24 research outputs found

    Serial Correlations in Single-Subject fMRI with Sub-Second TR

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    When performing statistical analysis of single-subject fMRI data, serial correlations need to be taken into account to allow for valid inference. Otherwise, the variability in the parameter estimates might be under-estimated resulting in increased false-positive rates. Serial correlations in fMRI data are commonly characterized in terms of a first-order autoregressive (AR) process and then removed via pre-whitening. The required noise model for the pre-whitening depends on a number of parameters, particularly the repetition time (TR). Here we investigate how the sub-second temporal resolution provided by simultaneous multislice (SMS) imaging changes the noise structure in fMRI time series. We fit a higher-order AR model and then estimate the optimal AR model order for a sequence with a TR of less than 600 ms providing whole brain coverage. We show that physiological noise modelling successfully reduces the required AR model order, but remaining serial correlations necessitate an advanced noise model. We conclude that commonly used noise models, such as the AR(1) model, are inadequate for modelling serial correlations in fMRI using sub-second TRs. Rather, physiological noise modelling in combination with advanced pre-whitening schemes enable valid inference in single-subject analysis using fast fMRI sequences


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    The human brain is one of the most complex systems known to the mankind. Over the past 3500 years, mankind has constantly investigated this remarkable system in order to understand its structure and function. Emerging of neuroimaging techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have opened a non-invasive in-vivo window into brain function. Moreover, fMRI has made it possible to study brain disorders such as schizophrenia from a different angle unknown to researchers before. Human brain function can be divided into two categories: functional segregation and integration. It is well-understood that each region in the brain is specialized in certain cognitive or motor tasks. The information processed in these specialized regions in different temporal and spatial scales must be integrated in order to form a unified cognition or behavior. One way to assess functional integration is by measuring functional connectivity (FC) among specialized regions in the brain. Recently, there is growing interest in studying the FC among brain functional networks. This type of connectivity, which can be considered as a higher level of FC, is termed functional network connectivity (FNC) and measures the statistical dependencies among brain functional networks. Each functional network may consist of multiple remote brain regions. Four studies related to FNC are presented in this work. First FNC is compared during the resting-state and auditory oddball task (AOD). Most previous FNC studies have been focused on either resting-state or task-based data but have not directly compared these two. Secondly we propose an automatic diagnosis framework based on resting-state FNC features for mental disorders such as schizophrenia. Then, we investigate the proper preprocessing for fMRI time-series in order to conduct FNC studies. Specifically the impact of autocorrelated time-series on FNC will be comprehensively assessed in theory, simulation and real fMRI data. At the end, the notion of autoconnectivity as a new perspective on human brain functionality will be proposed. It will be shown that autoconnectivity is cognitive-state and mental-state dependent and we discuss how this source of information, previously believed to originate from physical and physiological noise, can be used to discriminate schizophrenia patients with high accuracy

    Potential pitfalls when denoising resting state fMRI data using nuisance regression

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    In resting state fMRI, it is necessary to remove signal variance associated with noise sources, leaving cleaned fMRI time-series that more accurately reflect the underlying intrinsic brain fluctuations of interest. This is commonly achieved through nuisance regression, in which the fit is calculated of a noise model of head motion and physiological processes to the fMRI data in a General Linear Model, and the “cleaned” residuals of this fit are used in further analysis. We examine the statistical assumptions and requirements of the General Linear Model, and whether these are met during nuisance regression of resting state fMRI data. Using toy examples and real data we show how pre-whitening, temporal filtering and temporal shifting of regressors impact model fit. Based on our own observations, existing literature, and statistical theory, we make the following recommendations when employing nuisance regression: pre-whitening should be applied to achieve valid statistical inference of the noise model fit parameters; temporal filtering should be incorporated into the noise model to best account for changes in degrees of freedom; temporal shifting of regressors, although merited, should be achieved via optimisation and validation of a single temporal shift. We encourage all readers to make simple, practical changes to their fMRI denoising pipeline, and to regularly assess the appropriateness of the noise model used. By negotiating the potential pitfalls described in this paper, and by clearly reporting the details of nuisance regression in future manuscripts, we hope that the field will achieve more accurate and precise noise models for cleaning the resting state fMRI time-series

    Effect of prewhitening in resting-state functional near-infrared spectroscopy data

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    Published: 24 October 2018Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) offers the potential to characterize resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC) in populations that are not easily assessed otherwise, such as young infants. In addition to the advantages of NIRS, one should also consider that the RS-NIRS signal requires specific data preprocessing and analysis. In particular, the RS-NIRS signal shows a colored frequency spectrum, which can be observed as temporal autocorrelation, thereby introducing spurious correlations. To address this issue, prewhitening of the RS-NIRS signal has been recently proposed as a necessary step to remove the signal temporal autocorrelation and therefore reduce false-discovery rates. However, the impact of this step on the analysis of experimental RS-NIRS data has not been thoroughly assessed prior to the present study. Here, the results of a standard preprocessing pipeline in a RS-NIRS dataset acquired in infants are compared with the results after incorporating two different prewhitening algorithms. Our results with a standard preprocessing replicated previous studies. Prewhitening altered RSFC patterns and disrupted the antiphase relationship between oxyhemoglobin and deoxyhemoglobin. We conclude that a better understanding of the effect of prewhitening on RS-NIRS data is still needed before directly considering its incorporation to the standard preprocessing pipeline.This research was possible due to the support of the Basque Government predoctoral grant PRE_2016_2_0188 to Borja Blanco, as well as the support of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the project PSI 2014-54512-P, Juan de la Cierva Fellowship (IJCI-2014-20821) and the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres/Units of Excellence in R & D (SEV-2015-490)

    Effects of Systemic Physiology on Mapping Resting-State Networks Using Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Resting-state functional connectivity (rsFC) has gained popularity mainly due to its simplicity and potential for providing insights into various brain disorders. In this vein, functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is an attractive choice due to its portability, flexibility, and low cost, allowing for bedside imaging of brain function. While promising, fNIRS suffers from non-neural signal contaminations (i.e., systemic physiological noise), which can increase correlation across fNIRS channels, leading to spurious rsFC networks. In the present work, we hypothesized that additional measurements with short channels, heart rate, mean arterial pressure, and end-tidal CO2 could provide a better understanding of the effects of systemic physiology on fNIRS-based resting-state networks. To test our hypothesis, we acquired 12 min of resting-state data from 10 healthy participants. Unlike previous studies, we investigated the efficacy of different pre-processing approaches in extracting resting-state networks. Our results are in agreement with previous studies and reinforce the fact that systemic physiology can overestimate rsFC. We expanded on previous work by showing that removal of systemic physiology decreases intra- and inter-subject variability, increasing the ability to detect neural changes in rsFC across groups and over longitudinal studies. Our results show that by removing systemic physiology, fNIRS can reproduce resting-state networks often reported with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Finally, the present work details the effects of systemic physiology and outlines how to remove (or at least ameliorate) their contributions to fNIRS signals acquired at rest

    Resting State fMRI Functional Connectivity Analysis Using Dynamic Time Warping

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    Traditional resting-state network concept is based on calculating linear dependence of spontaneous low frequency fluctuations of the BOLD signals of different brain areas, which assumes temporally stable zero-lag synchrony across regions. However, growing amount of experimental findings suggest that functional connectivity exhibits dynamic changes and a complex time-lag structure, which cannot be captured by the static zero-lag correlation analysis. Here we propose a new approach applying Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) distance to evaluate functional connectivity strength that accounts for non-stationarity and phase-lags between the observed signals. Using simulated fMRI data we found that DTW captures dynamic interactions and it is less sensitive to linearly combined global noise in the data as compared to traditional correlation analysis. We tested our method using resting-state fMRI data from repeated measurements of an individual subject and showed that DTW analysis results in more stable connectivity patterns by reducing the within-subject variability and increasing robustness for preprocessing strategies. Classification results on a public dataset revealed a superior sensitivity of the DTW analysis to group differences by showing that DTW based classifiers outperform the zero-lag correlation and maximal lag cross-correlation based classifiers significantly. Our findings suggest that analysing resting-state functional connectivity using DTW provides an efficient new way for characterizing functional networks