5 research outputs found

    La recuperación documental de la imagen fotográfica: perspectiva tecnológica y documental

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    Actas de las Primeras Jornadas Imagen, Cultura y Tecnología celebradas del 1 al 5 de julio de 2002 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    A model for colour naming and comparing based on conceptual neighbourhood. An application for comparing art compositions

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    A computational model for Qualitative Colour Description, named the QCD model, is defined using the Hue, Saturation and Luminance colour space. This model can name rainbow colours, pale, light and dark colours, and colours in the grey scale, and it has been parameterised by participants of a study in two universities in Spain: University Jaume I and University of Sevilla. The relational structure of the QCD model is analysed by means of a conceptual neighbourhood diagram and it is used to formulate a measure of similarity for solving absolute and relative comparisons of qualitative colours. Moreover, a similarity measure between colour compositions, called SimQCDI, is also developed. A survey test on several art compositions is carried out and the results obtained by the participants are analysed and compared to the computational results provided by the SimQCDI. Also, a comparison to the standard RGB Colour Histogram similarity method is carried out, which shows that the proposed similarity is more intuitive and that the results obtained are similar with respect to quantification. Finally, the cognitive adequacy of the QCD model is also analysed.This work was supported by European Commission through FP7 Marie Curie IEF actions under project COGNITIVE-AMI https://sites.google.com/site/zfalomir/projects/cognitive-ami (GA 328763), the Research Centre on Spatial Cognition at the University of Bremen, the Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst (DAAD), Andalusian Regional Ministry of Economy (project SIMON TIc-8052), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project TIN2011-24147), Generalitat Valenciana (project GVA/2013/135) and Universitat Jaume I (Project P11B2013-29)

    La industria de los contenidos en la sociedad de la información: ventajas e inconvenientes para la actuación documental

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    575 p.En el artículo se diserta sobre los problemas que causa el acceso y el control de la información contenida en documentos más actuales, cuya generación y distribución se hace electrónicament

    Visualisierung gebrauchstauglicher Benutzeroberflächen am Beispiel eines Konfigurationssystems für die Blaupunkt GmbH

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    Thema der vorliegenden Magisterarbeit sind Grundlagen, Methoden und Konzepte der Visualisierung gebrauchstauglicher Benutzeroberflächen, dargestellt am Beispiel eines Konfigurationssystems für die Blaupunkt GmbH. Dazu werden die relevanten Grundlagen der Visualisierung, der Kognitionswissenschaft und der Gestaltung erarbeitet. Weiterhin werden Richtlinien, Normen und Styleguides aus dem Webdesign und der Software-Ergonomie vorgestellt. Die in diesen Richtlinien und Styleguides enthaltenen Empfehlungen für Visualisierungsmethoden und –konzepte grafischer Benutzeroberflächen werden in Beziehung zu den erarbeiteten Grundlagen gesetzt. Aus den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden im Hinblick auf die grafische Benutzeroberfläche des Konfigurationssystems Visualisierungstechniken und –methoden extrahiert und deren Einsatz im Projekt erläutert.This M.A. thesis deals with the fundamentals, methods and concepts of visualization in graphical user interfaces, illustrated using the example of a configuration system developed for Blaupunkt GmbH. As a basis for this thesis, the relevant fundamentals of Visualization, Cognitive Science and Design are introduced, followed by Norms and Styleguides from Design and Software-Ergonomics. The recommendations contained in those Norms and Styleguides provide a context for the examined methods and concepts of Visualization. Suitable techniques and methods from Visualization are identified and selected for use in the graphical user interface. Finally the most suitable solutions and their respective realization in the project are described