16 research outputs found

    Contribució a l'estudi de les uninormes en el marc de les equacions funcionals.

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    Les uninormes són uns operadors d'agregació que, per la seva definició, es poden considerar com a conjuncions o disjuncions, i que han estat aplicades a camps molt diversos. En aquest treball s'estudien algunes equacions funcionals que tenen com a incògnites les uninormes, o operadors definits a partir d'elles. Una d'elles és la distributivitat, que és resolta per les classes d'uninormes conegudes, solucionant, en particular, un problema obert en la teoria de l'anàlisi no-estàndard. També s'estudien les implicacions residuals i fortes definides a partir d'uninormes, trobant solució a la distributivitat d'aquestes implicacions sobre uninormes. Com a aplicació d'aquests estudis, es revisa i s'amplia la morfologia matemàtica borrosa basada en uninormes, que proporciona un marc inicial favorable per a un nou enfocament en l'anàlisi d'imatges, que haurà de ser estudiat en més profunditat.Las uninormas son unos operadores de agregación que, por su definición se pueden considerar como conjunciones o disjunciones y que han sido aplicados a campos muy diversos. En este trabajo se estudian algunas ecuaciones funcionales que tienen como incógnitas las uninormas, o operadores definidos a partir de ellas. Una de ellas es la distributividad, que se resuelve para las classes de uninormas conocidas, solucionando, en particular, un problema abierto en la teoría del análisis no estándar. También se estudian las implicaciones residuales y fuertes definidas a partir de uninormas, encontrando solución a la distributividad de estas implicaciones sobre uninormas. Como aplicación de estos estudios, se revisa y amplía la morfología matemática borrosa basada en uninormas, que proporciona un marco inicial favorable para un nuevo enfoque en el análisis de imágenes, que tendrá que ser estudiado en más profundidad.Uninorms are aggregation operators that, due to its definition, can be considered as conjunctions or disjunctions, and they have been applied to very different fields. In this work, some functional equations are studied, involving uninorms, or operators defined from them as unknowns. One of them is the distributivity equation, that is solved for all the known classes of uninorms, finding solution, in particular, to one open problem in the non-standard analysis theory. Residual implications, as well as strong ones defined from uninorms are studied, obtaining solution to the distributivity equation of this implications over uninorms. As an application of all these studies, the fuzzy mathematical morphology based on uninorms is revised and deeply studied, getting a new framework in image processing, that it will have to be studied in more detail

    Algebraic structure and characterization of adjoint triples

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    Implications pairs, adjoint pairs and adjoint triples provide general residuated structures considered in different mathematical theories. In this paper, we carry out a deep study on the operators involved in these structures, showing how they are characterized by means of the irreducible elements of a complete lattice. Moreover, the structure of each class of these operators will be analyzed. As a consequence, the use of these operators in real problems will be more tractable, fostering their consideration as basic and useful operators for providing, for instance, preferences among attributes and objects in a given database.Partially supported by the 2014-2020 ERDF Operational Programme in collaboration with the State Research Agency (AEI) in projects TIN2016-76653-P and PID2019-108991GB-I00, and with the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia in project FEDER-UCA18-108612, and by the European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124

    Implication operators generating pairs of weak negations and their algebraic structure

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    Negations operators have been developed and applied in many fields such as image processing, decision making, mathematical morphology, fuzzy logic, etc. One of the most effective non-monotonic operators are weak negations. This paper studies the algebraic structure and the characterization of the adjoint triples and Galois implication pairs which provides a fixed pair of weak negations. The obtained results allow the user to select the best conjunctor and implications associated with the most suitable negation to be used in the computations of the problem to be solved.Partially supported by the State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project TIN2016-76653-P, European Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Action CA17124

    Collected Papers (on Neutrosophics, Plithogenics, Hypersoft Set, Hypergraphs, and other topics), Volume X

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    This tenth volume of Collected Papers includes 86 papers in English and Spanish languages comprising 972 pages, written between 2014-2022 by the author alone or in collaboration with the following 105 co-authors (alphabetically ordered) from 26 countries: Abu Sufian, Ali Hassan, Ali Safaa Sadiq, Anirudha Ghosh, Assia Bakali, Atiqe Ur Rahman, Laura Bogdan, Willem K.M. Brauers, Erick González Caballero, Fausto Cavallaro, Gavrilă Calefariu, T. Chalapathi, Victor Christianto, Mihaela Colhon, Sergiu Boris Cononovici, Mamoni Dhar, Irfan Deli, Rebeca Escobar-Jara, Alexandru Gal, N. Gandotra, Sudipta Gayen, Vassilis C. Gerogiannis, Noel Batista Hernández, Hongnian Yu, Hongbo Wang, Mihaiela Iliescu, F. Nirmala Irudayam, Sripati Jha, Darjan Karabašević, T. Katican, Bakhtawar Ali Khan, Hina Khan, Volodymyr Krasnoholovets, R. Kiran Kumar, Manoranjan Kumar Singh, Ranjan Kumar, M. Lathamaheswari, Yasar Mahmood, Nivetha Martin, Adrian Mărgean, Octavian Melinte, Mingcong Deng, Marcel Migdalovici, Monika Moga, Sana Moin, Mohamed Abdel-Basset, Mohamed Elhoseny, Rehab Mohamed, Mohamed Talea, Kalyan Mondal, Muhammad Aslam, Muhammad Aslam Malik, Muhammad Ihsan, Muhammad Naveed Jafar, Muhammad Rayees Ahmad, Muhammad Saeed, Muhammad Saqlain, Muhammad Shabir, Mujahid Abbas, Mumtaz Ali, Radu I. Munteanu, Ghulam Murtaza, Munazza Naz, Tahsin Oner, ‪Gabrijela Popović‬‬‬‬‬, Surapati Pramanik, R. Priya, S.P. Priyadharshini, Midha Qayyum, Quang-Thinh Bui, Shazia Rana, Akbara Rezaei, Jesús Estupiñán Ricardo, Rıdvan Sahin, Saeeda Mirvakili, Said Broumi, A. A. Salama, Flavius Aurelian Sârbu, Ganeshsree Selvachandran, Javid Shabbir, Shio Gai Quek, Son Hoang Le, Florentin Smarandache, Dragiša Stanujkić, S. Sudha, Taha Yasin Ozturk, Zaigham Tahir, The Houw Iong, Ayse Topal, Alptekin Ulutaș, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vázquez, Rizha Vitania, Luige Vlădăreanu, Victor Vlădăreanu, Ștefan Vlăduțescu, J. Vimala, Dan Valeriu Voinea, Adem Yolcu, Yongfei Feng, Abd El-Nasser H. Zaied, Edmundas Kazimieras Zavadskas.‬

    Ordem supervisionada baseada em valores fuzzy para morfologia matemática multivalorada  

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    Orientador: Marcos Eduardo Ribeiro do Valle MesquitaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: Morfologia Matemática foi concebida como uma ferramenta para a análise e processamento de imagens binárias e foi subsequentemente generalizada para o uso em imagens em tons de cinza e imagens multivaloradas. Reticulados completos, que são conjuntos parcialmente ordenados em que todo subconjunto tem extremos bem definidos, servem como a base matemática para uma definição geral de morfologia matemática. Em contraste a imagens em tons de cinza, imagens multivaloradas não possuem uma ordem não-ambígua. Essa dissertação trata das chamadas ordens reduzidas para imagens multivaloradas. Ordens reduzidas são definidas por meio de uma relação binária que ordena os elementos de acordo com uma função h do conjunto de valores em um reticulado completo. Ordens reduzidas podem ser classificadas em ordens não-supervisionadas e ordens supervisionadas. Numa ordem supervisionada, o função de ordenação h depende de conjuntos de treinamento de valores de foreground e de background. Nesta dissertação, estudamos ordens supervisionadas da literatura. Também propomos uma ordem supervisionada baseada em valores fuzzy. Valores fuzzy generalizam cores fuzzy - conjuntos fuzzy que modelam o modo que humanos percebem as cores - para imagens multivaloradas. Em particular, revemos como construir o mapa de ordenação baseado em conjuntos fuzzy para o foreground e para o background. Também introduzimos uma função de pertinência baseada numa estrutura neuro-fuzzy e generalizamos a função de pertinência baseada no diagrama de Voronoi. Por fim, as ordens supervisionadas são avaliadas num experimento de segmentação de imagens hiperespectrais baseado num perfil morfológico modificadoAbstract: Mathematical morphology has been conceived initially as a tool for the analysis and processing of binary images and has been later generalized to grayscale and multivalued images. Complete lattices, which are partially ordered sets in whose every subset has well defined extrema, serve as the mathematical background for a general definition of mathematical morphology. In contrast to gray-scale images, however, there is no unambiguous ordering for multivalued images. This dissertation addresses the so-called reduced orderings for multi-valued images. Reduced orderings are defined by means of a binary relation which ranks elements according to a mapping h from the value set into a complete lattice. Reduced orderings can be classified as unsupervised and supervised ordering. In a supervised ordering, the mapping h depends on training sets of foreground and background values. In this dissertation, we study some relevant supervised orderings from the literature. We also propose a supervised ordering based on fuzzy values. Fuzzy values are a generalization of fuzzy colors - fuzzy sets that model how humans perceive colors - to multivalued images other than color images. In particular, we review how to construct the fuzzy ordering mapping based on fuzzy sets that model the foreground and the background. Also, we introduce a membership function based on a neuro-fuzzy framework and generalize the membership function based on Voronoi diagrams. The supervised orderings are evaluated in an experiment of hyperspectral image segmentation based on a modified morphological profileMestradoMatematica AplicadaMestre em Matemática Aplicada131635/2018-2CNP

    A Deep Study of Fuzzy Implications

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    This thesis contributes a deep study on the extensions of the IMPLY operator in classical binary logic to fuzzy logic, which are called fuzzy implications. After the introduction in Chapter 1 and basic notations about the fuzzy logic operators In Chapter 2 we first characterize In Chapter 3 S- and R- implications and then extensively investigate under which conditions QL-implications satisfy the thirteen fuzzy implication axioms. In Chapter 4 we develop the complete interrelationships between the eight supplementary axioms FI6-FI13 for fuzzy implications satisfying the five basic axioms FI1-FI15. We prove all the dependencies between the eight fuzzy implication axioms, and provide for each independent case a counter-example. The counter-examples provided in this chapter can be used in the applications that need different fuzzy implications satisfying different fuzzy implication axioms. In Chapter 5 we study proper S-, R- and QL-implications for an iterative boolean-like scheme of reasoning from classical binary logic in the frame of fuzzy logic. Namely, repeating antecedents nn times, the reasoning result will remain the same. To determine the proper S-, R- and QL-implications we get a full solution of the functional equation I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y))I(x,y)=I(x,I(x,y)), for all xx, y[0,1]y\in[0,1]. In Chapter 6 we study for the most important t-norms, t-conorms and S-implications their robustness against different perturbations in a fuzzy rule-based system. We define and compare for these fuzzy logical operators the robustness measures against bounded unknown and uniform distributed perturbations respectively. In Chapter 7 we use a fuzzy implication II to define a fuzzy II-adjunction in F(Rn)\mathcal{F}(\mathbb{R}^{n}). And then we study the conditions under which a fuzzy dilation which is defined from a conjunction C\mathcal{C} on the unit interval and a fuzzy erosion which is defined from a fuzzy implication II^{'} to form a fuzzy II-adjunction. These conditions are essential in order that the fuzzification of the morphological operations of dilation, erosion, opening and closing obey similar properties as their algebraic counterparts. We find out that the adjointness between the conjunction C\mathcal{C} on the unit interval and the implication II or the implication II^{'} play important roles in such conditions

    Complete lattice projection autoassociative memories

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    Orientador: Marcos Eduardo Ribeiro do Valle MesquitaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: A capacidade do cérebro humano de armazenar e recordar informações por associação tem inspirado o desenvolvimento de modelos matemáticos referidos na literatura como memórias associativas. Em primeiro lugar, esta tese apresenta um conjunto de memórias autoassociativas (AMs) que pertecem à ampla classe das memórias morfológicas autoassociativas (AMMs). Especificamente, as memórias morfológicas autoassociativas de projeção max-plus e min-plus (max-plus e min-plus PAMMs), bem como suas composições, são introduzidas nesta tese. Tais modelos podem ser vistos como versões não distribuídas das AMMs propostas por Ritter e Sussner. Em suma, a max-plus PAMM produz a maior combinação max-plus das memórias fundamentais que é menor ou igual ao padrão de entrada. Dualmente, a min-plus PAMM projeta o padrão de entrada no conjunto de todas combinações min-plus. Em segundo, no contexto da teoria dos conjuntos fuzzy, esta tese propõe novas memórias autoassociativas fuzzy, referidas como classe das max-C e min-D FPAMMs. Uma FPAMM representa uma rede neural morfológica fuzzy com uma camada oculta de neurônios que é concebida para o armazenamento e recordação de conjuntos fuzzy ou vetores num hipercubo. Experimentos computacionais relacionados à classificação de padrões e reconhecimento de faces indicam possíveis aplicações dos novos modelos acima mencionadosAbstract: The human brain¿s ability to store and recall information by association has inspired the development various mathematical models referred to in the literature as associative memories. Firstly, this thesis presents a set of autoassociative memories (AMs) that belong to the broad class of autoassociative morphological memories (AMMs). Specifically, the max-plus and min-plus projection autoassociative morphological memories (max-plus and min-plus PAMMs), as well as their compositions, are introduced in this thesis. These models are non-distributed versions of the AMM models developed by Ritter and Sussner. Briefly, the max-plus PAMM yields the largest max-plus combination of the stored vectors which is less than or equal to the input pattern. Dually, the min-plus PAMM projects the input pattern into the set of all min-plus combinations. In second, in the context of fuzzy set theory, this thesis proposes new fuzzy autoassociative memories mentioned as class of the max-C and min-D FPAMMs. A FPAMM represents a fuzzy morphological neural network with a hidden layer of neurons that is designed for the storage and retrieval of fuzzy sets or vectors on a hypercube. Computational experiments concerning pattern classification and face recognition indicate possible applications of the aforementioned new AM modelsDoutoradoMatematica AplicadaDoutor em Matemática AplicadaCAPE