19 research outputs found

    Publication list of Zoltán Ésik

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    A Superpolynomial Lower Bound for the Size of Non-Deterministic Complement of an Unambiguous Automaton

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    Unambiguous non-deterministic finite automata (UFA) are non-deterministic automata (over finite words) such that there is at most one accepting run over each input. Such automata are known to be potentially exponentially more succinct than deterministic automata, and non-deterministic automata can be exponentially more succinct than them. In this paper we establish a superpolynomial lower bound for the state complexity of the translation of an UFA to a non-deterministic automaton for the complement language. This disproves the formerly conjectured polynomial upper bound for this translation. This lower bound only involves a one letter alphabet, and makes use of the random graph methods. The same proof also shows that the translation of sweeping automata to non-deterministic automata is superpolynomial

    Finite state models in information extraction

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    Disertacija je posvećena istraživanju naučne oblasti nazvane ekstrakcija informacija (engl. information extraction), koja predstavlja podoblast veštačke inteligencije, a u sebi kombinuje i koristi tehnike i dostignuća više različitih oblasti računarstva. Termin "ekstrakcija informacija" će biti korišćen u dva različita konteksta. U jednom od njih misli se na ekstrakciju informacije kao naučnu oblast i tada će se koristiti skraćenica IE, preuzeta iz anglosaksonske literature u značenju "Information Extraction". U drugom slučaju, kada se bude mislilo na sam proces i postupak izdvajanja informacija iz teksta, koristiće se oblik "ekstrakcija informacija". Ova disertacija predstavlja, pored pregleda postojećih metoda iz ove oblasti, i jedan originalni pristup i metod za ekstrakciju informacija baziran na konačnim transduktorima. Tokom istraživanja i rada na disertaciji, a primenom pomenutog metoda, kao rezultat formirana je baza podataka o mikroorganizmima koja sadrži fenotipske i genotipske karakteristike za 2412 vrsta i 873 rodova, namenjena za istraživanja iz oblasti bioinformatike i genetike. Baza i korišćeni metod su detaljno prikazani u nekoliko radova, publikovanih u časopisima ili izlaganih na međunarodnim konferencijama (Pajić, 2011; Pajić i sar. 2011a; Pajić i sar. 2011b) U glavi 1 dat je uvod u oblast ekstrakcije informacije, unutar koga je opisan istorijat i razvoj metoda ove oblasti. Dalje je opisana klasifikacija tekstualnih resursa nad kojima se vrši ekstrakcija informacija, kao i klasifikacija samih informacija. Na kraju glave 1 oblast ekstrakcije informacije je upoređena sa drugim srodnim disciplinama računarstva. Glava 2 je posvećena prikazu teorijskih osnova na kojima su zasnovana istraživanja ove disertacije. Razmatrana je teorija formalnih jezika i modela konačnih stanja, kao i njihova uzajamna veza i veza sa ekstrakcijom informacija. Akcenat je stavljen na konačne modele i metode koji su zasnovani na modelima konačnih stanja. Ovi metodi pokazuju veću preciznost od drugih metoda za ekstrakciju informacije, te su nezamenljivi u situacijama kada je tačnost izdvojenih podataka iz teksta od presudnog značaja. Pojedini pojmovi ekstrakcije informacija - jezik relevantnih informacija, jezik izdvojenih informacija, pravila ekstrakcije, definisani su iz ugla teorije formalnih jezika. Formulisano je i dokazano osnovno svojstvo relacije transdukcije za zadato pravilo ekstrakcije. Definisan je i pojam jezika konteksta informacija i dokazano je njegovo svojstvo regularnosti...This dissertation is on research and studying in scientific field called information extraction, which can be seen as a sub-area of artificial intelligence and which combines and uses techniques and achievements of several computer science areas. The term „information extraction“ will be used in two different contexts. In the first one, the term will refer to the scientific area and the acronym IE will be used in that case. In the second case, this term will refer to the very process of extracting information. Beside the IE state-of-the-art survey, an original approach and a method for information extraction based on finite state transducers are presented. A database with microbial phenotype and genotype characteristics, for 2412 species and 873 genera has been created, as a result of the research and the work on the dissertation. The database is intended for research, in bioinformatics and genetics. The method used for the creation of the database and the database itself are described in details and published in several journals and conference proceedings (Pajić, 2011; Pajić et al. 2011a; Pajić et al. 2011b). In the Section 1, the introduction to IE is given, together with the history of development of methods in this area. The classification of textual resources that are used for information extraction and classification of the information itself are described. At the end of the Section 1, IE is compared with other related disciplines of computer science. Section 2 contains some excerpts from formal language theory and abstract automata, on which the dissertation is based. The mutual relationship between these two areas and their connection with IE are described. The emphasis is put on the final state models and methods based on them. These methods show higher precision than other methods for extracting information, and are indispensable in situations where the accuracy of data extracted from the text is of crucial importance. Some specific terms of information extraction - the language of the relevant information, the language of extracted information and extraction rules, are defined from the perspective of formal language theory. The basic feature of the transduction relation for the given rule extraction is formulated and proved. The language of information context is defined and its regularilty is proven..

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 23. Number 1.

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    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 10980 and 10981 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2018, held in Oxford, UK, in July 2018. The 52 full and 13 tool papers presented together with 3 invited papers and 2 tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 215 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics and techniques, from algorithmic and logical foundations of verification to practical applications in distributed, networked, cyber-physical, and autonomous systems. They are organized in topical sections on model checking, program analysis using polyhedra, synthesis, learning, runtime verification, hybrid and timed systems, tools, probabilistic systems, static analysis, theory and security, SAT, SMT and decisions procedures, concurrency, and CPS, hardware, industrial applications

    Computer Aided Verification

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    This open access two-volume set LNCS 10980 and 10981 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 30th International Conference on Computer Aided Verification, CAV 2018, held in Oxford, UK, in July 2018. The 52 full and 13 tool papers presented together with 3 invited papers and 2 tutorials were carefully reviewed and selected from 215 submissions. The papers cover a wide range of topics and techniques, from algorithmic and logical foundations of verification to practical applications in distributed, networked, cyber-physical, and autonomous systems. They are organized in topical sections on model checking, program analysis using polyhedra, synthesis, learning, runtime verification, hybrid and timed systems, tools, probabilistic systems, static analysis, theory and security, SAT, SMT and decisions procedures, concurrency, and CPS, hardware, industrial applications

    Spécification, validation et satisfiabilité [i.e. satisfaisabilité] de contraintes hybrides par réduction à la logique temporelle

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    Depuis quelques années, de nombreux champs de l'informatique ont été transformés par l'introduction d'une nouvelle vision de la conception et de l'utilisation d'un système, appelée approche déclarative. Contrairement à l'approche dite impérative, qui consiste à décrire au moyen d'un langage formelles opérations à effectuer pour obtenir un résultat, l'approche déclarative suggère plutôt de décrire le résultat désiré, sans spécifier comment ce «but» doit être atteint. L'approche déclarative peut être vue comme le prolongement d'une tendance ayant cours depuis les débuts de l'informatique et visant à résoudre des problèmes en manipulant des concepts d'un niveau d'abstraction toujours plus élevé. Le passage à un paradigme déclaratif pose cependant certains problèmes: les outils actuels sont peu appropriés à une utilisation déclarative. On identifie trois questions fondamentales qui doivent être résolues pour souscrire à ce nouveau paradigme: l'expression de contraintes dans un langage formel, la validation de ces contraintes sur une structure, et enfin la construction d'une structure satisfaisant une contrainte donnée. Cette thèse étudie ces trois problèmes selon l'angle de la logique mathématique. On verra qu'en utilisant une logique comme fondement formel d'un langage de « buts », les questions de validation et de construction d'une structure se transposent en deux questions mathématiques, le model checking et la satisfiabilité, qui sont fondamentales et largement étudiées. En utilisant comme motivation deux contextes concrets, la gestion de réseaux et les architectures orientées services, le travail montrera qu'il est possible d'utiliser la logique mathématique pour décrire, vérifier et construire des configurations de réseaux ou des compositions de services web. L'aboutissement de la recherche consiste en le développement de la logique CTLFO+, permettant d'exprimer des contraintes sur les données, sur la séquences des opérations\ud d'un système, ainsi que des contraintes dites «hybrides». Une réduction de CTL-FO+ à la logique temporelle CTL permet de réutiliser de manière efficace des outils de vérification existants. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Méthodes formelles, Services web, Réseaux

    Achieving while maintaining:A logic of knowing how with intermediate constraints

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    In this paper, we propose a ternary knowing how operator to express that the agent knows how to achieve ϕ\phi given ψ\psi while maintaining χ\chi in-between. It generalizes the logic of goal-directed knowing how proposed by Yanjing Wang 2015 'A logic of knowing how'. We give a sound and complete axiomatization of this logic.Comment: appear in Proceedings of ICLA 201

    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volume

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    LIPIcs, Volume 261, ICALP 2023, Complete Volum