerstone of supply chain collaboration due to advances in technology. Transbase, S.A. – Transportes e Logística is the logistics company in Portugal that supply the insignias (Intermarché, Bricomarché and Roady) of a large retail group – “Groupement Les Mousquetaires”. This project was executed in the Logistical Flows department and in reception and order processes and focuses on the main challenge of Transbase and the suppliers’ relationship: the lack of information sharing. In this study, a characterization of the existent collaboration with suppliers was made. Next, the solution proposal was defined and an evaluation of its impacts was studied, through an analysis of KPIs and a questionnaire to Transbase’ collaborators. To finalise, recommendations were given for future improvements.Hoje em dia, devido ao aumento da complexidade do ambiente competitivo nos mercados empresariais, as empresas devem ter parcerias colaborativas, pois estas são fundamentais para alcançar vantagem competitiva, uma vez que melhora a agilidade e eficácia da gestão da cadeia de abastecimento (Singh, Garg & Sachdeva, 2018). A partilha de informação, além de permitir a integração nos sistemas, tornou-se o pilar da colaboração na cadeia de abastecimento devido aos avanços da tecnologia. Transbase, S.A. - Transportes e Logística é a empresa de logística em Portugal que fornece as insígnias (Intermarché, Bricomarché e Roady) de um grupo na área do retalho – “Groupement Les Mousquetaires”. Este projeto foi executado no departamento de Fluxos e nos processos de recepção e encomenda e foca-se no principal desafio na relação entre a Transbase e os seus fornecedores: falta de partilha de informação. Neste estudo, foi feita a caracterização da colaboração existente com os fornecedores. Em seguida, foi definida a proposta de solução e feita uma avaliação dos seus impactos, através de uma análise a KPIs e um questionário aos colaboradores da Transbase. Por fim, foram feitas recomendações para melhorias futuras

    Cost Based Performance Evaluation Of Supply Chain Types Regarding Demand Uncertainty: A Proposed Mathematical Model

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    Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2009Thesis (M.Sc.) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2009Talep dağılımını ve varyasyonunu tahmin etme, talep işlevsel ürünlerden tüketiciye duygusal yönden çekici gelen yenilikçi ürünlere kaydığı için gittikçe çok daha zor bir hal almaktadır. Bu ürünler daha yüksek kar paylarına, ancak daha yüksek pazarlama maliyetlerine ve daha kısa yaşam döngülerine sahiptirler. Öte yandan, halen duygusal olarak değerlendirilmesi mümkün olmayan dolayısıyla daha düşük kar paylarına ve istikrarlı talep yapısına sahip birçok ürün bulunmaktadır. Küresel rekabet ve ürün eğilimleri düşünüldüğünde, talep dalgalanmalarına uygun tedarik zinciri seçimi çok önemli olur. Bu çalışmanın odak noktası, belirli tedarik zinciri türlerinin maliyet tabanlı performansını farklı talep özellikleri altında ve talep belirsizliğini göz önünde bulundurarak değerlendirmektir. Bu sebepten, bir genel toplam maliyet modeli, hangi tedarik zincirinin yapısının en uygun seçim olabileceği sorusunu cevaplandırabilmek için uyarlanarak bir matematiksel model önerilmiştir. Bunun yanısıra, bir tedarik zinciri yapısı üzerinde dağıtımdaki erteleme etkisini canlandırarak karar vericiye yardımcı olan amaca özel bir karar destek sistemi geliştirilmiştir. Ayrıca, model parametrelerini daha iyi kavramak için bu sistem aracılığıyla bir grup hassasiyet analizi gerçekleştirilmiştir.Predicting demand distribution and variation is becoming much harder than ever as the demand moves from functional products to innovative products that seduce customers emotionally. These products have higher profit margins but higher marketability costs and shorter life cycles. On the other hand, there are still many products that cannot be evaluated emotionally, therefore, having lower profit margins and stable demand characteristics. When global competition and product trends are considered, selecting a supply chain structure suitable for the fluctuations in demand becomes vital. The main focus of this research is to evaluate the cost based performance of certain supply chain types under different demand characteristics regarding demand uncertainty. Hence, a mathematical model has been proposed by enhancing a general total cost model to answer which supply chain structure might be the most appropriate choice. Besides, a purpose-specific decision support system that helps the decision maker by simulating the effect of outbound postponement on a supply chain structure has been developed; what is more, a range of sensitivity analyses have been carried out through this system to achieve a better understanding of the model parameters.Yüksek LisansM.Sc

    Supply chain management in small and medium sized companies : opportunity or obstacle?

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    The purpose of this thesis is to establish how supply chain management expertise can be developed and embedded in a small and medium sized enterprise that will both enhance the efficiency of the existing business and create an additional business opportunity. In order to achieve this, the following aims have been set. A review of the latest academic literature concerning supply chain management and implementation of supply chain management in small and medium sized enterprises and the development of a framework of critical aspects for supply chain management implementation. In addition a case study of a two year knowledge transfer partnership between a company and a university has been conducted. From the case study it has been derived how supply chain management expertise can be developed and embedded in SMEs.For the methodology the action research and the case study approach have been chosen. The findings of the thesis confirm the characteristics and issues described in previous SME literature. Furthermore this two year study contributes to existing literature through in-depth understanding of the development process of supply chain management implementation in small and medium sized enterprises. In addition a holistic framework for supply chain management implementation in small and medium sized enterprises is provided, which also considers the importance of change and project management. In addition it is suggested that the solution should be tailored to the needs of a small and medium sized enterprise in order to correspond to time and resource constraints in small firms. Furthermore the thesis describes continuous improvement as a means for change management as well as for the embedment of collaboration in a small firm. Moreover it has been reconfirmed that also in small companies internal integration needs to be established before external integration and collaboration can take place.The value of this thesis lies in its attempt to establish how supply chain management in small and medium enterprises can be established through a knowledge transfer partnership with an external body (a university) and the development of a framework for implementation

    A Roadmap to Establish Collaboration Among SMEs Belonging to Non-Hierarchical Networks

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    [EN] The importance of collaboration has increased in supply networks; and thus, the number of so called non-hierarchical manufacturing networks (NHN). When establishing collaborative processes appear a number of barriers that companies must face. This paper proposes a roadmap, NHNmap, to support researchers on the migration process towards the long-term vision to establish collaborative relationships in NHN. This NHNmap phases are briefly described and depicted in a chart in order to identify the roadmap time plan.Andres, B.; Poler, R. (2014). A Roadmap to Establish Collaboration Among SMEs Belonging to Non-Hierarchical Networks. Lecture notes in management and industrial engineering (Print). 251-260. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-04705-8_29S251260Andrés B, Poler R (2012) Relevant problems in collaborative processes of non-hierarchical manufacturing networks. In: Prado JC, García J, Comesaña JA, Fernández AJ (eds) 6th international conference on industrial engineering and industrial management. Vigo, pp 90–97Barton R, Thomas A (2009) Implementation of intelligent systems, enabling integration of SMEs to high-value supply chain networks. Eng Appl Artif Intell 22:929–938Budweg S, Schaffers H, Rulanda R, Kristensenc K, Prinz W (2011) Enhancing collaboration in communities of professionals using a living lab approach. Prod Plan Control 22:594–609Caetano M, Amaral DC (2011) Roadmapping for technology push and partnership: a contribution for open innovation environments. Technovation 31:320–335Camarinha-Matos L, Afsarmanesh H (2003) A RoadMap for strategic research on virtual organizations. In: Camarinha-Matos LM, Afsarmanesh H (eds) Processes and foundations for virtual organizations. Kluwer, Boston, pp 3–16Camarinha-Matos LM, Afsarmanesh H (2010) Active ageing roadmap—a collaborative networks contribution to demographic sustainability. 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