14 research outputs found

    Character Education Integrated Inquiry E-book: Alternative Media to Minimize Bullying of Fellow Students

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    At this time in the educational environment there is a lot of worrying behavior and acts of violence. One of the most frequent acts of violence is bullying behavior. Bullying often occurs caused by the character education students have. This study aims to develop an integrated inquiry e-book of character education to minimize bullying. This research is development research using a 4D development model. The technique of collecting bullying data is using a questionnaire instrument and an observation sheet. The data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis. Based on the data obtained from the results of the analysis carried out, it can be concluded that the integrated inquiry e-book of character education can reduce bullying behavior in students. Most of the bullying behavior before being given treatment was in the moderate category. After being given treatment using an e-book, the perpetrator's awareness behavior can reduce/reduce intimidation. In addition, there is an increase in empathy from witnesses of bullying behavior so that it can emphasize bullying behavior. The character education integrated inquiry e-book that was developed is suitable for use in science learning and can reduce bullying among students. This is because the e-book has been facilitated with character education and actions that should not be done by student

    Strategy of Improving Student Achievement in English Learning Through Concentration Approach

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    This research is a research about the effect of student mobility in the class on the concentration of learning and its influence on learning achievement. Mobility in the classroom is done through simple interactive learning, which is an effort to invite students to always move and always active in the learning process. Departing from the problem that the concentration of students decreased in line with the length of the lecture and the lack of interaction of students in the class, then made a strategy that allows the concentration of students to stay awake during the lecture process is by improving the mobility of students in the classroom. In order to know the effect of treatment/intervention on the subject condition, there will be a real experimental study using two crossover design. Assessment of quality of learning process done by research 2 cycle, wherein each cycle ended with giving test/questionnaire. The results showed that the concentration indicator consisting of speed, accuracy, and constancy increased significantly after the students improved their mobility in the classroom. Increased concentrations also have a significant impact on student achievement

    Improved Learning Outcomes of Descriptive Statistics Through the Test Room and Data Processing Features in the Mobile Learning Model

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    Descriptive statistics plays an important role in processing and presenting data. Therefore descriptive statistics is one of the topics that must be mastered by all students, including Informatics Engineering students. Unfortunately, the high mathematical content in this topic is often considered as a threat to students. It makes them get bored and distracted their attention to other things, mostly to their smartphones. This study conducted to develop a mobile-based descriptive statistical learning media that facilitate student work feedback. The feedback was given through the Test Room and Data Processing Features. The media was developed using the prototyping method. The analysis is done by conducting interviews, distributing questionnaires, and trying similar applications. Verification is done using the black-box testing method, which provides input and sees the output. Validation is done by analyzing the results of examinations from two groups of students, the treated group and the control group. The validation results show that the learning outcome from the treated group was improved. The percentage of students who experienced an increase in exam scores from the treated group was 144% greater than the control group

    Interactive Multimedia Inquiry Based on Local Wisdom: Alternative Media to Improve Students' Environmental Care Attitude

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    The students' environmental care attitude is still low. One of the factors that cause environmental damage is the lack of awareness of students in the importance of disposing of waste in its place and knowledge in managing waste. In addition to the problem of students' environmental care, learning in schools is also still rarely associated with learning materials with the surrounding environment (local wisdom). The research aims to develop an interactive multimedia inquiry that integrates practical and effective local wisdom to improve students' environmental care attitudes. This research is a development research using a 4D development model. The environmental care attitude questionnaire instrument was developed referring to 4 indicators, namely: maintaining class cleanliness, maintaining school cleanliness, developing empathy for all forms of life and maintaining plants at school. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire instrument. The practicality data analysis technique uses practicality percent and the effectiveness of interactive multimedia inquiry is analyzed using normalized gain. The results showed that the teacher's response to multimedia products was categorized as good because it was in accordance with learning needs by utilizing technology. Students' responses to multimedia are categorized as good because the tasks given are in accordance with the experiences of students in both the social and school environment. Based on the results of the analysis of the effectiveness test, it showed that the experimental class taught using interactive multimedia inquiry based on local wisdom obtained an increase in environmental care attitudes which was higher than the control class taught without using interactive multimedia based on local wisdom, it obtained an increase with moderate criteria. Based on this description, it can be concluded that interactive multimedia inquiry based on local wisdom is practical and effective to improve students' environmental care attitudes

    C贸digos QR en actividades acad茅micas de nivel superior

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    Technological advances bring about changes in society, so we can see how organizations and educational institutions have been incorporating various technologies to support their processes. In the educational context as support in the teaching-learning process and by the side of the companies as a resource incorporated in their processes or business strategies. This allows us to point out as a general objective of this study that the student acquires the necessary knowledge about QR codes in the educational and business contexts to be able to create and interact with them. Also, it integrates how knowledge can be given and the competences that can be developed in the students in the path of learning and working with such technology. The focus of the study is of a qualitative type with an exploratory and descriptive scope. The method used to define the sample consisted of a randomized design that was not probabilistic for convenience, and it was made up of a group of 170 students from the Information Technology degree course. To fulfill the objective, measuring instruments of the questionnaire type were applied and practical work experience was developed in which there was a previous training. Finally, as a result, 88.6% consider that the activity was satisfactory, due to the functionalities or benefits that the students found in the application of this technology in the educational and business environments.Los avances tecnol贸gicos traen consigo cambios en la sociedad, de tal forma podemos observar como las organizaciones e instituciones educativas han ido incorporando diversas tecnolog铆as que sirvan de apoyo en sus procesos. En el contexto educativo como apoyo en el proceso de ense帽anza-aprendizaje y por el lado de las empresas como recurso incorporado en sus procesos o estrategias de negocio. Lo anterior, permite se帽alar como objetivo general de este estudio que el estudiante adquiera el conocimiento necesario sobre los c贸digos QR en los contextos educativo y de negocios a fin de que logre crearlos e interactuar con ellos. Aunado a lo anterior se integra la forma en que el conocimiento se puede dar y las competencias que se pueden desarrollar en los estudiantes en el trayecto del aprendizaje y el trabajo con dicha tecnolog铆a. El enfoque del estudio es de tipo cualitativo con alcance de tipo exploratorio descriptivo. El m茅todo para definir la muestra consisti贸 en un dise帽o aleatorio no probabil铆stico por conveniencia, quedando integrada por un grupo de 170 estudiantes de la carrera de Licenciatura en Tecnolog铆as de Informaci贸n. Para cumplir con el objetivo se aplicaron instrumentos de medici贸n del tipo cuestionario y se desarroll贸 una experiencia de trabajo pr谩ctica en la cual hubo una capacitaci贸n previa. Finalmente, como resultado un 88.6% considera que la actividad fue satisfactoria, debido a las funcionalidades o beneficios que los estudiantes encontraron en la aplicaci贸n de esta tecnolog铆a tanto en el 谩mbito educativo como en los negocios

    Aproximaciones al aprendizaje ubicuo en ambientes educativos formales. Una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura, 2014-2019

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    One of the most sophisticated expressions of online training is based on ubiquitous learning systems (u-learning). Such learning, which uses embedded computers, allows students to have very personal educational experiences. Yet, it has not reached broad consensus in academia. A systematic review of scientific literature was conducted to explore approaches to ubiquitous learning in formal education and to identify the characteristics and results of its implementation. Scientific research on ubiquitous learning published in the last five years was retrieved from the Science Direct, IEEE and SciELO databases. Although the term can be confused with other similar terms, the results show that ubiquitous learning is a matter of interest because it benefits from information and communication technologies (ICT) convergence in everyday life and enhances the capabilities of education by breaking down barriers in the classroom. Thus, the model proves to be suitable for implementation in educational institutions with good results among teachers and students. Finally, ubiquitous learning is recognized as a valuable strategy to enhance learning in a constantly evolving academic environment, and its novel features are the key to achieving acceptance among most students.Una de las expresiones m谩s sofisticadas de la formaci贸n en l铆nea se basa en los sistemas de aprendizaje ubicuo (u-learning). Este tipo de aprendizaje, que utiliza computadoras embebidas, permite a los alumnos tener experiencias educativas muy personales; sin embargo, es un modelo que a煤n no goza de un amplio consenso en la academia. Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n sistem谩tica de literatura cient铆fica para explorar las aproximaciones al aprendizaje ubicuo en la educaci贸n formal e identificar las caracter铆sticas y resultados de su implementaci贸n. Se obtuvieron investigaciones cient铆ficas sobre aprendizaje ubicuo publicadas en los 煤ltimos cinco a帽os de las bases de datos Science Direct, IEEE y SciELO. Aunque el t茅rmino puede confundirse con otros similares, los resultados muestran que el aprendizaje ubicuo es una materia de inter茅s porque aprovecha la convergencia de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y las comunicaciones (TIC) en la vida cotidiana y mejora las capacidades de la educaci贸n al derribar las barreras en el aula. As铆 pues, el modelo resulta adecuado para su implementaci贸n en instituciones educativas con buenos resultados entre los profesores y los estudiantes. Finalmente, el aprendizaje ubicuo se reconoce como una estrategia valiosa para mejorar el aprendizaje en un entorno acad茅mico en constante evoluci贸n, y sus caracter铆sticas novedosas son la clave para lograr la aceptaci贸n entre la mayor铆a de los estudiantes

    Realidad aumentada como soporte a la implementaci贸n del dise帽o universal para el aprendizaje

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    119 - 141 p. :ilustraciones, libro electr贸nicoEl dise帽o universal para el aprendizaje (DUA) es un marco de trabajo validado para orientar la diversidad y variabilidad de los estudiantes para maximizar las oportunidades de aprendizaje. El marco de trabajo del DUA plantea un conjunto de lineamientos que pueden ser apoyados por algunas tecnolog铆as actuales, entre las que se encuentra la tecnolog铆a de realidad aumentada. En este cap铆tulo se presentan los resultados de un an谩lisis sobre c贸mo la realidad aumentada puede apoyar la implementaci贸n de algunos de los lineamientos del DUA para favorecer algunos procesos de aprendizaje.Cap铆tulo 5ISBN: 978958580477

    Ubiquitous learning in arts education and visual languages: Trend Analysis

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    La irrupci贸n de la tecnolog铆a digital, en general, e Internet, en particular, en los 煤ltimos a帽os, ha provocado cambios relevantes en nuestra sociedad, configurando un nuevo paradigma cultural. Aprender en la era digital es complejo, puesto que es un proceso multifac茅tico y diverso. El aprendizaje ubicuo considerado como aquel que puede darse en cualquier momento y lugar con el apoyo de las tecnolog铆as, otorga nuevas posibilidades aplicadas a 谩reas como la educaci贸n art铆stica universitaria. As铆, el objetivo del estudio es identificar las tendencias globales de las publicaciones cient铆ficas relacionadas con el aprendizaje ubicuo y su vinculaci贸n con el aprendizaje de la educaci贸n art铆stica y visual en entornos de educaci贸n superior, durante el per铆odo 2000-2019. Para ello, se ha aplicado un an谩lisis bibliom茅trico de 534 art铆culos, obteniendo resultados de la productividad cient铆fica de las revistas, autores, instituciones y pa铆ses que contribuyen a esta investigaci贸n. La evidencia muestra un inter茅s creciente, especialmente en los 煤ltimos tres a帽os, por el estudio de la aplicaci贸n de la realidad virtual y aumenta en la educaci贸n superior. El 谩rea tem谩tica principal es Ciencias Sociales. Adem谩s, el estudio ha detectado cinco direcciones de investigaci贸n relacionadas con Internet, educaci贸n, visuales, programaci贸n de computadoras, aprendizaje, alfabetizaci贸n en medios digitales y tecnolog铆a educativa. Este estudio contribuye a la discusi贸n acad茅mica, cient铆fica e institucional para mejorar la toma de decisiones con base en la informaci贸n disponibleThe irruption of digital technology, in general, and the Internet, in particular, in recent years, has caused relevant changes in our society, configuring a new cultural paradigm. Learning in the digital age is complex, since it is a multifaceted and diverse process. The ubiquitous learning considered as that which can occur at any time and place with the support of technologies, provides new possibilities applied to areas such as university art education. Thus, the objective of the study is to identify the global trends of scientific publications related to ubiquitous learning and its link with the learning of artistic and visual education in higher education settings, during the period 2000-2019. for this, a bibliometric analysis of 534 articles has been applied, obtaining results of the scientific productivity of the journals, authors, institutions and countries that contribute to this research. The evidence shows a growing interest, especially in the last three years, in the study of the application of virtual reality and it increases in higher education. The main subject area is Social Sciences. In addition, the study has detected five research directions related to the Internet, education, visuals, computer programming, learning, digital media literacy and educational technology. This study contributes to the academic, scientific and institutional discussion to improve decision-making based on the information availabl