10 research outputs found

    Algorithms for Edge Detection and Enhancement for Real Time Images: A Comparative Study

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    ABSTRACT: Thermal images are used for detection and identification of edges in any object due to varying atmospheric conditions. In this paper, five algorithms, viz, Robert, Sobal, Prewitt, laplacian and Canny edge detection algorithm are discussed and their performances are compared for optimal edge detection. Edge detection play a linchpin role in image analysis and able to solve complex problems, it is an important step to identify object segmentation and help in feature extraction. It basically works on grey level of pixels, it is used to track targets, compress data, recognition of object etc. as it significantly reduces amount of data and filters out useless information while preserving important structural properties. Performance of algorithms is decided in considering accuracy and speed

    NLOOK: a computational attention model for robot vision

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    Spatial Imaging and Screening for Regime Shifts

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    Screening is a strategy for detecting undesirable change prior to manifestation of symptoms or adverse effects. Although the well-recognized utility of screening makes it commonplace in medicine, it has yet to be implemented in ecosystem management. Ecosystem management is in an era of diagnosis and treatment of undesirable change, and as a result, remains more reactive than proactive and unable to effectively deal with today’s plethora of non-stationary conditions. In this paper, we introduce spatial imaging-based screening to ecology. We link advancements in spatial resilience theory, data, and technological and computational capabilities and power to detect regime shifts (i.e., vegetation state transitions) that are known to be detrimental to human well-being and ecosystem service delivery. With a state-of-the-art landcover dataset and freely available, cloud-based, geospatial computing platform, we screen for spatial signals of the three most iconic vegetation transitions studied in western USA rangelands: (1) erosion and desertification; (2) woody encroachment; and (3) annual exotic grass invasion. For a series of locations that differ in ecological complexity and geographic extent, we answer the following questions: (1) Which regime shift is expected or of greatest concern? (2) Can we detect a signal associated with the expected regime shift? (3) If detected, is the signal transient or persistent over time? (4) If detected and persistent, is the transition signal stationary or non-stationary over time? (5) What other signals do we detect? Our approach reveals a powerful and flexible methodology, whereby professionals can use spatial imaging to verify the occurrence of alternative vegetation regimes, image the spatial boundaries separating regimes, track the magnitude and direction of regime shift signals, differentiate persistent and stationary transition signals that warrant continued screening from more concerning persistent and non-stationary transition signals, and leverage disciplinary strength and resources for more targeted diagnostic testing (e.g., inventory and monitoring) and treatment (e.g., management) of regime shifts. While the rapid screening approach used here can continue to be implemented and refined for rangelands, it has broader implications and can be adapted to other ecological systems to revolutionize the information space needed to better manage critical transitions in nature

    Deep Learning and Adaptive Graph-Based Growing Contours for Agricultural Field Extraction

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    Field mapping and information on agricultural landscapes is of increasing importance for many applications. Monitoring schemes and national cadasters provide a rich source of information but their maintenance and regular updating is costly and labor-intensive. Automatized mapping of fields based on remote sensing imagery may aid in this task and allow for a faster and more regular observation. Although remote sensing has seen extensive use in agricultural research topics, such as plant health monitoring, crop type classification, yield prediction, and irrigation, field delineation and extraction has seen comparatively little research interest. In this study, we present a field boundary detection technique based on deep learning and a variety of image features, and combine it with the graph-based growing contours (GGC) method to extract agricultural fields in a study area in northern Germany. The boundary detection step only requires red, green, and blue (RGB) data and is therefore largely independent of the sensor used. We compare different image features based on color and luminosity information and evaluate their usefulness for the task of field boundary detection. A model based on texture metrics, gradient information, Hessian matrix eigenvalues, and local statistics showed good results with accuracies up to 88.2%, an area under the ROC curve (AUC) of up to 0.94, and F1 score of up to 0.88. The exclusive use of these universal image features may also facilitate transferability to other regions. We further present modifications to the GGC method intended to aid in upscaling of the method through process acceleration with a minimal effect on results. We combined the boundary detection results with the GGC method for field polygon extraction. Results were promising, with the new GGC version performing similarly or better than the original version while experiencing an acceleration of 1.3× to 2.3× on different subsets and input complexities. Further research may explore other applications of the GGC method outside agricultural remote sensing and field extraction

    Adaptive Pseudo Dilation for Gestalt Edge Grouping and Contour Detection

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    Image Feature Information Extraction for Interest Point Detection: A Comprehensive Review

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    Interest point detection is one of the most fundamental and critical problems in computer vision and image processing. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive review on image feature information (IFI) extraction techniques for interest point detection. To systematically introduce how the existing interest point detection methods extract IFI from an input image, we propose a taxonomy of the IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection. According to this taxonomy, we discuss different types of IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection. Furthermore, we identify the main unresolved issues related to the existing IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection and any interest point detection methods that have not been discussed before. The existing popular datasets and evaluation standards are provided and the performances for eighteen state-of-the-art approaches are evaluated and discussed. Moreover, future research directions on IFI extraction techniques for interest point detection are elaborated

    Automation of region specific scanning for real time medical systems

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    Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references.X-rays have played a vital role in both the medical and security sectors. However, there is a limit to the amount of radiation a body can receive before it becomes a health risk. Modern low dose x-ray devices operate using a c-arm which moves across the entire human body. This research reduces the radiation applied to the human body by isolating the region that needs exposure. The medical scanner that this work is based on is still under development and therefore a prototype of the scanner is developed for running simulations. A camera is attached onto the prototype and used to point out the regions that are required to be scanned. This is both faster and more accurate than the traditional method of manually specifying the areas

    Error propagation in pattern recognition systems: Impact of quality on fingerprint categorization

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    The aspect of quality in pattern classification has recently been explored in the context of biometric identification and authentication systems. The results presented in the literature indicate that incorporating information about quality of the input pattern leads to improved classification performance. The quality itself, however, can be defined in a number of ways, and its role in the various stages of pattern classification is often ambiguous or ad hoc. In this dissertation a more systematic approach to the incorporation of localized quality metrics into the pattern recognition process is developed for the specific task of fingerprint categorization. Quality is defined not as an intrinsic property of the image, but rather in terms of a set of defects introduced to it. A number of fingerprint images have been examined and the important quality defects have been identified and modeled in a mathematically tractable way. The models are flexible and can be used to generate synthetic images that can facilitate algorithm development and large scale, less time consuming performance testing. The effect of quality defects on various stages of the fingerprint recognition process are examined both analytically and empirically. For these defect models, it is shown that the uncertainty of parameter estimates, i.e. extracted fingerprint features, is the key quantity that can be calculated and propagated forward through the stages of the fingerprint classification process. Modified image processing techniques that explicitly utilize local quality metrics in the extraction of features useful in fingerprint classification, such as ridge orientation flow field, are presented and their performance is investigated

    A Soft Computing Based Approach for Multi-Accent Classification in IVR Systems

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    A speaker's accent is the most important factor affecting the performance of Natural Language Call Routing (NLCR) systems because accents vary widely, even within the same country or community. This variation also occurs when non-native speakers start to learn a second language, the substitution of native language phonology being a common process. Such substitution leads to fuzziness between the phoneme boundaries and phoneme classes, which reduces out-of-class variations, and increases the similarities between the different sets of phonemes. Thus, this fuzziness is the main cause of reduced NLCR system performance. The main requirement for commercial enterprises using an NLCR system is to have a robust NLCR system that provides call understanding and routing to appropriate destinations. The chief motivation for this present work is to develop an NLCR system that eliminates multilayered menus and employs a sophisticated speaker accent-based automated voice response system around the clock. Currently, NLCRs are not fully equipped with accent classification capability. Our main objective is to develop both speaker-independent and speaker-dependent accent classification systems that understand a caller's query, classify the caller's accent, and route the call to the acoustic model that has been thoroughly trained on a database of speech utterances recorded by such speakers. In the field of accent classification, the dominant approaches are the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) and Hidden Markov Model (HMM). Of the two, GMM is the most widely implemented for accent classification. However, GMM performance depends on the initial partitions and number of Gaussian mixtures, both of which can reduce performance if poorly chosen. To overcome these shortcomings, we propose a speaker-independent accent classification system based on a distance metric learning approach and evolution strategy. This approach depends on side information from dissimilar pairs of accent groups to transfer data points to a new feature space where the Euclidean distances between similar and dissimilar points are at their minimum and maximum, respectively. Finally, a Non-dominated Sorting Evolution Strategy (NSES)-based k-means clustering algorithm is employed on the training data set processed by the distance metric learning approach. The main objectives of the NSES-based k-means approach are to find the cluster centroids as well as the optimal number of clusters for a GMM classifier. In the case of a speaker-dependent application, a new method is proposed based on the fuzzy canonical correlation analysis to find appropriate Gaussian mixtures for a GMM-based accent classification system. In our proposed method, we implement a fuzzy clustering approach to minimize the within-group sum-of-square-error and canonical correlation analysis to maximize the correlation between the speech feature vectors and cluster centroids. We conducted a number of experiments using the TIMIT database, the speech accent archive, and the foreign accent English databases for evaluating the performance of speaker-independent and speaker-dependent applications. Assessment of the applications and analysis shows that our proposed methodologies outperform the HMM, GMM, vector quantization GMM, and radial basis neural networks

    Object tracking in augmented reality remote access laboratories without fiducial markers

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    Remote Access Laboratories provide students with access to learning resources without the need to be in-situ (with the assets). The technology endows users with access to physical experiments anywhere and anytime, while also minimising or distributing the cost of operation for expensive laboratory equipment. Augmented Reality is a technology which provides interactive sensory feedback to users. The user experiences reality through a computer-based user interface with additional computer-generated information in the form applicable to the targeted senses. Recent advances in high definition video capture devices, video screens and mobile computers have driven resurgence in mainstream Augmented Reality technologies. Lower cost and greater processing power of microprocessors and memory place the resources in the hands of developers and users alike, allowing education institutes to invest in technologies that enhance the delivery of course content. This increase in pedagogical resources has already allowed the phenomenon of education at a distance to reach students from a wide range of demographics, improving access and outcomes in multiple disciplines. Incorporating Augmented Reality into Remote Access Laboratories resources has the benefit of improving overall user immersion into the remote experiment, thus improving student engagement and understanding of the delivered material. Visual implementations of Augmented Reality rely on providing the user with seamless integration of the current environment (through mobile device, desktop PC, or heads up display) with computer generated artificial visual artefacts. Virtual objects must appear in context to the current environment, and respond in a realistic period, or else the user suffers from a disjointed and confusing blend of real and virtual information. Understanding and interacting with the visual scene is controlled through Computer Vision algorithms, and are crucial in ensuring that the AR systems co-operate with the data discovered through the systems. While Augmented Reality has begun to expand in the educational environment, currently, there is still very little overlap of Augmented Reality technologies with Remote Access Laboratories. This research has investigated Computer Vision models that support Augmented Reality technologies such that live video streams from Remote Laboratories are enhanced by synthetic overlays pertinent to the experiments. Orientation of synthetic visual overlays requires knowledge of key reference points, often performed by fiducial markers. Removing the equipment’s need for fiducial markers and a priori knowledge simplifies and accelerates the uptake and expansion of the technology. These works uncover hybrid Computer Vision models which require no prior knowledge of the laboratory environment, including no fiducial markers or tags to track important objects and references. Developed models derive all relevant data from the live video stream and require no previous knowledge regarding the configuration of the physical scene. The new image analysis paradigms, (Two-Dimensional Colour Histograms and Neighbourhood Gradient Signature) improve the current state of markerless tracking through the unique attributes discovered within the sequential video frames. Novel methods are also established, with which to assess and measure the performance of Computer Vision models. Objective ground truth images minimise the level of subjective interference in measuring the efficacy of CV edge and corner detectors. Additionally, locating an effective method to contrast detected attributes associated with an image or object, has provided a means to measure the likelihood of an image match between video frames. In combination with existing material and new contributions, this research demonstrates effective object detection and tracking for Augmented Reality systems within a Remote Access Laboratory environment, with no requirement for fiducial markers, or prior knowledge of the environment. The models that have been proposed in the work can be generalised to be used in any cyber-physical environment that facilitates peripherals such as cameras and other sensors