1,403 research outputs found

    Discriminative Appearance Models for Face Alignment

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    The proposed face alignment algorithm uses local gradient features as the appearance representation. These features are obtained by pixel value comparison, which provide robustness against changes in illumination, as well as partial occlusion and local deformation due to the locality. The adopted features are modeled in three discriminative methods, which correspond to different alignment cost functions. The discriminative appearance modeling alleviate the generalization problem to some extent

    Real time hand gesture recognition including hand segmentation and tracking

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    In this paper we present a system that performs automatic gesture recognition. The system consists of two main components: (i) A unified technique for segmentation and tracking of face and hands using a skin detection algorithm along with handling occlusion between skin objects to keep track of the status of the occluded parts. This is realized by combining 3 useful features, namely, color, motion and position. (ii) A static and dynamic gesture recognition system. Static gesture recognition is achieved using a robust hand shape classification, based on PCA subspaces, that is invariant to scale along with small translation and rotation transformations. Combining hand shape classification with position information and using DHMMs allows us to accomplish dynamic gesture recognition

    Local Binary Patterns Calculated Over Gaussian Derivative Images

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a new static descriptor for facial image analysis. We combine Gaussian derivatives with Local Binary Patterns to provide a robust and powerful descriptor especially suited to extracting texture from facial images. Gaussian features in the form of image derivatives form the input to the Linear Binary Pattern(LBP) operator instead of the original image. The proposed descriptor is tested for face recognition and smile detection. For face recognition we use the CMU-PIE and the YaleB+extended YaleB database. Smile detection is performed on the benchmark GENKI 4k database. With minimal machine learning our descriptor outperforms the state of the art at smile detection and compares favourably with the state of the art at face recognition

    Reconhecimento de padrões em expressões faciais : algoritmos e aplicações

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    Orientador: Hélio PedriniTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O reconhecimento de emoções tem-se tornado um tópico relevante de pesquisa pela comunidade científica, uma vez que desempenha um papel essencial na melhoria contínua dos sistemas de interação humano-computador. Ele pode ser aplicado em diversas áreas, tais como medicina, entretenimento, vigilância, biometria, educação, redes sociais e computação afetiva. Há alguns desafios em aberto relacionados ao desenvolvimento de sistemas emocionais baseados em expressões faciais, como dados que refletem emoções mais espontâneas e cenários reais. Nesta tese de doutorado, apresentamos diferentes metodologias para o desenvolvimento de sistemas de reconhecimento de emoções baseado em expressões faciais, bem como sua aplicabilidade na resolução de outros problemas semelhantes. A primeira metodologia é apresentada para o reconhecimento de emoções em expressões faciais ocluídas baseada no Histograma da Transformada Census (CENTRIST). Expressões faciais ocluídas são reconstruídas usando a Análise Robusta de Componentes Principais (RPCA). A extração de características das expressões faciais é realizada pelo CENTRIST, bem como pelos Padrões Binários Locais (LBP), pela Codificação Local do Gradiente (LGC) e por uma extensão do LGC. O espaço de características gerado é reduzido aplicando-se a Análise de Componentes Principais (PCA) e a Análise Discriminante Linear (LDA). Os algoritmos K-Vizinhos mais Próximos (KNN) e Máquinas de Vetores de Suporte (SVM) são usados para classificação. O método alcançou taxas de acerto competitivas para expressões faciais ocluídas e não ocluídas. A segunda é proposta para o reconhecimento dinâmico de expressões faciais baseado em Ritmos Visuais (VR) e Imagens da História do Movimento (MHI), de modo que uma fusão de ambos descritores codifique informações de aparência, forma e movimento dos vídeos. Para extração das características, o Descritor Local de Weber (WLD), o CENTRIST, o Histograma de Gradientes Orientados (HOG) e a Matriz de Coocorrência em Nível de Cinza (GLCM) são empregados. A abordagem apresenta uma nova proposta para o reconhecimento dinâmico de expressões faciais e uma análise da relevância das partes faciais. A terceira é um método eficaz apresentado para o reconhecimento de emoções audiovisuais com base na fala e nas expressões faciais. A metodologia envolve uma rede neural híbrida para extrair características visuais e de áudio dos vídeos. Para extração de áudio, uma Rede Neural Convolucional (CNN) baseada no log-espectrograma de Mel é usada, enquanto uma CNN construída sobre a Transformada de Census é empregada para a extração das características visuais. Os atributos audiovisuais são reduzidos por PCA e LDA, então classificados por KNN, SVM, Regressão Logística (LR) e Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB). A abordagem obteve taxas de reconhecimento competitivas, especialmente em dados espontâneos. A penúltima investiga o problema de detectar a síndrome de Down a partir de fotografias. Um descritor geométrico é proposto para extrair características faciais. Experimentos realizados em uma base de dados pública mostram a eficácia da metodologia desenvolvida. A última metodologia trata do reconhecimento de síndromes genéticas em fotografias. O método visa extrair atributos faciais usando características de uma rede neural profunda e medidas antropométricas. Experimentos são realizados em uma base de dados pública, alcançando taxas de reconhecimento competitivasAbstract: Emotion recognition has become a relevant research topic by the scientific community, since it plays an essential role in the continuous improvement of human-computer interaction systems. It can be applied in various areas, for instance, medicine, entertainment, surveillance, biometrics, education, social networks, and affective computing. There are some open challenges related to the development of emotion systems based on facial expressions, such as data that reflect more spontaneous emotions and real scenarios. In this doctoral dissertation, we propose different methodologies to the development of emotion recognition systems based on facial expressions, as well as their applicability in the development of other similar problems. The first is an emotion recognition methodology for occluded facial expressions based on the Census Transform Histogram (CENTRIST). Occluded facial expressions are reconstructed using an algorithm based on Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA). Extraction of facial expression features is then performed by CENTRIST, as well as Local Binary Patterns (LBP), Local Gradient Coding (LGC), and an LGC extension. The generated feature space is reduced by applying Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA). K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms are used for classification. This method reached competitive accuracy rates for occluded and non-occluded facial expressions. The second proposes a dynamic facial expression recognition based on Visual Rhythms (VR) and Motion History Images (MHI), such that a fusion of both encodes appearance, shape, and motion information of the video sequences. For feature extraction, Weber Local Descriptor (WLD), CENTRIST, Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG), and Gray-Level Co-occurrence Matrix (GLCM) are employed. This approach shows a new direction for performing dynamic facial expression recognition, and an analysis of the relevance of facial parts. The third is an effective method for audio-visual emotion recognition based on speech and facial expressions. The methodology involves a hybrid neural network to extract audio and visual features from videos. For audio extraction, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based on log Mel-spectrogram is used, whereas a CNN built on Census Transform is employed for visual extraction. The audio and visual features are reduced by PCA and LDA, and classified through KNN, SVM, Logistic Regression (LR), and Gaussian Naïve Bayes (GNB). This approach achieves competitive recognition rates, especially in a spontaneous data set. The second last investigates the problem of detecting Down syndrome from photographs. A geometric descriptor is proposed to extract facial features. Experiments performed on a public data set show the effectiveness of the developed methodology. The last methodology is about recognizing genetic disorders in photos. This method focuses on extracting facial features using deep features and anthropometric measurements. Experiments are conducted on a public data set, achieving competitive recognition ratesDoutoradoCiência da ComputaçãoDoutora em Ciência da Computação140532/2019-6CNPQCAPE

    Object detection, recognition and re-identification in video footage

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    There has been a significant number of security concerns in recent times; as a result, security cameras have been installed to monitor activities and to prevent crimes in most public places. These analysis are done either through video analytic or forensic analysis operations on human observations. To this end, within the research context of this thesis, a proactive machine vision based military recognition system has been developed to help monitor activities in the military environment. The proposed object detection, recognition and re-identification systems have been presented in this thesis. A novel technique for military personnel recognition is presented in this thesis. Initially the detected camouflaged personnel are segmented using a grabcut segmentation algorithm. Since in general a camouflaged personnel's uniform appears to be similar both at the top and the bottom of the body, an image patch is initially extracted from the segmented foreground image and used as the region of interest. Subsequently the colour and texture features are extracted from each patch and used for classification. A second approach for personnel recognition is proposed through the recognition of the badge on the cap of a military person. A feature matching metric based on the extracted Speed Up Robust Features (SURF) from the badge on a personnel's cap enabled the recognition of the personnel's arm of service. A state-of-the-art technique for recognising vehicle types irrespective of their view angle is also presented in this thesis. Vehicles are initially detected and segmented using a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) based foreground/background segmentation algorithm. A Canny Edge Detection (CED) stage, followed by morphological operations are used as pre-processing stage to help enhance foreground vehicular object detection and segmentation. Subsequently, Region, Histogram Oriented Gradient (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) features are extracted from the refined foreground vehicle object and used as features for vehicle type recognition. Two different datasets with variant views of front/rear and angle are used and combined for testing the proposed technique. For night-time video analytics and forensics, the thesis presents a novel approach to pedestrian detection and vehicle type recognition. A novel feature acquisition technique named, CENTROG, is proposed for pedestrian detection and vehicle type recognition in this thesis. Thermal images containing pedestrians and vehicular objects are used to analyse the performance of the proposed algorithms. The video is initially segmented using a GMM based foreground object segmentation algorithm. A CED based pre-processing step is used to enhance segmentation accuracy prior using Census Transforms for initial feature extraction. HOG features are then extracted from the Census transformed images and used for detection and recognition respectively of human and vehicular objects in thermal images. Finally, a novel technique for people re-identification is proposed in this thesis based on using low-level colour features and mid-level attributes. The low-level colour histogram bin values were normalised to 0 and 1. A publicly available dataset (VIPeR) and a self constructed dataset have been used in the experiments conducted with 7 clothing attributes and low-level colour histogram features. These 7 attributes are detected using features extracted from 5 different regions of a detected human object using an SVM classifier. The low-level colour features were extracted from the regions of a detected human object. These 5 regions are obtained by human object segmentation and subsequent body part sub-division. People are re-identified by computing the Euclidean distance between a probe and the gallery image sets. The experiments conducted using SVM classifier and Euclidean distance has proven that the proposed techniques attained all of the aforementioned goals. The colour and texture features proposed for camouflage military personnel recognition surpasses the state-of-the-art methods. Similarly, experiments prove that combining features performed best when recognising vehicles in different views subsequent to initial training based on multi-views. In the same vein, the proposed CENTROG technique performed better than the state-of-the-art CENTRIST technique for both pedestrian detection and vehicle type recognition at night-time using thermal images. Finally, we show that the proposed 7 mid-level attributes and the low-level features results in improved performance accuracy for people re-identification