35 research outputs found

    Cross-Layer Resiliency Modeling and Optimization: A Device to Circuit Approach

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    The never ending demand for higher performance and lower power consumption pushes the VLSI industry to further scale the technology down. However, further downscaling of technology at nano-scale leads to major challenges. Reduced reliability is one of them, arising from multiple sources e.g. runtime variations, process variation, and transient errors. The objective of this thesis is to tackle unreliability with a cross layer approach from device up to circuit level

    Age-Acknowledging Reliable Multiplier Design with Adaptive Hold Logic

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    Digital multipliers are among the most critical arithmetic functional units. The overall performance of these systems depends on the throughput of the multiplier. Meanwhile, the negative bias temperature instability effect occurs when a pMOS transistor is under negative bias (Vgs = −Vdd), increasing the threshold voltage of the pMOS transistor, and reducing multiplier speed. A similar phenomenon, positive bias temperature instability, occurs when an nMOS transistor is under positive bias. Both effects degrade transistor speed, and in the long term, the system may fail due to timing violations. Therefore, it is important to design reliable high performance multipliers. In this paper, we propose an aging-aware multiplier design with novel adaptive hold logic (AHL) circuit. The multiplier is able to provide higher throughput through the variable latency and can adjust the AHL circuit to mitigate performance degradation that is due to the aging effect. Moreover, the proposed architecture can be applied to a column- or row-bypassing multiplier. The experimental results show that our proposed architecture with 16 ×16 and 32 ×32 column-bypassing multipliers can attain up to 62.88% and 76.28% performance improvement, respectively, compared with 16×16 and 32×32 fixed-latency column-bypassing multipliers. Furthermore, our proposed architecture with 16 × 16 and 32 × 32 row-bypassing multipliers can achieve up to 80.17% and 69.40% performance improvement as compared with 16×16 and 32 × 32 fixed-latency row-bypassing multipliers

    Design of Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) Tolerant Register File

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    Degradation of transistor parameter values due to Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) has emerged as a major reliability problem in current and future technology generations. NBTI Aging of a Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) cell leads to a lower noise margin, thereby increasing the failure rate. The register file, which consists of an array of SRAM cells, can suffer from data loss, leading to a system failure. In this work, we study the source of NBTI stress in an architecture and physical register file. Based on our study, we modified the register file structure to reduce the NBTI degradation and improve the overall system reliability. Having evaluated new register file structures, we find that our techniques substantially improve reliability of the register files. The new register files have small overhead, while in some cases they provide saving in area and power

    Techniques for Aging, Soft Errors and Temperature to Increase the Reliability of Embedded On-Chip Systems

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    This thesis investigates the challenge of providing an abstracted, yet sufficiently accurate reliability estimation for embedded on-chip systems. In addition, it also proposes new techniques to increase the reliability of register files within processors against aging effects and soft errors. It also introduces a novel thermal measurement setup that perspicuously captures the infrared images of modern multi-core processors

    Reliability-aware memory design using advanced reconfiguration mechanisms

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    Fast and Complex Data Memory systems has become a necessity in modern computational units in today's integrated circuits. These memory systems are integrated in form of large embedded memory for data manipulation and storage. This goal has been achieved by the aggressive scaling of transistor dimensions to few nanometer (nm) sizes, though; such a progress comes with a drawback, making it critical to obtain high yields of the chips. Process variability, due to manufacturing imperfections, along with temporal aging, mainly induced by higher electric fields and temperature, are two of the more significant threats that can no longer be ignored in nano-scale embedded memory circuits, and can have high impact on their robustness. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is one of the most used embedded memories; generally implemented with the smallest device dimensions and therefore its robustness can be highly important in nanometer domain design paradigm. Their reliable operation needs to be considered and achieved both in cell and also in architectural SRAM array design. Recently, and with the approach to near/below 10nm design generations, novel non-FET devices such as Memristors are attracting high attention as a possible candidate to replace the conventional memory technologies. In spite of their favorable characteristics such as being low power and highly scalable, they also suffer with reliability challenges, such as process variability and endurance degradation, which needs to be mitigated at device and architectural level. This thesis work tackles such problem of reliability concerns in memories by utilizing advanced reconfiguration techniques. In both SRAM arrays and Memristive crossbar memories novel reconfiguration strategies are considered and analyzed, which can extend the memory lifetime. These techniques include monitoring circuits to check the reliability status of the memory units, and architectural implementations in order to reconfigure the memory system to a more reliable configuration before a fail happens.Actualmente, el diseño de sistemas de memoria en circuitos integrados busca continuamente que sean más rápidos y complejos, lo cual se ha vuelto de gran necesidad para las unidades de computación modernas. Estos sistemas de memoria están integrados en forma de memoria embebida para una mejor manipulación de los datos y de su almacenamiento. Dicho objetivo ha sido conseguido gracias al agresivo escalado de las dimensiones del transistor, el cual está llegando a las dimensiones nanométricas. Ahora bien, tal progreso ha conllevado el inconveniente de una menor fiabilidad, dado que ha sido altamente difícil obtener elevados rendimientos de los chips. La variabilidad de proceso - debido a las imperfecciones de fabricación - junto con la degradación de los dispositivos - principalmente inducido por el elevado campo eléctrico y altas temperaturas - son dos de las más relevantes amenazas que no pueden ni deben ser ignoradas por más tiempo en los circuitos embebidos de memoria, echo que puede tener un elevado impacto en su robusteza final. Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) es una de las celdas de memoria más utilizadas en la actualidad. Generalmente, estas celdas son implementadas con las menores dimensiones de dispositivos, lo que conlleva que el estudio de su robusteza es de gran relevancia en el actual paradigma de diseño en el rango nanométrico. La fiabilidad de sus operaciones necesita ser considerada y conseguida tanto a nivel de celda de memoria como en el diseño de arquitecturas complejas basadas en celdas de memoria SRAM. Actualmente, con el diseño de sistemas basados en dispositivos de 10nm, dispositivos nuevos no-FET tales como los memristores están atrayendo una elevada atención como posibles candidatos para reemplazar las actuales tecnologías de memorias convencionales. A pesar de sus características favorables, tales como el bajo consumo como la alta escabilidad, ellos también padecen de relevantes retos de fiabilidad, como son la variabilidad de proceso y la degradación de la resistencia, la cual necesita ser mitigada tanto a nivel de dispositivo como a nivel arquitectural. Con todo esto, esta tesis doctoral afronta tales problemas de fiabilidad en memorias mediante la utilización de técnicas de reconfiguración avanzada. La consideración de nuevas estrategias de reconfiguración han resultado ser validas tanto para las memorias basadas en celdas SRAM como en `memristive crossbar¿, donde se ha observado una mejora significativa del tiempo de vida en ambos casos. Estas técnicas incluyen circuitos de monitorización para comprobar la fiabilidad de las unidades de memoria, y la implementación arquitectural con el objetivo de reconfigurar los sistemas de memoria hacia una configuración mucho más fiables antes de que el fallo suced

    Identification and Rejuvenation of NBTI-Critical Logic Paths in Nanoscale Circuits

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    The Negative Bias Temperature Instability (NBTI) phenomenon is agreed to be one of the main reliability concerns in nanoscale circuits. It increases the threshold voltage of pMOS transistors, thus, slows down signal propagation along logic paths between flip-flops. NBTI may cause intermittent faults and, ultimately, the circuit’s permanent functional failures. In this paper, we propose an innovative NBTI mitigation approach by rejuvenating the nanoscale logic along NBTI-critical paths. The method is based on hierarchical identification of NBTI-critical paths and the generation of rejuvenation stimuli using an Evolutionary Algorithm. A new, fast, yet accurate model for computation of NBTI-induced delays at gate-level is developed. This model is based on intensive SPICE simulations of individual gates. The generated rejuvenation stimuli are used to drive those pMOS transistors to the recovery phase, which are the most critical for the NBTI-induced path delay. It is intended to apply the rejuvenation procedure to the circuit, as an execution overhead, periodically. Experimental results performed on a set of designs demonstrate reduction of NBTI-induced delays by up to two times with an execution overhead of 0.1 % or less. The proposed approach is aimed at extending the reliable lifetime of nanoelectronics

    A Modified Architecture for Radix-4 Booth Multiplier with Adaptive Hold Logic

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    High speed digital multipliers are most efficiently used in many applications such as Fourier transform, discrete cosine transforms, and digital filtering. The throughput of the multipliers is based on speed of the multiplier, and then the entire performance of the circuit depends on it. The pMOS transistor in negative bias cause negative bias temperature instability (NBTI), which increases the threshold voltage of the transistor and reduces the multiplier speed. Similarly, the nMOS transistor in positive bias cause positive bias temperature instability (PBTI).These effects reduce the transistor speed and the system may fail due to timing violations. So here a new multiplier was designed with novel adaptive hold logic (AHL) using Radix-4 Modified Booth Multiplier. By using Radix-4 Modified Booth Encoding (MBE), we can reduce the number of partial products by half. Modified booth multiplier helps to provide higher throughput with low power consumption. This can adjust the AHL circuit to reduce the performance degradation. The expected result will be reduce threshold voltage, increase throughput and speed and also reduce power. This modified multiplier design is coded by Verilog and simulated using Xilinx ISE 12.1 and implemented in Spartan 3E FPGA kit

    Improving the Reliability of Microprocessors under BTI and TDDB Degradations

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    Reliability is a fundamental challenge for current and future microprocessors with advanced nanoscale technologies. With smaller gates, thinner dielectric and higher temperature microprocessors are vulnerable under aging mechanisms such as Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) and Temperature Dependent Dielectric Breakdown (TDDB). Under continuous stress both parametric and functional errors occur, resulting compromised microprocessor lifetime. In this thesis, based on the thorough study on BTI and TDDB mechanisms, solutions are proposed to mitigating the aging processes on memory based and random logic structures in modern out-of-order microprocessors. A large area of processor core is occupied by memory based structure that is vulnerable to BTI induced errors. The problem is exacerbated when PBTI degradation in NMOS is as severe as NBTI in PMOS in high-k metal gate technology. Hence a novel design is proposed to recover 4 internal gates within a SRAM cell simultaneously to mitigate both NBTI and PBTI effects. This technique is applied to both the L2 cache banks and the busy function units with storage cells in out-of-order pipeline in two different ways. For the L2 cache banks, redundant cache bank is added exclusively for proactive recovery rotation. For the critical and busy function units in out-of-order pipelines, idle cycles are exploited at per-buffer-entry level. Different from memory based structures, combinational logic structures such as function units in execution stage can not use low overhead redundancy to tolerate errors due to their irregular structure. A design framework that aims to improve the reliability of the vulnerable functional units of a processor core is designed and implemented. The approach is designing a generic function unit (GFU) that can be reconfigured to replace a particular functional unit (FU) while it is being recovered for improved lifetime. Although flexible, the GFU is slower than the original target FUs. So GFU is carefully designed so as to minimize the performance loss when it is in-use. More schemes are also designed to avoid using the GFU on performance critical paths of a program execution

    Design for prognostics and security in field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs).

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    There is an evolutionary progression of Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) toward more complex and high power density architectures such as Systems-on- Chip (SoC) and Adaptive Compute Acceleration Platforms (ACAP). Primarily, this is attributable to the continual transistor miniaturisation and more innovative and efficient IC manufacturing processes. Concurrently, degradation mechanism of Bias Temperature Instability (BTI) has become more pronounced with respect to its ageing impact. It could weaken the reliability of VLSI devices, FPGAs in particular due to their run-time reconfigurability. At the same time, vulnerability of FPGAs to device-level attacks in the increasing cyber and hardware threat environment is also quadrupling as the susceptible reliability realm opens door for the rogue elements to intervene. Insertion of highly stealthy and malicious circuitry, called hardware Trojans, in FPGAs is one of such malicious interventions. On the one hand where such attacks/interventions adversely affect the security ambit of these devices, they also undermine their reliability substantially. Hitherto, the security and reliability are treated as two separate entities impacting the FPGA health. This has resulted in fragmented solutions that do not reflect the true state of the FPGA operational and functional readiness, thereby making them even more prone to hardware attacks. The recent episodes of Spectre and Meltdown vulnerabilities are some of the key examples. This research addresses these concerns by adopting an integrated approach and investigating the FPGA security and reliability as two inter-dependent entities with an additional dimension of health estimation/ prognostics. The design and implementation of a small footprint frequency and threshold voltage-shift detection sensor, a novel hardware Trojan, and an online transistor dynamic scaling circuitry present a viable FPGA security scheme that helps build a strong microarchitectural level defence against unscrupulous hardware attacks. Augmented with an efficient Kernel-based learning technique for FPGA health estimation/prognostics, the optimal integrated solution proves to be more dependable and trustworthy than the prevalent disjointed approach.Samie, Mohammad (Associate)PhD in Transport System