246 research outputs found

    Identity-based access control for pro-active message's DTN

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    Pro-active message's delay tolerant networks (DTNs) are based on the usage of mobile code to obtain messages that contain their own routing code. This architecture allows applications to use the same network in different ways. The keystone of this type of heterogeneous network is a collection of contextual and application-related information that it is stored in every node and accessed by the messages' routing code. Access to that information must be protected in order to make the whole architecture feasible; the operation of the network has to be secure, and attacks of information poisoning have to be avoided. We propose an identity-based access control system for pro-active message's DTN based on tools that are available in DTN networks, like symmetric key encryption and hashes. Our system grants confidentiality and integrity to the contextual information and solves the question of messages needing to use distributed information stored in nodes to route properly. The proof of concept of identity-based access control in a certain kind of application demonstrates the feasibility of the proposal. The comparison between our proposal and other access control systems shows that identity-based access control is the only system that fits well with the special characteristics of pro-active message's DTN. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

    Fuzzy role-based access control

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    RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a widely used access control model, which reduces the maintenance cost of classical identity-based access control. However, despite the benefits of RBAC, there are environments in which RBAC can hardly be applied. We present FRBAC (Fuzzy Role-Based Access Control), a generalization of RBAC through fuzzy relations that extends the applicability of RBAC to environments where authorization-related information is vague. Moreover, FRBAC deals with environments where the actions that can be executed over the resources have a fractional meaning, as data lying in databases and risk-based access control

    Fuzzy role-based access control

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    RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) is a widely used access control model, which reduces the maintenance cost of classical identity-based access control. However, despite the benefits of RBAC, there are environments in which RBAC can hardly be applied. We present FRBAC (Fuzzy Role-Based Access Control), a generalization of RBAC through fuzzy relations that extends the applicability of RBAC to environments where authorization-related information is vague. Moreover, FRBAC deals with environments where the actions that can be executed over the resources have a fractional meaning, as data lying in databases and risk-based access control. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Partial support by the Spanish MICINN (projects TSI2007-65406-C03-02, ARES- CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010 CSD2007-00004) and Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (PIF472-01-1/07) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    How to break access control in a controlled manner

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    The Electronic Medical Record (EMR) integrates heterogeneous information within a Healthcare Institution stressing the need for security and access control. The Biostatistics and Medical Informatics Department from Porto Faculty of Medicine has recently implemented a Virtual EMR (VEMR) in order to integrate patient information and clinical reports within a university hospital. With more than 500 medical doctors using the system on a daily basis, an access control policy and model were implemented. However, the healthcare environment has unanticipated situations (i.e. emergency situations) where access to information is essential. Most traditional policies do not allow for overriding. A policy that allows for Break-The-Glass (BTG) was implemented in order to override access control whilst providing for non-repudiation mechanisms for its usage. The policy was easily integrated within the model confirming its modularity and the fact that user intervention in defining security procedures is crucial to its successful implementation and use

    3PAC: Enforcing Access Policies for Web Services

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    Web services fail to deliver on the promise of ubiquitous deployment and seamless interoperability due to the lack of a uniform, standards-based approach to all aspects of security. In particular, the enforcement of access policies in a service oriented architecture is not addressed adequately. We present a novel approach to the distribution and enforcement of credentials-based access policies for Web services (3PAC) which scales well and can be implemented in existing deployments

    Portunes: generating attack scenarios by finding inconsistencies between security policies in the physical, digital and social domain

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    The security goals of an organization are implemented through security policies, which concern physical security, digital security and security awareness. An insider is aware of these security policies, and might be able to thwart the security goals without violating any policies, by combining physical, digital and social means. This paper presents the Portunes model, a model for describing and analyzing attack scenarios across the three security areas. Portunes formally describes security alignment of an organization and finds attack scenarios by analyzing inconsistencies between policies from the different security areas. For this purpose, the paper defines a language in the tradition of the Klaim family of languages, and uses graph-based algorithms to find attack scenarios that can be described using the defined language

    Data privacy by design: digital infrastructures for clinical collaborations

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    The clinical sciences have arguably the most stringent security demands on the adoption and roll-out of collaborative e-Infrastructure solutions such as those based upon Grid-based middleware. Experiences from the Medical Research Council (MRC) funded Virtual Organisations for Trials and Epidemiological Studies (VOTES) project and numerous other real world security driven projects at the UK e-Science National e-Science Centre (NeSC – www.nesc.ac.uk) have shown that whilst advanced Grid security and middleware solutions now offer capabilities to address many of the distributed data and security challenges in the clinical domain, the real clinical world as typified by organizations such as the National Health Service (NHS) in the UK are extremely wary of adoption of such technologies: firewalls; ethics; information governance, software validation, and the actual realities of existing infrastructures need to be considered from the outset. Based on these experiences we present a novel data linkage and anonymisation infrastructure that has been developed with close co-operation of the various stakeholders in the clinical domain (including the NHS) that addresses their concerns and satisfies the needs of the academic clinical research community. We demonstrate the implementation of this infrastructure through a representative clinical study on chronic diseases in Scotland

    Role-Based Access Control for the Open Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration (OGSA-DAI)

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    Grid has emerged recently as an integration infrastructure for the sharing and coordinated use of diverse resources in dynamic, distributed virtual organizations (VOs). A Data Grid is an architecture for the access, exchange, and sharing of data in the Grid environment. In this dissertation, role-based access control (RBAC) systems for heterogeneous data resources in Data Grid systems are proposed. The Open Grid Services Architecture - Data Access and Integration (OGSA-DAI) is a widely used framework for the integration of heterogeneous data resources in Grid systems. However, in the OGSA-DAI system, access control causes substantial administration overhead for resource providers in VOs because each of them has to manage the authorization information for individual Grid users. Its identity-based access control mechanisms are severely inefficient and too complicated to manage because the direct mapping between users and privileges is transitory. To solve this problem, (1) the Community Authorization Service (CAS), provided by the Globus toolkit, and (2) the Shibboleth, an attribute authorization service, are used to support RBAC in the OGSA-DAI system. The Globus Toolkit is widely used software for building Grid systems. Access control policies need to be specified and managed across multiple VOs. For this purpose, the Core and Hierarchical RBAC profile of the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is used; and for distributed administration of those policies, the Object, Metadata and Artifacts Registry (OMAR) is used. OMAR is based on the e-business eXtensible Markup Language (ebXML) registry specifications developed to achieve interoperable registries and repositories. The RBAC systems allow quick and easy deployments, privacy protection, and the centralized and distributed management of privileges. They support scalable, interoperable and fine-grain access control services; dynamic delegation of rights; and user-role assignments. They also reduce the administration overheads for resource providers because they need to maintain only the mapping information from VO roles to local database roles. Resource providers maintain the ultimate authority over their resources. Moreover, unnecessary mapping and connections can be avoided by denying invalid requests at the VO level. Performance analysis shows that our RBAC systems add only a small overhead to the existing security infrastructure of OGSA-DAI
