3,034 research outputs found

    Implantable CMOS Biomedical Devices

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    The results of recent research on our implantable CMOS biomedical devices are reviewed. Topics include retinal prosthesis devices and deep-brain implantation devices for small animals. Fundamental device structures and characteristics as well as in vivo experiments are presented

    A neural probe with up to 966 electrodes and up to 384 configurable channels in 0.13 μm SOI CMOS

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    In vivo recording of neural action-potential and local-field-potential signals requires the use of high-resolution penetrating probes. Several international initiatives to better understand the brain are driving technology efforts towards maximizing the number of recording sites while minimizing the neural probe dimensions. We designed and fabricated (0.13-μm SOI Al CMOS) a 384-channel configurable neural probe for large-scale in vivo recording of neural signals. Up to 966 selectable active electrodes were integrated along an implantable shank (70 μm wide, 10 mm long, 20 μm thick), achieving a crosstalk of −64.4 dB. The probe base (5 × 9 mm2) implements dual-band recording and a 1

    Communication channel analysis and real time compressed sensing for high density neural recording devices

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    Next generation neural recording and Brain- Machine Interface (BMI) devices call for high density or distributed systems with more than 1000 recording sites. As the recording site density grows, the device generates data on the scale of several hundred megabits per second (Mbps). Transmitting such large amounts of data induces significant power consumption and heat dissipation for the implanted electronics. Facing these constraints, efficient on-chip compression techniques become essential to the reduction of implanted systems power consumption. This paper analyzes the communication channel constraints for high density neural recording devices. This paper then quantifies the improvement on communication channel using efficient on-chip compression methods. Finally, This paper describes a Compressed Sensing (CS) based system that can reduce the data rate by > 10x times while using power on the order of a few hundred nW per recording channel

    Future of smart cardiovascular implants

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    Cardiovascular disease remains the leading cause of death in Western society. Recent technological advances have opened the opportunity of developing new and innovative smart stent devices that have advanced electrical properties that can improve diagnosis and even treatment of previously intractable conditions, such as central line access failure, atherosclerosis and reporting on vascular grafts for renal dialysis. Here we review the latest advances in the field of cardiovascular medical implants, providing a broad overview of the application of their use in the context of cardiovascular disease rather than an in-depth analysis of the current state of the art. We cover their powering, communication and the challenges faced in their fabrication. We focus specifically on those devices required to maintain vascular access such as ones used to treat arterial disease, a major source of heart attacks and strokes. We look forward to advances in these technologies in the future and their implementation to improve the human condition

    Wafer-Level Parylene Packaging With Integrated RF Electronics for Wireless Retinal Prostheses

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    This paper presents an embedded chip integration technology that incorporates silicon housings and flexible Parylene-based microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices. Accelerated-lifetime soak testing is performed in saline at elevated temperatures to study the packaging performance of Parylene C thin films. Experimental results show that the silicon chip under test is well protected by Parylene, and the lifetime of Parylenecoated metal at body temperature (37°C) is more than 60 years, indicating that Parylene C is an excellent structural and packaging material for biomedical applications. To demonstrate the proposed packaging technology, a flexible MEMS radio-frequency (RF) coil has been integrated with an RF identification (RFID) circuit die. The coil has an inductance of 16 μH with two layers of metal completely encapsulated in Parylene C, which is microfabricated using a Parylene–metal–Parylene thin-film technology. The chip is a commercially available read-only RFID chip with a typical operating frequency of 125 kHz. The functionality of the embedded chip has been tested using an RFID reader module in both air and saline, demonstrating successful power and data transmission through the MEMS coil

    Siwa: A custom RISC-V based system on chip (SOC) for low power medical applications

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    This work introduces the development of Siwa, a RISC-V RV32I 32-bit based core, intended as a flexible control platform for highly integrated implantable biomedical applications, and implemented on a commercial 0.18 m high voltage (HV) CMOS technology. Simulations show that Siwa can outperform commercial micro-controllers commonly used in the medical industry as control units for implantable devices, with energy requirements below the 50 pJ per clock cycle.Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovació

    Fully Integrated Biochip Platforms for Advanced Healthcare

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    Recent advances in microelectronics and biosensors are enabling developments of innovative biochips for advanced healthcare by providing fully integrated platforms for continuous monitoring of a large set of human disease biomarkers. Continuous monitoring of several human metabolites can be addressed by using fully integrated and minimally invasive devices located in the sub-cutis, typically in the peritoneal region. This extends the techniques of continuous monitoring of glucose currently being pursued with diabetic patients. However, several issues have to be considered in order to succeed in developing fully integrated and minimally invasive implantable devices. These innovative devices require a high-degree of integration, minimal invasive surgery, long-term biocompatibility, security and privacy in data transmission, high reliability, high reproducibility, high specificity, low detection limit and high sensitivity. Recent advances in the field have already proposed possible solutions for several of these issues. The aim of the present paper is to present a broad spectrum of recent results and to propose future directions of development in order to obtain fully implantable systems for the continuous monitoring of the human metabolism in advanced healthcare applications

    Efficient RF-to-DC Converters for Biomedical Implantable Devices

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    The power management section associated with the biomedical circuit is very crucial and should be optimally designed for optimal utilization of power. This work discusses the different power shaping or conversion circuits that had been taken for their performance analysis. The two-performance metrics power conversion efficiency and susceptibility against the wireless power transfer have been taken to investigate the operational performance of the biomedical circuits against the input signal strength and operating frequencies. Simulated results confirm the CNFET-based circuit performance is very good at a small value of input voltage 0.6V and a broad range of operating frequency (953 MHz). Therefore, a CNFET-based circuit can be used suitably in implantable devices with optimum power utilization and a remote powering mechanism over the RF link