77 research outputs found

    Knowledge Discovery from Satellite Images for Drought Monitoring in Food Insecure Areas

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    Attributed to climatic change and uncertainty of weather conditions, drought has become a recurrent phenomenon. It is manifested by erratic and uncertain rainfall distribution in rainfall dependent farming areas. The hitherto methods of monitoring drought employed conventional methods that rely on availability of metrological data. The objectives of this research were to: 1) identify the critical factors for efficiently implementing geo-spatial information for drought monitoring, 2) develop a new approach for extracting knowledge from satellite imageries for real time drought monitoring in food insecure areas, and 3) validate and calibrate the new approach for national and regional applications. For this research, satellite data from MSG and NOAA AVHRR were used. The preliminary results confirmed that real time MSG satellite data can be used for monitoring drought in food insecure areas. The output of this research helps decision makers in taking the appropriate actions in time for saving millions of lives in drought affected areas using advanced satellite technology

    Using Satellite Images for Drought Monitoring: A Knowledge Discovery Approach

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    The main objective of this research was to develop a new concept and approach to extract knowledge from satellite imageries for near real-time drought monitoring. The near real-time data downloaded from the Atlantic Bird satellite were used to produce the drought spatial distribution. Our results showed that approximately 40% of the observed areas exhibited negative deviation. In this study, the possibility of using the near real-time spatio-temporal Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) data for drought monitoring in food insecure areas of Ethiopia was tested, and promising results were obtained. The output of this research is expected to assist decision makers in taking timely and appropriate action in order to save millions of lives in drought-affected areas

    A review of drought monitoring using remote sensing and data mining methods

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    Image time series processing for agriculture monitoring

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    AbstractGiven strong year-to-year variability, increasing competition for natural resources, and climate change impacts on agriculture, monitoring global crop and natural vegetation conditions is highly relevant, particularly in food insecure areas. Data from remote sensing image series at high temporal and low spatial resolution can help to assist in this monitoring as they provide key information in near-real time over large areas. The SPIRITS software, presented in this paper, is a stand-alone toolbox developed for environmental monitoring, particularly to produce clear and evidence-based information for crop production analysts and decision makers. It includes a large number of tools with the main aim of extracting vegetation indicators from image time series, estimating the potential impact of anomalies on crop production and sharing this information with different audiences. SPIRITS offers an integrated and flexible analysis environment with a user-friendly graphical interface, which allows sequential tasking and a high level of automation of processing chains. It is freely distributed for non-commercial use and extensively documented

    Applications of Satellite Earth Observations section - NEODAAS: Providing satellite data for efficient research

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    The NERC Earth Observation Data Acquisition and Analysis Service (NEODAAS) provides a central point of Earth Observation (EO) satellite data access and expertise for UK researchers. The service is tailored to individual users’ requirements to ensure that researchers can focus effort on their science, rather than struggling with correct use of unfamiliar satellite data

    Satellite monitoring of harmful algal blooms (HABs) to protect the aquaculture industry

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    Harmful algal blooms (HABs) can cause sudden and considerable losses to fish farms, for example 500,000 salmon during one bloom in Shetland, and also present a threat to human health. Early warning allows the industry to take protective measures. PML's satellite monitoring of HABs is now funded by the Scottish aquaculture industry. The service involves processing EO ocean colour data from NASA and ESA in near-real time, and applying novel techniques for discriminating certain harmful blooms from harmless algae. Within the AQUA-USERS project we are extending this capability to further HAB species within several European countries

    Satellite-based remote sensing of rainfall in areas with sparse gauge networks and complex topography

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    Rainfall is an essential parameter in the analysis and research of water resource management. However, the complexity of rainfall combined with the uneven distribution of ground-based gauges and radar in developing countries’ mountainous and semi-arid areas limits its investigation. In this context, satellite-based rainfall products provide area-wide precipitation observations with a high spatio-temporal resolution, engaging them in hydrological management in ungauged basins. Therefore, in this study, I investigated method to establish a satellite-based rainfall algorithm for ungauged basins. The algorithm combines the new Integrated Multi-SatEllite Retrieval for the Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) (IMERG) rainfall products and second-generation geostationary orbit (GEO) systems developing rainfall retrieval techniques with the high spatio-temporal resolution using machine learning algorithms. For the first step, microwave satellite and Meteosat Second Generation Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (MSG SEVIRI) data for Iran were collected to develop a regionally based new rainfall retrieval technique. The method used geostationary multispectral infrared (IR) data to train Random forest (RF) models. I employed the microwave (MW) rainfall information from the IMERG as a reference for RF training. The rainfall area was delineated in the first step, followed by rainfall rate assignment. The validation results showed the new technique’s reliable performance in both rain area delineation and rain estimate, particularly when compared to IR-only IMERG. Multispectral IR data improves rainfall retrieval compared with one single band. In the next step, I investigated the applicability of the developed algorithm in Ecuador with different orography and rainfall regimes compared to Iran. For this aim, I used the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16) as the GEO satellite, which covers Ecuador at a suitable angle. The feature selection and algorithm tuning were performed to regionalize the models for Ecuador. The validation results show the reliable performance of the method in both rain area delineation and rain estimation in Ecuador. The results proved the suitability of the developed algorithm with different GEO systems and in different regions. Some inaccuracies at the Andes’ high elevation were evident after the spatial analysis of the validation indices. Evaluating the validation results against a high spatio-temporal radar network showed that the developed algorithm has difficulty capturing drizzles and extreme events dominant in the Andes’ high elevations and needs improvement. In summary, this research presents a new satellite-based technique for rainfall retrieval in a high spatio-temporal resolution for ungauged regions, which can be applied in parts of the world with different rainfall regimes. This findings could be used by planners and water managers regardless of the availability of rain gauges at ground. Furthermore, the research showed, for the very first time, the advantage of using the new generation of GEO satellite combined with microwave satellites integrated in GPM IMERG for estimating rainfall.Der Niederschlag ist ein wesentlicher Parameter bei der Analyse und Erforschung der Bewirtschaftung von Wasserressourcen. Die KomplexitĂ€t des Niederschlags in Verbindung mit der ungleichmĂ€ĂŸigen Verteilung von bodengestĂŒtzten MessgerĂ€ten und Radar in den gebirgigen und halbtrockenen Gebieten von EntwicklungslĂ€ndern schrĂ€nkt jedoch seine Untersuchung ein. In diesem Zusammenhang liefern satellitengestĂŒtzte Produkte flĂ€chendeckende Niederschlagsbeobachtungen mit einer hohen rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Auflösung, die fĂŒr das hydrologische Management in nicht beprobten Einzugsgebieten eingesetzt werden können. Daher konzentriert sich die vorliegende Untersuchung auf die Erstellung eines satellitengestĂŒtzten Niederschlagsalgorithmus fĂŒr nicht beprobte Einzugsgebiete. Die neuen IMERG (Integrated Multi-SatEllite Retrieval for Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)) Satellitenprodukte werden mit geostationĂ€ren Orbit-Systemen (GEO) der zweiten Generation mittels Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens zur Niederschlagsermittlung mit hoher rĂ€umlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung kombiniert. In einem ersten Schritt wurden Mikrowellensatelliten- und Meteosat-Daten der zweiten Generation des Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager (MSG SEVIRI) fĂŒr den Iran gesammelt, um eine neue, regional basierte Methode zur Niederschlagsermittlung zu entwickeln. Die Methode verwendete geostationĂ€re multispektrale Infrarotdaten (IR), um Random-Forest-Modelle (RF) zu trainieren. Als Referenz fĂŒr das RF-Training wurden Mikrowellen-Niederschlagsdaten (MW) des IMERG verwendet. Im ersten Schritt wurde das Niederschlagsgebiet abgegrenzt, gefolgt von der Zuordnung der Niederschlagsmenge. Die Validierungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die neue Technik sowohl bei der Abgrenzung des Niederschlagsgebiets als auch bei der NiederschlagsschĂ€tzung zuverlĂ€ssig funktioniert, insbesondere im Vergleich zum IR-only IMERG. Multispektrale IR-Daten verbessern die Niederschlagsermittlung im Vergleich zu einem einzelnen Band. Im nĂ€chsten Schritt wurde die Anwendbarkeit des entwickelten Algorithmus in Ecuador untersucht, das sich in Bezug auf die Orographie und das Niederschlagssystem vom Iran unterscheidet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde der Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-16 (GOES-16) als GEO-Satellit verwendet, der Ecuador in einem geeigneten Winkel abdeckt. Die Auswahl der Features und das Tuning des Algorithmus wurden durchgefĂŒhrt, um die Modelle fĂŒr Ecuador zu regionalisieren. Die Validierungsergebnisse zeigen die zuverlĂ€ssige Leistung der Methode sowohl bei der Abgrenzung von Regengebieten als auch bei der SchĂ€tzung der Niederschlagsmenge in Ecuador. Die Ergebnisse belegen die Eignung des entwickelten Algorithmus fĂŒr verschiedene GEO-Systeme und verschiedene Regionen. Nach der rĂ€umlichen Analyse der Validierungsindizes wurden einige Ungenauigkeiten in denhohen Lagen der Anden deutlich. Die Auswertung der Validierungsergebnisse anhand eines rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Radarnetzes zeigt, dass der entwickelte Algorithmus Schwierigkeiten bei der Erfassung von Nieselregen und extremen Wetterereignissen hat, die in den hohen Lagen der Anden vorherrschen, und dahingehend verbessert werden muss. Diese Forschungsarbeit stellt ein neues satellitengestĂŒtztes Verfahren zur Niederschlagsermittlung mit hoher rĂ€umlicher und zeitlicher Auflösung vor, das auf Regionen ohne Bodenstationsmessungen und unterschiedliche Niederschlagsregime angewendet werden kann. Dieser Algorithmuskann von Planungs- und WasserwirtschaftsĂ€mtern oder anderen einschlĂ€gigen Einrichtungen unabhĂ€ngig von der VerfĂŒgbarkeit von Regenmessern am Boden genutzt werden. DarĂŒber hinaus zeigte die Untersuchung zum ersten Mal den Vorteil der Nutzung der neuen Generation von GEO-Satelliten in Kombination mit den in IMERG integrierten Mikrowellensatelliten fĂŒr die Bewertung der Niederschlagsmenge

    Determining ground-level composition and concentration of particulate matter across regional areas using the Himawari-8 satellite

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    Speciated ground-level aerosol concentrations are required to understand and mitigate health impacts from dust storms, wildfires and other aerosol emissions. Globally, surface monitoring is limited due to cost and infrastructure demands. While remote sensing can help estimate respirable (i.e. ground level) concentrations, current observations are restricted by inadequate spatiotemporal resolution, uncertainty in aerosol type, particle size, and vertical profile. One key issue with current remote sensing datasets is that they are derived from reflectances observed by polar orbiting imagers, which means that aerosol is only derived during the daytime, and only once or twice per day. Sub-hourly, infrared (IR), geostationary data, such as the ten-minute data from Himawari-8, are required to monitor these events to ensure that sporadic dust events can be continually observed and quantified. Newer quantification methods using geostationary data have focussed on detecting the presence, or absence, of a dust event. However, limited attention has been paid to the determination of composition, and particle size, using IR wavelengths exclusively. More appropriate IR methods are required to quantify and classify aerosol composition in order to improve the understanding of source impacts. The primary research objectives were investigated through a series of scientific papers centred on aspects deemed critical to successfully determining ground-level concentrations. A literature review of surface particulate monitoring of dust events using geostationary satellite remote sensing was undertaken to understand the theory and limitations in the current methodology. The review identified (amongst other findings) the reliance on visible wavelengths and the lack of temporal resolution in polar-orbiting satellite data. As a result of this, a duststorm was investigated to determine how rapidly the storm passed and what temporal data resolution is required to monitor these and other similar events. Various IR dust indices were investigated to determine which are optimum for determining spectral change. These indices were then used to qualify and quantitate dust events, and the methodology was validated against three severe air quality events of a dust storm; smoke from prescribed burns; and an ozone smog incident. The study identified that continuous geostationary temporal resolution is critical in the determination of concentration. The Himawari-8 spatial resolution of 2 km is slightly coarse and further spatial aggregation or cloud masking would be detrimental to determining concentrations. Five dual-band BTD combinations, using all IR wavelengths, maximises the identification of compositional differences, atmospheric stability, and cloud cover and this improves the estimated accuracy. Preliminary validation suggests that atmospheric stability, cloud height, relative humidity, PM2.5, PM10, NO, NO2, and O3 appear to produce plausible plumes but that aerosol speciation (soil, sea-spray, fires, vehicles, and secondary sulfates) and SO2 require further investigation. The research described in the thesis details the processes adopted for the development and implementation of an integrated approach to using geostationary remote sensing data to quantify population exposure (who), qualify the concentration and composition (what), assess the temporal (when) and spatial (where) concentration distributions, to determine the source (why) of aerosols contribution to resulting ground-level concentration

    Global assessment of sand and dust storms

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    The specific objectives of the assessment are to: 1) Synthesise and highlight the environmental and socio-economic causes and impacts of SDS, as well as available technical measures for their mitigation, at the local, regional and global levels; 2) Show how the mitigation of SDS can yield multiple sustainable development benefits; 3) Synthesize information on current policy responses for mitigating SDS and 4) Present options for an improved strategy for mitigating SDS at the local, regional and global levels, building on existing institutions and agreements

    Detection of deterministic and probabilistic convection initiation using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager data

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    The detection of convective initiation (CI) is very important because convective clouds bring heavy rainfall and thunderstorms that typically cause severe socio-economic damage. In this study, deterministic and probabilistic CI detection models based on decision trees (DT), random forest (RF), and logistic regression (LR) were developed using Himawari-8 Advanced Himawari Imager (AHI) data obtained from June to August 2016 over the Korean Peninsula. A total of 12 interest fields that contain brightness temperature, spectral differences of the brightness temperatures, and their time trends were used to develop CI detection models. While, in our study, the interest field of 11.2 mu m T-b was considered the most crucial for detecting CI in the deterministic models and the probabilistic RF model, the trispectral difference, i.e. (8.6-11.2 mu m)-(11.2-12.4 mu m), was determined to be the most important one in the LR model. The performance of the four models varied by CI case and validation data. Nonetheless, the DT model typically showed higher probability of detection (POD), while the RF model produced higher overall accuracy (OA) and critical success index (CSI) and lower false alarm rate (FAR) than the other models. The CI detection of the mean lead times by the four models were in the range of 20-40 min, which implies that convective clouds can be detected 30 min in advance, before precipitation intensity exceeds 35 dBZ over the Korean Peninsula in summer using the Himawari-8 AHI data
