1,014 research outputs found

    Continuous higher order sliding mode control with adaptation of air breathing hypersonic missile

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    This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Yu, P., Shtessel, Y., and Edwards, C. (2016) Continuous higher order sliding mode control with adaptation of air breathing hypersonic missile. International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, which has been published in final form at 10.1002/acs.2664. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving: http://olabout.wiley.com/WileyCDA/Section/id-820227.html#terms}Hypersonic missile control in the terminal phase is addressed using continuous higher order sliding mode (AHOSM) control with adaptation. The AHOSM self-tuning controller is proposed and studied. The double-layer adaptive algorithm is based on equivalent control concepts and ensures non-overestimation of the control gain to help mitigates control chattering. The proposed continuous AHOSM control is validated via simulations of a hypersonic missile in the terminal phase. The robustness and high accuracy output tracking in the presence of matched and unmatched external disturbances and missile model uncertainties is demonstrate

    Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms

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    This book is a reprint of the Special Issue “Intelligent Autonomous Decision-Making and Cooperative Control Technology of High-Speed Vehicle Swarms”,which was published in Applied Sciences

    Deep Reinforcement Learning for Weapons to Targets Assignment in a Hypersonic strike

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    We use deep reinforcement learning (RL) to optimize a weapons to target assignment (WTA) policy for multi-vehicle hypersonic strike against multiple targets. The objective is to maximize the total value of destroyed targets in each episode. Each randomly generated episode varies the number and initial conditions of the hypersonic strike weapons (HSW) and targets, the value distribution of the targets, and the probability of a HSW being intercepted. We compare the performance of this WTA policy to that of a benchmark WTA policy derived using non-linear integer programming (NLIP), and find that the RL WTA policy gives near optimal performance with a 1000X speedup in computation time, allowing real time operation that facilitates autonomous decision making in the mission end game

    Trajectory optimization using indirect methods and parametric scramjet cycle analysis

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    This study investigates the solution of time sensitive regional strike trajectories for hypersonic missiles. This minimum time trajectory is suspected to be best performed by scramjet powered hypersonic missiles which creates strong coupled interaction between the flight dynamics and the performance of the engine. Comprehensive engine models are necessary to gain better insight into scramjet propulsion. Separately, robust and comprehensive trajectory analysis provides references for vehicles to fly along. However, additional observation and understanding is obtained by integrating the propulsion model inside the trajectory framework. Going beyond curve fitted thrusting models, an integrated scramjet cycle analysis offers rapid trade studies on engine parameters and enables the identification of the most significant and optimal engine parameters for the mission as a whole. Regularization of bang-bang control problems by use of the Epsilon-Trig regularization method has created the possibility to preserve the original equations of motion while still solving these problems through indirect methods. Indirect methods incorporate mathematical information from the optimal control problem to provide high quality, integrated solutions. The minimum time optimal trajectory of a rocket propelled missile is compared to that of a scramjet powered missile to determine the advantages of scramjet technology in this application

    The outlook for aeronautics, 1980 - 2000: Appendix B: Study group report on an industry-university-government survey

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    Results of a comprehensive survey of key representatives of the aeronautical community are presented. Emphasis is placed on trends in civil and military aviation, the role of NASA in aeronautical research and development, and the required technology advances for the development of new aircraft

    Optimal impact angle guidance for exo-atmospheric interception utilizing gravitational effect

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    This paper aims to develop a new optimal intercept angle guidance law for exo-atmospheric interception by utilizing gravity. A finite-time optimal regulation problem is formulated by considering the instantaneous zero-effort-miss (ZEM) and the intercept angle error as the system states. The analytical guidance command is then derived based on Schwarz's inequality approach and Lagrange multiplier concept. Capturability analysis using instantaneous linear time-invariant system concept is also presented to provide better insights of the proposed guidance law. Theoretical analysis reveals that the proposed optimal guidance law encompasses previously suggested optimal impact angle constrained guidance laws. Numerical simulations with some comparisons clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law

    Three-dimensional optimal impact time guidance for antiship missiles

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    Introduction: The primary objective of missile guidance laws is to drive the missile to intercept a specific target with zero miss distance. Proportional navigation guidance (PNG) has been proved to be an efficient and simple guidance algorithm for missile systems, thus showing wide applications in the past few decades [1]. The optimality of PNG was analyzed in [2] and its extension to three-dimensional (3D) scenario can be found at [3]. In the context of modern warfare, many high-value battleships, like destroyers and aircraft carriers, are equipped with powerful self-defense systems against anti-ship missiles [4]. In order to penetrate these formidable defensive systems, the concept of salvo attack or simultaneous attack was introduced: many missiles are required to hit a battleship simultaneously, albeit their di.erent initial locations. One typical solution of simultaneous attack is impact time control guidance. Generally, impact time control can be classified into two categories: (1) specify the desired impact time and control each missile to satisfy the desired impact time constraint individually; and (2) synchronize the impact time either in a distributed or decentralized fashion through a communication network among all interceptors


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    This project is relevant to military acquisition, U.S. Navy financial management, and Naval Surface Warfare. It examines the cost-effectiveness analysis of potential Navy Surface Ship Electronic Warfare (EW) and vertical launch missile systems (VLS). Our intent is that the research informs the Program Executive Office Information Warfare Systems (PEO/IWS) and OPNAV N96/N2N6 by illustrating the capabilities and costs of EW and missile systems. We examined the effectiveness of Navy systems against a myriad of threat missiles, using estimated percent kill (Pk) calculations that encompassed the underlying sensors consisting of command and control, communications, detection, engagement, and tracking. Our results indicate that the electronic warfare systems, specifically the SLQ-32 (v)7, is the most cost-effective system to deter threat missiles, because of the re-load cost associated with missile systems, specifically the SM-6, SM-2, and ESSM. While the SLQ-32 is the most cost-effective system, we understand the need for redundancy, and we cannot completely disregard defensive missile systems. It is our hope that this research will ultimately aid in strategic decision-making for long-term employment weapons load outs on various ship classes. With more money invested in electronic warfare defense systems, the load out on surface assets can theoretically shift to a more offensive mindset, while still maintaining defensive missiles for the applicable threat environment.Lieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyLieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    NASA Thesaurus. Volume 1: Hierarchical listing

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    There are 16,713 postable terms and 3,716 nonpostable terms approved for use in the NASA scientific and technical information system in the Hierarchical Listing of the NASA Thesaurus. The generic structure is presented for many terms. The broader term and narrower term relationships are shown in an indented fashion that illustrates the generic structure better than the more widely used BT and NT listings. Related terms are generously applied, thus enhancing the usefulness of the Hierarchical Listing. Greater access to the Hierarchical Listing may be achieved with the collateral use of Volume 2 - Access Vocabulary
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